The general assembly shall consist of a senate composed of thirty-three (33) members and a house of representatives composed of ninety-nine (99) members, to be apportioned among the qualified voters of the several counties and districts as provided in §§ 3-1-102 and 3-1-103.
(a) Senators elected to the One Hundred Twelfth General Assembly shall, until the next general election for senators, represent their respective districts as constituted prior to February 6, 2022. Nothing in this section shall be construed as depriving any member of the senate of the One Hundred Twelfth General Assembly of such member's office, or as affecting or modifying the constitutional requirement of staggered senatorial terms, or as affecting or modifying any other provisions of Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution of Tennessee. At the November 2022 general election, and thereafter until changed by law, senators shall be elected to represent the districts as constituted and provided by this section. On the date of such November 2022 general election and thereafter until changed by law, senators shall represent the districts as constituted and provided by this section. If an election is required prior to the general election in November 2022, to fill a vacancy in accordance with Article II, Section 15(a) of the Constitution of Tennessee, then the election to fill the vacancy shall be held in the district as constituted and provided prior to February 6, 2022.
(1) All census descriptions, counties, voting districts (VTDs), whether designated as precincts, wards, council districts, or otherwise, tracts, blocks, census delineations, census district lines and other census designations are those established for or by the United States department of commerce, bureau of the census, for taking the 2020 federal decennial census in Tennessee as contained in the automated geographic database, known as the TIGER (topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing) system.
(2) As provided in subsection (d), each district is described county by county in alphabetical order and, if a county is split, by the portion of such split county. Split counties are described by VTDs and, if further divided, by census blocks.
(c) Any reapportionment of county legislative bodies shall not affect these legislative districts.
(d) Until the next enumeration of qualified voters and apportionment of senators, the state senatorial districts shall be composed as follows:
(e) It is the legislative intent that all senate districts shall be contiguous and contiguity by water is sufficient, and, toward that end, if any voting district or other geographical entity designated as a portion of a senate district is found to be noncontiguous with the larger portion of the senate district, it shall be constituted a portion of the senate district smallest in population to which it is contiguous.
(f) A candidate for election to the office of senator shall be required to reside in the senatorial district from which such candidate seeks to be elected for one (1) year immediately preceding the election.
(g) County election commissions shall, with the assistance of the comptroller of the treasury, redraw or establish any precinct lines to ensure that there will be no split precincts in legislative districts.
(h) Any subsequent reapportionment of county legislative bodies shall not affect these legislative districts.
(i) It is the intention of the general assembly in passing a plan apportioning the state senatorial districts to do so in a manner which complies with the constitutional mandates of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Tennessee and applicable judicial decisions.
(1) All census descriptions, counties, voting districts (VTDs), tracts, blocks, census delineations, census district lines, and other census designations are those established for or by the United States department of commerce, bureau of the census, for taking the 2020 federal decennial census in Tennessee as contained in the automated geographic database, known as the TIGER (topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing) system.
(2) As provided in subsection (c), each district is described county by county in alphabetical order and, if a county is split, by the portion of such split county. Split counties are described by VTDs and, if further divided, by census blocks.
(b) It is the intention of the general assembly that:
(1) Each district be represented by a single member;
(2) Districts are substantially equal in population in accordance with constitutional requirements for “one (1) person one (1) vote” as judicially interpreted to apply to state legislative districts;
(3) Geographic areas, boundaries, and population counts used for redistricting are based on the 2020 federal decennial census;
(4) Districts are contiguous and contiguity by water is sufficient, and, toward that end, if any voting district or other geographical entity designated as a portion of a district is found to be noncontiguous with the larger portion of such district, it must be constituted a portion of the district smallest in population to which it is contiguous;
(5) No more than thirty (30) counties are split to attach to other counties or parts of counties to form multi-county districts; and
(6) The redistricting plan complies with the Voting Rights Act and the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution.
(c) Until the next enumeration of qualified voters and apportionment of representatives, the state house of representatives shall be composed as follows:
(d) This section shall not be construed to deprive any member of the house of representatives of the One Hundred Twelfth General Assembly of such member's office, or as affecting or modifying the constitutional requirements of the Constitution of Tennessee, Article II, § 3. At the November 2022 general election, and thereafter until changed by law, representatives shall be elected to represent the districts as constituted and provided by this section. If a seat of a member of the house of representatives becomes vacant prior to the general election in November 2022, in accordance with the Constitution of Tennessee, Article II, § 15(b), a successor shall be elected by the county legislative body to represent the district as constituted and provided prior to February 6, 2022.
(e) Any reapportionment of county legislative bodies shall not affect these legislative districts.
In those counties entitled to elect two (2) or more direct representatives and divided by § 3-1-103 into representative districts, a candidate for election to the office of representative shall not be required to reside in the representative district from which such candidate seeks to be elected, but shall be a resident of the county.
(a) The speaker of the senate may administer the official oath to any senators-elect, in the presence of the senate.
(b) The speaker of the house of representatives may administer the official oath to any members-elect of the house of representatives, in the presence of the house.
(c) The speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives may also administer the oath of office to the clerks and doorkeepers of their respective houses.
(1) The members of the general assembly may administer the official oath of office for any local public official of any municipality or county, including any county having metropolitan form of government, or any other political subdivision of the state.
(2) For purposes of this section, “local public official” means a person elected or appointed to any office or entity of local government.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, each member of the general assembly shall be paid for the member's expenses in attending legislative sessions and legislative committee meetings, and such conferences, symposiums, workshops, assemblages, gatherings and other official meetings and endeavors concerning state business and the duties of a legislator, held within or without the state of Tennessee, as are attended by members of the general assembly with the approval or at the direction of the speaker of either house or both houses. Expense and mileage allowances shall be paid for attending sessions and such other meetings as provided in this section. For attendance at such conferences, symposiums, workshops and meetings which are held outside this state, each member shall additionally receive the expense allowance provided in subsection (b) for one (1) day preceding and one (1) day following such activities if such days are required for travel purposes.
(1) For each legislative day, which is defined as each day the general assembly, or either house thereof, officially convenes for the transaction of business, or for each day in attendance at any such other meeting as described in subsection (a), each member must be paid an expense allowance:
(A) For meals and incidentals in an amount equal to the allowance granted federal employees for such expenses in the Nashville area; and
(B) For lodging in an amount equal to the higher of:
(i) The annual average hotel rate for the previous calendar year in the Nashville central business district, as provided by the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corporation or their successor organization if obtainable; or
(ii) The allowance granted federal employees for lodging expenses in the Nashville area.
(2) In addition to the other provisions of this section, a member of the general assembly who is attending a conference, symposium, workshop or other official meeting outside this state with the approval or at the direction of the speaker of either house, or both houses, shall be reimbursed for the actual receipted costs of a standard grade hotel room and intra-city transportation. Costs of meals shall be reimbursed out of the expense allowance otherwise provided by this section.
(3) A member whose principal residence is fifty (50) miles from the capitol or less shall only be paid an expense allowance for meals and incidentals equal to the allowance granted federal employees for such expenses in the Nashville area for each legislative day in Nashville or any day the member participates in any other meeting or endeavor as described in subsection (a) held in Nashville; provided, however, that, if such member is unable to return home at the conclusion of any such day, with the express approval of the speaker of such member's house, the member must be reimbursed an expense allowance for lodging in an amount equal to the higher of:
(A) The annual average hotel rate for the previous calendar year in the Nashville central business district, as provided by the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corporation or their successor organization if obtainable; or
(B) The allowance granted federal employees for lodging expenses in the Nashville area.
(1) Each member shall be paid a mileage allowance per mile, equal to the mileage allowance authorized for state employees who have been authorized to use personally owned vehicles in the daily performance of their duties, for each mile traveled from the member's home to the seat of government and back, limited to one (1) round trip each week of any legislative session, and one (1) round trip from the member's home to the site of any such other meeting as described in subsection (a); provided, that a member whose principal residence is fifty (50) miles from the capitol or less shall be paid a mileage allowance per mile traveled for each legislative day in Nashville or any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday that the member participates in any other meeting or endeavor as described in subsection (a) held in Nashville, limited to one (1) round trip per day. The preceding allowance shall be paid only in the case of attendance at such meetings described in subsection (a) as are held within the state of Tennessee. In the case of travel to out-of-state meetings, each member traveling by commercial conveyance shall be reimbursed for the member's actual travel expenses which can include, but are not limited to, mileage to and from the member's home to the airport, parking fees at the airport, limousine or taxi fares to and from the member's hotel or motel, or public conveyance charges to and from a hotel or motel to a meeting place. Appropriate receipts shall be provided with the travel expenses claim. Each member traveling by the member's personally provided vehicle shall be reimbursed at the mileage rate fixed herein, as adjusted in accordance with § 8-23-101. The reimbursement rate provided for by the first sentence of this subsection (c) shall be adjusted after the election of each general assembly at which time the rate shall be revised to reflect the reimbursement rate allowed state employees on the day previous to the regular November election, and the rate as adjusted shall continue in effect during the term of that general assembly. The first such adjustment shall take effect November 6, 1984.
(2) A member shall be paid a mileage allowance per mile pursuant to subdivision (c)(1) when using a personally owned vehicle, regardless of the type of vehicle used. However, if a member uses a personally owned vehicle other than an automobile as the member's mode of transportation, the total amount reimbursed for travel shall not exceed the amount the member would have received if the member had traveled by automobile.
(1) In lieu of the mileage allowance provided in subsection (c), a member who resides more than one hundred (100) miles from Nashville may be reimbursed the cost of a coach-class airline ticket from the member's home to the seat of government and back, limited to one (1) round trip each week of any legislative session or may be reimbursed the cost of a coach-class airline ticket from the member's home to the seat of government and back, limited to one (1) round trip for attendance, approved by the speaker, for each committee meeting.
(2) In lieu of the mileage allowance provided in subsection (c), a member who resides more than one hundred (100) miles from the site of a committee meeting may be reimbursed the cost of a coach-class airline ticket from the member's home to the airport nearest the site of such meeting and back, limited to one (1) round trip for attendance, approved by the speaker, for each such meeting.
(3) For the purposes of this subsection (d), coach class shall be construed as the lowest fare available.
(4) Each member of the general assembly shall be paid the member's expenses for transportation from an airport to the site of destination pursuant to this subsection (d).
(e) Senators, when sitting as a court of impeachment, shall be paid expense and mileage allowances at the same rate and under the same conditions.
(1) Except as provided in subdivision (f)(2), each member of the general assembly shall be paid a monthly expense allowance of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250), to provide for expenses necessitated in connection with the member's official duties when away from the seat of government including, but not limited to, telecommunications, office, secretarial and other assistance or incidental expenses.
(2) In lieu of being paid the monthly expense in the manner provided in subdivision (f)(1), a member who is receiving early retirement benefits from social security may decline, in whole or in part, any such authorized expense and may apply to the appropriate speaker for reimbursement of actual monthly documented expenses otherwise authorized in this subsection (f); provided, that in no event shall the reimbursement requested exceed the maximum amount of expenditure authorized under subdivision (f)(1). If such member elects to be reimbursed as provided in this subdivision (f)(2), the records of the department of finance and administration shall reflect that such payments are a reimbursement for expenses incurred.
(3) On the date of the statewide general election in 2024 and on the date of the statewide general election every two (2) years thereafter, the expense allowance established in subdivision (f)(1) must be adjusted to reflect the percentage increase in the average consumer price index (all items-city average), as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, for the two-year period immediately preceding. Each such adjustment under this subdivision (f)(3) must be rounded up to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
(g) [Deleted by 2021 amendment, effective November 8, 2022.]
(h) For the purpose of this section, “fifty (50) miles from the capitol” means the most commonly traveled route between the member's principal residence and the state capitol building.
(1) Beginning with the election of the Ninety-Sixth General Assembly, each member shall receive an annual salary of sixteen thousand five hundred dollars ($16,500), payable in equal monthly installments, which shall be in addition to all other expenses and allowances provided by law.
(2) Beginning with the election of the Ninety-Seventh General Assembly, in addition to the base annual salary provided in subdivision (a)(1), during the interim between sessions, for each day while performing official duties as a legislator attending to state business at the seat of government, each member may receive supplemental compensation in an amount as provided in § 3-1-106(b)(1). Such days shall be certified by the member to the speaker of the respective house for prior approval.
(b) In lieu of the salary provided in subsection (a), the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall receive an annual salary equal to three (3) times the amount of the salary provided in subsection (a), payable in equal monthly installments, which shall be in addition to all other expenses and allowances provided by law.
(1) Except as provided in subdivision (c)(2), for the fiscal year beginning in 2005, and for each subsequent fiscal year, the base salary fixed in subdivision (a)(1) shall be adjusted to reflect the average percentage pay increase provided for state employees by the general appropriations act. However, any adjustments occurring during a term of the general assembly shall not take effect until the election of the next general assembly. On or before November 1 of each year, the comptroller of the treasury shall certify to the office of legislative administration such average increase in state employee's compensation during that fiscal year.
(2) Notwithstanding this section to the contrary, beginning with the election of the One Hundred Twelfth General Assembly, the base salary of each member shall not be adjusted pursuant to subdivision (c)(1) for fiscal year 2020-2021.
(a) During the first week of each regular session of the general assembly which begins in accordance with the Constitution of Tennessee, Article II, § 8 in each odd-numbered year and during the first week of any adjourned session in an even-numbered year, the general assembly shall by joint resolution call a joint convention of the senate and house of representatives to convene in the chamber of the house of representatives for the purpose of hearing a state-of-the-state address by the governor.
(b) No public funds shall be expended for advertising or otherwise publicizing the broadcast or televised coverage of such an address.
(c) In the governor's annual state-of-the-state address to the general assembly, the governor is invited to review the progress of the state on all fronts during the past year, the major problems currently facing the state, and those that can reasonably be anticipated in the coming year, and the governor's proposals and recommendations for handling such problems.
The county legislative body of any county having a population of not less than eighty-three thousand three hundred (83,300) and not more than eighty-three thousand four hundred (83,400), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent census shall be authorized to provide any member of the general assembly representing such county, or any part thereof, with suitable office space, office furniture, equipment, and supplies. Such office shall be located in such county in a location determined by the county legislative body.
Notwithstanding any law or rule to the contrary, a member of the general assembly shall not be considered as participating in a business or occupation on a part-time or temporary basis because of such member's attendance at sessions or committee meetings of the general assembly.
(1) The official and permanent flag of the general assembly shall be the official legislative flag denoted and described in House Joint Resolution No. 531 of the Ninetieth General Assembly, which resolution was adopted by the Ninetieth General Assembly on March 29, 1978.
(2) The official flag of the general assembly is on a field of white to symbolize purity. The color blue represents the love Tennesseans feel for their state and red signifies that in times of war and peace Tennesseans are true-blooded Americans. Each star depicts one (1) of the three (3) grand divisions of the state. Wheat portrays the agricultural heritage and richness of Tennessee and our respect for our bountiful natural resources. Finally, the gavel indicates the power of the people which is vested in the general assembly.
(1) The official flag of the general assembly shall be appropriately displayed in the chambers of the house of representatives and senate.
(A) The facilities manager for the legislative complex shall ensure that the official flag of the general assembly be flown over the State Capitol when either house of the general assembly is in session.
(B) The facilities manager shall also ensure that the official flag of the general assembly is flown over the Legislative Plaza.
(a) The general assembly shall establish a toll-free telephone service to enable citizens within the state to call the general assembly free of charge. One (1) toll-free telephone line shall be used and be in operation Monday through Friday for twelve (12) hours beginning at seven o'clock a.m. (7:00 a.m.) and ending at seven o'clock p.m. (7:00 p.m.), central time, during the legislative session of the general assembly. By use of a voice mail system, such service shall enable members of the public to leave messages for members of the general assembly, receive information pertaining to the legislative calendars for the senate and house of representatives, and receive information on the status of legislation currently before the general assembly.
(b) The general assembly shall establish a toll-free telephone service using a telecommunications device for the deaf to enable deaf citizens to call the general assembly free of charge. One (1) toll-free telephone line using a telecommunications device for the deaf shall be used and shall be in operation Monday through Friday for twelve (12) hours beginning at seven o'clock a.m. (7:00 a.m.) and ending at seven o'clock p.m. (7:00 p.m.), central time, during the legislative session of the general assembly. By use of a voice mail system which employs technology that serves deaf persons, such service will enable deaf members of the public to leave messages for members of the general assembly, receive information pertaining to the legislative calendars for the senate and house of representatives, and receive information on the status of legislation currently before the general assembly.
A member of the general assembly may purchase through the office of legislative administration computer equipment for legislative use which is the same as or compatible with the computer hardware or software installed or used by legislative information systems for the general assembly. The cost of any purchases made pursuant to this section shall be borne by the member of the general assembly requesting the purchase of such items. The office of legislative information systems is authorized to install and maintain, at its office in Nashville, such computer programs and equipment purchased by the member for legislative use. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the office of legislative information from providing information systems and technical support to the member by telephone, email or other type of electronic communication.
If a statute requires an official or entity of state government to make a report to each member of the general assembly, the statute is satisfied if the official or entity notifies each of the members in writing to each member's office that the report has been published. A member may then notify the official or entity if the member chooses to receive a copy of the report. The member may give such notice by electronic mail or facsimile transmission. The notice shall provide a date or a period of time in which the member shall respond. A failure of a member to respond to the notice shall be considered the same as a member declining to receive a copy of such report.
An orientation shall be provided to all members elected or appointed to serve for their first term or partial term of office in the general assembly, which shall include, as part of the orientation, instruction on ethics laws and rules that pertain to members of the general assembly.
(a) [Former] § 8-27-203 [repealed and reenacted. See Compiler's Notes] shall not apply to persons who are appointed to fill a vacancy in the general assembly, or to persons elected to fill an unexpired term in the general assembly, unless such person:
(1) Was elected to serve a full term of office as a member of the general assembly prior to such appointment or election; or
(2) Is elected to a full term of office as a member of the general assembly following such appointment or election to fill the unexpired term.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (a), after June 20, 2005, any person appointed to fill a vacancy in the general assembly, or elected to fill an unexpired term in the general assembly, is not eligible to participate in the state employees' health group insurance plan, except during the general assembly in which such person fills the unexpired term of office by appointment or election.
Whenever a written request to convene for an extraordinary session is initiated by members of the senate and the house of representatives in accordance with the Constitution of Tennessee, Article II, § 8, signatures by the members may be provided electronically. The use of an electronic signature has the same validity and effect as the use of a signature affixed by hand.
(a) Every meeting of the general assembly, senate, house of representatives, or any joint committee, standing committee, statutory committee, special committee, select committee, oversight committee, ad hoc committee, any other committee or any subcommittee shall be open to the public. Only when considering a matter involving the security of the state or nation or when investigating a proposed Article V impeachment of a public official other than a member of the general assembly, pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of Tennessee, may a meeting be closed to the public, but only if there is an affirmative vote of at least three-fourths (¾) of the members present. Adequate public notice of every meeting shall be provided. The term “meeting” means at least a quorum of the members of a subcommittee, committee, the senate, the house of representatives, or the general assembly is present and public business within the jurisdiction of that body is being deliberated and decided.
(b) Procedures for enforcing subsection (a) shall be set forth in the rules of the senate and the rules of the house of representatives.
(c) The 104th general assembly recognizes that the appellate courts of Tennessee, in specifically considering the open meetings laws, compiled in title 8, chapter 44, have unequivocally ruled that Article II, § 12 of the Constitution of Tennessee prevents this or any other general assembly from statutorily binding a future general assembly on rules of proceedings. Therefore, this general assembly truthfully acknowledges that subsection (a) can be legally binding only for the duration of the 104th general assembly. However, each future general assembly is strongly encouraged and vigorously urged to adopt rules incorporating provisions no less open than subsection (a).
(a) Each caucus of the general assembly shall make a full disclosure of the sources of contributions received and expenditures made by submitting statements to the registry of election finance within ten (10) days following the conclusion of the quarterly periods ending March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31. A statement filed pursuant to this section shall consist of either:
(1) A statement that neither the contributions received nor the expenditures made during the period for which the statement is submitted exceeded one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any statement filed pursuant to this section shall indicate whether an unexpended balance of contributions, continuing debts and obligations or an expenditure deficit exists; or
(A) A statement setting forth, under contributions, a list of all the contributions received, including the full name, complete address, occupation, and employer of each person who contributed a total amount of more than one hundred dollars ($100) during the period for which the statement is submitted, and the amount contributed by that person. The statement shall include the date of the receipt of each contribution. “Date of the receipt”, as used in this subdivision (a)(2)(A), means the date when the contribution was received by the caucus. The statement shall list as a single item the total amount of contributions of one hundred dollars ($100) or less; and
(B) A statement setting forth, under expenditures, a list of all expenditures made, including the full name and address of each person to whom a total amount of more than one hundred dollars ($100) was paid during the period for which the statement is submitted, the total amount paid to that person, and the purpose of the expenditure. The words “reimbursement”, “credit card purchase”, “other” and “campaign expense” shall not be considered acceptable descriptions for “purpose”. Any purchase made with a credit card shall also be disclosed as a payment to the vendor providing the item or service. Credit card payments to separate vendors shall be disclosed as separate expenditures. The statement shall list the total amount of expenditures of one hundred dollars ($100) or less each, by category, without showing the exact amount of or vouching for each such expenditure.
(b) Each caucus of the general assembly shall maintain its records and financial accounts in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, shall retain the records for a period of at least five (5) years after the close of the appropriate fiscal year, and shall make the records available for audit and review by the state upon request of the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designated representative.
(c) For purposes of this section, “caucus” means any association whose majority membership consists of members of the general assembly that seeks to pursue, promote or support a common interest, including, but not limited to, a political party. “Caucus” does not include any standing, special, select, ad hoc, or statutory subcommittee or committee of the general assembly.
(a) Any mass mailings, including surveys and newsletters, that a member of the general assembly sends to persons in the member's district within thirty (30) days of any election in which the member's name appears on the ballot shall be paid from non-state funds.
(b) For purposes of subsection (a):
(1) “Election” does not include any early voting period; and
(2) “Mass mailing” means more than two hundred (200) pieces of substantially similar material mailed within a seven-day period, but does not include a form letter or other mail that is sent in response to an unsolicited request, letter or other inquiry.
The legislative publication commonly known as the “Tennessee Legislative Record” shall be published in printed form only at the conclusion of each annual session of the general assembly or as requested by any member of the general assembly for that member's official duties; provided, that the information shall continue to be compiled, updated and available on the official website of the Tennessee general assembly during such sessions.
A former member of the general assembly may request that emails sent to the former member's legislative email address be automatically forwarded to the former member's private email address for up to twelve (12) months from the former member's last official day of service as a member of the general assembly. This section shall not apply to members of the general assembly who are removed from office or who resign from office.
(a) If a statute requires an official or entity to make a report to the general assembly, the speakers of the general assembly, a committee of the general assembly, or any combination thereof, then a copy of the report shall also be filed with the legislative reference and law library.
(b) In addition to the filing requirement in subsection (a), if a statute requires an official or entity to make a report to the general assembly, the house of representatives, a committee of the house of representatives, or any combination thereof, then the official or entity must also file a copy of the report with the office of the speaker of the house of representatives.
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires, “relative” means a parent, foster parent, parent-in-law, child, spouse, brother, foster brother, sister, foster sister, grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, or other family member who resides in the same household.
Within the general assembly, no employees who are relatives shall be placed within the same direct line of supervision whereby one (1) relative is responsible for supervising the job performance or work activities of another relative; provided, that, to the extent possible, this part shall not be construed to prohibit two (2) or more relatives from working within the general assembly.
When as a result of a marriage, general assembly employees are in violation of the prohibition established by this part, the violation shall be resolved by means of a transfer within the general assembly, transfer to another governmental entity, or resignation as may be necessary to remove the violation. The director of legislative administration shall advise the employees of each of the alternatives available to remove the violation. The employees shall be given the opportunity to select among the available alternatives. If the employees are unable to agree upon any the alternative within sixty (60) days, then the speaker of the house of representatives, the speaker of the senate, both speakers acting jointly or the joint legislative services committee shall take appropriate action to resolve the violation.
The prohibition established by this part shall not be applied retroactively, but shall be adhered to by the general assembly in all hiring and employee transactions subsequent to February 15, 2006.
All bills and resolutions of the general assembly shall be engrossed or enrolled in type, or on a typewriter, by the engrossing clerks, and a copy made at the time and furnished the secretary of state.
(a) Every bill, joint resolution, or order, except on questions of adjournment and proposals of specific amendments to the Constitution of Tennessee, shall, after the same has been passed, enrolled, and signed by the speakers of both houses of the general assembly, be presented by the committee on enrolled bills of that house wherein such bill, joint resolution, or order originated, to the governor for signature.
(b) The committee shall report that they have presented the bill, joint resolution, or order to the governor for signature, and the date of such presentation, which report shall be entered on the journal of that house to which such committee belongs.
(1) No bill, joint resolution, or order shall be presented to the governor until the time for moving for a reconsideration shall have expired, unless expressly ordered by that house wherein such bill, joint resolution, or order originated.
(2) The speaker of the senate shall first sign all bills and joint resolutions originating in the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives shall first sign all bills and joint resolutions originating in the house of representatives.
If the governor approves the bill, joint resolution, or order, the governor shall write upon the same, to the left of and below the signatures of the speakers of the two (2) houses, the fact and date of approval, as follows: “Approved , 20,” and shall sign the same as follows: “, Governor.”
If, while the general assembly remains in session, the governor fails to return any bill, joint resolution, or order, with objections, within ten (10) days (Sundays excepted) after it has been presented to the governor, it shall be the duty of the committee on enrolled bills of that house wherein such bill, joint resolution, or order originated to cause the bill, joint resolution, or order forthwith to be reenrolled; and the same shall thereupon be signed by the respective speakers of each house, who shall annex and sign the following certificate:
This bill (joint resolution or order) having been presented to the governor for signature on the day of , and the governor having failed to return it within the time prescribed by law, the same is hereby declared to have become a law (or, in case of a joint resolution or order, the same is hereby declared to have taken effect).
When any bill, joint resolution, or order has been returned duly signed by the governor, or has passed over the governor's veto, or shall otherwise become a law, the committee on enrolled bills of that house wherein such bill, joint resolution, or order originated, shall forthwith file the same in the office of the secretary of state, and shall report the fact and date of such filing, which report shall be entered upon the journal.
The original acts and resolutions passed by the general assembly, and enrolled and filed in the office of the secretary of state, shall be bound together and preserved in that form in that office, and the secretary of state shall cause the same to be done.
(1) Fiscal notes shall be provided for all general bills or resolutions increasing or decreasing state or local revenues, making sum-sufficient appropriations, or increasing or decreasing existing appropriations or the fiscal liability of the state or of the local governments of the state. Upon a standing committee of either house placing such bill or resolution on the committee's calendar for action, the fiscal review committee shall furnish to the chief clerk of the house or houses of introduction a statement of analysis of the fiscal effect of such bill or resolution and shall prepare and distribute copies of the statement to members of the general assembly. Within twenty-four (24) hours following a request by the sponsor of an amendment to any pending measure on which a fiscal note is required by this section, the fiscal review committee shall prepare for the sponsor a fiscal note showing what effect the amendment would have on the estimates made in the fiscal note which applies to the bill or resolution. In regard to any bill or resolution affecting local government, the office of the comptroller of the treasury is directed to provide to the fiscal review committee, upon request, the information necessary to determine the fiscal effect of such bill or resolution.
(A) The fiscal note shall, if possible, include an estimate in dollars of the anticipated change in revenue, expenditures, or fiscal liability under the provisions of the bill or resolution. It shall also include a statement as to the immediate effect and, if determinable or reasonably foreseeable, the long-range effect of the measure. If, after careful investigation, it is determined that no dollar estimate is possible, the note shall contain a statement to that effect, setting forth the reasons why no dollar estimate can be given. The fiscal note statement shall include an explanation of the basis or reasoning on which the estimate is founded, including any assumptions involved.
(i) The fiscal note shall also include a statement as to the immediate effect and, if determinable or reasonably foreseeable, the long-range effect on commerce and jobs in this state. Such impact to commerce statement shall also include, if possible, an estimate in dollars of the anticipated change in costs or savings to commerce under the bill or resolution.
(ii) Beginning January 1, 2014, impact to commerce statements shall be required for general bills or resolutions referred to the following standing committees:
(a) Commerce committee of the house of representatives;
(b) Insurance committee of the house of representatives; and
(c) Commerce and labor committee of the senate.
(3) No comment or opinion shall be included in the fiscal note regarding the merits of the measure for which the note is prepared; however, technical or mechanical defects may be noted.
(b) A cumulative fiscal note shall be prepared weekly by the fiscal review committee and a copy shall be distributed to each member of the general assembly each week while the general assembly is in session. The cumulative fiscal note shall show the cumulative increase or decrease of revenue or expenditures as caused by legislation enacted from the beginning of the session then convened.
(1) Within ninety (90) days after the conclusion of each annual regular legislative session, the fiscal review committee staff shall select a fair and representative sample of at least five (5) public chapters enacted within the preceding five (5) years and compare the actual fiscal impact of each public chapter to the fiscal impact as stated in the cumulative fiscal note.
(2) Upon completing the review, the fiscal review committee staff shall present the results of this review to the fiscal review committee at a meeting of the committee. The committee may also invite testimony from other witnesses, including representatives of executive departments and agencies affected by the bill. A written summary of the results of such review shall be provided to each member of the general assembly each year.
(a) At the times specified in this section and § 3-2-109, members of the general assembly are hereby authorized to prefile legislative bills and resolutions for introduction in the next succeeding regular legislative session.
(b) Bills and resolutions may be prefiled at the following times:
(1) In the case of both senators and representatives, from the time that a member-elect has received the certificate of election until the next succeeding regular legislative session;
(2) In the case of both senators and representatives, from the adjournment of the regular legislative session in odd-numbered years until the convening of the regular legislative session in even-numbered years; and
(3) In the case of senators, from the date of each general election of representatives at which senators are not regularly elected until the next succeeding regular legislative session.
(c) Bills and resolutions which are prefiled under this section and § 3-2-109 shall be in such final and correct form for introduction in the general assembly as is required by the constitution, laws, and rules of the respective houses of the general assembly.
(d) The original copy of every bill and resolution prefiled shall be inspected by an attorney for the legislative drafting service.
(e) Any bill or resolution prefiled under this section and § 3-2-109 shall be mailed to the chief clerk of either house by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal delivery by a member of the general assembly who is one of the authors of the bill or resolution, and in the case of personal delivery the office of the chief clerk of either house shall deliver a signed receipt therefor to such author.
(f) Any standing committee may prefile any bill or resolution at any time when a senator or representative is authorized to prefile bills and resolutions under this section. Bills or resolutions filed under authority of this subsection (f) shall be filed by the chair or vice chair of the standing committee in the same manner as such chair or vice chair would prefile a bill of which such person was the author, or in the event neither the chair nor vice chair desires to sign the bill any member of the committee voting with the majority of the committee may introduce it. Before prefiling any bill or resolution under authority of this subsection (f), the chair or vice chair shall be authorized to make such prefiling by a majority vote of the members of the committee.
(g) The chief clerk of either the senate or the house of representatives shall number the bill or resolution and note thereon the date of the prefiling and the date of the first day of the next session of the general assembly on which it will be first considered and passed. The procedures for printing and distribution shall be the same for prefiled bills and resolutions as if the general assembly were in regular session.
(a) Immediately upon the convening of the next succeeding regular session of the general assembly, all bills and resolutions prefiled in accordance with § 3-2-108 and this section shall be deemed properly introduced and shall be placed upon the calendar on the first legislative day for first consideration and passage in the same manner as bills and resolutions introduced after the convening of the general assembly.
(b) When any prefiled bill or resolution is placed on the calendar for first consideration and the same is passed, any prior failure to comply with any of the procedural requirements of § 3-2-108 and this section shall have no effect on the validity of such bill or resolution.
(a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Health insurance issuer” means any entity subject to the insurance laws of this state or subject to the jurisdiction of the department of commerce and insurance that contracts or offers to contract to provide health insurance coverage including, but not limited to, an insurance company, a health maintenance organization, or a non-profit hospital and medical service corporation; and
(2) “Mandated health benefit” means a benefit or coverage that is proposed to be required by law or that is required by law to be offered or provided by a health insurance issuer including, but not limited to, coverage for or the offering of specific health care services, treatments, diagnostic tests or practices.
(1) As of January 2, 2005, upon the completion of all bill filing deadlines each year in both the house of representatives and senate of the general assembly, legislation containing a mandated health benefit shall be referred to the fiscal review committee in order that it may evaluate the legislation's potential impact on the cost of health insurance premiums.
(2) To the extent that resources are otherwise available, the fiscal review committee may conduct research; receive testimony of experts including advocates of such mandated benefits; receive technical assistance from health insurance issuers; review for purposes of comparison, the mandated health benefits upon health insurance issuers in other states and jurisdictions and the effects of such mandates; and take other actions it determines appropriate for the completion of the assigned tasks. The fiscal review committee may receive pertinent data from health insurance issuers and from advocates of mandated benefits. Notwithstanding title 10, chapter 7, part 1, such data will be held as confidential by the fiscal review committee.
(3) The fiscal review committee may draw on existing expertise within the departments of health, commerce and insurance, finance and administration, the TennCare bureau, and any other state agency or official, to perform these functions. If the fiscal review committee determines that additional resources are needed to evaluate fully a proposal, such request shall be directed to the finance, ways and means committees of the senate and house of representatives for consideration of funding as an amendment to the general appropriations act.
(4) The fiscal review committee shall, no later than March 15 of the year in which the legislation is filed, attach to such legislation a statement on the proposed mandated benefit's impact on the premiums for health insurance coverage in Tennessee, especially for employees of companies employing fewer than fifty (50) employees. If the impact cannot be reasonably determined without additional resources, a statement to that effect, including the amount of additional resources needed, shall be included. The impact statement shall be available for the appropriate legislative committee when considering such proposal.
(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health insurance issuer from voluntarily expanding or eliminating coverage nor to prohibit any individual or employer from electing to expand or eliminate coverage on any health maintenance organization contract or individual or group health insurance policy or contract covering the individual, the employer or employees of the employer, as applicable.
(a) Neither the senate nor the house of representatives shall take formal action to give a name to or to rename any road, highway, interstate highway, bridge, overpass or other public structure, facility or property unless such action shall be accomplished through enactment of legislation or adoption of a joint resolution.
(b) Any such action taken in violation of this section shall be void and shall have no effect.
“Committee,” as used in this chapter, except when more particularly provided in this chapter, includes:
(1) A committee appointed by either the house of representatives or the senate;
(2) A committee appointed by the joint action of such bodies;
(3) A committee appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives or the speaker of the senate or a joint committee appointed by both speakers in accordance with the rules of proceedings adopted by the respective houses; and
(4) Any subcommittee designated out of the membership of any such committee;
when any such committee or subcommittee thereof is charged with any duty to make investigation and report, to or for the benefit of either or both houses, in respect of any matter or thing referred to any such committee.
(a) Any such committee, so acting on behalf of either or both houses of the general assembly, shall always be and remain subject to the call of the chair of such committee, or in the absence of such chair, or in the event of the chair's failure for any reason to act, subject to the call of a majority of the membership of such committee.
(b) A quorum of such committee shall consist of a majority of the membership thereof, and a quorum of the entire primary committee shall have power to make and enforce rules regulating the conduct of the business of such committee, or any subcommittee designated by it from its membership as hereinafter provided.
(c) Such subcommittee or subcommittees as hereinafter provided may conduct hearings at such points in this state as may be deemed advisable by any such primary committee.
(a) Any such primary committee, appointed and acting by and on behalf of either or both houses of the general assembly, as contemplated and provided in this chapter, is given authority and power, unless otherwise directed by the house or houses of the general assembly for which the committee is acting, to employ one (1) or more sergeants-at-arms, and necessary or proper legal counsel, investigators and clerks, and a stenographer or stenographers, to take down and typewrite and make a record of the testimony given before any such committee, as well as all other data and information assembled and procured under the directions of such committee.
(b) All such records, after use by such committee and the house or houses of the general assembly appointing it, shall be finally lodged and filed in the office of the secretary of state, and kept therein for public inspection, as other public records, statutes, etc., are kept and retained in such office.
The compensation to be paid to any sergeants-at-arms, counsel, investigators, clerks and stenographers, for performing their duties under this chapter, shall be in pursuance of appropriations to be made in the miscellaneous appropriation bill, out of any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated.
(a) In order to expedite and efficiently perform its duties, any such committee, unless otherwise ordered and directed by the house or houses for which such committee may be acting, may appoint and designate out of its own membership, a subcommittee or subcommittees, to consist of one (1) or more of the members of such committee.
(b) Such subcommittee or subcommittees, when so designated and directed by such committee, and subject to such restrictions as the committee may impose, shall be and are authorized and empowered, on behalf of such committee, and on behalf of the house or houses of the general assembly for which such committee has been authorized to act, to proceed with the work and investigations of such committee, including the assembling of desired information and data, and the subpoenaing and taking of testimony of witnesses, and having a record thereof made, for the later use of such committee and the house or houses of the general assembly for which such committee has been authorized to act.
(c) Any such subcommittee or subcommittees, when acting in pursuance of the orders and directions of the committee from whose membership they have been selected, shall have and possess all the power and authority conferred by this chapter upon the committee from the membership of which such subcommittee has been designated, and any person or witness failing to obey a subpoena to appear and testify and produce any evidence, documentary or otherwise, before such subcommittee, is guilty of contempt, and may be dealt with therefor, as provided in § 3-3-111 in respects to all persons or witnesses subpoenaed to appear and appearing before any committee. Any such person or witness subpoenaed to appear or appearing before any such subcommittee who makes default in respect of such appearance, the giving of testimony or the production of any evidence, documentary or otherwise, before any subcommittee, commits a criminal offense, and upon indictment, trial and conviction therefor, shall be punished by fine and imprisonment, in all respects as provided in § 3-3-112 in regard to offending persons or witnesses subpoenaed to appear or appearing before any committee as set out and declared in §§ 3-3-112 — 3-3-114 and 3-3-120.
When, under the authority of this chapter, any such committee shall designate, out of its own membership, any such subcommittee or subcommittees to act for it and to proceed with its work and investigation as provided in § 3-3-106, then such committee, from among its authorized aides, shall designate necessary sergeants-at-arms, counsel, investigators, clerks and stenographers, who shall attend upon the work of any such subcommittee and give to it the necessary and proper aid and assistance in the performance of its duties, as ordered and directed by the committee, so designating from its membership such subcommittee or subcommittees.
Either house of the general assembly, acting in committee of the whole, or both houses acting in joint session or committee of the whole, or any committee of either or both houses, has the power, respectively, to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers or other evidence; and to that end each of them, respectively, has the power to issue subpoenas, including subpoenas duces tecum, to enforce the attendance of witnesses and the production of any records, documents, papers or other items of evidence, deemed to be material to any matter under inquiry or investigation by any of them respectively.
(a) Any such subpoenas may be delivered to, and, when so delivered, shall be served by the sergeant-at-arms of the senate, acting for it, or by the sergeant-at-arms of the house of representatives, acting for it, or by either of the sergeants-at-arms when the subpoena relates to a matter pending before both houses acting in joint session, or by a sergeant-at-arms to be appointed by any committee to act for it.
(b) Any such sergeant-at-arms shall promptly serve, execute and make return of any such process delivered to the sergeant-at-arms, and has the power to deputize any person to serve, execute and make return of such process for and in the stead of the sergeant-at-arms, to the house or houses or committee issuing same.
(c) Such subpoenas shall be signed, respectively, by the speaker or speaker pro tem of either house, or the chair of a committee of the whole of the house or houses, or by the chair or chair pro tem of any committee, issuing such subpoena; and same shall run in the name of the state of Tennessee, and the county in which the subpoena is issued, or is to be served, and may be in the usual form of subpoenas issuing out of courts of record of this state, requiring the attendance of witnesses and production of any such evidence before the bodies or committees issuing such subpoenas.
Any person who, after having been served with a subpoena to appear as provided in § 3-3-109, fails to appear and makes willful default in that regard, or who, having appeared, willfully refuses to answer any question, propounded by any member of the committee or any legal counsel of such committee acting in its presence and by its permission, pertinent to the matter under investigation, or willfully refuses to produce any papers, documents, records, or other items of evidence, deemed to be material by any such body or committee, in any such pending inquiry or investigation, commits contempt in impeding the progress of such investigation and the proper functioning of such body or committee then engaged in such investigation.
Such body or committee has the right and power to issue and enforce process of arrest or attachment and impose penalty for disobedience and contempt, as contemplated, set out and provided in § 3-3-110, to the same extent as belongs by law in this state to courts of record in instances of such like offending, and as now provided by law. In addition to being guilty of such offense so then, for the time being, impeding the progress of such investigation and inquiry and the functioning of such body or committee, such offending and contemptuous person commits a Class C misdemeanor.
Every person who, having been summoned as a witness by the authority of either house or of both houses of the general assembly, or by the authority of any standing or special committee of either house or any joint committee of both houses of the general assembly, to give testimony or to produce any papers, or other items of evidence, upon any matter under inquiry before either house, or both houses, or any such committee of either house or joint committee of both houses of the general assembly, willfully makes default, by failing to appear, or who, having appeared, willfully refuses to answer any question or to produce any papers or other evidence pertinent to the matter under inquiry, whether such question be propounded by any member of such committee, or by any legal counsel of such committee, in its presence and by its permission, commits a Class C misdemeanor.
(a) Any person willfully making default in appearance when subpoenaed, or who, having appeared, willfully refuses to answer any question or to produce any paper or other evidence, pertinent to the matter under inquiry, whether such question be propounded by any member of such committee, or by any legal counsel of such committee, in its presence or by its direction, in violation of § 3-3-112, commits a continuing offense under that section, so long as the default in appearance or refusal to answer or to produce such paper or other evidence, shall continue during such inquiry.
(b) No such person guilty of violating § 3-3-112 shall be subject or liable to more than one (1) conviction for any one (1) violation of that section, and any indictment under that section shall be returned within five (5) years after the date of the final adjournment of the general assembly at which the inquiry or investigation was made or authorized.
Any person violating § 3-3-112 shall be subject to indictment, trial and conviction in any county of this state in which, after having been subpoenaed, the person has gone, remains or may be found, while willfully disobeying the subpoena, or in which the person willfully fails to appear, as directed in the subpoena, or having appeared, willfully refuses to answer any question or produce any paper or other evidence pertinent to the matter under inquiry, as provided in § 3-3-112.
Any person who, after having knowledge that an inquiry or investigation has been ordered by either house or both houses of the general assembly, willfully leaves and is absent from the county of such person's usual residence for the purpose of evading the service upon such person of any subpoena that thereafter might be issued to command such person to appear and give testimony or produce documents or other evidence in the course of any such inquiry or investigation, commits a Class C misdemeanor.
(a) Any person violating § 3-3-115 commits a continuing offense during all the time such person is so willfully absent from the county of such person's usual residence for the purpose of evading any subpoena that might be issued for such person during the session of the general assembly which has ordered such investigation.
(b) Such continuing offender shall be subject to indictment, trial and conviction, in any county of this state to which such person has gone, or in which such person remains or may be found during the continuance of such offense, as well as in the county of such person's usual residence from which such person has willfully gone and is absent for the purpose of evading the service of any such subpoena.
(c) No such person guilty of violating § 3-3-115 shall be subject or liable to more than one (1) conviction for any one (1) violation, and any indictment under § 3-3-115 shall be returned within five (5) years after the date of the final adjournment of the session of the general assembly at which the inquiry or investigation, at which such offender has willfully sought to avoid appearing, was made or authorized.
(a) Power is given to such committees or subcommittees to issue attachments to be served on all persons who may willfully violate any subpoena, rule or order, made or promulgated by such committee.
(b) Such attachment may be served by a sergeant-at-arms of any such committee on the offending person, who shall be kept in the custody of the sergeant-at-arms and brought before such committee to be dealt with as such committee may determine, under the power and authority provided and given in this chapter.
(a) All such witnesses, when so subpoenaed, before giving their testimony before the bodies or committees subpoenaing them, shall take an oath or make affirmation as provided by law for witnesses appearing in a court of record of this state to give testimony in such court.
(b) The speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, or a chair of a committee of the whole of either or both houses, or the chair or chair pro tem of any committee of either or both houses, is authorized and empowered to administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing before any such committee.
(a) No person shall be excused from attending and testifying or producing papers, documents, records, or other items of evidence, before houses of the general assembly, or any such committee of either or both houses, in obedience to a subpoena of those bodies or any such committee, on the ground or for the reason that the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of such person, may tend to incriminate or subject such person to a penalty or forfeiture; but the testimony so given shall not be used in evidence against such person in any criminal prosecution in the courts of this state, seeking conviction for any offense about which such person has been required to testify, except for perjury in giving the testimony.
(b) No such person so testifying, or producing such evidence, documentary or otherwise, in obedience to such subpoena shall thereafter be liable to indictment, prosecution or punishment for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing, concerning or with reference to which such person may testify, or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, before those bodies or either of them or before any such committee, in obedience to any subpoena issued by them or either of them, in the course of such inquiry and investigation pending before them or any of them. Such person may plead or prove the giving of testimony accordingly in bar of such indictment or prosecution; provided, that the above immunity from use of any such testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, against such person and witness, and the above immunity from indictment, prosecution or punishment of such person and witness, shall be claimed by such person and witness declining to answer the particular question or questions which such person may think has a tendency to incriminate such person, upon the expressly stated claim or objection that an answer or answers may tend to incriminate the witness.
(c) When, after making such claim and objection, the witness is nevertheless directed to make answer, and obeys such direction and makes answer accordingly, then the full immunity hereinbefore given and declared shall be possessed by such person and witness after being directed to make answer, notwithstanding the claim or objection that an answer may tend to incriminate the witness; provided, that any witness upon being called to testify or required to produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, before such bodies, or a committee of either or both of them, may be given the option of signing a waiver of all such immunity, and if witness shall sign the waiver, then the testimony and evidence, documentary or otherwise, given or produced by such witness, shall be admissible against such person, if otherwise competent and relevant, in any criminal prosecution brought against any such person and witness.
(a) Any person who willfully and corruptly swears or affirms falsely in any material manner, upon any oath or affirmation, in respect of any matter under inquiry before either house, or such committee of either house or joint committee of both houses, commits perjury and shall be subject to indictment, trial and conviction for such perjury.
(b) Any person who corruptly procures another to swear or affirm falsely in any such inquiry commits subornation of perjury and shall be subject to indictment, trial and conviction for such offense.
(c) A violation of this section is a Class E felony.
(a) Whenever a witness, summoned by subpoena issued as hereinbefore provided, fails to appear, or, having appeared, fails to answer, as provided in § 3-3-112, and the facts are reported to either house, the speaker of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives, as the case may be or the chair of the committee in any event, shall certify such facts forthwith to the district attorney general for any county or counties in which such failing or refusing witness is subject to indictment and trial under this chapter, whose duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for its action, at the first opportunity, and to prosecute such offending witness by virtue of the office as such district attorney general, and is also the district attorney general's duty ex officio to prefer an indictment against such offending person.
(b) It is also the duty of the district attorney general for any county or counties in which any person or witness is subject to indictment and trial under §§ 3-3-113, 3-3-114 and 3-3-120, to bring the matter of any violations of those sections before the grand jury for its action, at the first opportunity, and to prosecute such offending person by virtue of the office as such district attorney general, and it is the district attorney general's duty ex officio to prefer an indictment against such offending person.
(a) Any person or persons subpoenaed to appear as a witness before any such committee, or subcommittee, shall be entitled to compensation including travel pay, as is now provided by law in respect of witnesses subpoenaed to appear in civil cases in courts of record of this state.
(b) Such compensation for witnesses, when certified as due and payable by the chair of any such committee, or the member or members thereof acting as such subcommittee, shall be paid by the state treasurer, upon warrants drawn by the commissioner of finance and administration, out of any funds of the state not otherwise appropriated.
Upon the completion of any investigation, made as herein contemplated and provided, the committee making such investigation shall then report its findings, embodying its recommendations, to the house or houses of the general assembly by which such committee was authorized and empowered to act.
(a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as inconsistent with the continued reservation by each house of the general assembly of the right and purpose at all times directly to exercise, in all proper cases, all other powers necessary for a branch of the general assembly as expressly declared in article II, § 12 of the Constitution of Tennessee.
(b) Nor shall anything in this chapter be construed as inconsistent with the continued power and purpose of each house of the general assembly directly to deal with any matter of contempt intrinsic to the right of either house to preserve the means of discharging its legislative duties, when any person willfully fails and refuses to appear and testify regarding any matter under inquiry or investigation as provided and authorized by the direct action of either or both houses of the general assembly.
(c) Nor shall anything in this chapter be construed as providing that any person who commits any contempt of either house of the general assembly, which, under the law, can be directly dealt with by either house for the purpose of enabling the house to perform its legislative duties, shall be imprisoned, as the result of the action of either house, or any committee of either or both houses of the general assembly, without indictment and court trial, for any term of imprisonment which shall extend beyond the session of the general assembly during which such imprisonment shall have been ordered.
This chapter shall be liberally construed in favor of making more effective any investigation ordered by either or both houses of the general assembly for the purpose of obtaining information to aid the general assembly, or either house thereof, in the performance of its legislative duties and obligations to the people of this state.
(a) Any standing committee or select committee of the general assembly shall have the power to issue subpoenas, including subpoenas duces tecum, and to enforce the attendance of witnesses and the production of records, documents, papers or other items of evidence.
(b) In proceedings before such committees, §§ 3-3-108 — 3-3-121 shall apply.
(a) Any standing, special or select committee of the general assembly may meet during any recess of the general assembly, in the interim period between sessions, or after adjournment, for the purpose of considering or investigating any matter of state business within the scope of its authority.
(b) Meetings shall be called by the chair of any such committee and/or upon the request of a majority of the committee members.
(c) Senate and house of representatives committees having the same area of interest may have joint meetings if they wish, but each committee shall file a report, with recommendations, if any, with the chief clerk of its house, with the request that copies be forwarded immediately to each member of that house.
(d) Committees investigating any matter of state business shall have the powers granted to investigating committees in chapter 3 of this title.
(e) Members of committees meeting as provided in this section are entitled to such allowances and expenses for attending meetings as may be established by law.
(f) All committees shall meet within the boundaries of the state of Tennessee.
Each member of any standing, select or special committee of the general assembly, shall be paid the same expense allowance provided in § 3-1-106 for each day in attendance at any authorized meeting of a committee of which such person is a member, and a mileage allowance at the same rate as provided in § 3-1-106, for each mile traveled from the member's home to the site of the meeting and back.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Select or special committee” means any committee, or subcommittee thereof, of the general assembly appointed by:
(A) Either the house of representatives or by the senate;
(B) Joint action of the house of representatives and the senate;
(C) The speaker of the house of representatives or the speaker of the senate or a joint committee appointed by both speakers in accordance with the rules of proceedings adopted by the respective houses; or
(D) The speaker of the house of representatives or the speaker of the senate or a joint committee appointed by both speakers; and
(2) “Standing committee” means any standing committee, or subcommittee thereof, of the general assembly created by the rules of proceedings of the house of representatives or the senate.
(a) On May 15, 2018, there is created the “Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center” within the office of minority affairs created by Senate Joint Resolution No. 61 of the Public Acts of 1981.
(b) The Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center shall serve as a civil rights crimes remembrance and reconciliation repository, function as an informational clearinghouse on unsolved civil rights crimes and cold cases in this state, and coordinate volunteer activities throughout the state pertinent to the mission and duties of the center.
(c) The staff of the office of minority affairs shall also serve as staff for the Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center. The duties of the center shall include:
(A) Conducting a statewide survey of civil rights crimes in Tennessee, both solved and unsolved, by utilizing available volunteer resources. In designating volunteers and volunteer coordinators to conduct the survey, the director shall utilize the services of public and private sector institutions, including, but not limited to, the various Tennessee schools of law, universities and colleges, including the historically black universities and colleges such as Lemoyne-Owen, Lane, Fisk, Meharry, and Tennessee State, as well as private sector groups such as Tennesseans for Historical Justice;
(B) The director shall have the authority to design and distribute the survey to the volunteer coordinators to ensure to the extent possible that the results will be uniform from county to county, designate volunteers and volunteer coordinators in participating geographic areas, act as a central coordinator to prevent duplicative and inconsistent results, catalogue and compile the results of the survey, and transmit the results of the survey in the report required by subdivision (c)(9);
(2) Determining if any information submitted in the survey described in subdivision (c)(1), or by any other method the director acquires information, may still be subject to possible criminal prosecution and transferring any such information to the appropriate state and local law enforcement agencies, district attorneys general, and federal United States attorneys general with jurisdiction for the locations involved;
(3) Communicating, discussing, and meeting with the department of justice as suggested by Congress in the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act of 2016 to coordinate activities surrounding unsolved civil rights crimes and cold cases believed to have occurred in this state;
(4) Collecting and maintaining, within the center, pertinent information on pending conferences, workshops, public hearings, remembrance and reconciliation events, information on the ten (10) Tennessee stops on the new Civil Rights Trail, information on the activities surrounding the fiftieth anniversary of the Dr. Martin Luther King assassination, and other meetings concerning unsolved civil rights crimes and cold cases occurring in this state;
(5) Coordinating with the state archivist to determine if any material, information, report, or other document received by the Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center is of historical significance and possesses the indicia of authenticity necessary to consider its transfer to the state library and archives for permanent display and storage;
(6) Assisting the public and federal, state, and local government entities with inquiries regarding information on unsolved civil rights crimes and cold cases in this state;
(7) Initiating and participating in any reconciliation actions, meetings, ceremonies, services, and other similar activities on behalf of the state of Tennessee;
(8) Researching, seeking, and applying for any available funding or grants from the federal government or the private sector awarded for any of the purposes of the Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center; and
(9) Submitting a report by January 30, 2019, and each January 30th thereafter, to the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate judiciary committee, and the criminal justice committee of the house of representatives of the general assembly detailing the activities of the Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center since May 15, 2018.
(a) The Tennessee civil rights crimes information, reconciliation, and research center shall obtain and operate a website and a toll-free telephone line for the express purpose of receiving information related to unsolved civil right crimes and cold cases in this state.
(b) The center shall regularly undertake appropriate activities to inform and remind the citizens of this state of the services provided by the center and of the availability of the website and toll-free telephone line. Such promotional activities shall regularly include, but not necessarily be limited to, press releases, posters, speeches, and public service announcements on radio and television. The center shall undertake special activities to improve public awareness of the center within those counties and areas of the state with the highest numbers of unsolved civil rights crimes and cold cases based upon available information.
It is the intent of the general assembly that the integrity of the processes of government be secured and protected from abuse. The general assembly recognizes that a public office is a public trust and that the citizens of Tennessee are entitled to a responsive, accountable, and incorruptible government. The Tennessee ethics commission is established to sustain the public's confidence in government by increasing the integrity and transparency of state and local government through regulation of lobbying activities, financial disclosure requirements, and ethical conduct. A determination of the intent of the general assembly shall be based on the operative statutory provisions, as well as the legislative history pertaining to such statutory provisions, as evidenced by legislative committee and floor actions, discussions and debates.
(1) There is created as a division of the bureau of ethics and campaign finance, as provided in title 4, chapter 55, a Tennessee ethics commission. The commission shall be composed of six (6) members appointed as provided in this section.
(A) Appointments shall be made to reflect the broadest possible representation of Tennessee citizens. Of the six (6) members appointed, at least one (1) shall be a female member and one (1) shall be an African-American member. However, an African-American female member shall not satisfy the requirement of one (1) female member and one (1) African-American member. Each member shall:
(i) Have been a legal resident of this state for five (5) years immediately preceding selection;
(ii) Be at least thirty (30) years of age;
(iii) Be a registered voter in Tennessee;
(iv) Be a person of high ethical standards who has an active interest in promoting ethics in government; and
(v) Not have been convicted of a felony.
(B) No person shall be appointed to the commission if the person, or any member of the person's immediate family as defined in § 3-6-301, is announced as a candidate for public office, holds public office, or is a member of a political party's state executive committee.
(b) The members of the ethics commission shall also serve as members of the board of directors of the bureau of ethics and campaign finance.
(1) The members of the Tennessee ethics commission shall be selected as follows:
(A) The governor shall appoint one (1) member who is a member of the majority party and one (1) member who is a member of the minority party;
(B) The speaker of the senate shall appoint one (1) candidate from a list of three (3) candidates submitted by the majority caucus of the senate and one (1) candidate from a list of three (3) candidates submitted by the minority caucus of the senate. The speaker of the senate may request a second list of candidates; however, no candidate from the original list of candidates may appear on the second list of candidates. The ethics commission is required to notify in writing the appropriate caucus and speaker within a reasonable time upon the expiration of a member's term or a vacancy occurring. If a caucus fails to give the speaker a list of candidates within sixty (60) days after receiving written notice of a vacancy from the ethics commission, receiving written notice of the expiration of a term from the ethics commission, or requesting a second list of candidates, the speaker shall appoint a member of the majority party or member of the minority party, as applicable; and
(C) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one (1) candidate from a list of three (3) candidates submitted by the majority caucus of the house of representatives and one (1) candidate from a list of three (3) candidates submitted by the minority caucus of the house of representatives. The speaker of the house of representatives may request a second list of candidates; however, no candidate from the original list of candidates may appear on the second list of candidates. The ethics commission is required to notify in writing the appropriate caucus and speaker within a reasonable time upon the expiration of a member's term or a vacancy occurring. If a caucus fails to give the speaker a list of candidates within sixty (60) days after receiving written notice of a vacancy from the ethics commission, receiving written notice of the expiration of a term from the ethics commission, or requesting a second list of candidates, the speaker shall appoint a member of the majority party or member of the minority party, as applicable.
(2) Each gubernatorial appointee shall be subject to confirmation by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of approval by each house of the general assembly and each legislative appointee shall be subject to confirmation by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of approval by the appointing authority's house. If the general assembly is in session when an appointment is made, then the appointment shall be subject to confirmation within ninety (90) days of appointment. If the general assembly is not in session when an appointment is made, the appointment shall be subject to confirmation within ninety (90) days after the general assembly next convenes following the appointment. If an appointee is refused confirmation, or is not confirmed during the ninety-day period, then the appointing authority of the appointee shall select another appointee for confirmation subject to the requirements of this section. In the event of a vacancy, the respective appointing authority shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. Notwithstanding this subdivision (c)(2), an appointment to serve on the initial commission shall be made by April 1, 2006.
(1) The initial members' terms of office shall commence upon appointment. For purposes of calculating the initial terms of the members' offices, the initial appointments shall be deemed to be made on January 1, 2007. The initial members' terms shall be staggered as follows:
(A) The gubernatorial appointees shall serve initial terms of two (2) years;
(B) The senate appointees shall serve initial terms of three (3) years; and
(C) The house of representatives appointees shall serve initial terms of four (4) years.
(2) After the initial terms, members of the commission shall serve four-year terms.
(e) The initial chair of the commission shall be appointed by the governor. Every year thereafter the commission shall elect a chair from among its membership. The chair shall serve in that capacity for one (1) year and shall be eligible for reelection. The chair shall preside at all meetings and shall have all the powers and privileges of the other members.
(f) The commission shall fix the place and time of its regular meetings by order duly recorded in its minutes. Four (4) members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. Except as provided in § 3-6-201, four (4) affirmative votes are required for any commission action. Special meetings shall be called by the chair on the chair's initiative or upon the written request of three (3) members. Members shall receive written notice three (3) days in advance of a special meeting. Notice shall be served personally or left at a member's usual place of residence and shall specify the purpose, time and place of the meeting. No matters unrelated to the specified purpose may be considered without a specific waiver by all members of the commission.
(g) The members of the commission shall receive no compensation; provided, that each member of the commission shall be eligible for reimbursement of expenses and mileage in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the commissioner of finance and administration and approved by the attorney general and reporter.
(h) No member of the commission or the member's immediate family, as defined in § 3-6-301, shall during such membership:
(1) Be allowed to hold or qualify for elective office to any state or local public office, as defined in § 2-10-102;
(2) Be an employee of the state or any political subdivision of the state;
(3) Be an officer of any political party or political committee;
(4) Permit such person's name to be used or make campaign contributions in support of or in opposition to any candidate or proposition, except that a member's immediate family may make campaign contributions in support of or in opposition to any candidate or proposition;
(5) Participate in any way in any election campaign;
(6) Lobby or employ a lobbyist; or
(7) Be employed by any elected officeholder, either in an official capacity or as an individual, or be employed by any business in which an elected officeholder has any direct input concerning employment decisions.
(i) An incumbent member of the commission may seek votes for confirmation of the member's appointment to the commission; provided, that the member shall comply with subsection (h).
(j) Subsection (h) shall be applicable for one (1) year subsequent to the removal, vacancy or termination of the term of office of a member of the commission.
(1) Each member of the commission shall, before they proceed to business, take an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of this state and of the United States and the laws of this state and also the following oath:
(2) Unless otherwise provided by law, any member of the commission who violates the oath of office for the member's position or participates in any of the activities prohibited by this chapter commits a Class A misdemeanor. If a sworn complaint is made pursuant to § 3-6-209 that a member has violated the oath of office for the position, has participated in any of the activities prohibited by this chapter, or has committed actions inconsistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Governmental Ethics Reform Act of 2006, Acts 2006, ch. 1 of the extraordinary session of the 104th general assembly, then, upon a unanimous vote of the remaining members, the member against whom the sworn allegation is made may be suspended from the commission for such purposes and for such times as the remaining members shall unanimously determine; but no such suspension shall extend beyond final disposition of the sworn complaint pursuant to § 3-6-209. The accused member shall not participate in the suspension vote.
(l) Each regular meeting agenda must be published on the commission's website at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the meeting.
(a) The Tennessee ethics commission is vested with jurisdiction to administer and enforce this chapter, §§ 2-10-115 and 2-10-122 — 2-10-130, and title 8, chapter 50, part 5.
(b) In addition to the jurisdiction vested in subsection (a), with respect to members of the general assembly, the commission also has jurisdiction to investigate, in accordance with § 3-6-203, complaints alleging acts by a member of the general assembly that constitute misuse of office for personal financial gain; provided, however, that, if a member of the general assembly makes the declaration required by § 2-10-127(d), then the member shall not be deemed to have misused the member's office for personal financial gain based solely upon the member's relationship to a sibling, spouse or child who lobbied for or against the legislative action.
(c) The ethics committee in each house is authorized to refer to the commission for investigation, in accordance with § 3-6-203, any complaint it receives alleging a violation of this chapter, §§ 2-10-115 and 2-10-122 — 2-10-130, title 8, chapter 50, part 5, or misuse of legislative office for personal financial gain.
(d) The governor is authorized to refer to the commission for investigation, in accordance with § 3-6-203, any allegation the governor receives concerning a violation by an officer or staff member of the executive branch subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, pursuant to this chapter, §§ 2-10-115 and 2-10-122 — 2-10-130, title 8, chapter 50, part 5, an executive order related to ethics, or misuse of office for personal financial gain.
(e) The commission shall refer to the registry of election finance for investigation and appropriate action any complaint filed with the commission that is within the jurisdiction of the registry.
(f) The commission is vested with jurisdiction over any violation of the laws administered and enforced by the commission, or any alleged violation referred to the commission pursuant to this section, that occurs within five (5) years prior to the filing of a complaint alleging a violation.
(a) The duties of the Tennessee ethics commission include the following:
(1) Recommend guiding principles of ethical conduct for consideration and adoption by the legislative or executive branches. The commission shall publish the guiding principles on the commission's website. Guiding principles of ethical conduct may be recommended for each of the following classifications:
(A) Members of the general assembly;
(B) The governor, secretary of state, treasurer, comptroller of the treasury, members of the governor's cabinet, and cabinet level staff within the governor's office; and
(C) Lobbyists and employers of lobbyists;
(2) Develop filing, coding and cross-indexing systems;
(3) Make as many documents filed available for viewing on the Internet as is reasonable based on the commission's financial resources, and make each document filed available for public inspection and copying during regular office hours at the expense of any person requesting copies of the documents; provided, that this subdivision (a)(3) does not apply to those documents required to be confidential pursuant to § 3-6-202;
(4) Review all filed documents to ensure compliance with the laws administered and enforced by the commission. Statements filed with the commission for more than two (2) years shall be deemed to be sufficient, absent a showing of fraud or the existence of an ongoing investigation related to the statement;
(5) Accept and file any information voluntarily supplied that exceeds the requirements of this chapter;
(6) Prepare and publish on the commission's website reports as are deemed to be appropriate and in the public interest by the commission, including quarterly reports listing alphabetically all registered lobbyists and employers of lobbyists, as defined in part 3 of this chapter;
(7) Prepare and publish manuals and guides to facilitate compliance with, and enforcement of, the laws administered and enforced by the commission;
(8) Administer ethics training as provided in this part;
(9) Provide an annual report to the governor and the general assembly by July 1 concerning the administration and enforcement of laws under the jurisdiction of the commission, including the necessity, or lack of necessity, for any additional action or additional legislation that will serve to further the purposes of this chapter;
(10) Investigate any alleged violation, upon sworn complaint or upon its own motion, as provided in § 3-6-201; and
(11) Preserve all filed reports or statements for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of receipt, or longer when there is a pending investigation by the commission or any law enforcement agency, or when there is an ongoing administrative or judicial proceeding related to the information.
(b) It is the duty of the attorney general and reporter to render opinions and give counsel to the commission upon the request of the executive director or the commission.
The Tennessee ethics commission possesses power to:
(1) Subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, conduct audits, administer oaths, take evidence and require, by subpoena duces tecum, the production of books, papers, records or other evidence needed for the performance of the commission's duties or exercise of its powers, including its duties and powers of investigation;
(2) Issue written advisory opinions to any person subject to the jurisdiction of the commission in accordance with §§ 3-6-117 and 3-6-308(a)(4). When issuing any advisory opinion or any other interpretive document, the commission shall review and consider all operative statutory provisions, as well as the legislative history pertaining to the statutory provisions, as evidenced by legislative committee and floor actions, discussions and debates;
(3) Request legal and investigative assistance from the office of the attorney general and reporter;
(4) Conduct a hearing to determine if an actual violation has occurred;
(5) Issue an appropriate order following a determination of an actual violation;
(6) Assess and collect late filing fees in amounts provided by statute;
(7) Assess and collect a civil penalty as provided in this chapter, title 8, chapter 50, part 5, and rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter and title 8, chapter 50, part 5; provided, that the commission shall only have the power to assess a civil penalty after notice and opportunity for hearing; and
(8) Seek injunctive relief in the chancery court of Davidson County to prevent continuing violations of this chapter.
For the purposes of enforcement, this chapter shall be prospective only, and the Tennessee ethics commission shall limit its investigations to acts or omissions that occur on or after October 1, 2006.
Where the results of an investigation indicate a criminal violation has occurred, the commission shall refer the matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
The Tennessee ethics commission has the authority to petition the chancery court, through the attorney general and reporter or its own legal counsel, for enforcement of any order it has issued. The court's order of enforcement has the same force and effect as a civil judgment.
(a) The Tennessee ethics commission shall provide an annual ethics course concerning compliance with the laws administered and enforced by the commission for supervisory personnel in the executive branch of state government. The commission shall notify administrative departments and divisions in advance of the time and location of the course. The course may be offered on multiple occasions in locations that will make attendance by personnel in the three (3) grand divisions reasonably convenient. The ethics course shall include, but not be limited to, discussion of relevant laws, administrative regulations, advisory opinions, current ethical issues and situations, and development of problem-solving skills.
(b) Administrative departments and divisions shall annually select appropriate supervisory personnel and shall communicate the name, position, and contact information of each individual required to attend the annual course to the commission prior to February 1.
(c) In addition to any other manuals or guides prepared and published by the commission, the commission shall provide a manual for supervisory personnel of the executive branch that includes ethics statutes and administrative regulations relevant to such personnel, explanations of purposes and principles underlying the laws, explanations of technical and specific legal requirements, examples of practical applications of the laws and principles, a question-and-answer section regarding common problems and situations, summaries of advisory opinions, and any other information that would inform supervisory personnel of the executive branch about ethics laws and regulations and assist them in applying those laws and regulations to specific situations. The manual may be distributed to supervisory personnel, and shall be made available to the public, by posting the manual in pdf format on the commission's website.
(1) The Tennessee ethics commission shall provide an annual orientation ethics course concerning compliance with the laws administered and enforced by the commission for members of the general assembly who have not yet taken the orientation ethics course and shall offer an annual current issues course for members of the general assembly who have taken the orientation course. Such courses shall be offered on a date or dates when the general assembly is in session. The commission shall notify members in advance of the time and location of the courses.
(2) The orientation ethics course shall include, but not be limited to, laws administered and enforced by the commission, administrative regulations, relevant internal policies, specific technical and legal requirements, summaries of advisory opinions, underlying purposes and principles of ethics laws, examples of practical applications of ethics laws, and a question-and-answer participatory segment regarding common problems and situations.
(3) The current issues course shall include, but not be limited to, discussion of changes in relevant laws, administrative regulations, new advisory opinions, current ethical issues and situations, and development of problem-solving skills.
(b) Members of the general assembly shall attend the courses provided by the commission pursuant to subsection (a). However, a member may petition the commission to approve an ethics course other than a course offered by the commission to fulfill the current issues course requirement.
(c) In addition to any other manuals or guides prepared and published by the commission, the commission shall provide a manual for members of the general assembly that includes ethics statutes and administrative regulations relevant to members, explanations of purposes and principles underlying the laws, explanations of technical and specific legal requirements, examples of practical applications of the laws and principles, a question-and-answer section regarding common problems and situations, summaries of advisory opinions, and any other information that would inform members about ethics laws and regulations and assist them in applying those laws and regulations to specific situations. The manual may be distributed to members of the general assembly, and shall be made available to the public, by posting the manual in pdf format on the commission's website.
(a) The Tennessee ethics commission shall provide an annual ethics course on multiple dates, both when the general assembly is in session and when the general assembly is not in session for both lobbyists and employers of lobbyists. The training may be offered electronically. Training shall include, but not be limited to, laws administered and enforced by the commission, administrative regulations, relevant internal policies, specific technical and legal requirements, and summaries of advisory opinions. The commission shall impose a fee for attending the ethics course that will enable participation in the course to be funded from the fee.
(b) Each lobbyist shall attend one (1) ethics course annually. A lobbyist may petition the commission to approve an ethics course other than a course offered by the commission to fulfill the ethics course requirement. A lobbyist may also attend one (1) of the annual ethics courses provided for members of the general assembly pursuant to § 3-6-113 in lieu of the course described in this section.
(c) In addition to any other manuals or guides prepared and published by the commission, the commission shall provide a manual for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists that includes ethics statutes and administrative regulations relevant to lobbyists and employers of lobbyists, explanations of purposes and principles underlying the laws, explanations of technical and specific legal requirements, examples of practical applications of the laws and principles, a question-and-answer section regarding common problems and situations, summaries of advisory opinions, and any other information that would inform lobbyists and employers of lobbyists about ethics laws and regulations and assist them in applying those laws and regulations to specific situations. The manual may be distributed to lobbyists and employers of lobbyists, and shall be made available to the public, by posting the manual in pdf format on the commission's website.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Tennessee ethics commission shall:
(1) Develop, with the advice, assistance and approval of the division of strategic technology solutions, an internet-based electronic filing process for use by all persons that are required to electronically register or file statements and reports with the commission pursuant to this chapter, §§ 2-10-115 and 2-10-122 — 2-10-130, and title 8, chapter 50, part 5;
(2) Develop, with the advice, assistance and approval of the division of strategic technology solutions, a system that provides each person required to register or file statements and reports with the commission secure access to the electronic registration and filing system. The system shall provide adequate safeguards to prevent unauthorized persons from inappropriately tampering with or changing the data and shall provide for secure authentication safeguards for documents such as electronic signatures and electronic notarization;
(3) Provide training to each person required to register or file statements and reports with the commission on the use of the electronic filing system;
(4) Make, with the advice, assistance and approval of the division of strategic technology solutions, electronically filed reports and statements available for viewing on the commission's website in a format that is searchable and that may be downloaded and managed by a user with appropriate software; provided, that this subdivision (a)(4) does not apply to those documents required to be confidential pursuant to § 3-6-202. In addition to any other method of information management developed by the commission, conflict of interest disclosures shall be indexed and searchable by county; and
(5) Beginning on October 1, 2006, with the advice, assistance and approval of the division of strategic technology solutions, provide the public access to lists compiled from the registrations and other documents filed by employers of lobbyists, lobbyists, and persons required to file conflict of interest disclosures. In addition, the commission shall provide assistance to anyone seeking to access this information on the Internet.
(b) The commission, once the development of the electronic filing system is completed and tested, shall provide public notice that the system is operational and available for filers to commence use.
(c) The commission shall, with the advice, assistance and approval of the division of strategic technology solutions, implement the electronic filing system for use by October 1, 2006. Any person required to electronically file statements and reports with the commission shall file required statements and reports electronically on or after October 1, 2006. Any required statements and reports filed with the registry of election finance prior to October 1, 2006, shall continue to be filed with the registry until such date.
(d) All information entered by any person required to file statements and reports electronically with the commission shall remain confidential until the information is submitted to the commission.
(e) The commission shall strive to establish electronic filing for all documents required to be filed with the commission; provided, however, that no candidate or appointee to a local public office, as defined in § 2-10-102, shall be required to electronically file documents with the commission.
(1) Except as provided in this subsection (e), the commission, unless otherwise required by law to provide for electronic filing, shall have the discretion to determine when electronic filing is financially feasible and will be an accessible and efficient method of filing.
(2) The commission shall establish rules specifying the manner in which a report, statement or other documents shall be filed. The rules shall be published and posted conspicuously on the commission's website at least sixty (60) days prior to the due date of any document affected by the rules.
(a) A person who is appointed to the Tennessee ethics commission may not vote, deliberate, or be counted as a member in attendance at a meeting of the commission until the person completes a training program provided by the office of the attorney general and reporter that complies with this section. This section shall not apply to members who are reappointed to the commission for a subsequent term.
(b) The training program shall provide the person with information regarding:
(1) The legislation that created the commission;
(2) The role and function of the commission;
(3) The rules of the commission, with an emphasis on the rules that relate to disciplinary and investigatory authority;
(4) The current budget for the commission;
(5) The results of the most recent formal audit of the commission;
(6) The requirements of the laws administrated and enforced by the commission; and
(7) Any applicable policies adopted by the commission.
(c) A person appointed to the commission is entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in attending the training program.
(a) The commission is the only entity authorized to issue formal advisory opinions on matters related to this chapter, § 2-10-115, §§ 2-10-122 - 2-10-130, and title 8, chapter 50, part 5; provided, that the commission may request an opinion from the attorney general and reporter on legal issues that may be presented in a request for a formal advisory opinion. With respect to an issue addressed in a formal advisory opinion, a person who conforms that person's behavior to the requirements of the advisory opinion must not be sanctioned if it is later determined that the advisory opinion did not correctly interpret state law. A person who requests an advisory opinion may withdraw the request at any time before the opinion is issued, in which case the commission shall not issue the opinion.
(1) Except as provided in this subsection (b), a person performing staff duties as an employee of the commission shall not issue an advisory opinion under subsection (a), including an informal response.
(2) A person performing staff duties as the executive director, assistant executive director, or as an attorney may give informal advisory opinions to a person subject to the jurisdiction of the commission in accordance with this subsection (b). The executive director shall approve all such informal opinions issued under this subsection (b).
(3) An informal opinion must be based on such information, the operative provisions of the cited statute, and the legislative history and intent pertaining to the statutory provisions, as evidenced by legislative committee and floor actions, discussions, and debates. In addition, the informal opinion must indicate whether a statute or a previous opinion is clear or unclear on the issue. An informal advisory opinion may be given verbally or in writing by either regular mail or electronic mail, but a verbal advisory opinion must be verified in writing by either regular mail or electronic mail in order to receive the consideration provided in subdivision (b)(4).
(4) If the person who requested the informal advisory opinion conforms the person's behavior to the requirements of the informal opinion, then the person must not be sanctioned if it is later determined that the informal opinion was not a correct response or incorrectly interpreted state law or previous commission advisory opinions on the issue.
(5) The commission shall make and keep records of all written inquiries and all written informal advisory opinions given, including the name of the person or entity making the inquiry, as applicable; on behalf of whom the inquiry was made; the date of the inquiry; the person responding to the inquiry; the precise inquiry, including the facts and background information provided; the section or sections of statute involved; and the answer or response given.
(6) An informal response is subject to review or modification by the commission. A person who disputes the informal advisory opinion given by a staff employee in subdivision (b)(2) may request a formal advisory opinion from the commission.
(1) Any citizen of Tennessee may file a sworn complaint executed on a form prescribed by the Tennessee ethics commission alleging a violation of laws or rules within the jurisdiction of the commission.
(2) No political party chair, state or county executive director of a political party, or employee or agent of a political party acting in that person's official capacity may file a complaint with the commission for a violation of laws or rules within the jurisdiction of the commission. Nothing in this section prohibits a private citizen, acting in a private capacity, from filing a sworn complaint with the commission under this section.
(b) A complaint filed under this section shall set forth in simple, concise, and direct statements:
(1) The name of the complainant;
(2) The street or mailing address of the complainant;
(3) The name of each alleged violator;
(4) The position or title of each alleged violator;
(5) A short and plain statement of the nature of the violation and the law or rule upon which the commission's jurisdiction over the violation depends;
(6) A statement of the facts constituting the alleged violation and the dates on which, or period of time in which, the alleged violation occurred; and
(7) All documents or other material available to the complainant that are relevant to the allegation; a list of all documents or other material within the knowledge of the complainant and available to the complainant that are relevant to the allegation, but that are not in the possession of the complainant, including the location of the documents, if known; and a list of all documents or other material within the knowledge of the complainant that are unavailable to the complainant and that are relevant to the complaint, including the location of the documents, if known.
(c) The complaint shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that the information contained in the complaint is either correct or that the complainant has good reason to believe and does believe that the violation occurred. If the complaint is based on information and belief, the complaint shall state the source and basis of the information and belief. The complainant may swear to the facts by oath before a notary public.
(d) The commission may initiate a complaint upon an affirmative vote that includes three (3) members of the commission who are members of the same party or two (2) members of the commission who are members of different parties.
(1) Any complaint that is filed against a candidate in any election, as defined in § 2-10-102, during the period from thirty (30) days immediately prior to the election through election day shall be considered filed but not verified by the commission. The commission shall take no action relative to the complaint during this thirty-day period. In addition, the commission shall not initiate a complaint during the thirty-day period.
(2) During the thirty-day period, the commission shall stay any proceedings with regard to an ethics complaint filed against a candidate more than thirty (30) days prior to voting for the election; provided, that the candidate may waive the postponement in writing.
(3) For purposes of this subsection (e), any provisions of this chapter setting time periods for initiating a complaint or for performing any other action are considered tolled until after the election at which the candidate stands for elective office.
(f) Within five (5) days after the filing or initiation of a complaint, the commission shall cause a copy of the complaint to be transmitted by return receipt requested mail to the person alleged to have committed the violation.
(1) The members and staff of the Tennessee ethics commission shall preserve the confidentiality of all commission proceedings, including records relating to a preliminary investigation. Such records shall be exempt from title 10, chapter 7 and shall be confidential until:
(A) The alleged violator requests in writing that the investigation and associated records and meetings be made public;
(B) The commission finds that probable cause exists to believe that a violation has occurred. Upon this determination, the records and proceedings shall be made public on:
(i) The date the public hearing to determine whether a violation has occurred commences; or
(ii) The date the commission refers a matter based upon a finding of probable cause; or
(C) The commission determines that no probable cause exists to believe that a violation has occurred. Upon such determination, the records and proceedings shall be made public sixty (60) days after:
(i) The date the report of the commission's finding is issued, if the complainant does not request a probable cause hearing pursuant to § 3-6-203(b)(2); or
(ii) The date the commission issues its finding of no probable cause from a probable cause hearing.
(2) No personal or professional financial records of the alleged violator shall be disclosed pursuant to this section upon a finding of no probable cause.
(3) A member of the commission or a member of the commission staff may acknowledge receipt of a complaint or may disclose information to the extent necessary to successfully pursue an investigation. In no event shall such information against a candidate in any election, as defined in § 2-10-102, be disclosed during the period from thirty (30) days immediately preceding the commencement of voting for that election through election day, unless the candidate requests in writing the disclosure of the information.
(b) A member of the commission or member of the commission staff who knowingly discloses information in violation of this section commits a Class C misdemeanor. A violation of this section also subjects the person to the civil penalties imposed by § 3-6-205(a)(2). Violation of this section by a member of the commission shall be grounds for removal from office.
(a) The commission shall initiate a preliminary investigation of each sworn complaint that complies with § 3-6-201. If the commission determines that the sworn complaint does not comply with § 3-6-201, then the commission shall dismiss the complaint and notify the complainant. In the notification sent to the complainant, the commission shall state with particularity why the complaint does not comply with § 3-6-201. If the commission has referred the complaint to the registry of election finance, then the commission shall also notify the complainant of the referral.
(1) The commission shall refer a factually and legally sufficient complaint to the office of the attorney general and reporter, who shall conduct a preliminary investigation. The commission shall make a probable cause determination after the office of the attorney general and reporter completes its investigation and reports its findings to the commission. Both the alleged violator and the complainant shall be entitled, upon request, to present evidence before the commission prior to the commission's probable cause determination. The commission shall have notice that evidence will be presented to the commission personally served upon, or sent by return receipt requested mail, to the alleged violator and the complainant. The commission has discretion to determine the appropriate procedure for the presenting of evidence.
(2) If the commission determines that no probable cause exists to believe a violation of any law or rule administered and enforced by the commission occurred, the commission shall dismiss the complaint by issuing a report to the complainant and the alleged violator, stating with particularity its reasons for dismissal of the complaint. A complainant may request a hearing upon a determination of no probable cause. If after the hearing the commission determines that there is no probable cause, the commission may order the complainant to reimburse the alleged violator for any reasonable costs and reasonable attorney fees the alleged violator has incurred.
(3) If the commission determines that probable cause exists to believe a violation of any law or rule administered and enforced by the commission occurred, the commission shall conduct a public hearing and, if the alleged violator is a member of the general assembly, shall notify the ethics committee of the appropriate house of the probable cause determination. Both the alleged violator and the complainant shall receive, by personal service or return receipt requested mail, notice of the time, date, and location of the hearing.
(a) The Tennessee ethics commission, on its own motion or at the request of the alleged violator, may issue subpoenas in accordance with the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, except that service may be by certified mail, in addition to the means of service provided by the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure. Witnesses under subpoena shall be entitled to the same fees as are now or may hereafter be provided by law or by action of the commission. The party requesting the subpoenas shall bear the cost of paying the fees to the witnesses subpoenaed.
(1) A person who is aggrieved by a final disposition of the commission shall be entitled to judicial review.
(2) Proceedings for review shall be instituted by filing a petition for review in the chancery court of Davidson County, unless another court is specified by statute. The petition shall be filed within sixty (60) days after the entry of the commission's final disposition on the complaint. Copies of the petition shall be served upon the commission, the complainant and all parties of record, including the attorney general and reporter, in accordance with the provisions of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure pertaining to service of process.
(3) The provision of § 4-5-322 relating to judicial review of agency decisions shall apply to a petition of review filed pursuant to this section.
(a) The Tennessee ethics commission may impose a civil penalty for a violation of title 8, chapter 50, part 5.
(1) “Class 1 offense” means the late filing of any report or statement required by title 8, chapter 50, part 5. A Class 1 offense shall be punishable by a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day, up to a maximum of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750).
(A) The Tennessee ethics commission shall have personally served upon, or sent by return receipt requested mail, an assessment letter to any person required to file, upon the commission's discovery that a due report has not been filed. A civil penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day shall begin to accrue five (5) days after personal service or receipt of the letter and shall continue to accrue until the report is filed, or for thirty (30) days, whichever occurs first.
(B) To request a waiver, reduction, or to in any way contest a penalty imposed by the Tennessee ethics commission for a Class 1 offense, a person shall file a petition with the commission.
(2) “Class 2 offense” means failing to file a report required by title 8, chapter 50, part 5, within thirty-five (35) days after service of process or receipt of notice by registered or certified mail of an assessment or any other violation of the requirements of title 8, chapter 50, part 5, except where another penalty is prescribed by law. A Class 2 offense is punishable by a maximum civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
(A) For any Class 2 offense, the Tennessee ethics commission shall send an assessment letter to a person required to file, in a form sufficient to advise the person required to file, of the factual basis of the violation, the maximum penalty and the date a response to the letter must be filed. If a disclosure report is returned to a person required to file for correction, a copy of the original shall be retained on file until the corrected report is returned to the Tennessee ethics commission. If the original filing was in compliance with the intent of the law and minor errors are corrected within the date set for a response, no penalty shall be assessed.
(B) To request a waiver, reduction, or to in any way contest a penalty imposed by the Tennessee ethics commission for a Class 2 offense, a person shall file a petition with the commission.
(b) Any candidate for state public office who fails to file any statement or report required by title 8, chapter 50, part 5, shall be ineligible to qualify for election to any state public office until the statement or report is filed with the commission.
(c) The commission shall not accept a settlement in which the aggregate amount of assessed civil penalties exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) unless the settlement proposal is considered at either a regular meeting or, notwithstanding § 3-6-103(f), a special meeting called by the chair in which at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice is given to each member of the commission and each party seeking a settlement proposal. If a special meeting is called pursuant to this subsection (c), an agenda for the meeting must be placed on the home page of the commission's website at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. The agenda must include the style of any matter to be considered, and the special meeting must be limited to consideration of only the matters listed on the agenda.
(a) The Tennessee ethics commission shall maintain a register of all civil penalties imposed under this chapter and remaining unpaid.
(b) If a civil penalty lawfully assessed and any lawfully assessed cost attendant to the penalty are not paid within thirty (30) days after the assessment becomes final, any candidate owing a civil penalty shall be ineligible to qualify for election to any state public office until the penalty and costs are paid.
(c) If a civil penalty authorized by this section is imposed, it shall be considered a personal judgment against the person subject to the civil penalty.
Notwithstanding § 3-6-203, if the commission determines that probable cause exists to believe that a member of the general assembly has committed an act constituting misuse of office for personal financial gain, then, except as otherwise provided in § 3-6-306(a)(3), no civil penalty shall be imposed and the commission shall instead report its determination and findings to the ethics committee of the appropriate house of the general assembly.
(1) Filed a complaint or provided information that resulted in an investigation knowing that the material statements in the complaint or the information provided was not true;
(2) Filed an unsubstantiated complaint in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the statements contained in the complaint; or
(3) Filed one (1) or more unsubstantiated complaints that constituted abuse of process,
then the complainant is subject to the civil penalties authorized by § 3-6-205(a)(2) and may be liable for any reasonable costs and reasonable attorney fees the alleged violator has incurred. The commission may also decline to consider any further complaints brought by the complainant.
(b) The sanctions authorized by subsection (a) are not exclusive and do not preclude any other remedies or rights of action the alleged violator may have against the complainant or informant under the law; provided, that any person who in good faith files a verified complaint or any person, official, or agency that gives credible information that results in a formal complaint filed by the commission is immune from any civil liability that otherwise might result by reason of such actions.
(a) An individual who is within the jurisdiction of the commission may file a sworn complaint against any member or employee of the commission alleging a violation of this chapter, including allegations of arbitrary and capricious actions of the commission against the individual. The complaint shall state with specificity such allegation. Such complaint shall be filed with the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. Each speaker shall, after determining that there are sufficient grounds for review, appoint four (4) members of their respective bodies to a special joint committee, which shall investigate the complaint. Two (2) members of the majority party and two (2) members of the minority party shall be appointed to the committee by each speaker. The special joint committee shall appoint a chair and other officers deemed necessary. An affirmative vote of five (5) members of the committee shall be required for any committee action.
(b) If the special joint committee finds insufficient evidence to establish probable cause to believe a violation has occurred, it shall dismiss the complaint.
(c) If, upon completion of its preliminary investigation, the committee finds sufficient evidence to establish probable cause to believe a violation has occurred, the chair of the committee shall transmit the findings to the governor, who shall convene a meeting of the governor, the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives to take such final action on the complaint as they shall deem appropriate consistent with penalties imposed pursuant to this chapter, including referring the matter to the office of the attorney general and reporter or removing the member of the commission from office and declaring the office vacant.
(d) Upon request of a majority of the governor, the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, the special joint committee shall submit a recommendation as to what penalty, if any, should be imposed.
(e) If a person:then the complainant is subject to the civil penalties authorized by § 3-6-205(a)(2) and may be liable for any reasonable costs and reasonable attorney fees the alleged violator has incurred. The sanctions authorized by this subsection (e) are not exclusive and do not preclude any other remedies or rights of action the member may have against the complainant or informant under the law; provided, that any person who in good faith files a verified complaint or any person, official, or agency who gives credible information that results in an investigation is immune from any civil liability that otherwise might result by reason of such actions.
(1) Files a complaint against a member of the commission pursuant to this section that results in an investigation, knowing that the material statements in the complaint or the information provided was not true;
(2) Files an unsubstantiated complaint in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the statements contained in the complaint; or
(3) Files one (1) or more unsubstantiated complaints that constitute abuse of process,
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b)(1), §§ 3-6-201 — 3-6-203 shall only apply to a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter.
(1) The commission has the authority to investigate any alleged violation of title 8, chapter 50, part 5, upon a sworn complaint by a citizen of this state that meets the requirements of § 3-6-201(b) or upon its own motion. The commission shall only have the power to assess a civil penalty after notice and opportunity for hearing.
(2) A petition filed pursuant to § 3-6-205(a)(1)(B) or (a)(2)(B) may be considered as a contested case under the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Administrative action” means the taking of any recommendation, report or nonministerial action; the making of any decision or taking any action to postpone any action or decision; action of the governor in approving or vetoing any bill or resolution; the promulgation of a rule; or any action of a quasi-legislative nature, by an official in the executive branch of state government; however, “administration action” does not include ordinary and routine permitting, licensing, or compliance decisions by an official of the executive branch of state government;
(2) “Association” means any union, league, chamber of commerce, committee, club, or other membership organization;
(3) “Attorney general” means the attorney general and reporter;
(4) “Campaign contribution” means any contribution as defined by § 2-10-102;
(5) “Candidate for public office” means any individual who has made a formal announcement of candidacy or who qualified under the law of this state to seek nomination for election or elections to any state public office, or has received contributions or made expenditures, except for incidental expenditures to determine if one shall be a candidate, or has given consent for a campaign committee to receive contributions or make expenditures, with a view to bringing about that person's nomination for election or the election to state public office, and any individual who has been nominated for appointment as an official in the legislative or executive branch;
(6) “Compensation” means any salary, fee, payment, reimbursement or other valuable consideration, or any combination thereof, whether received or to be received; however, “compensation” does not include the salary or reimbursement of an individual whose lobbying is incidental to that person's regular employment;
(7) “Employer of a lobbyist” or “employer” means any person or entity that employs, retains or otherwise arranges for a lobbyist to engage in lobbying on behalf of the person or entity for compensation. “Employer of a lobbyist” or “employer” specifically includes any such person or entity notwithstanding the lobbyist's status as an employee, agent, contractor, subcontractor or other representative lobbying on behalf of such person or entity for compensation. “Employer of a lobbyist” or “employer” does not include the individual employees, officers, directors, or members of a corporation, labor organization, association, or membership organization other than the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer or comparable individuals within such corporation, labor organization, association, or membership organization. For purposes of employer registration and disclosure pursuant to this part, a lobbying firm is not deemed to be the employer of any lobbyist within the firm;
(8) “Executive agency” means any commission, board, agency, or other entity in the executive branch of the state government or any independent entity of the state government that is not a part of the legislative or judicial branch;
(9) “Expenditure” means any advance, conveyance, deposit, distribution, transfer of funds, loan, payment, pledge, or subscription of money or anything of value, and any contract, agreement, promise, or other obligation, whether or not legally enforceable, to make an expenditure;
(10) “Gift” means any payment, honorarium, subscription, loan, advance, forbearance, rendering or deposit of money or services, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received. “Gift” does not include a campaign contribution otherwise reported as required by law, a commercially reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business, or a gift received from a member of the person's immediate family or from a relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the person or of the person's spouse, or from the spouse of any such relative. “Gift” does not include the waiver of a registration fee for a conference or educational seminar;
(11) “Immediate family” means a spouse or minor child living in the household;
(12) “Influencing legislative or administrative action” means promoting, supporting, influencing, modifying, opposing or delaying any legislative or administrative action by any means, including, but not limited to, the provision or use of information, statistics, studies, or analyses, but not including the furnishing of information, statistics, studies, or analyses requested by an official of the legislative or executive branch to that official or the giving of testimony by an individual testifying at an official hearing conducted by officials of the legislative or executive branch;
(13) “Investigatory audit information” means data obtained pursuant to a finding of probable cause to believe that an employer or lobbyist has violated this part, including information pertaining to the source or amount of employer or lobbyist income, expenditures, receipts, assets, liabilities, net worth, or related financial or proprietary information that is received by, recorded by, prepared by, or collected by or on behalf of the ethics commission during the course of any audit, investigation or other examination undertaken for the purpose of ensuring compliance with, or imposing civil or criminal sanctions for violation of, this part. “Investigatory audit information” does not include data in a form that cannot, either directly or indirectly, be associated with, or otherwise be used to identify, directly or indirectly, a particular employer or lobbyist;
(14) “Legislative action” means introduction, sponsorship, debate, voting or any other nonministerial official action or nonaction on any bill, resolution, amendment, nomination, appointment, report or any other matter pending or proposed in a legislative committee or in either house of the general assembly;
(A) “Lobby” means to communicate, directly or indirectly, with any official in the legislative branch or executive branch for the purpose of influencing any legislative action or administrative action;
(B) “Lobby” does not mean communications with officials of the legislative or executive branches by an elected or appointed public official performing the duties of the office held; a duly licensed attorney at law acting in a representative capacity on behalf of a client appearing before an official of the executive branch for the purpose of determining or obtaining such person's legal rights or obligations in a contested case action, administrative proceeding, or rule making procedure; or an editor or working member of the press, radio or television who, in the ordinary course of business, disseminates news or editorial comment to the general public;
(C) “Lobby” does not mean communications by an incumbent or prospective contractor or vendor, or an employee of the contractor or vendor, while engaged in selling or marketing to the state, or any department or agency of the state, by demonstrating or describing goods or services to be provided or by inquiring about specifications, terms, conditions, timing, or similar commercial information. However, the contractor or vendor, or employee of the contractor or vendor, shall be deemed to be a lobbyist, solely for the purposes of § 3-6-305, if actively engaged in selling or marketing to an official in the executive branch or an official in the legislative branch whose duty it is to vote for, let out, overlook, or in any manner to superintend any work or any contract so marketed or sold;
(D) “Lobby” does not mean communications by an employee of a school board, municipal utility, utility district, or any department, agency or entity of state, county or municipal government; provided, however, that, if the board, utility, district, department, agency or entity employs, retains or otherwise arranges for lobbyist services in this state by a contractor, subcontractor or other representative who is not an employee of such board, utility, district, department, agency or entity, then “lobby” includes communications by the contractor, subcontractor or other representative, and the contractor, subcontractor or other representative shall comply with the lobbying registration and other provisions of this part pertaining to lobbyists; provided further, however, that the board, utility, district, department, agency or entity that employs the contractor, subcontractor or other representative is not deemed to be an employer of a lobbyist for purposes of this part;
(E) “Lobby” does not mean communications with officials of the executive branch by any person to promote, oppose, or otherwise influence the outcome of a decision related to the issuance or award of a bond, grant, lease, loan or incentive pursuant to §§ 4-3-701 — 4-3-733; and
(F) “Lobby” does not mean communications with officials of the executive branch by any person to promote, oppose, or otherwise influence the outcome of a decision related to any component of an economic development incentive package; provided, that any person who is otherwise required to register as a lobbyist under the Comprehensive Governmental Ethics Reform Act of 2006 (1st Ex. Sess.), shall not be deemed to fall within this exception;
(16) “Lobbying firm” means any firm, corporation, partnership or other business entity that regularly supplies lobbying services to others for compensation;
(17) “Lobbyist” means any person who engages in lobbying for compensation;
(18) “Ministerial action” means an action that a person performs in a prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of legal authority, without regard to, or the exercise of, the person's own judgment upon the propriety of the action being taken;
(19) “Official in the executive branch” means the governor, any member of the governor's staff, any member or employee of a state regulatory commission, including, without limitation, commissioners of the Tennessee public utility commission, or any member or employee of any executive department or agency or other state body in the executive branch. “Official in the executive branch” also includes any administrative governmental official or employee of any county exercising the authority set forth in § 8-17-103(b);
(20) “Official in the legislative branch” means any member, member-elect, any staff person or employee of the general assembly or any member of a commission established by and responsible to the general assembly or either house of the general assembly who takes legislative action. “Official in the legislative branch” also includes the secretary of state, treasurer, and comptroller of the treasury and any employee of those offices. “Official in the legislative branch” also includes any legislative governmental official or employee of any county exercising the authority set forth in § 8-17-103(b);
(21) “Person” means any individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, labor organization, or any other organization or group of persons;
(22) “Random audit information” means information obtained pursuant to an examination of a lobbyist's employment contract, job description or other documentation in order to determine that no contingency fee arrangement prohibited under § 3-6-304(k) is included and that the date of employment as a lobbyist is consistent with the registration statements filed by both the lobbyist and employer. “Random audit information” also means information obtained pursuant to a review of the total lobbying and lobbying-related compensation and expenses paid to the lobbyist by an employer that will be checked against the range of expenditures reported by the employer in a random audit. As provided in § 3-6-106(a)(4), information contained in statements filed with the commission for more than two (2) years shall not serve as the basis for a random audit. Nothing contained in this subdivision (22) shall prevent the commissioner, upon a finding of probable cause to believe that an employer or lobbyist has violated this part from initiating an investigatory audit; and
(23) “Solicit” means to entreat, to implore, to ask, to attempt, or to try to obtain.
(1) Not later than seven (7) days after becoming an employer of a lobbyist, the employer shall electronically register with the Tennessee ethics commission. Each year thereafter, the employer shall register in the same manner, if the employer continues to employ one (1) or more lobbyists.
(2) Not later than seven (7) days after becoming a lobbyist, the lobbyist shall electronically register with the ethics commission. The information provided by the lobbyist shall include, but not be limited to, the lobbyist's name and birthdate, and the last four (4) digits of the lobbyist's social security number; provided, that the last four (4) digits of the lobbyist's social security number is not a public record and shall only be used by the state or a local governmental entity for purposes related to the administration of chapter 519 of the Public Acts of 2012. Each year thereafter, the lobbyist shall register in the same manner if the lobbyist continues to engage in lobbying.
(3) Within thirty (30) days after registering, each lobbyist shall provide a current photographic portrait to the ethics commission; however, no lobbyist shall be required to submit more than one (1) portrait during any year.
(1) As a component of the registration process, each employer of a lobbyist shall electronically file a registration statement that includes the following information:
(A) Employer's name, business address, telephone number and email address; and, in the case of a corporation, association or governmental entity, the names of the individuals performing the functions of chief executive officer and chief financial officer;
(B) Name, business address, telephone number and email address of each lobbyist authorized to represent the employer; and
(C) Verification that the employer has downloaded from the commission website or otherwise obtained the commission's manual for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists.
(2) As a component of the registration process, each lobbyist shall electronically file a registration statement that includes the following information:
(A) Lobbyist's name, business address, telephone number and email address;
(B) Name, business address, telephone number and email address of each employer the lobbyist is authorized to represent;
(C) Subject matters lobbied for such employers during the registration year, to be indicated among general categories listed by the ethics commission;
(D) Name and business address of any member of the lobbyist's immediate family who is an official within the legislative or executive branch; and
(E) The extent of any direct business arrangement or partnership between the lobbyist and any candidate for public office or any official in the legislative or executive branch.
(c) Throughout the year, by amendment electronically filed with the ethics commission, each employer of a lobbyist and each lobbyist shall update, correct or otherwise modify the employer's or lobbyist's registration statement not later than seven (7) days following the occurrence of any event, action or changed circumstance that renders the registration statement inaccurate or incomplete.
(d) A lobbying firm shall be authorized, by rule promulgated pursuant to § 4-55-103(1), to file consolidated lobbyist registration, registration statements, and registration amendments on behalf of all partners, associates and employees within the firm; however, the partners, associates and employees of the firm shall be individually named and shall remain individually accountable for the timeliness and accuracy of the consolidated filing.
(e) Registration fees for employers of lobbyists and registration fees for lobbyists shall be established by rule, promulgated pursuant to § 4-55-103(1). The registration fee shall be paid not later than thirty (30) days following submission of a registration statement or amendment through which an employer reports a lobbyist or additional lobbyist or through which a lobbyist reports an employer or additional employer.
(f) Employer and lobbyist registration statements, as may be amended, as well as lobbyist photographs, shall be promptly posted on the commission's internet site.
(g) The initial registration year for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists shall be the period from October 1, 2006, through December 31, 2007. Thereafter, the registration year for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists shall be the period of January 1 through December 31.
(a) Within forty-five (45) days following conclusion of the six-month periods ending June 30 and December 31, each employer of a lobbyist shall electronically file with the ethics commission the employer disclosure report. For the six-month period, the report shall disclose the following information on a single electronic form:
(1) The aggregate total amount of lobbyist compensation paid by the employer. For purposes of the disclosure, compensation paid to any lobbyist who performs duties for the employer in addition to lobbying and related activities shall be apportioned to reflect the lobbyist's time allocated for lobbying and related activities in this state. The aggregate total amount of such lobbyist compensation shall be reported within one (1) of the following ranges:
(A) Less than $10,000;
(B) At least $10,000 but less than $25,000;
(C) At least $25,000 but less than $50,000;
(D) At least $50,000 but less than $100,000;
(E) At least $100,000 but less than $150,000;
(F) At least $150,000 but less than $200,000;
(G) At least $200,000 but less than $250,000;
(H) At least $250,000 but less than $300,000;
(I) At least $300,000 but less than $350,000;
(J) At least $350,000 but less than $400,000; or
(K) $400,000 or more; provided, however, that, if the aggregate total amount is reported within this range, then the employer shall round the aggregate total amount to the nearest $50,000 and also report the rounded amount within the disclosure report;
(2) Excluding lobbyist compensation, the aggregate total amount of employer expenditures incurred for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action through public opinion or grassroots action, including, but not necessarily limited to, any such expenditures for printing, publishing, advertising, broadcasting, paid announcements, audiotapes, videotapes, compact discs, digital video discs, infomercials, rallies, demonstrations, seminars, lectures, conferences, postage, telephone-related costs, internet-related services, public relations services, governmental relations services, polling services, travel expenses, grants to issue groups or grassroots organizations, or any similar expense. For purposes of this disclosure, any such expenditure that is made for the purpose of achieving a multistate effect shall be apportioned equally among such states. The aggregate total amount of these employer expenditures shall be reported within one (1) of the following ranges:
(A) Less than $10,000;
(B) At least $10,000 but less than $25,000;
(C) At least $25,000 but less than $50,000;
(D) At least $50,000 but less than $100,000;
(E) At least $100,000 but less than $150,000;
(F) At least $150,000 but less than $200,000;
(G) At least $200,000 but less than $250,000;
(H) At least $250,000 but less than $300,000;
(I) At least $300,000 but less than $350,000;
(J) At least $350,000 but less than $400,000; or
(K) $400,000 or more; provided, however, if the aggregate total amount is reported within this range, then the employer shall round the aggregate total amount to the nearest $50,000 and also report the rounded amount within the disclosure report; and
(3) The aggregate total amount of all employer expenditures for any event permissible under § 3-6-305(b)(8).
(b) Employer disclosure reports shall be promptly posted on the commission's website. Any such posting of an employer's aggregate total expenditures disclosed pursuant to subdivision (a)(3) shall be supplemented by the commission with other information related to such event or events, delivered or reported to the commission pursuant to § 3-6-305(b)(8).
(a) No employer of a lobbyist, lobbyist or any person acting at the specific direction of an employer or lobbyist shall offer or attempt to offer anything of value to an official in the legislative or executive branch, or to the official's immediate family, based on any stated or tacit understanding that the official's vote, official action or judgment would be influenced thereby.
(b) No employer of a lobbyist or lobbyist shall knowingly make or cause to be made any false statement or misrepresentation of the facts concerning any matter for which the lobbyist is registered to lobby to any official in the legislative or executive branch.
(c) No official in the legislative or executive branch, or a member of the official's staff or immediate family, shall solicit or accept anything of value in violation of subsection (a).
(d) No lobbyist shall make a loan of money to a candidate for public office, official in the legislative or executive branch, or to anyone on their behalf.
(e) No candidate for public office, official in the legislative or executive branch, or a member of the official's staff or immediate family, shall solicit or accept a loan in violation of subsection (d).
(f) No employer of a lobbyist, lobbyist or any person acting at the direction of an employer or lobbyist shall pay or agree to pay a candidate for public office or official in the legislative or executive branch compensation for property or services substantially in excess of that charged in the ordinary course of business.
(g) No employer of a lobbyist, lobbyist or any person acting at the direction of an employer or lobbyist shall permit a candidate for public office, official in the legislative or executive branch or a staff member, or a member of the candidate or official's immediate family, to use the credit or credit card of the employer or lobbyist or any other credit card over which the employer or the lobbyist has control.
(h) Except to the extent permissible under § 3-6-305, no employer of a lobbyist, lobbyist or any person acting at the direction of an employer or lobbyist shall pay the lodging expenses of an official in the legislative or executive branch or immediate family of the official.
(i) No employer of a lobbyist or multicandidate political campaign committee controlled by an employer of a lobbyist shall make any campaign contribution to a candidate for the office of governor or member of the general assembly during any regular annual session or any extraordinary session of the general assembly.
(j) No lobbyist shall offer or make any campaign contribution, including any in-kind contribution, to or on behalf of the governor, any judge or chancellor, or any member of the general assembly, or any candidate for the office of governor, supreme court judge, court of appeals judge, court of criminal appeals judge, circuit court judge, chancellor, juvenile court judge, general sessions judge, state senator, or state representative.
(k) No employer of a lobbyist shall offer or pay and no lobbyist shall solicit or accept any fee, compensation or bonus for lobbying wherein the amount of the fee, compensation or bonus is contingent upon achievement of an outcome deemed to be successful for the employer.
(l) No member of the general assembly, elected official in the executive branch, member of the governor's cabinet, or cabinet level staff within the governor's office shall be a lobbyist during the twelve-month period immediately following departure from such office or employment.
(m) No lobbyist shall serve as a member of any board, commission or governmental entity of state government having jurisdiction to regulate the business endeavors or professional activities of any employer of the lobbyist; nor shall any lobbyist serve as a member of the state election commission or any county election commission; provided, that this prohibition does not apply to a lobbyist serving on an election commission on February 15, 2006, as long as the lobbyist continuously serves as a member of that commission.
(n) No official in the legislative or executive branch shall accept travel expenses, meals or lodging paid pursuant to § 2-10-116(a), if payment of the travel expenses, meals or lodging violates this section or constitutes a prohibited gift under § 3-6-305.
(1) No employer of a lobbyist or lobbyist may provide a gift, directly or indirectly, to a candidate for public office, official in the legislative branch, official in the executive branch, or immediate family of such candidate or official.
(2) A candidate for public office, an official in the legislative branch, or an official in the executive branch, or the immediate family of such candidate or official, may not solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, a gift from an employer of a lobbyist or a lobbyist.
(b) The following are not subject to the prohibition in subsection (a):
(1) Benefits resulting from business, employment, or other outside activities of a candidate or official or the immediate family of a candidate or official, if such benefits are customarily provided to others in similar circumstances and are not enhanced due to the status of the candidate or official;
(2) Informational materials in the form of books, articles, periodicals, other written materials, audiotapes, videotapes, or other forms of communication;
(3) Gifts that are given for a nonbusiness purpose and motivated by close personal friendship, but only to the extent such gifts are specifically defined and authorized by the rules of the ethics commission;
(4) Sample merchandise, promotional items, and appreciation tokens, if such merchandise, items and tokens are routinely given to customers, suppliers or potential customers or suppliers in the ordinary course of business;
(5) Unsolicited tokens or awards of appreciation, honorary degrees, or bona fide awards in recognition of public service in the form of a plaque, trophy, desk item, wall memento and similar items; provided, that any such item shall not be in a form that can be readily converted to cash;
(6) Opportunities and benefits made available to all members of an appropriate class of the general public, including, but not limited to:
(A) Discounts afforded to the general public or specified groups or occupations under normal business conditions, except that such discounts may not be based on the status of the candidate or official;
(B) Prizes and awards given in public contests; and
(C) Benefits of participation in events held within the state and sponsored by, or for the benefit of, charitable organizations as defined in § 48-101-501, if provided by an employer of a lobbyist to an official in the executive branch or to an official in the legislative branch; provided, that such events are open to participation by persons other than officials in the executive branch or officials in the legislative branch or the official's immediate family and any benefits received are not enhanced due to the status of the official in the executive or legislative branch; or provided, that invitations are extended to the entire membership of the general assembly;
(A) Expenses for out-of-state travel, if such expenses are paid for or reimbursed by a governmental entity or an established and recognized organization of elected or appointed state government officials, staff of state government officials or both officials and staff, or any other established and recognized organization that is an umbrella organization for such officials, staff, or both officials and staff;
(B) Entertainment, food, refreshments, meals, beverages, amenities, goody bags, exhibitor promotional items given in the exhibit hall to conference attendees, health screenings, lodging, or admission tickets that are provided in connection with, and are arranged or coordinated through the employees or designated agents of, a conference, if the conference is sponsored by an established and recognized organization of elected or appointed state government officials, staff of state government officials or both officials and staff, or any other established and recognized organization that is an umbrella organization for such officials, staff, or both officials and staff. For purposes of this subdivision (b)(7)(B), any entertainment, food, refreshments, meals, beverages, amenities, goody bags, or admission tickets provided at events designated as a state night or other events for attendees of the conference shall be deemed to be provided in connection with, and arranged or coordinated through the employees or designated agents of the conference;
(8) Entertainment, food, refreshments, meals, beverages, or health screenings that are provided in connection with an in-state event to which invitations are extended to the entire membership of the general assembly; however, a copy of the invitation shall be delivered to the ethics commission and to each member of the general assembly at least seven (7) days in advance of the event by the employer or lobbyist paying for the event; provided further, however, that, within thirty (30) days following the event, the employer or lobbyist shall electronically report to the commission the total aggregate cost paid for the event, as well as the per person contractual cost for the event or the per person cost for the event based on the number of persons invited, which shall not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) per person per day, excluding sales tax and gratuity. The value of any such gift may not be reduced below the monetary limitation by dividing the cost of the gift among two (2) or more lobbyists or employers of lobbyists. All such information delivered or reported to the commission shall be promptly posted on the commission's Internet site. The filing of a consolidated report may be authorized by rule, promulgated pursuant to § 4-55-103(1), if the costs of the event are shared by two (2) or more employers or lobbyists; however, any such report shall specify the allocation of the costs among the employers or lobbyists; provided further, however, that the employers or lobbyists shall remain individually accountable for the timeliness and accuracy of the consolidated filing. The fifty dollar ($50.00) limitation shall be increased to the nearest one dollar ($1.00) amount to reflect the percentage of change in the average consumer price index (all items-city average) as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, every odd-numbered year on January 1, starting in 2007. The ethics commission shall publish the increased amount on its website;
(9) Entertainment, food, refreshments, meals, amenities, or beverages that are provided in connection with an in-state event at which a candidate for public office, an official in the legislative branch or an official in the executive branch, or an immediate family member of the candidate or official is a speaker or part of a panel discussion at a scheduled meeting of an established and recognized membership organization that has regular meetings; however, the cost of the entertainment, food, refreshments, meals, amenities, or beverages shall be paid for or reimbursed by the membership organization and the per person cost of the event, which shall not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) per person per day, excluding sales tax and gratuity. The value of any such gift may not be reduced below such monetary limitation by dividing the cost of the gift among two (2) or more lobbyists or employers of lobbyists. The fifty dollar ($50.00) limitation shall be increased to the nearest one dollar ($1.00) amount to reflect the percentage of change in the average consumer price index (all items-city average) as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, every odd-numbered year on January 1 starting in 2007. The ethics commission shall publish the increased amount on its website;
(A) Food, refreshments, meals, or beverages that are provided by an employer of a lobbyist in connection with an in-state event to which invitations are extended to an official or officials in the legislative branch or official or officials in the executive branch; provided, that:
(i) No employer of a lobbyist may provide food, refreshments, meals, or beverages, the value of which to the official exceeds fifty dollars ($50.00) per event per day, excluding sales tax and gratuity; nor may such employer of a lobbyist provide any such items to any official pursuant to this subdivision (b)(10)(A)(i) that have a cumulative value of more than one hundred dollars ($100) to the official during a calendar year;
(ii) The value of any such gift may not be reduced below such monetary limitations by dividing the cost of the gift among two (2) or more employers of lobbyists;
(iii) This exception to the prohibition in subsection (a) only applies to a member or members of the general assembly, if the member or members do not receive a per diem allowance pursuant to § 3-1-106, for the day on which the event is held and the member or members do not receive any food, refreshments, meals or beverages that are provided in connection with the in-state event that are not offered or provided to other nonmembers in attendance at the event; and
(iv) An officer or management-level employee of each employer of a lobbyist paying for the event shall attend the event; however, a lobbyist shall not be considered to be an officer or management-level employee of an employer of the lobbyist paying for the event for purposes of this subdivision (b)(10)(A)(iv).
(B) The fifty dollar ($50.00) and one hundred dollar ($100) amounts in subdivision (b)(10)(A)(i) shall be increased to the nearest one dollar ($1.00) amount to reflect the percentage of change in the average consumer price index (all items-city average) as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, every odd-numbered year on January 1 starting in 2007. The ethics commission shall publish the increased amount on its website; or
(11) Occasional or incidental local travel for which no fare is ordinarily charged.
(c) If an official in the legislative or executive branch attends an event and accepts a gift that is provided by a person or entity not subject to the prohibition set forth in § 3-6-305(a), and if a lobbyist also attends the event and knows or has reason to know that the gift has been provided at the suggestion or direction of the lobbyist, then, within seven (7) days following the event, the lobbyist shall electronically report the following information to the ethics commission:
(1) Name of the official or family member;
(2) Nature and purpose of the event;
(3) Name, address and business of the person or entity that provided the gift;
(4) Description of the gift; and
(5) Cost of the gift; however, if the cost of the gift is unknown and not reasonably discernible by the lobbyist, then the lobbyist shall report a good faith estimate of the cost of the gift.
(d) A gift made contrary to this section, shall not be a violation of this section, if the candidate, official or immediate family member does not use the gift and returns it to the donor within the latter of ten (10) days of receipt or ten (10) days of having knowledge that the gift was a violation or pays consideration of equal or greater value within the latter of ten (10) days of receipt or ten (10) days of having knowledge that the gift was a violation.
(A) The ethics commission may administratively assess a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day up to a maximum of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) if an employer of a lobbyist:
(i) Fails, without good cause, to timely register or to timely update, correct or otherwise modify the employer's registration statement;
(ii) Fails, without good cause, to timely pay registration fees;
(iii) Fails, without good cause, to timely file the employer disclosure report;
(B) The ethics commission may administratively assess a civil penalty, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), if an employer of a lobbyist:
(i) Files information with the commission knowing or having reason to know that the information is inaccurate or incomplete;
(ii) Utilizes the services of a lobbyist knowing or having reason to know that the lobbyist has not registered or that the lobbyist's registration has expired without renewal or has been rejected, suspended or revoked by the ethics commission; or
(iii) Knowingly violates § 3-6-304 or § 3-6-305; provided, that for an initial violation of § 3-6-305, the commission may only assess a civil penalty up to two hundred percent (200%) of the value of any gift or twenty-five dollars ($25.00), whichever is greater;
(A) The ethics commission may administratively assess a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day up to a maximum of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) if a lobbyist:
(i) Fails, without good cause, to timely register or to timely update, correct or otherwise modify the lobbyist's registration statement; or
(ii) Fails, without good cause, to timely pay a registration fee;
(B) The ethics commission may administratively assess a civil penalty, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), if a lobbyist:
(i) Files information with the commission knowing or having reason to know that the information is inaccurate or incomplete;
(ii) Engages in lobbying on behalf of an employer knowing or having reason to know that the employer has not registered or that the lobbyist's registration has expired without renewal or has been rejected, suspended or revoked by the ethics commission; or
(iii) Knowingly violates § 3-6-304 or § 3-6-305; provided, that, for an initial violation of § 3-6-305, the commission may only assess a civil penalty up to two hundred percent (200%) of the value of any gift or twenty-five dollars ($25.00), whichever is greater; and
(A) The ethics commission may administratively assess a civil penalty, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), if any candidate for public office, official in the legislative or executive branch, or an immediate family member of the candidate or official knowingly violates § 3-6-304 or § 3-6-305; provided, that, for an initial violation of § 3-6-305, the commission may only assess a civil penalty up to two hundred percent (200%) of the value of any gift or twenty-five dollars ($25.00), whichever is greater. Additionally, if the commission determines that an egregious violation of either § 3-6-304 or § 3-6-305 has been committed by a member of the general assembly, then it may report its findings and actions to the ethics committee of the appropriate house of the general assembly.
(i) Notwithstanding subdivision (a)(3)(A), no civil penalty shall be imposed by the ethics commission on any staff person or employee of the general assembly or any employee of any executive department or agency or other state body in the executive branch for a violation of this part. The ethics commission shall instead refer the commission's findings and recommendations for appropriate action to the speakers of the senate and of the house of representatives, if the person is a staff person or employee of the general assembly and to the appropriate executive official with supervisory authority over that person if the person is an employee of any executive department or agency or other state body in the executive branch.
(ii) As used in subdivision (a)(3)(B)(i), “staff person” and “employee” shall not be construed to include any person holding any office or position enumerated in § 8-50-501(a).
(b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the ethics commission may administratively place on probationary status, suspend, reject, or revoke the registration of any lobbyist who knowingly and persistently violates this part. As used in this subsection (b), “persistently” means three (3) or more occasions during a two-year period of any general assembly.
(1) On its Internet site, the ethics commission shall promptly post the names of all employers and lobbyists who are:
(A) Delinquent in filing registration, registration statements or amendments thereto;
(B) Delinquent in filing disclosure reports;
(C) Delinquent in paying registration fees or civil penalties; or
(D) Found to have committed any other violation of this part.
(2) Additionally, the commission shall post the names of all lobbyists having expired, probationary, suspended, rejected, or revoked registration. The commission shall also post the names of any other person found to have knowingly violated § 3-6-304 or § 3-6-305.
(d) An intentional violation of this part constitutes a criminal offense and is punishable as a Class C misdemeanor for the first offense, as a Class B misdemeanor for the second offense, and as a Class A misdemeanor for the third and subsequent offenses.
(e) In the chancery court of Davidson County, the ethics commission may seek injunctive relief to prevent any employer of a lobbyist, lobbyist, candidate for public office, official in the legislative or executive branch, or the immediate family of the candidate or official from engaging in any continuing violation of this part.
(f) It is a Class B misdemeanor for any person to file with the ethics commission a sworn complaint, alleging a violation of this part, that is known to be false.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, if a person receives as compensation for lobbying only reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket personal expenses, and if the person receives reimbursement for ten (10) days or less per year, then the person is not a lobbyist for purposes of this chapter or § 67-4-1702(a)(1).
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, if a person receives as compensation for lobbying only reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket personal expenses, and if the person receives the reimbursement for more than ten (10) days per year, then the person shall register as a lobbyist and shall comply with all lobbyist requirements imposed pursuant to this chapter; provided, however, that the commission shall waive the person's registration fee and the person shall be exempt from payment of the occupational privilege tax on lobbyists imposed by § 67-4-1702(a)(1).
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, if an individual or entity employs, retains or otherwise arranges for one or more persons to engage in lobbying for compensation, and if the only compensation paid is reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket personal expenses, and if the reimbursement is not paid for more than ten (10) days per person per year, then the individual or entity is not an employer of a lobbyist for purposes of this chapter.
(d) For purposes of this section, the term “out-of-pocket personal expenses” includes such things as the lobbyist registration fee, legislative information services material, copying expenses, transportation costs, parking fees, and personal lodging and food expenses incurred while actually engaging in lobbying. Reimbursement for transportation, parking, personal lodging and food costs shall be limited to expenses allowed for those items in the comprehensive state travel regulations. No such reimbursed expenses shall be for the benefit of any public official, except for informational materials delivered to public officials.
(a) This part shall be administered and enforced by the ethics commission. To that end, it is the duty of the ethics commission to:
(1) Develop, with the advice, assistance and approval of the division of strategic technology solutions, and prescribe electronic forms for registration, registration statements, amendments to registration statements, disclosure reports and other information required to be reported pursuant to this part;
(2) Preserve the registration, registration statements, amendments to registration statements, disclosure reports and other filed information for a period of at least five (5) years, or longer when there is a pending investigation by the commission or any law enforcement agency, or when there is an ongoing administrative or judicial proceeding related to any registration, statements, amendments, reports or information;
(3) Develop a filing, coding and cross-indexing system consonant with the purposes of this part;
(4) Issue and publish, upon proper request from any employer, lobbyist or public official subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, advisory opinions concerning the requirements of this part; however, under no circumstances shall a person performing staff duties as an employee of the commission have the authority to issue an advisory opinion, informal or otherwise, except as provided in § 3-6-117, concerning the authority of a person performing staff duties as the executive director or an attorney to give informal responses in the manner described in § 3-6-117;
(5) Accept the electronic filing of any pertinent information voluntarily supplied that exceeds the requirements of this part;
(6) Review electronic filings submitted pursuant to this part to ensure compliance with the laws administered and enforced by the ethics commission. Filings older than two (2) years shall be deemed to be sufficient, absent a showing of fraud;
(7) Audit each year the registration statements, amendments to registration statements and reports of no more than four percent (4%) of all lobbyists. The attorney general and reporter, or the attorney general's designee, shall attend the random selection proceeding in order to preserve the integrity of the proceeding. Nothing contained within this subdivision (a)(7) shall be construed to prevent the commission, upon finding probable cause to believe that an employer or a lobbyist has violated this part, from auditing the registration statements, amendments to registration statements and reports of the employer or lobbyist;
(A) Compile and publish, on the commission's internet site, the following reports listing:
(i) All registered employers, alphabetically;
(ii) All registered lobbyists, alphabetically; and
(iii) Each subject matter category specified by the ethics commission for purposes of § 3-6-302(b)(2)(C), with each lobbyist listed under the subject matter category who lobbied that subject matter category during the registration year;
(B) The ethics commission may prepare and publish on its website such other reports as are deemed to be appropriate and in the public interest; and
(9) Impose civil penalties and other administrative sanctions in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
(b) It is the duty of the attorney general and reporter to render opinions and give counsel to the ethics commission upon request of the executive director.
(c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, random audit information and investigatory audit information shall be confidential and shall be maintained as such by the members and employees of the ethics commission and by the officers and employees of the state, in the manner and to the extent that the confidentiality of tax information is maintained by the officers and employees of the department of revenue and the state under title 67, chapter 1, part 17.
(a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Commission” means the Tennessee ethics commission or other governmental body authorized by statute to register lobbyists;
(2) “Guarantee agency” means a guarantor of student loans that has an agreement with the United States secretary of education; and
(3) “TSAC” means the Tennessee student assistance corporation.
(1) Upon receiving a copy of a final order as provided in subsection (c) from TSAC or a guarantee agency, the commission shall suspend, deny or revoke the registration of any individual lobbyist who has defaulted on a repayment or service obligation under any federal family education loan program, the federal Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq.), a student loan guaranteed or administered by TSAC, or any other state or federal educational loan or service-conditional scholarship program.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(1), the commission may elect not to suspend, deny, or revoke the registration of a lobbyist if the commission determines that the default or delinquency is the result of a medical hardship that prevented the person from working in the person's licensed field and the medical hardship significantly contributed to the default or delinquency.
(1) The commission shall accept any determination of default from TSAC or a guarantee agency, after TSAC or the guarantee agency has afforded a debtor an opportunity to be heard in accordance with subdivision (c)(2); and the commission shall rescind any disciplinary action and restore any registration upon receiving notice from TSAC or the guarantee agency that the individual has agreed to serve the individual's obligation or is in compliance with an approved repayment plan.
(A) Unless a debtor has made satisfactory arrangements according to the lender, TSAC or the guarantee agency, which may include administrative wage garnishment, voluntary payment arrangements, deferment or forbearance, then the debtor shall be regarded as delinquent or in default. If a debtor is delinquent or in default on a repayment or service obligation under a guaranteed student loan identified in subsection (b), or the debtor has failed to enter into a payment plan, agree to a service obligation or comply with a payment plan previously approved by TSAC or the guarantee agency, then TSAC or the guarantee agency shall issue to the debtor a notice of intent to file an order with the appropriate licensing authority to seek to suspend, deny or revoke the debtor's registration. The notice shall:
(i) Be served upon the debtor personally or by certified mail with return receipt requested; and
(ii) State that the debtor's registration shall be suspended, denied or revoked ninety (90) days after service unless within that time the debtor:
(a) Pays the entire debt stated in the notice;
(b) Enters into a payment plan, service obligation or complies with a payment plan previously entered into and approved by TSAC or the guarantee agency;
(c) Requests and qualifies for deferment, forbearance or other satisfactory compliance; or
(d) Requests a hearing before TSAC or the guarantee agency.
(B) The hearing request by the debtor shall be made in writing and must be received by TSAC or the guarantee agency within twenty (20) days of the date the notice is served.
(C) TSAC or the guarantee agency, upon receipt of a request for a hearing from the debtor, shall schedule a hearing to determine whether a determination of delinquency or default which could result in suspension, denial or revocation of the debtor's registration is appropriate. The debtor's registration may not be suspended, denied or revoked until a determination is reached following the hearing. The issues that may be determined in the hearing are:
(i) The amount of the debt, if any;
(ii) Whether the debtor is delinquent or in default; and
(iii) Whether the debtor:
(a) Has entered into a payment plan or service obligation approved by TSAC or the guarantee agency;
(b) Is willing to enter into a payment plan or service obligation approved by TSAC or the guarantee agency;
(c) Is willing to comply with a payment plan or service obligation previously entered into and approved by TSAC or the guarantee agency;
(iv) Whether the debtor is eligible for deferment, forbearance or other satisfactory compliance; or
(v) Whether the debtor's default or delinquency is the result of a medical hardship that prevented the debtor from working in the person's licensed field and the medical hardship significantly contributed to the default or delinquency.
(D) If a debtor, without good cause, fails to respond to the notice of intent, fails to timely request a hearing, or fails to appear at a regularly scheduled hearing, the debtor's defenses, objections, or request for a payment plan or compliance with a payment plan may be determined to be without merit; and TSAC or the guarantee agency shall enter a final decision and order, requesting suspension, denial or revocation of the debtor's registration, and further requesting the commission to order the debtor to refrain from engaging in lobbying. TSAC or the guarantee agency shall send a copy of the order to the commission and the debtor.
(E) The administrative hearings shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations adopted under the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
(i) When TSAC or the guarantee agency determines that the debt is paid in full or the debtor has entered into a payment plan, entered into a service obligation, is otherwise in satisfactory compliance or complied with a payment plan previously approved by TSAC or the guarantee agency, TSAC or the guarantee agency shall enter an order requesting that the commission terminate the order suspending, denying or revoking the registration. TSAC or the guarantee agency shall send a copy of the order to the commission and the debtor. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, when the registration is reinstated, the commission shall not impose a reinstatement fee that exceeds fifty dollars ($50.00).
(ii) Entry of an order seeking to terminate suspension, denial or revocation of a registration does not limit the ability of TSAC or the guarantee agency to issue a new order which seeks to suspend, deny or revoke the registration of the same debtor in the event of another delinquency or default.
(G) TSAC is authorized to promulgate necessary rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this subsection (c). All such rules and regulations shall be promulgated in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act.
(d) The commission is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this section. All such rules and regulations shall be promulgated in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act.
(a) There is created a special, continuing committee of the general assembly, to be known as the fiscal review committee.
(A) It shall be composed of the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chair of the senate standing committee on finance, ways and means (or if the committee has co-chairs, then one (1) of them, to be designated by the speaker), the chair of the house standing committee on finance, ways and means (or if the committee has co-chairs, then one (1) of them, to be designated by the speaker), all ex officio members, and fourteen (14) members to be elected as follows:
(B) Seven (7) senators and seven (7) representatives to be elected by the respective houses of the general assembly, with each house to elect an appropriate number of members from each of the two (2) major political parties so that the political make-up of the committee, exclusive of the speakers, shall reflect as nearly as possible the same ratio of members of such parties as the parties are represented in the respective houses. Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(1)(A), however, no political party shall have less than two (2) elective members from each house of the general assembly.
(2) After committee membership is selected pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) and subsection (c), if the required political party ratio or minimum representation is undermined by changed circumstances other than a vacancy in the committee membership, then the required party ratio or minimum representation shall be promptly restored via appointment of an additional interim member or members by the appropriate speaker. The term of any member so appointed shall terminate at the next regular election of committee membership conducted pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) and subsection (c).
(c) Committee members shall serve for their full term of office as legislators and until their successors are selected and qualified, if reelected to either house of the general assembly. Members are eligible to succeed themselves as members of the committee. As terms expire, successors shall be selected during the fifteen-day organizational session of each general assembly.
(d) Vacancies among the membership shall be filled in the same manner as in the original selection of members, except that in the case of a vacancy in the elected membership when the general assembly is not in session, the speaker of the body from which the originally elected member came shall appoint a successor, who shall be from the same political party as the member's predecessor.
(e) The committee shall elect from its membership a chair, a vice chair, and such other officers as it considers necessary. The chair and vice chair shall be of opposite houses of the general assembly so that one (1) is a member of the senate and one (1) is a member of the house of representatives. The chair and vice chair positions shall rotate between the senate and house of representatives every two (2) years.
(f) All members of the committee, exclusive of the speakers, shall be voting members.
(a) The committee shall meet at least once in each fiscal quarter on such dates as it shall choose and at such other times as it considers necessary or upon call of the chair.
(b) The committee may create subcommittees for such purposes as it considers advisable.
(c) Members of the committee are entitled to be reimbursed for their expenses in attending meetings of the committee or any subcommittee thereof (including a mileage allowance for travel expenses), at the same rates and in the same manner as when attending the general assembly.
(d) Upon agreement of the chair and vice chair, the committee may hold hearings on an emergency purchase reported to the committee pursuant to § 4-56-111.
(a) The purpose of the committee is to become knowledgeable about the fiscal affairs of the state and to use every means of imparting this knowledge to the members of the general assembly, it being the function of the committee to conduct a continuing review of such items as revenue collections, budget requests from the several spending agencies of the state, the recommended executive budget, appropriations, work programs, allotments, reserves, impoundments, the state debt, and the condition of the various state funds.
(b) The fiscal review committee has the responsibility of preparing and distributing the fiscal note statements required in § 3-2-107.
(c) The committee shall also call on the staff of the office of legal services, the [former] office of legislative services [repealed], or the office of legislative administration of the general assembly for such advice or services as it may require.
(1) The comptroller of the treasury shall make quarterly reports to the committee concerning the state's fiscal affairs, which reports shall concern such subjects and be of such scope and depth as the committee may direct.
(2) The comptroller of the treasury shall also perform such other duties and furnish such other information or services from time to time as the committee or any subcommittee thereof shall direct.
(e) In carrying out the responsibilities of the committee, the committee, any subcommittee thereof, the staff director, or the comptroller of the treasury shall call upon the department of finance and administration, the department of revenue, the department of the treasury, and other executive, legislative, and judicial departments and agencies of state government for such information as the committee desires, and it is the duty of such departments and agencies to furnish promptly the desired information upon request of the comptroller of the treasury, the staff director, the committee or any subcommittee thereof.
(f) The committee, with the comptroller of the treasury and the commissioner of finance and administration, or appointed members of their respective staffs, shall review at least annually the organization and operation of state government in order to determine if changes need to be made.
(g) The comptroller of the treasury may delegate certain responsibilities in connection with serving the committee to one (1) or more members of the staff of the comptroller of the treasury, but shall be responsible to the committee and shall be personally available to the committee upon its request.
(a) The commissioner of finance and administration shall give the committee as much advance notice as possible of any formal meeting, hearing, or conference concerning the formulation of the executive budget for submission to the general assembly, and shall give the committee an opportunity to be represented at such meeting, hearing, or conference. The committee may be represented, at the direction of the committee or its chair, by one (1) or more of its members or by the comptroller of the treasury or by one (1) or more members of the staff of the comptroller of the treasury, or by any consultants or other staff, or by any combination thereof.
(b) The commissioner of finance and administration shall, upon receipt thereof, furnish to the comptroller of the treasury and staff director copies of the estimated expenditure requirements, budget requests, proposed work programs and allotment requests from the various departments and agencies, and upon completion thereof, copies of revenue estimates, the approved or revised budgets, work programs and allotments for the various departments and agencies, the budget document, the appropriation bill, and any other documents pertinent to the state budget and appropriations.
The committee shall report at least quarterly to the general assembly, and shall make such special reports to such standing committees as it thinks appropriate, concerning its work and may include any recommendation it wishes to make pertaining to the state's fiscal affairs.
In carrying out its work, the committee is authorized to issue subpoenas, including subpoenas duces tecum, to enforce the attendance of witnesses and the production of records, documents, papers, or other items of evidence, and to administer oaths to persons testifying before the committee.
(a) Beginning July 1, 2020, the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall jointly appoint an executive director of the fiscal review committee. The executive director serves at the pleasure of the speakers; provided, however, in order to remove an executive director after July 1, 2020, both speakers must agree to the removal.
(b) The executive director must be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The executive director must be a graduate of an accredited college or university and have five (5) or more years of experience in the field of professional financial management, administrative services management or related professional managerial experience, or governmental experience in relation to the fiscal or budget process. The speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives will determine the compensation of the executive director.
(c) Personnel shall be employed on recommendation of the executive director with the approval of the fiscal review committee. Personnel must be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The compensation of fiscal review personnel will be determined by the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, upon recommendation of the executive director.
(d) The office of legislative administration shall assist the fiscal review committee with personnel, payroll, and other administrative functions.
(a) The director of the fiscal review committee shall review all reports submitted to it by the attorney general and reporter pursuant to § 8-6-109(b)(11), and shall notify the speaker of each house of the general assembly and the attorney general and reporter of any pending lawsuit in which the director concludes there is a substantial likelihood that adjudication will result in a significant increase in state expenditures.
(b) The fiscal review committee shall at least biennially establish the monetary minimum amounts that shall be the significant increase in state expenditures which are used for the purposes of §§ 8-6-109(d) and 20-13-103. From April 8, 1986, and until such monetary minimum amount or amounts are established by the fiscal review committee, the monetary minimum amount for the purposes of §§ 8-6-109(d) and 20-13-103 shall be two million dollars ($2,000,000). The comptroller of the treasury shall determine the lawsuits to which the state is a party and in which a decision may affect the bond rating of the state for the purposes of §§ 8-6-109(d) and 20-13-103. The director of the fiscal review committee shall review all reports submitted by the attorney general and reporter pursuant to § 8-6-109(d), and advise the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, or the director of the office of legal services or the director's designee on such reports when requested.
(a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, prior to March 1 of each year, the fiscal review staff shall provide the finance, ways and means committees of the senate and the house of representatives and the fiscal review committee with information regarding the creation of state programs that have suffered significant reductions of federal financial support during the preceding year, including the terms of the initial agreement for the federal funding, time frames, and other pertinent requirements. As used in this section, “significant reductions” means reductions of ten percent (10%) or more in any given year.
(b) There is established a federal grants monitoring and information management responsibility within the staffs of the fiscal review committee and the office of legislative budget analysis. The monitoring and information management responsibility shall be administered by one (1) staff person in the office of legislative budget analysis and one (1) staff person from the staff of the fiscal review committee. The staff of the fiscal review committee and the office of legislative budget analysis shall jointly monitor, analyze, and manage information concerning federal grants programs, including, but not limited to, social services grant funds, in order to inform members of the general assembly concerning such grants. The directors of the staff of the fiscal review committee and of the office of legislative budget analysis shall jointly make such reports as are appropriate to the speakers of the house of representatives and of the senate and to the fiscal review committee.
(a) Within the fiscal review committee there is created a contract services subcommittee, the members of which shall be appointed by the chair of the fiscal review committee. The chair of the fiscal review committee shall determine the number of members of the subcommittee and shall appoint the chair of the subcommittee. For purposes of determining a quorum to conduct business, other members of the fiscal review committee may serve as pro tempore members of the subcommittee.
(b) The purpose of the subcommittee is to become knowledgeable about the state's use of contract services and to impart this knowledge to the members of the general assembly. This function is one of continuing review.
(c) The contract services subcommittee shall review the state's fee-for-service type contracts. These contracts include:
(1) Fee-for-service contracts;
(2) Direct purchase authority contracts;
(3) Interdepartmental contracts;
(4) Government contracts other than the state; and
(5) Noncompetitive procurement agreements, including grants and contracts, to procure non-research-related goods or services from entities that are not governmental entities.
(d) The contract services subcommittee may also review the state's contracts involving:
(1) Grants;
(2) Grants to governments;
(3) Departmental grant authority;
(4) No cost contracts;
(5) Revenue contracts; and
(6) Memoranda of agreement.
(e) During the course of its review the subcommittee shall make inquiry of each appropriate state governmental entity concerning:
(1) The number of contracts outstanding;
(2) The amount of money involved;
(3) The length of the contracts;
(4) The criteria for the use of contract services;
(5) The savings realized by the use of contract services; and
(6) Such other information as the subcommittee may require.
(f) The subcommittee shall utilize the existing staff of the committee.
(g) The subcommittee shall report annually on the state's use of contract services to the general assembly. In addition to its annual report, the subcommittee may make such special reports to the general assembly or a standing committee thereof as the subcommittee finds appropriate.
(h) The contract services subcommittee shall not infringe upon any matter presently within the scope of the study of the information systems council.
The fiscal review committee shall review and discuss any audit of a department, agency or institution of this state prepared by the comptroller of the treasury, pursuant to § 8-4-109, subject to the following:
(1) The fiscal review staff shall first review all audits of state departments, agencies or institutions prepared by the comptroller, pursuant to § 8-4-109, in conjunction with the chair or chairs of the fiscal review committee or the chairs' selected designees, for analysis and selection of such audits as deemed necessary for formal review by the fiscal review committee;
(2) Effective January 1, 2007, the fiscal review staff shall forward to the chair or chairs of the fiscal review committee any above mentioned audit that contains a finding, or substantially similar finding, that has been repeated in three (3) or more consecutive audit reports;
(3) Except in extraordinary circumstances, all audit reviews by the staff and committee pursuant to this section shall be conducted while the general assembly is not in session; and
(4) This section does not limit the jurisdiction of the committee to review matters contained in other audits performed by the comptroller.
Within forty-five (45) days following the conclusion of each fiscal year, the fiscal review committee shall identify and list each law enacted during the fiscal year that is null and void for lack of a timely appropriation providing the estimated first year's funding for the law, as required by Article II, § 24 of the Constitution of Tennessee. The list shall be promptly delivered to the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the executive secretary of the Tennessee code commission.
(a) There is hereby created a council on pensions to be composed of the following members, ex officio:
(1) The speaker of the senate;
(2) The speaker of the house of representatives;
(3) The chair, chair emeritus and first vice chair of the committee on finance, ways and means of the senate; provided, that, if the office of the chair emeritus is vacant, the second vice chair;
(4) The chair, vice chair and subcommittee chair of the committee on finance, ways and means of the house of representatives;
(5) The comptroller of the treasury;
(6) The commissioner of finance and administration;
(7) The commissioner of personnel;
(8) The state treasurer;
(9) The director of retirement;
(10) Three (3) members of the senate finance, ways and means committee, appointed by the chair of that committee and approved by the speaker of the senate; and
(11) Three (3) members of the house finance, ways and means committee to be appointed by the chair of that committee and approved by the speaker of the house of representatives.
(b) The three (3) members appointed from the house finance, ways and means committee and the three (3) members appointed from the senate finance, ways and means committee shall serve for their full term of office as members of the general assembly and until their successors are selected and qualified if reelected to either house of the general assembly. Members are eligible to succeed themselves as members of the committee. As terms expire, successors shall be selected during the fifteen-day organizational session of the general assembly.
(c) Vacancies among the six (6) appointed members shall be filled in the same manner as in the original selection of members; provided, that if a vacancy occurs during a period of time when the general assembly is no longer in existence, the speaker of the respective bodies shall fill such vacancies.
(1) All legislative members of the council on pensions shall be voting members; provided, that the recommendations of any nonlegislative members of the committee attending any meeting of the council shall be made a part of the minutes.
(2) A quorum shall consist of seven (7) voting members.
(3) No member of the council shall have a vote except elected representatives or senators and these votes must be public.
(4) The speaker of the senate may designate a member of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives may designate a member of the house of representatives to serve as alternates to vote or otherwise act at council meetings in the absence of the respective speaker. A speaker participating in a council meeting through a designee shall be deemed present at such meeting for purposes of quorum requirements and voting.
(e) The council shall elect from its members a chair, vice chair and any other officers as it considers necessary except the director of retirement, who shall serve as secretary of the council. The division of retirement shall furnish all secretarial, professional, technical and clerical services as required by the council.
(f) The council on pensions shall meet until the new members are duly appointed. The council on pensions can be called into session at any time by the chair or by a quorum of the council.
(g) All bills pertaining to retirement shall be referred to this committee for recommendation.
(h) Members of the council on pensions who are also members of the general assembly shall each receive the same per diem and travel allowance provided by law for members of the general assembly in attending meetings of the general assembly and committees thereof.
(a) The council is authorized to establish its own rules, regulations and procedures and directed to:
(1) Develop, establish and recommend pension standards and a coherent state policy on pensions, grounded in progressive and fundamental principles;
(2) Continuously survey pension developments in other governments, in industry and business and periodically reappraise the state's policy and standards in view of such developments and changing economic and social conditions;
(3) Continuously maintain a critical analysis of the federal social security program and evaluate its objectives and accomplishments;
(4) Appraise pension provisions in force in Tennessee from time to time, along with those in other states and recommend such changes as considered necessary or advisable in the state's laws;
(5) Review proposals from other sources for changes in the state's laws and transmit recommendations concerning them to the general assembly and the governor;
(6) Submit suggested legislation or amendments to the general assembly and governor for the purpose of carrying out its recommendations; and
(7) Adopt committee amendments as appropriate in regard to any proposed change in the state's law.
(a) Whenever any bill is introduced in the general assembly proposing to establish a new pension system or to make any change in an existing system, or to make any change in the law which may have a financial impact on the Tennessee consolidated retirement system, the bill shall be referred to the council and to a standing committee; provided, that no action shall be taken on the bill by the standing committee until the council reports its recommendation and the actuarial cost of the bill.
(b) Any bill which creates financial liability on the Tennessee consolidated retirement system or on any superseded system must contain the manner of funding for such liabilities created by the bill.
(c) Whenever the council recommends a bill for passage only with the adoption of an amendment or amendments approved by a majority vote of the council, the council shall cause such committee amendment or amendments to be prepared in proper form and filed with the chief clerks of both houses of the general assembly in advance of any consideration of the bill on the floor and in the standing committee. The chief clerks of both houses shall cause the recommended amendment or amendments to be reproduced and placed upon the desk of all members of their respective houses and also upon the desk of all members of the standing committee of their respective houses.
(d) The council shall not report for approval any bill which creates additional financial liabilities on the Tennessee consolidated retirement system or on any superseded system unless such bill is preceded by or accompanied by an appropriation bill or appropriate amendment prepared and attached, which provides the first year's funding, determined actuarially. However, technical adjustments accompanied by coincidental costs which are found necessary by the state's actuary may be made without regard to this section.
(e) If a bill comes before the council without appropriate funding, the council may receive recommendations to provide for funding based on the above criteria. Consideration shall be given to increasing employee contributions to cover any additional costs.
(f) All bills referred to the council shall be reported back to the standing committee to which they were assigned no later than five (5) weeks after the later of the dates adopted by the house of representatives or the senate for cutting off the introduction of new bills with appropriate amendments attached.
For the purposes of this part, “local government retirement plan” means any retirement plan of any county, municipality, school district, utility district, development district, or any other subdivision of the state which operates a public retirement plan for its employees for which the governmental unit has liability.
Upon the request of the council on pensions, the chief executive officer or the plan administrator shall file a report on the actuarial and financial status of the retirement plan in effect for employees of the local government unit. The report shall be on such forms as may be prescribed by the secretary of the council and shall cover the most recently ended plan year ending on or before June 30 of the year of the request. The report shall be filed with the secretary of the council within ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the request, unless the secretary extends the time in writing.
(a) There is created a joint legislative services committee, hereinafter referred to as the committee, which shall constitute a special committee of the general assembly.
(b) The committee shall be composed of ten (10) members. The speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall be members and shall serve as co-chairs of the committee. The speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall each appoint two (2) members of the majority party and two (2) members of the minority party from the respective houses.
(a) Appointment of members of the committee shall be made at the same time as standing committee appointments are made. Members shall serve until the end of their terms of office or until the next regular November general election, whichever occurs first.
(b) In the event of a vacancy on the committee, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made.
The first meeting of the committee shall be held at the call of the co-chairs within fifteen (15) days after the appointment of the members. Thereafter, the committee shall meet at least one (1) time during each regular or adjourned session of the general assembly. Other meetings may be called during or between sessions by the co-chairs at their pleasure or by a majority of the members of the committee. Members of the committee from the senate only or the house of representatives only may meet at the call of the appropriate speaker to consider matters concerning only the senate or the house of representatives, respectively.
The committee shall make recommendations on management, policies, and procedures to be employed in providing services to the general assembly or either house thereof. Recommendations which concern only one (1) house shall be approved by a majority of the committee members from the appropriate house and the speaker of that house. Recommendations which concern the general assembly as a whole shall be approved by a majority of the committee and by both speakers.
(a) The office of legal services, the office of legislative administration, office of legislative budget analysis and the office of legislative information systems established by §§ 3-12-101, 3-13-101, 3-14-201 and 3-16-101, respectively, may call upon the state library, state universities and colleges, the comptroller of the treasury, the [former] state planning office [repealed], the attorney general and reporter, and all other state departments and agencies for assistance and advice.
(b) It is the duty of the attorney general and reporter to render opinions and give counsel to the office of legal services, the office of legislative administration, and the offices of legislative information systems upon request of the directors of the respective offices.
(1) A select advisory council on legislative information systems may be appointed by the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. Such council shall be composed of an equal number of members of the senate and the house of representatives as the speakers shall determine, and the clerks shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the advisory council. The legislative members shall be appointed in the same manner as the members of the joint legislative services committee.
(2) The select advisory council shall advise the speakers and the joint legislative services committee on policies and procedures relative to the electronic data processing system and services provided by the legislative information systems.
(b) There is created a staff user group which shall be composed of ten (10) members. The chief clerk of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall be members and shall serve as co-chairs of the group. The other members of the staff user group shall be the director of the office of legislative administration, office of legislative budget analysis, the director of the office of legal services, the director of the office of management information services, the executive director of the fiscal review committee, and one (1) secretary from a standing committee of each house to be appointed by the respective speakers. The staff user group may advise the speakers, the joint legislative services committee, and the select advisory council on policies and procedures relative to the electronic data processing system.
(a) The joint legislative services committee shall consider each application for direct access to the legislative computer system in which confidential information is stored or processed, or that is connected to another computer in which confidential information is stored or processed, and solely shall determine whether or not to permit direct access by the applicant.
(b) Direct access to such a computer may not be permitted unless protection of any confidential information is ensured.
(c) Section 10-7-503 shall not apply to records or information otherwise available in printed form or to information or records otherwise exempt from § 10-7-503.
(d) If public information is stored in a computer-readable form, the committee has exclusive authority to determine the form in which the information will be reproduced for the requestor of the information; provided, that the reproduction, publication, and sale of Tennessee Code Annotated in any form, in whole or in part, shall be pursuant to title 1, chapter 1. If access to such public information is also available in printed form, it need not be provided in an electronic readable form.
(e) The committee shall designate the terminals, if any, at which public access is given to public information. The data processing equipment located in the offices of members of the general assembly and legislative staff need not provide such access if not so designated by the committee.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to intentionally or knowingly gain access to information stored or maintained in a computer under the control of the joint legislative services committee if it is not lawful for such person to have access and such person is also not authorized by such committee to have access to that information.
(b) It is unlawful for a person to intentionally, knowingly or recklessly damage, destroy, delete, alter, or impair access to or use of information stored or maintained in a computer under the control of the joint legislative services committee if such person is not authorized by such committee to do so.
(c) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
The house of representatives shall take action to improve, enhance, and expand its audio-visual, internet, graphics, captioning, wireless and broadcast capabilities so that public access to its proceedings will increase.
There is created the office of legal services, which has the duty to:
(1) Provide summaries and abstracts of proposed legislation;
(2) Prepare and assist in the preparation of proposed legislation and amendments;
(3) Give legal opinions upon request of members of the general assembly;
(4) Inform the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and appropriate committees of either house of developments which have affected or may affect state law or which may require legislative action, together with appropriate recommendations;
(5) Review all proposed legislation as to form and style, prior to its introduction;
(6) Conduct a continuing review of the Tennessee Code Annotated and uncodified public chapters and advise the general assembly as to legislation deemed necessary to remove defective or anachronistic laws in light of the common law and judicial decisions;
(7) Advise the general assembly of proposals for the reform or betterment of the law recommended by the Uniform Law Commission, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Council of State Governments, the American Law Institute, any bar association or other learned body;
(8) Receive and consider suggestions from legislators, judges, public officials, lawyers, and the public as to defects and anachronisms in the law and, if deemed appropriate, prepare legislation to remove such defects or anachronisms;
(9) Inform the general assembly of all provisions of the Tennessee Code Annotated which have been repealed by implication or which have been held unconstitutional by the Tennessee Supreme Court or by the United States Supreme Court; and
(10) Provide other legal services requested by the committee, the speakers, or the general assembly.
The joint legislative services committee shall appoint, subject to the approval of the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, a director of legal services who shall be a graduate of an accredited law school, shall be licensed to practice law in the state of Tennessee, shall have five (5) or more years of experience in the field of legislative law, and shall have such training or practical experience in government as may be deemed necessary to perform the duties of the office. The director of legal services and other personnel shall be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the committee. The committee shall determine the compensation of the director, while the compensation of other personnel shall be determined by the committee upon recommendation of the director. Personnel shall be employed on recommendation of the director with the approval of the speakers.
(a) Suggested revisions to the Tennessee Code Annotated, to the uncodified public acts, and to other general laws of the state shall be prepared by the office of legal services. Such revisions may be initiated by the office of legal services, may be recommended by individual lawyers, legislators, judges, or other public officials, or may be directed by resolution of either or both houses of the general assembly.
(b) Suggested revisions initiated by the office of legal services shall be transmitted with appropriate explanatory information to the standing committees by which such legislation would be reviewed.
(c) Suggested revisions recommended by individual lawyers, legislators, judges, or other public officials shall be transmitted to the appropriate standing committees with a copy to the recommending party.
(d) Suggested revisions directed by either house of the general assembly shall be conducted under the supervision of special committees composed of legislators and other persons knowledgeable in the particular field of inquiry. Such committees shall be appointed by the speaker of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives, or both in the case of joint resolutions. The resolution shall specify the size of the special committee, the areas of representation desired, and a time for reporting. Upon completion of any suggested revision, the supervising committee shall transmit its report and recommendations to the house directing the suggested revision or to the general assembly; and that committee shall be disbanded. In preparing suggested revisions directed by resolution, the office of legal services shall have the authority to contract for assistance with any public or private agency or educational institution or to contract for any necessary assistance from individuals.
(a) All books, papers, records, and correspondence of the office of legal services pertaining to its work shall be kept in the office of legal services and all such materials are public records except:
(1) Intraoffice memoranda made by the director of the office of legal services or the director's staff; and
(2) Work papers and correspondence, including correspondence by electronic mail, with any person receiving service from the office of legal services.
(b) Such papers and correspondence may become public records whenever the director of the office of legal services or the general assembly shall so order.
(a) The director of the office of legal services and the director's legal staff shall maintain the attorney-client relationship with each member of the general assembly with respect to communications between the member and the attorney, except as otherwise provided by the rules of either house of the general assembly.
(b) All materials arising out of this relationship including, but not limited to, proposed bills and amendments, analyses, opinions, and memoranda prepared by an attorney are not public records nor subject to title 10, chapter 7, part 5, except as otherwise provided by the rules of either house of the general assembly or when released by the member for whom the material was prepared.
(a) The office of legal services shall maintain a legislative reference and law library for the use and information of the general assembly.
(b) The library shall be staffed by a librarian who is a graduate of an accredited school of library science.
(c) The library shall be the official depository for all research and reference materials or reports transmitted to the general assembly by national associations, including the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Council of State Governments. In addition, copies of all acts, reports as described in § 3-1-123, and publications distributed to members of the general assembly shall also be supplied to the library. Copies of the acts, journals, or other legislative publications of other states may be acquired through exchange, transfer, loan, or purchase either from the issuing state or from libraries and agencies within the state government.
(d) The library maintained by the legislative council committee shall be transferred to the office of legal services.
The director of the office of legal services or the director's designee shall review all reports submitted by the attorney general and reporter pursuant to § 8-6-109(d), inform the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives of such lawsuits for the purposes of § 8-6-109(e), assist any legal counsel employed pursuant to § 8-6-109(e), and upon request of the speakers, join with the attorney general and reporter in consultation with them on such matters. The director or designee shall consult with the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives on the employment of legal counsel pursuant to § 8-6-109(e).
(a) The director of legal services may recommend the appointment, and the speakers may appoint, a revisor of statutes within the office of legal services.
(b) The revisor shall be a graduate of an accredited law school, shall be licensed to practice law in the state of Tennessee, shall have five (5) or more years of experience in the field of legislative law, and shall have such training or practical experience in government as may be deemed necessary to perform the duties of the office.
(c) The revisor shall:
(1) Assist the director of legal services and perform duties as assigned by the director;
(2) Perform all codification functions within the office; and
(3) Serve as the executive secretary of the Tennessee code commission.
(1) In order to assist the chairs of the standing committees, and other members of the general assembly, it shall be the duty of the revisor, in consultation with the director of legal services, to:
(A) Solicit and receive suggestions and supporting information from Tennessee citizens concerning state statutes or uncodified public acts that may be anachronistic, obsolete, defective, duplicative, contradictory, unnecessary, or incomprehensible;
(B) Review and evaluate systematically such suggestions and supporting information;
(C) Identify specific state statutes or uncodified public acts that may, in fact, be anachronistic, obsolete, defective, duplicative, contradictory, unnecessary, or incomprehensible and that may, therefore, be appropriate for legislative consideration of repeal, modification, or revision; and
(D) Report findings and recommendations biennially, beginning in January 2017, to the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the chairs of the standing committees.
(2) The revisor shall maintain an online capability to solicit and receive suggestions and supporting information pursuant to subdivision (d)(1)(A).
(a) There is created the office of legislative administration, which has the duty to:
(1) Assist the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and the heads of any legislative committees or offices with the preparation of budgets;
(2) Provide for processing of all forms and records on members and employees of the general assembly;
(3) Perform any recruitment or training requested by, or with the approval of, the speakers;
(4) Maintain such personnel records as may be necessary or advisable in accordance with accepted personnel practices;
(5) Prepare the payroll for all members and employees of the general assembly, its offices and committees and provide for the disbursement of payroll checks;
(6) Provide for the payment of compensation and of expense and mileage allowances to members, the payment of travel expenses of all employees, and the payment of any committee expenses authorized by the speaker of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives;
(7) Promulgate for legislative employees on official business travel regulations established by the committee and approved by the speakers;
(8) Purchase and distribute supplies and equipment required for the operation of the general assembly;
(9) Provide for maintenance services for all legislative facilities;
(10) Make disbursements of funds for all other lawful expenses of the general assembly;
(11) Assume any other duties or responsibilities or to take any action in budgeting or administration as directed by the committee or either speaker; and
(12) Establish and implement a policy in conjunction with the two (2) speakers for the prevention of sexual harassment; this policy shall include training workshops and the establishment of a hearing procedure.
(b) This office shall succeed to all functions of legislative administration or budgeting heretofore performed by the office of the comptroller of the treasury, and all office furnishings and supplies in use by the office of legislative administration shall be retained by that office.
The joint legislative services committee shall appoint, subject to the approval of the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives, a director of legislative administration. The director shall be a graduate of an accredited college or university or shall have such training or practical experience in finance, public administration, or accounting as may be deemed necessary to perform the duties of the office. The director and other personnel shall be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the committee. The committee shall determine the compensation of the director, while the compensation of other personnel shall be determined by the committee upon recommendation of the director. Personnel shall be employed on recommendation of the director with the approval of the speakers.
The director of legislative administration shall cause to be posted on the official general assembly website a report, by member, that contains the per diem payments made to members of the general assembly and all other expenses, including out-of-state travel, reimbursed in accordance with § 3-1-106. The report shall include the purpose of the reimbursement made. The initial report shall be filed no later than fifteen (15) days following the last day of April 2006, and shall include all payments made from the first day of January 2006, until the last day of March 2006. Thereafter, the report shall be updated quarterly, no later than fifteen (15) days following the end of the quarter. The reports shall remain on the website until one month following the end of each general assembly. The last quarter reported in each general assembly shall include the period of time from the last quarter reported until the regular November election and the first report in each general assembly shall include the period of time from the regular November election until the end of the first quarter.
There is created an office of program evaluation within the general assembly which has the duty to:
(1) Systematically evaluate, on an appropriate schedule, all programs conducted under the control or auspices of state government;
(2) Evaluate programs of local government as directed by resolution of either house of the general assembly or by joint resolution;
(3) Furnish to the members of the general assembly reports of the findings of its evaluative studies of state or local governmental programs, agencies, and departments;
(4) Prepare, in conjunction with the office of legal services for the general assembly, and distribute legislation which would effectuate any statutory changes recommended in a report of an evaluative study;
(5) Provide personnel to serve as committee staff or to assist the staff of any committee of either house of the general assembly which has program evaluation duties;
(6) Assist committees and individual members of the general assembly in the evaluation of state and local governmental programs; and
(7) Fulfill any other functions specified by law or assigned by any committee of the general assembly and approved by the appropriate speaker.
The joint legislative services committee shall appoint, subject to the approval of the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives, a director of program evaluation who shall have such training or experience in government as may be deemed necessary to perform the duties of the office. The director and other personnel shall be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The committee shall determine the compensation of the director, while the compensation of other personnel shall be determined by the committee upon recommendation of the director. Personnel shall be employed upon recommendation of the director with approval of the speakers.
(a) Evaluations performed by the office under § 3-14-101 shall be based on standards and methods developed by the office with the assistance of appropriate committees of the general assembly. Evaluations shall focus on the degree to which the department or agency is efficiently fulfilling its statutory or executive order mandate.
(b) The evaluations shall include, but are not limited to, a consideration of the following factors:
(1) The degree of successful achievement of the purposes set out or implicit in the enabling statute or executive order;
(2) The efficiency with which the program is being implemented;
(3) Any alternative methods by which other jurisdictions are attempting to achieve the same or similar program goals; and
(4) The results of published and unpublished studies of various alternative methods of accomplishing the program of the department or agency.
The office of program evaluation shall have a permanent division of advocacy for the developmentally disabled which may perform, or contract for the performance of, those advocacy functions required by federal law. The division may receive and expend, through the office of program evaluation, such federal funds as are or may become available under federal law as well as any state funds appropriated for its purposes.
The office of program evaluation shall have the authority to expend appropriated state funds and receive and expend available federal, foundation, or other funds.
(a) The office of program evaluation shall coordinate its activities with those of all other legislative programs in order to avoid duplication of effort.
(b) All documents, records, and other information of state and local governments shall be made available to the office upon request. All facilities of state and local government shall be open to the office upon request.
(c) No action of the office shall violate appropriate state or federal privacy legislation.
(a) All books, papers, records, and correspondence pertaining to the work of the office are public records except:
(1) Intraoffice memoranda made by the director or the director's staff;
(2) Work papers and correspondence with any committee or member of the general assembly; and
(3) Any material supplied to the office by a state or local government agency or department which, under applicable law, would remain confidential in the hands of that agency or department.
(b) Such papers and correspondence may become public records whenever the speakers shall so order.
(c) The office has the authority to withhold from the public record any information supplied to the office or to a committee of the general assembly or a member of the general assembly by an individual who requests such confidentiality.
(a) There is created the office of legislative budget analysis which has the duty to:
(1) Conduct detailed analyses of the state's budget and its content including recommended appropriations, expenditures, revenues, work programs, recommended appropriations for capital projects, recommended improvements, recommended carry-over appropriations, recommended supplemental appropriations, and other aspects of the budget, and shall review and report on such items as the status of the reserve account for revenue fluctuations, the amount of state-bonded indebtedness, and the status and condition of the financing of state programs;
(2) Assist the speakers in reviewing and analyzing the state funding board reports of the estimated rate of growth of the state's economy;
(3) Conduct detailed analyses of the impact of complex legislation and summarize the short-term and long-term impact of such legislation on the state's budgeting and financing methods and sources;
(4) Examine and make recommendations on the short-term and long-term effect of public policy decisions of the general assembly and make recommendations for changes in overall public policy designed to bring about efficiencies and economies;
(5) Assist members and committees of the general assembly with budget analysis; and
(6) Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the speakers.
(b) It is also the duty of the office of legislative budget analysis to jointly monitor federal grants and information management responsibility with the fiscal review committee in accordance with § 3-7-110. The monitoring and information management responsibility shall be administered by one (1) staff person in the office of legislative budget analysis and one (1) staff person from the staff of the fiscal review committee. The staff of the fiscal review committee and the office of legislative budget analysis shall jointly monitor, analyze, and manage information concerning federal grants programs, including, but not limited to, social services grant funds, in order to inform members of the general assembly concerning such grants. The directors of the staff of the fiscal review committee and of the office of legislative budget analysis shall jointly make such reports as are appropriate to the speakers of the house of representatives and of the senate and to the fiscal review committee.
(c) The office of legislative budget analysis shall not propose a general appropriations bill.
(a) To aid the office of legislative budget analysis, the staff of the comptroller of the treasury and the fiscal review committee shall furnish such assistance as may be required. The office may also call on the staff of the other legislative staff offices for advice and assistance as required.
(b) In carrying out the responsibilities of the office, the office shall call upon the executive, legislative, and judicial departments and agencies of state government for such information as the office requires, and it is the duty of such agencies and departments to furnish promptly the desired information.
(c) The commissioner of revenue shall provide the director with the monthly revenue collections report published by the department of revenue. The commissioner of finance and administration shall provide the office of legislative budget analysis with access to the state accounting system for the purpose of monitoring allotments, expenditures, and revenue collections of state agencies.
(d) The commissioner of personnel shall provide the office of legislative budget analysis a monthly listing of personnel positions that have been overlapped for ninety (90) days or more. The commissioner of finance and administration shall provide to the office of legislative budget analysis summaries which revise the funding recommendations and personnel summaries contained in the budget document to conform with the general appropriations act, other general acts of the general assembly, and any other actions which affect the level of departmental or other such revenue.
(e) The commissioner of education shall provide to the office of legislative budget analysis the revised Tennessee investment in student achievement formula (TISA) for the ensuing fiscal year no later than January 1 of each year.
(f) The governing boards of the University of Tennessee system and the state university and community college system shall provide to the office of legislative budget analysis both the original proposed operating budget submitted to the Tennessee higher education commission and the revised operating budget no later than March 1 of each year.
(g) The Tennessee higher education commission shall provide to the office of legislative budget analysis the revised higher education funding formula for the ensuing fiscal year no later than December 1 of each year.
(1) The commissioner of finance and administration shall give the office of legislative budget analysis as much advance notice as possible of any meeting, hearing or conference to inform staff of the general assembly of the substance of the executive budget prior to submission of such budget to the general assembly, and shall give the office an opportunity to be represented at such meeting, hearing or conference.
(2) The commissioner of finance and administration shall furnish to the office of legislative budget analysis contemporaneous copies of all information provided to the fiscal review committee in accordance with § 3-7-104. In addition, the commissioner shall furnish to the office of legislative budget analysis changes to the work program including, but not limited to, expansions and revisions. Such revisions and expansions may be provided in written or electronic format.
The joint legislative services committee shall appoint, subject to the approval of the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, a director of the office of legislative budget analysis who shall be a graduate of an accredited college or university, shall have five (5) or more years of experience in the field of state budget analysis and review, and shall have such training or practical experience in government as may be deemed necessary to perform the duties of the office. The director of the office of legislative budget analysis and other personnel shall be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the committee. The committee shall determine the compensation of the director, while the compensation of other personnel shall be determined by the committee upon recommendation of the director. Personnel shall be employed on recommendation of the director with the approval of the speakers. The office of legislative budget analysis shall be the successor office to the existing legislative budget office and the director, all personnel, office furnishings, office equipment and supplies in use by the existing office of legislative budget analysis shall be transferred to the office created by this part and such director and staff shall be the director and staff of the office created by this part.
There is created the office of legislative information systems for the general assembly, which has the duty to:
(1) Operate an automated data processing center and perform computing and programming services as are required for data processing applications by the members of the general assembly, the legislative committees, the offices of legislative administration and legal services, the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, and the fiscal review committee in the performing of their respective duties;
(2) Cooperate and consult with the chief clerk of the senate, the chief clerk of the house of representatives, the directors of all offices under the control of the committee in developing and maintaining computer programs and services required for the operation of such offices;
(3) Advise the joint legislative services committee on matters relating to computer services and computer needs and uses of the legislative computer system;
(4) Maintain on its electronic data processing equipment the complete text of Tennessee Code Annotated for the use of the general assembly and its staff and the Tennessee code commission and its staff;
(5) Coordinate and administer the scheduling and use of computer programs and machine time to facilitate application of computer and other office machine technology for the storing and retrieving all of the financial, factual, procedural, legal and other information necessary to serve all of the committees, officers and agencies of the general assembly; and
(6) Perform all other duties the joint legislative services committee, the speakers, or the general assembly may deem essential to the efficient operation of the legislative branch.
The joint legislative services committee shall appoint, subject to the approval of the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, a director of legislative information systems, who shall be a graduate of an accredited college or university and shall have not less than five (5) years of practical experience in computer technology, including administrative and technical responsibility for developing and implementing a computer-oriented data processing system. The director and other personnel shall be chosen without reference to party affiliation but solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the committee. The committee shall determine the compensation of the director, while the compensation of other personnel shall be determined by the committee upon recommendation of the director. Personnel shall be employed on recommendation of the director with the approval of the speakers.
The joint legislative services committee shall, through the office of legislative information systems, control, operate, and maintain the legislative computer system and the use of electronic data processing equipment in the legislative branch. The committee shall adopt policies, procedures, and guidelines for such system. Section 3-10-104 shall be applicable to such policies, procedures, and guidelines.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Annual event” means an event:
(A) Authorized by two-thirds (⅔) vote of all members elected to each house of the general assembly;
(B) Operated for the benefit of a nonprofit organization located in Tennessee;
(C) Conducted with a single type of lottery game;
(D) Conducted on an event date; and
(E) Conducted at a location within a county where the organization maintains a physical presence or in a county that is contiguous to a county where the organization maintains a physical presence;
(2) “Annual event application” means the application made to the secretary of state to operate an annual event;
(3) “Event date” means the day of an annual event. For the purposes of this subdivision (3), “day” means a twenty-four-hour period beginning at twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight and ending at eleven fifty-nine post meridiem (11:59 p.m.);
(4) “Financial accounting” means a report of funds collected and expended for the annual event that is filed after completion of an annual event;
(5) “Nonprofit organization” means:
(A) A 501(c)(3) organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(a)), as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)), and, for the limited purposes of this chapter:
(i) Has been in continuous and active existence in this state for three (3) years immediately preceding the event date listed in an annual event application as an organization exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(ii) Has been in continuous and active existence in this state for three (3) years immediately preceding the event date listed in an annual event application as an organization exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in any subdivision of § 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, but, prior to submission of an annual event application, has received exemption from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(iii) Has been conducting a fishing event for the benefit of youth for at least ten (10) successive years in the county in which it applies to hold an annual event, but, prior to submission of an annual event application, has received exemption from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(iv) Has been operating for at least three (3) years in this state as part of an organization exempt from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, but, prior to submission of an annual event application, has received separate exemption from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(v) Has been in continuous and active existence in Tennessee for three (3) years immediately preceding the event date listed in an annual event application as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and has merged with an organization that had been in continuous and active existence in Tennessee for at least three (3) years as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(vi) Is a school foundation organized pursuant to § 49-2-612 and, prior to submission of an annual event application, has received exemption from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No more than one (1) school foundation per public school per annual event period shall qualify as a 501(c)(3) organization pursuant to this subdivision (5)(A)(vi);
(vii) Has been in continuous and active existence in this state for three (3) years immediately preceding the event date listed in an annual event application as an organization exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a dues paying member of a separate organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code which has been in continuous and active existence in this state for ten (10) years preceding the event date listed in an annual event application;
(viii) Has been in continuous and active existence in this state as a volunteer fire department for at least ten (10) years immediately preceding the event date listed in an annual event application, but, prior to submission of an annual event application, has received exemption from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for two (2) continuous years preceding the event date; or
(ix) [Repealed effective July 1, 2026.] Is a foundation, connected to a chamber of commerce that has been in continuous and active existence in this state for at least ten (10) successive years in the county in which the foundation applies to hold an annual event; and
(B) A 501(c)(19) organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(a)), as an organization described in § 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(19)) and, for the limited purposes of this chapter:
(i) Has been in continuous and active existence in this state for three (3) years immediately preceding the event date listed in an annual event application as an organization exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in § 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code; or
(ii) Has been operating for at least three (3) years in this state as part of an organization exempt from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code, but, prior to submission of an annual event application, has received separate exemption from federal taxation as an organization described in § 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(6) “Person” means any individual, organization, trust, foundation, group, association, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, society, or any combination of them, or any other entity;
(7) “Secretary” means the secretary of state or the secretary of state's authorized representative; and
(A) “Type of lottery game” means a game of chance played by a person eighteen (18) years of age or older, including bingo, raffles, reverse raffles, cakewalks and cakewheels, but expressly prohibiting pulltabs, punchboards, instant bingo, video lottery, instant and online lottery games of a type operated by the Tennessee education lottery corporation, keno and games of chance associated with casinos including, but not limited to, slot machines, roulette wheels, and the like;
(i) For the purpose of this subdivision (8), “bingo” means a specific game of chance in which participants use cards or paper sheets divided into horizontal and vertical spaces, each of which is designated by a letter and a number, and prizes are awarded on the basis of the letters and numbers on the card conforming to a predetermined and preannounced configuration of letters and numbers selected at random;
(ii) For the purpose of this subdivision (8), “cakewalks” and “cakewheels” mean a game of chance in which a participant is required to make a wager to select, or to receive, a prize with the winner determined by random selection through walking to music, colored space, a spinning wheel, drawing or any combination thereof;
(iii) For the purpose of this subdivision (8), “raffles” and “reverse raffles” mean a game of chance in which a participant is required to purchase a ticket, share, chance or similar record for a chance to win a prize, with the winner to be determined by random drawing;
(iv) For the purpose of this subdivision (8), “video lottery” means a lottery that allows a game to be played utilizing an electronic computer and an interactive terminal device, equipped with a video screen and keys, a keyboard or other equipment allowing input by an individual player, into which the player inserts coins or currency as consideration in order for play to be available, and through which terminal device, the player may receive free games or a voucher that can be redeemed for a cash or non-cash prize, or nothing, determined wholly or predominantly by chance;
(B) Any type of lottery game not expressly authorized in this subdivision (8) is prohibited.
(i) A nonprofit organization seeking to operate an annual event for the benefit of that organization located in this state shall submit an annual event application to the secretary by January 31 each year for the annual event period beginning July 1 of that calendar year and ending June 30 of the subsequent calendar year.
(ii) In addition to the submission deadline described in subdivision (a)(1)(A)(i), a nonprofit organization seeking to operate an annual event for the benefit of that organization located in this state may submit an annual event application to the secretary within five (5) calendar days after March 21, 2024, for the annual event period beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, and for the annual event period beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025.
(B) For purposes of the submission deadline, the postmark date on the annual event application is deemed to be the date of submission; provided, that, for the purposes of the submission deadline pursuant to subdivision (a)(1)(A)(ii), an annual event application is not deemed to be submitted to the secretary until in the physical possession of the secretary as evidenced by the secretary's date and time endorsement on such documentation.
(2) The organization shall be a nonprofit organization as defined in § 3-17-102.
(A) A nonprofit organization, including chapters or affiliates operating under the same tax exemption, shall not operate more than one (1) annual event within any twelve-month period beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
(i) An annual event shall be operated at a single location within a county in Tennessee where the nonprofit organization has a physical presence or in a county that is contiguous to a county where the organization maintains a physical presence, as disclosed pursuant to § 3-17-104(e)(1), or a nonprofit organization may operate an annual event on the same day in one (1) county where it has a physical presence in each grand division as described in §§ 4-1-201 — 4-1-204. Such location, or locations, shall be listed as the location of the annual event in the annual event application pursuant to § 3-17-104(e)(4).
(ii) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(3)(B) shall be construed to limit the ability of an organization to sell tickets, shares, chances or similar records for an authorized annual event in any political subdivision of this state.
(iii) No more than two (2) annual events per calendar month shall be held at the same location in each county during any annual event period. For the purpose of this subdivision (a)(3)(B), “location” means a single physical site in a county identified by an address or unique descriptive feature.
(C) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, a nonprofit organization authorized to conduct an annual event may change the location of the annual event if the location listed on the annual event application is subsequently unavailable during the time in which the annual event was to be conducted and if the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) Written notice is given to the secretary of state, Tennessee bureau of investigation and district attorney general for the judicial district in which the annual event is to be conducted, stating that the listed location is unavailable, the reason for unavailability, and the new location;
(ii) Sufficient public notice is given by means of posting notice on the organization's website, if any, and by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the annual event will be conducted; and
(iii) The new location complies with subdivision (a)(3)(B)(iii).
(A) A nonprofit organization may operate an annual event in conjunction with one (1) or more nonprofit organizations under the following circumstances:
(i) Each nonprofit organization files an independent annual event application including, but not limited to, the appropriate application fee, in accordance with this chapter;
(ii) Each nonprofit organization submits, with the annual event application, a joint statement of authorization indicating the intention to conduct a joint annual event and listing all organizations participating in such joint event; and
(iii) Each nonprofit organization applicant is in compliance with this chapter and is eligible for inclusion on the omnibus list.
(B) If one (1) or more nonprofit organizations are not eligible for inclusion on the omnibus list, or fail to timely file an annual event application, all applicants for a joint annual event shall be excluded from the omnibus list. No provision of this subdivision (a)(4) shall be construed as authorizing a nonprofit organization participating in a joint event to operate, participate or conduct, jointly or otherwise, more than one (1) annual event within any twelve-month period beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
(i) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision (a)(5), a nonprofit organization authorized to conduct an annual event pursuant to this chapter shall not employ, contract with, or otherwise utilize the services of any person including, but not limited to, any management company, consultant or other entity, to manage, conduct or operate any aspect of an annual event. An authorized annual event shall be managed, conducted and operated only by bona fide directors, officers or employees of a nonprofit organization who:
(a) Manage, conduct or operate only one (1) such annual event in any twelve-month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 each year for any nonprofit organization; and
(b) Receive no compensation for duties associated with the annual event from the proceeds of the annual event except compensation otherwise due to such person in the normal course of business. In no event shall such person's normal compensation, or any other form of compensation or benefit including, but not limited to, any bonus payment or any other form of supplemental payment, be based upon or determined by reference to a percentage of the proceeds derived from the operation of the annual event, the number of people participating in the annual event or any other factor related to the annual event.
(ii) Unpaid volunteer personnel, including members of a nonprofit organization, may be utilized by a nonprofit organization to manage, conduct or operate an annual event.
(i) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(5) or § 39-17-654(b) shall be construed as prohibiting a nonprofit organization from purchasing, leasing or accepting donations of prizes, facilities, locations, advertising services, printing services, telephone services and any records, devices or other supplies necessary to conduct an authorized annual event; provided, that the compensation paid for such purchases or leases shall not be at a price greater than fair market value and shall not be based on a percentage of the proceeds of an annual event or by any other contingency agreement based on the proceeds of an annual event.
(ii) No nonprofit organization shall purchase or lease prizes, facilities, locations, advertising services, printing services, telephone services and any records, devices or other supplies necessary to conduct an authorized annual event from any director, officer or employee of the nonprofit organization.
(A) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(6)(B), a nonprofit organization authorized to conduct an annual event pursuant to this chapter shall return all of the gross proceeds, less any amount expended pursuant to subdivision (a)(5)(B), to the organization for the purposes or programs described in § 3-17-104(e)(6), but in any event, a nonprofit organization shall return at least twenty-five percent (25%) of gross proceeds to the organization for the purposes or programs described in § 3-17-104(e)(6).
(B) A nonprofit organization that fails to return at least twenty-five percent (25%) of gross proceeds from the annual event to the purposes or programs described in § 3-17-104(e)(6) in any year shall file notice with the secretary on a form prescribed by the secretary. If, in the sound discretion of the secretary, the organization was not at fault in failing to return the required percentage, the organization shall be allowed to file an annual event application for the next annual event period; provided, that if an organization fails to return the required percentage in two (2) consecutive annual event periods, the organization shall be disqualified from filing annual event applications for a period of five (5) years. If an organization is not permitted by the secretary to file an event application pursuant to this subdivision (a)(6)(B), the organization may request a review pursuant to the procedure set forth in § 3-17-105(g).
(C) As used in this subdivision (a)(6), gross proceeds shall not include revenue disclosed as the fair market value of any donated prizes, goods and services.
(7) A nonprofit organization seeking authorization to conduct an annual event pursuant to this chapter shall be in compliance with the registration requirements for charitable organizations set forth in title 48, chapter 101, part 5, or be exempt from annual registration pursuant to § 48-101-502.
(1) The secretary shall review all annual event applications timely submitted and shall transmit an omnibus list of qualifying applicants to the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives in an electronic format, as is required by the respective clerks, on or before March 8 of each year. The omnibus list shall include, at a minimum, the name of the nonprofit organization, the name of the event, the type of lottery game, the event date for the event and the location or locations of the event. The omnibus list shall list nonprofit organizations alphabetically by county in which the annual event is proposed to be operated.
(2) In addition to the omnibus listing transferred to the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives pursuant to subdivision (b)(1), the secretary shall transfer an additional omnibus listing of any organizations approved pursuant to subdivision (a)(1)(A)(ii) for the annual event period beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, and for the annual event period beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. The list must be transferred in a manner consistent with subdivision (b)(1) by twelve o'clock (12:00) noon central daylight time (CDT) within ten (10) calendar days after March 21, 2024.
(c) Upon authorization by the general assembly, the clerk of the house last approving such authorization shall transmit a copy of such authorization to the secretary and to each district attorney general. The secretary shall transmit such authorization to each authorized nonprofit organization at the mailing address listed in such organization's annual event application; provided, that in the case of an organization with multiple chapters, branches or affiliates in Tennessee, such authorization shall be transmitted only to the primary mailing address of the applicant. Such authorization shall be posted on the website of the secretary with such additional information as the secretary deems appropriate. At a minimum, the secretary shall post the name of the nonprofit organization, the name of the event, the type of lottery game, the event date for the event and the location, or locations, of the event.
(i) An authorized annual event shall be held within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of the event date listed in the annual event application; provided, that nothing in this subdivision (d)(1) shall be construed as allowing two (2) annual events in any one-year period or as allowing a nonprofit organization to operate an annual event at authorized multiple locations on separate days.
(ii) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, an organization that is authorized to hold an annual event from the period July 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020, may hold the authorized annual event no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the event date listed in the annual event application; provided, that such authorization under this subdivision (d)(1)(A)(ii) only applies on a one-time basis.
(iii) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, an organization that is authorized to hold an annual event from the period January 1, 2021, through June 30, 2021, may hold the authorized annual event no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the event date listed in the annual event application, or June 30, 2021, whichever date is earlier; provided, that such authorization under this subdivision (d)(1)(A)(iii) only applies on a one-time basis.
(B) A nonprofit organization shall give notice to each chief law enforcement officer of the county or municipality in which the annual event shall be conducted one hundred thirty (130) days prior to the event date listed in the annual event application; provided, that if the event date is within one hundred thirty (130) days from notification of authorization to conduct an annual event, the nonprofit organization shall immediately, upon receipt of such notification and prior to the commencement of selling any tickets, shares, chances or similar records, give notice to the chief law enforcement officer of each county or municipality in which the annual event shall be conducted. In accordance with subdivision (d)(1)(A), if the actual event date is different than the event date listed in the annual event application, a nonprofit organization shall give an additional notice to each chief law enforcement officer of the county or municipality in which the annual event shall be conducted prior to conducting the annual event. For the purposes of this subdivision (d)(1)(B), “notice” means a letter sent by certified mail, or by actual physical delivery of a letter to the chief law enforcement officer or such officer's designee, containing, at a minimum, the following information:
(i) The name of the nonprofit organization;
(ii) The name of the event;
(iii) The location of the event, including the physical address where the annual event will be conducted;
(iv) The type of lottery game to be conducted;
(v) The event date for the event listed in the annual event application;
(vi) If applicable, the actual event date for the annual event if different than the event date listed in the annual event application;
(vii) If applicable, additional locations of the event, including the physical address where the annual event will be conducted, if such event will be operated at authorized multiple locations;
(viii) The name, address and telephone number of the nonprofit organization's chair, president or chief administrative officer; and
(ix) If applicable, the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for the operation of the annual event for the nonprofit organization, if different than the organization's chair, president or chief administrative officer.
(2) Except as provided in subdivision (d)(3), upon receipt of authorization from the secretary pursuant to subsection (c), a nonprofit organization may conduct all necessary activities for such event including, but not limited to, planning, advertising, promoting, printing of materials and tickets, shares, chances or similar records and the transportation of such records and other devices.
(3) A nonprofit organization, or any person authorized pursuant to subdivision (a)(5)(A) on behalf of the nonprofit organization, may sell tickets, shares, chances or similar records on the actual date of the annual event and for one hundred twenty (120) days immediately preceding the event date listed in the application and for any period after the event date listed in the annual event application but prior to the actual date of the annual event if such actual date is after the event date in accordance with subdivision (d)(1). No person shall sell tickets, shares, chances or similar records outside of the period authorized by this subdivision (d)(3). Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the secretary shall establish rules and regulations concerning modification of the actual dollar amounts at which a ticket, share, chance or other similar record shall be sold by a nonprofit organization authorized to conduct an annual event; provided, that only one (1) such modification shall be made prior to the sale of any ticket, share, chance or other similar record and only in amounts within fifty dollars ($50.00) of the actual dollar amounts disclosed pursuant to § 3-17-104(e)(5). Tickets, shares, chances or other similar records may be sold at a single price or at different value levels or tiers. If tickets, shares, chances or other similar records are sold at different value levels or tiers, then the organization shall keep a written or electronic record of each sale, which shall include the name, the amount paid, the mailing address, and the contact information of the purchaser for the purpose of issuing refunds if a cancellation of the annual event occurs.
(1) Within ninety (90) days following the event date listed in the annual event application, a financial accounting as required pursuant to § 3-17-106 shall be submitted by the organization to the secretary.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, the postmark date on the financial accounting shall be considered the date of submission.
(3) The secretary shall post such accounting, or a synopsis of such accounting, on the web page of the secretary.
(1) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, for the annual event period beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016, a nonprofit organization described in § 501 (c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(19)) seeking to operate an annual event for the benefit of that organization located in this state may submit an annual event application to the secretary within three (3) calendar days after April 14, 2015. For purposes of this submission deadline, an annual event application shall not be considered submitted to the secretary until in the physical possession of the secretary as evidenced by the secretary's date and time endorsement on such documentation.
(2) In addition to the omnibus list transferred to the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives by March 1, 2015, the secretary shall transfer an additional omnibus list listing any organizations approved pursuant to subdivision (f)(1) for the annual event period beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016. This list shall be transferred in a manner consistent with subsection (b) by twelve o'clock noon central daylight time (CDT) within five (5) calendar days after April 14, 2015.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in § 3-17-103(a)(1), all annual event applications shall be submitted to the secretary from July 1 to January 31 for the annual event period beginning July 1 following the close of the application period and ending June 30 of the subsequent calendar year.
(b) The secretary of state may prescribe and furnish forms and filing methods for all filings required by this part.
(1) An initial application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) must be paid at the time of submission of an annual event application. An annual event application must not be accepted by the secretary unless accompanied by the initial application fee.
(2) The secretary shall collect a reasonable fee for annual event applications. The secretary may establish a fee schedule for annual event applications based on the gross revenue of the annual event. No fee shall exceed seven hundred dollars ($700). Funds collected under this chapter shall be used by the secretary to defray the cost of operating the division of the department of state administering this chapter, including, but not limited to, conducting investigations pursuant to § 3-17-113.
(3) Annual event application fees are nonrefundable.
(4) Notwithstanding subdivision (c)(1), for the period of July 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025, the initial application fee referenced in subdivision (c)(1) is ten dollars ($10.00) rather than fifty dollars ($50.00).
(5) Notwithstanding subdivision (c)(2), for the period of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, the fee referenced in subdivision (c)(2) is ten dollars ($10.00) rather than the fees established in subdivision (c)(2) and by rule promulgated by the secretary of state.
(d) All annual event applications must be signed by the nonprofit organization's chair, president, or chief administrative officer, and the preparer of the application. Such persons shall certify that the information contained in the annual event application is true and accurate.
(e) A nonprofit organization filing an annual event application shall submit, on a form prescribed by the secretary, the following information:
(1) The name, mailing address and physical address of the nonprofit organization. If the organization has multiple chapters or affiliates in Tennessee operating under the same tax exemption, the organization shall submit the physical addresses and mailing addresses of such multiple locations; provided that, for the purposes of this chapter, a post office box, or similar address at a mail or package delivery service, shall not be considered a physical address. If the principal office of the nonprofit organization is outside Tennessee, the organization shall submit the physical address and mailing address of such principal location;
(2) The name of the event;
(3) The date of the event;
(4) The location of the event;
(5) A description of the type of lottery game to be conducted. Such description shall include the estimated number of tickets, shares, chances or other similar records to be offered and the actual dollar amount at which a ticket, share, chance or other similar record shall be sold; provided that, if tickets, shares, chances or other similar records are to be sold at different value levels or tiers, then the actual dollar amounts and structure of such value levels or tiers;
(6) A description of the charitable use of the proceeds from the event;
(7) The name and telephone number of a contact person for the event;
(8) A copy of the organization's determination letter from the internal revenue service showing that the organization is exempt from federal income taxation under § 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in § 501(c)(3) or § 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(A) A copy of the nonprofit organization's last annual report, Form 990, filed with the internal revenue service and any attached schedules for the organization's tax year ending immediately preceding the annual event application;
(B) If the organization has not filed an annual report with the internal revenue service for the organization's tax year ending immediately preceding the annual event application, the organization shall submit a signed statement on a form prescribed by the secretary of state from the nonprofit organization's chair, president or administrative officer affirming that the organization has not filed an annual report and shall begin to file annual reports as required by this chapter; provided, that the organization may submit this statement only one (1) time;
(C) An organization shall not be required to comply with this subdivision (e)(9) if it is not required to file a Form 990 with the internal revenue service; provided, that the organization submits proof of such determination by the internal revenue service;
(10) The names and addresses of any officers, directors, trustees, and the principal salaried executive staff officer of the nonprofit organization;
(11) A statement that the organization has been in continuous and active existence as a nonprofit organization located in Tennessee as defined by § 3-17-102;
(12) A statement that no officer, director, trustee, or the principal salaried executive staff officer of the nonprofit organization has been convicted of a violation of § 39-14-103, § 39-14-104, § 39-14-105, § 39-16-702, § 39-16-703, title 39, chapter 17, parts 5 or 6, or a similar offense in another jurisdiction; and
(13) A statement that the board, or functional equivalent, of the nonprofit organization has approved the filing of an annual event application and intends to operate an annual event if authorized by the general assembly.
(a) The secretary shall examine each annual event application submitted under this chapter for inclusion on the omnibus list. An annual event shall be included on the omnibus list if:
(1) All annual event application filing requirements of § 3-17-104 are met;
(2) The secretary determines that the nonprofit organization has been recognized by the internal revenue service as a tax exempt nonprofit organization and that such exemption is valid at the time of filing an annual event application;
(3) The secretary determines that the organization is a nonprofit organization as defined in § 3-17-102; and
(4) The type of lottery game is authorized by this chapter and article XI, § 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee.
(1) The secretary shall establish rules and regulations concerning the acceptance of amendments to annual event applications otherwise consistent with this chapter including, but not limited to, amendments concerning conflicting locations for an annual event.
(2) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, an organization may submit a request for a location or date change, regardless of whether such location or date is in actual conflict with another organization, to the secretary no later than twelve o'clock (12:00) noon central standard time (CST) on the fifteenth day of February each year.
(c) The secretary shall include all qualified annual event applicants on an omnibus list to be transmitted to the general assembly pursuant to § 3-17-103(b).
(1) Except as provided in subdivision (d)(2)(B), no extension of time shall be granted for submission, or completion, of an annual event application after the application deadline has passed for the appropriate annual event period.
(A) Except as provided in subdivision (d)(2)(B), the secretary shall have no authority to accept, and shall not accept, an annual event application, or an amendment to an annual event application, submitted after the application deadline has passed for the appropriate annual event period as established pursuant to § 3-17-103(a)(1).
(B) For annual event applications submitted by twelve o'clock (12:00) noon central standard time (CST) prior to January 31 each year, the secretary shall notify any organization that would not otherwise be included on the omnibus list of the reason, or reasons, why such organization would not be included. Such notification shall be made by February 15 each year. Any such organization may submit an amended annual event application to the secretary no later than February 25 each year. Any such annual event shall be included on the omnibus list if the amended annual event application complies with this chapter.
(e) An annual event application may be permanently withdrawn prior to the date of transmission of the omnibus list to the general assembly; provided, that once withdrawn, the nonprofit organization may not resubmit an annual event application for the annual event period in which the previously submitted application was withdrawn.
(f) If an annual event application is not included in the omnibus list, the secretary shall transmit notification to the applicant stating the basis for such non-inclusion by close of business on the last day of February.
(g) An applicant whose application is not included in the omnibus list may request in writing that the secretary reconsider the determination; provided, that such written request is filed with the secretary within three (3) calendar days from the date of notification of non-inclusion required by § 3-17-105(f). The secretary shall reconsider such determination and issue a final decision within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of such written request for reconsideration.
(1) An organization authorized by the general assembly to operate an annual event shall file, within ninety (90) calendar days following the actual event date, a financial accounting with the secretary in accordance with this section. An organization shall remit to the secretary the full application fee specified pursuant to § 3-17-104(c)(2), less the initial application fee paid pursuant to § 3-17-104(c)(1) with the submission of the financial accounting. A financial accounting must not be accepted by the secretary unless accompanied by the fees required pursuant to § 3-17-104(c).
(2) An organization that fails to file its financial accounting in accordance with this section may be assessed a late fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each month, or portion thereof, that the accounting is late. The late filing fee shall accompany every late-filed financial accounting. If an organization fails to timely file the required financial accounting in any two (2) of three (3) consecutive annual event periods, the organization may, in the discretion of the secretary, be disqualified from filing future annual event applications, which decision is subject to the review and appeal procedures provided in § 3-17-105(g) and (h).
(3) Notwithstanding subdivision (a)(2), for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, the fee referenced in subdivision (a)(2) is ten dollars ($10.00) rather than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(b) For events grossing seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) or less, the organization shall file a financial accounting, on a form prescribed by the secretary, showing the following:
(1) The gross amount of money received from the annual event;
(2) The amount of money expended by the organization including, for amounts exceeding one hundred dollars ($100), the name and address of the payee, the category of expense, and the amount expended;
(3) The amount of money disbursed, or to be disbursed, to the charitable programs or purposes of the nonprofit organization including, but not limited to, sufficient documentation indicating that all of the gross proceeds, less any amount expended pursuant to § 3-17-103(a)(5)(B), have been used, or have been earmarked, for the purposes or programs described in § 3-17-104(e)(6); and
(4) A list of all prize winners, including their names and addresses, of cash, goods or services valued at more than fifty dollars ($50.00) and the prize received.
(c) For events grossing more than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), the organization shall file an audited financial statement prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant, on a form prescribed by the secretary, showing the following:
(1) The gross amount of money received from the proceeds of the annual event;
(2) The amount of money disbursed, or to be disbursed, to the charitable programs or purposes of the nonprofit organization including, but not limited to, sufficient documentation indicating that all of the gross proceeds, less any amount expended pursuant to § 3-17-103(a)(5)(B), have been used, or have been earmarked, for the purposes or programs described in § 3-17-104(e)(6);
(3) An itemized list, including the name and address of the payee, of the amounts spent for all expenses; provided, that individual expenses of one hundred dollars ($100) or less may be listed as miscellaneous expenses, by category, so long as the aggregate sum of all miscellaneous expenses is less than five thousand dollars ($5,000); and
(4) A list of all prize winners, including their names and addresses, of cash, goods or services valued at more than fifty dollars ($50.00) and the prize received.
(d) In the case of an annual event held jointly by two (2) or more nonprofit organizations as provided in § 3-17-103(a)(4), the financial accounting filed pursuant to this section shall be based on the gross amount of money jointly received and shall, in addition to the applicable requirements of subsection (b) or (c), show the amount disbursed, or to be disbursed, to each participating nonprofit organization. Such organizations may file the same financial accounting; provided, that the signature requirements of subsection (e) are satisfied.
(e) For events grossing seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) or less, all financial accountings required by this section shall be signed by the chair, president or chief administrative officer of the nonprofit organization and the preparer of the report, or, if the chair, president or chief administrative officer is the preparer of the report, by such person and by one additional officer of the nonprofit organization. For events grossing more than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), all financial accountings required by this section shall be signed by the chair, president or chief administrative officer of the nonprofit organization and the preparer of the report. Such persons shall certify that the information contained in the report is a true and accurate accounting of the funds received and expended during operation of the annual event.
(1) A nonprofit organization that has received authorization to conduct an annual event, or conduct an annual event at multiple locations, may, at the discretion of the organization, cancel an annual event, or, if authorized at multiple locations, cancel a location of the annual event; provided, that:
(A) A signed statement of cancellation on a form prescribed by the secretary of state from the nonprofit organization's chair, president or chief administrative officer is filed with the secretary and the chief law enforcement officer of the county or municipality stating that the annual event, or a location of a multiple location annual event, is cancelled, and the nature of the cancellation, within ten (10) calendar days of the decision to cancel the event or location. Such cancellation shall be posted on the website of the secretary. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, if a single location annual event is cancelled, no other notice to the chief law enforcement officer of the county or municipality or a financial accounting shall be required, except as provided in subdivision (f)(1)(B); if a location of a multiple location annual event is cancelled, no other notice to the chief law enforcement officer of the county or municipality of the cancelled location is required; and
(B) If cancellation occurs after the commencement of the sale of tickets, shares, chances or similar records, a full refund is offered for at least ninety (90) days following cancellation; provided, that if a location of a multiple location annual event is cancelled, only tickets, shares, chances or similar records for the cancelled location shall be required to be offered for at least ninety (90) days following cancellation. If a different value level or tiered pricing annual event is cancelled, any refund shall be for either the actual amount received by the organization as evinced by the record of each sale or, if such record is lost or destroyed, the highest value level or tiered price charged on a per ticket, share, chance or other similar record basis. A nonprofit organization shall give reasonable public notice of cancellation in the area in which tickets, shares, chances or similar records were sold, including the terms of the refund offered. Such terms shall be included in the statement required pursuant to subdivision (f)(1)(A), including a mailing or physical address to submit a refund claim; and, within ninety (90) days of cancellation of an annual event, or a location of a multiple location annual event, the organization shall file an accounting of tickets sold, refunds made and ticket proceeds remaining with the secretary and the chief law enforcement officer of the county or municipality. Any remaining ticket proceeds shall be used in furtherance of the charitable purposes or programs described in § 3-17-104(e)(6) of the organization's annual event application.
(2) No annual event cancelled pursuant to this subsection (f) may be conducted during the annual event period. No multiple location annual event for which a location is cancelled pursuant to this subsection (f) may be conducted at such cancelled location during the annual event period.
(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, for authorized annual events whose gross revenue does not actually exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), the organization shall file a financial accounting, on a form prescribed by the secretary, including the following:
(1) The gross amount of money received from the annual event;
(2) The amount expended for prizes and administrative costs; and
(3) The amount of money disbursed, or to be disbursed, to the charitable programs or purposes of the nonprofit organization.
Applications, reports, and all other documents and information required to be filed under this chapter, or by the secretary, shall be public records in the office of the secretary. The secretary, in the secretary's discretion, may compile, summarize, publish, or otherwise release to the public any information contained in applications and any other documents filed with or received by the secretary under this chapter.
(a) Every nonprofit organization subject to this chapter and the rules and regulations prescribed by the secretary, shall keep:
(1) True and accurate fiscal records including, but not limited to, all income and expenses; and
(2) True and accurate records regarding the conduct of any annual event, including records of any documents, information, notices, or applications required to be prepared or filed pursuant to this chapter. Unless otherwise provided, such records shall be retained for a period of at least five (5) years after the event date to which they relate.
(b) Upon request and at a reasonable time and place within Tennessee, such records, as well as any other records regarding annual events within this state, shall be made available to the secretary, the state and local government committee of the senate and the state government committee of the house of representatives, the attorney general and reporter, or an appropriate district attorney general for inspection.
(a) No ticket, share, chance or similar record shall be purchased by and no prize or award shall be paid to:
(1) Any member of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization authorized by the general assembly to operate an annual event for such organization;
(2) Any officer or employee of a nonprofit organization authorized by the general assembly to operate an annual event for such organization;
(3) Any member of the immediate family of any person described in subdivisions (a)(1) or (a)(2) residing as a member of the same household in the principal place of residence of any such person;
(4) Any member of the general assembly during such member's term of office as a member of the general assembly; or
(5) The secretary or any employee of the secretary during the secretary's term of office and such employee's term of employment with the secretary.
(b) No ticket, share, chance or similar record for any specific authorized annual event shall be purchased by, and no prize or award shall be paid to:
(1) Any person providing printing services, telephone services and any records, devices or other gaming related supplies to conduct such specific authorized annual event;
(2) Any officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of any person described in subdivision (b)(1); or
(3) Any member of the immediate family of any person described in subdivisions (b)(1) or (b)(2) residing as a member of the same household in the principal place of residence of any such person.
(c) For the purposes of this section, “immediate family” means a spouse, child, step-child, brother, sister, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent or grandparent.
(d) No ticket, share, chance or similar record for any specific authorized annual event shall be purchased by, and no prize or award shall be paid to, any individual providing prizes or any member of the immediate family of any individual providing prizes residing as a member of the same household in the principal place of residence of such individual.
(e) If an ineligible person is selected to win a prize or award, the organization shall not disburse the prize or award to the ineligible person but shall select a different person to whom the prize or award shall be paid. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the organization shall select a new winner within thirty (30) calendar days of the date on which the organization received notice of the ineligible winner.
(a) The ticket, share, chance or other similar record shall bear on its face the name of the nonprofit organization on whose behalf the event is being conducted.
(b) All cash prizes or awards exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by check from a designated account of the organization to a named individual. In the case of non-cash prizes or awards, payment shall be in the form of goods or services and, if applicable, by an appropriate legal instrument including, but not limited to, deeds, titles and gift certificates. Checks or other legal instruments payable to “cash” or “bearer” are expressly prohibited.
(1) For single location annual events, the total value of all prizes awarded per annual event shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000); provided, that such limitation shall not apply to prizes of real property.
(2) For multiple location annual events, the total value of all prizes awarded per annual event location shall not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000); provided, that such limitation shall not apply to prizes of real property.
(3) Notwithstanding subdivisions (c)(1) and (2), for annual events conducted by a nonprofit organization that does not intend to raise gross revenue from the annual event exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000), the total value of all prizes awarded per annual event shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
(d) Authorized nonprofit organizations offering a prize of real property pursuant to subsection (c) may offer a cash equivalent prize not to exceed the fair market value of the real property; provided, that any such cash equivalent prize shall be disclosed in the rules of the specific annual event prior to the sale of any ticket, share, chance or other similar record for such annual event and, if a cash equivalent prize is awarded, shall comply with subsection (b).
Any person who is convicted of a violation of § 39-16-702, § 39-16-703, or title 39, chapter 17, parts 5 and 6 shall be permanently disqualified from submitting an annual event application.
The general assembly, by enacting this chapter, intends to preempt any other regulation of the area covered by this chapter. No political subdivision or agency may enact or enforce a law, ordinance, resolution or regulation that regulates or prohibits any conduct in the area covered by this chapter.
(a) The secretary may publicly or privately investigate, as the secretary of state deems necessary, any person or organization that the secretary has reason to believe has violated this chapter. The secretary may assess a civil penalty against any person, or a nonprofit organization, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for a violation of this chapter or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this chapter. Any hearing on the imposition of a civil penalty pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
(b) The Tennessee bureau of investigation shall have jurisdiction over, and shall investigate, violations of §§ 39-17-651 — 39-17-657 and reports of official misconduct concerning this chapter in a manner consistent with title 38, chapter 6, part 1.
(c) Subsection (a) shall apply to applications and annual events to be conducted on and after July 1, 2005.
(a) The secretary of state may establish, by duly promulgated rules and regulations, the procedures and criteria for requiring and obtaining criminal background checks for officers, directors, trustees, and the principal salaried executive staff officer who will operate the annual event for a nonprofit organization. No background check shall be conducted on any such person unless the secretary finds good cause, based upon objective criteria, that the information contained in the annual event application, or supporting documentation, is ambiguous, false or insufficient; provided, that a background check may be required for good cause if based upon reliable information from a law enforcement agency. The secretary of state may utilize the Tennessee bureau of investigation or the federal bureau of investigation to conduct criminal background checks.
(b) Procedures and payments of costs associated with criminal background checks shall be governed by §§ 38-6-103 and 38-6-109. The nonprofit organization that has filed an annual event application shall be responsible for payment of all criminal background checks required by this section. The secretary of state shall not pay for any criminal background check required by this section.
(c) Criminal background checks may include fingerprint checks against state and federal criminal records maintained by the Tennessee bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation.
(d) The secretary of state shall be immune from suit for declining to approve the conducting of an annual event based upon criminal background information received pursuant to this section.
(1) In the event that the secretary establishes procedures and criteria for requiring and obtaining criminal background checks, such checks shall not be performed upon officers, directors or trustees who receive no compensation for their duties associated with the nonprofit organization.
(2) In the event that the secretary establishes procedures and criteria for requiring and obtaining criminal background checks, such provisions shall only apply to annual event applications for the operation of annual events to be conducted on and after July 1, 2005.
(a) The secretary of state is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations as the secretary of state may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. All such rules and regulations shall be promulgated in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
(b) Notwithstanding §§ 4-5-208 and 4-5-209 or any other law to the contrary, the secretary of state is authorized to promulgate emergency rules to implement this chapter.
(c) The secretary of state shall promulgate rules to regulate bingo. The rules must include limits on prizes, prohibitions on hiring entities to run the bingo games, requirements that the bingo games be conducted by volunteers, and any other rules the secretary deems necessary to maintain safety and fairness.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Alternate delegate” means an individual elected as an alternate delegate as provided by this chapter;
(2) “Article V convention” means a convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States called for by the states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States;
(3) “Delegate” means an individual elected as provided by this chapter to represent Tennessee at an Article V convention;
(4) “House of representatives” means the house of representatives of the general assembly;
(5) “Paired delegate” means the delegate with whom an alternate delegate is paired as provided by this chapter; and
(6) “Senate” means the senate of the general assembly.
(a) At the time delegates and alternate delegates are elected, the general assembly shall adopt a joint resolution to provide instructions to the delegates and alternate delegates regarding the following:
(1) The rules of procedure; and
(2) Any other matter relating to the Article V convention that the general assembly considers necessary.
(b) The general assembly may amend the instructions at any time by joint resolution.
(1) Act in the place of the alternate delegate's paired delegate when the alternate delegate's paired delegate is absent from the Article V convention; or
(2) Replace the alternate delegate's paired delegate if the alternate delegate's paired delegate vacates the office.
(b) A vote cast by a delegate or an alternate delegate at an Article V convention that is outside the scope of:
(1) The instructions established by a joint resolution adopted under § 3-18-103; or
(2) The limits placed by the general assembly in a joint resolution that calls for an Article V convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States on the subjects and amendments that may be considered by the Article V convention;
is void.
(c) A delegate or alternate delegate who votes or attempts to vote outside the scope of:
(1) The instructions established by a joint resolution adopted under § 3-18-103; or
(2) The limits placed by the general assembly in a joint resolution that calls for an Article V convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States on the subjects and amendments that may be considered by the Article V convention;
forfeits the delegate's appointment by virtue of that vote or attempt to vote.
(d) The paired alternate delegate of a delegate who forfeits appointment under subsection (c) becomes the delegate at the time the forfeiture of the appointment occurs.
The application of the general assembly to call an Article V convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States ceases to be a continuing application and shall be treated as having no effect if all of the delegates and alternate delegates vote or attempt to vote outside the scope of:
(1) The instructions established by a joint resolution adopted under § 3-18-103; or
(2) The limits placed by the general assembly in a joint resolution that calls for an Article V convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States on the subjects and amendments that may be considered by the Article V convention.
(a) It is an offense for a delegate or alternate delegate to knowingly or intentionally vote or attempt to vote outside the scope of:
(1) The instructions established by a joint resolution adopted under § 3-18-103; or
(2) The limits placed by the general assembly in a joint resolution that calls for an Article V convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States on the subjects and amendments that may be considered by the Article V convention.
(b) A violation of subsection (a) is a Class E felony.
(a) An individual must satisfy the following requirements to be appointed as a delegate or as an alternate delegate to an Article V convention:
(1) The individual shall be a resident of Tennessee for at least one (1) full year immediately prior to the appointment;
(2) The individual shall be a registered voter in Tennessee;
(3) The individual shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age; and
(4) The individual shall not be registered or required to be registered as a lobbyist under chapter 6, part 3 of this title or under 2 U.S.C. § 1603, or rules or regulations adopted under such laws.
(b) An individual may not be appointed as a delegate or as an alternate delegate if the individual holds a federal elected or appointed office. The general assembly shall appoint delegates and alternate delegates so that, as near as practicable, the three (3) grand divisions are equally represented.
(a) Whenever an Article V convention is called, the general assembly shall appoint:
(1) The number of delegates allocated to represent Tennessee; and
(2) An equal number of alternate delegates, under rules adopted jointly by the house of representatives and the senate.
(b) If the general assembly is not in session during the time during which delegates to an Article V convention must be appointed, the governor shall call the general assembly into special session under Article III, § 9 of the Constitution of Tennessee for the purpose of appointing delegates and alternate delegates.
(a) To be elected a delegate or an alternate delegate, an individual shall receive, in each house of the general assembly, a two-thirds (⅔) vote of all the members to which such house is entitled under the Constitution of Tennessee.
(b) At the time of election, each alternate delegate shall be paired with a delegate as provided in a joint resolution adopted by the general assembly.
(c) The general assembly may recall any delegate or alternate delegate and replace that delegate or alternate delegate with an individual appointed under this section at any time.
(d) The general assembly shall appoint or recall delegates or alternate delegates by joint resolution.
(a) A delegate or an alternate delegate shall not receive compensation, but shall be eligible for reimbursement for expenses and mileage in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the commissioner of finance and administration and approved by the attorney general and reporter.
(b) For purposes of Article II, § 26 of the Constitution of Tennessee, the position of delegate or alternate delegate is not a lucrative office.
(c) All funds necessary to pay expenses under subsection (a) shall be paid from appropriations to the general assembly.
(a) Each delegate and alternate delegate shall, after appointment and before the delegate or alternate delegate may exercise any function as delegate or alternate delegate, execute an oath in writing that the delegate or alternate delegate will:
(1) Support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Tennessee;
(2) Faithfully abide by and execute any instructions to delegates and alternate delegates adopted by the general assembly and as may be amended by the general assembly at any time; and
(3) Otherwise faithfully discharge the duties of delegate or alternate delegate.
(b) A delegate's or alternate delegate's executed oath shall be filed with the secretary of state.