Title 6 Cities And Towns

City Manager-Commission Charter
Chapter 18 City Manager-Commission Charter—Adoption or Surrender
§ 6-18-101. Definitions — Chapters 18-22.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) “City,” in chapters 18-22 of this title, refers to any city that may adopt these chapters, and “county” refers to the county in which any such city is located; and
    2. (2) “This charter” refers to chapters 18-22 of this title.
  2. (b) Whenever the “county election commission” is referred to in chapters 18-22 of this title, it means the county election commission of the county in which the territory proposed to be incorporated or the municipality is situated. If the territory proposed to be incorporated or the municipality includes parts of two (2) or more counties, it means the county election commission in each of such counties and they shall act jointly in performing the functions required of county election commissions in chapters 18-22 of this title.
§ 6-18-102. Construction of chapters 18-22.
  1. In the construction of any portion of chapters 18-22 of this title whose meaning or application is in dispute, it is intended that its phraseology shall be liberally construed to effect the substantial objects of these chapters.
§ 6-18-103. Right to adopt city manager form — Incorporation within specified distances from existing cities.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The residents of any incorporated municipality or of any territory that it is desired to incorporate shall have the right to adopt chapters 18-22 of this title in the manner provided in this charter; and thereupon such city or territory shall be and become incorporated and be governed as set forth in this charter. No unincorporated territory shall be incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title unless such territory contains not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) persons, who shall be actual residents of the territory, and shall also contain real estate included in the territory worth not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000).
    2. (2) No unincorporated territory shall be allowed to hold a referendum on the question of whether or not to incorporate under this charter until a plan of services is documented, setting forth the identification and projected timing of municipal services proposed to be provided and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. The plan of services shall be attached to the petition to incorporate when such petition is filed with the county election commission. The plan of services shall include, but not be limited to, police protection, fire protection, water service, sanitary sewage system, solid waste disposal, road and street construction and repair, recreational facilities, a proposed five-year operational budget, including projected revenues and expenditures, and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. Municipalities that are first incorporated on or after July 1, 1993, and that produce no local own-source revenues in any fiscal year, shall not receive any state-shared revenues during the next fiscal year.
    3. (3) Prior to filing the petition with the county election commission, a public hearing on the referendum on the question of whether or not to incorporate under this charter and plan of services shall be conducted. The public hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation for two (2) consecutive weeks.
  2. (b) No unincorporated territory shall be incorporated within three (3) miles of an existing municipality or within five (5) miles of an existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population, according to the latest census certified by the department of economic and community development. “Existing municipality” and “existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population” do not include any county with a metropolitan form of government with a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more, according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census certified by the department of economic and community development.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or (b) to the contrary, a territory may be incorporated if the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1. (1) The territory contains two hundred twenty-five (225) residents or more;
    2. (2) The territory is composed of property that is one thousand six hundred feet (1,600′) or more above sea level on the western border of the territory and contiguous with a county boundary on the eastern border of the territory;
    3. (3) The territory is located within an area that is bordered on the west, north and east by the Tennessee River and on the south by the border between Tennessee and another state; and
    4. (4) The territory is located within a metropolitan statistical area.
  4. (d) Notwithstanding subsections (a)-(c) to the contrary, a territory may be incorporated that meets the following conditions:
    1. (1) The territory contains three hundred (300) residents or more;
    2. (2) The territory's western boundary is contiguous with the western boundary of the county in which it is located;
    3. (3) The territory is located within an area that is bordered on the north by the Loosahatchie River and on the south by the Wolf River;
    4. (4) The territory's eastern boundary is approximately parallel with the western boundary, but in no place is more than eight (8) miles from the western boundary; and
    5. (5) The territory is located within a metropolitan statistical area.
  5. (e) Notwithstanding the requirements of § 6-18-104, or any other provision of law to the contrary, the petition for incorporation of the territory described in subsection (d) may consist of a letter from a resident of the territory desiring to incorporate to the county election commission requesting that the question of incorporating the territory be placed on the ballot. The letter shall describe the exact boundaries of the proposed municipality, indicate the name of the proposed municipality, and indicate under which charter the territory desires to incorporate. The letter shall be treated as a petition meeting all the requirements of law.
  6. (f)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, whenever the governing body of any existing city affected by this section, by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of its governing body, indicates that it has no interest in annexing the property to be incorporated, and when a certified copy of such resolution and a petition requesting that an incorporation election be held are filed with the county election commission, then the proceedings shall continue as provided in this chapter as though the proposed new incorporation was not within the specified distance of such existing city as provided in this section.
    2. (2) Subdivision (f)(1) shall only apply in counties having a population of not less than eighty thousand (80,000) nor more than eighty-three thousand (83,000), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census; provided, that in any adjoining county an existing municipality that is within the specified distance may also use the procedure authorized by subdivision (f)(1).
§ 6-18-104. Election to adopt city manager form.
  1. (a) An election for the purpose of determining whether or not chapters 18-22 of this title shall become effective for any city shall be included on the ballot at the next election, as defined in § 2-1-104, by the county election commission upon the petition in writing of thirty-three and one-third percent (33 ⅓%) of the registered voters of the city or territory, which petition shall state therein in a sufficient manner the boundaries of the proposed municipal corporation, which may be done by a general reference to the boundaries then existing if there is one. Petitioners shall attach a list of the names of all persons who at the time of making the list would be qualified voters in the proposed territory. The county election commission shall, in addition to all other notices required by law, publish one (1) notice of the election in a newspaper of general circulation within the territory of the city or of the proposed city and post the notice in at least ten (10) places in the territory.
  2. (b) At any time not less than thirty (30) days prior to the election provided for in this section, the request or petition may be withdrawn or may be amended to call for a smaller territory for the proposed municipal corporation so long as all of the proposed smaller territory is contained within the boundaries of the territory described in the first petition or request. The withdrawal or amendment shall be valid if filed with the county election commission in writing and executed by twenty percent (20%) of the number of the registered voters voting at the last election within the boundaries of the territory described in the original request or petition, and if signed by not less than fifty-one percent (51%) of those who signed the original request or petition. In the event such an amended request or petition is filed, all provisions relating to time periods in § 6-18-103 shall be controlled by the date of the filing of the original petition, notwithstanding the filing of the amended request or petition, and the county election commission shall publish the notice of election as provided for in this section. A petition for request to withdraw, when filed with and validated by the county election commission, shall render the original request or petition null and void.
  3. (c) Following the defeat of an incorporation in an election held pursuant to this section, no new request for petition for an election may be filed until after the expiration of four (4) years. If the territory included in the boundaries of the newly proposed municipal corporation includes less than fifty percent (50%) of the territory subject to incorporation in such previous election, and if the territory subject to incorporation in such election comprises less than fifty percent (50%) of the territory included in the boundaries of the newly proposed municipal corporation, the four-year waiting period shall not be required.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) If a proposal to incorporate a territory is defeated in an election held pursuant to this section by a number of negative votes comprising more than sixty percent (60%) of the persons voting, no further incorporation election shall be held for a period of four (4) years from the previous election unless the conditions established in subsection (c) are met.
    2. (2) If a proposal to incorporate a territory is defeated in an election held pursuant to this section by a number of negative votes comprising less than sixty percent (60%) of the persons voting, no further incorporation election shall be held for a period of two (2) years from the previous election unless the conditions established in subsection (c) are met.
§ 6-18-105. Registration of voters — Qualifications to vote — Certification of result.
  1. (a) The county election commission shall use such methods authorized by title 2 as it judges necessary to facilitate registration before the election.
  2. (b) All registered voters of the city or of the territory of the proposed city are eligible to vote in the election.
  3. (c) The county election commission shall determine and declare the results of the election and shall certify the results within forty-eight (48) hours after it completes its duties under § 2-8-105(3). It shall publish the certificate in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or territory and, if the city is already incorporated, shall file the certificate with the city council or other legislative body of the city at its first meeting after the certification. The certificate shall be entered at large on the minutes of the body with which it is filed.
§ 6-18-106. Effect of favorable vote.
  1. (a) If it is found, as provided in § 6-18-105, that the majority of the votes cast are in favor of the adoption of chapters 18-22 of this title, it shall be deemed to have been adopted.
  2. (b) Except for the provisions of chapters 18-22 of this title that are adopted by reference in other municipal charters, chapters 18-22 of this title apply only to those cities that have adopted chapters 18-22 of this title by referendum as authorized by law.
§ 6-18-107. Succession to old corporation.
  1. (a) Chapters 18-22 of this title shall take effect in any city immediately after the election and organization of the first board of commissioners provided for in this charter, and thereupon any then existing charter of such city shall immediately become abrogated and null. The right, title and ownership of all property of the city and all of its uncollected taxes, dues, claims, judgments, and choses in action, and all of its rights of every kind whatsoever, shall immediately become vested in the corporation so chartered under chapters 18-22 of this title. The new corporation shall answer and be liable for all debts, contracts, and obligations of the corporation that it succeeds in the same manner and proportion and to the same extent as the former corporation was liable under existing laws. All ordinances, laws, resolutions, and bylaws duly enacted and in force under the preexisting charter and not inconsistent with chapters 18-22 of this title shall remain in full force until repealed, modified, or amended as provided in this charter.
  2. (b) The zoning ordinance duly enacted and in force in any county shall apply to any unincorporated territory in the county incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title until such incorporated city shall duly enact zoning ordinances, or for a period of six (6) months from the date the first board of commissioners shall take their respective offices, whichever occurs first.
§ 6-18-108. Surrender of charter.
  1. (a) After the adoption of this charter and the election of the commissioners, a majority of whom are elected for a four-year period as provided in subsection (b), no election for the surrender of this charter shall be called or held for a period of four (4) years from the date the first board of commissioners shall take their respective offices.
  2. (b) After the expiration of the four-year period, and upon the filing of a petition in the same manner as provided for the adoption of chapters 18-22 of this title containing the signatures of the same number of registered voters and praying for a surrender of such charter, an election shall be held to determine whether or not the same shall be surrendered; provided, that in case of a failure to surrender such charter, the election shall not be held more frequently than at two-year intervals thereafter. For a four-year period after the first board of commissioners shall take office, the cost of calling and holding such an election shall be borne by those petitioning therefor if such election does not result in a surrender of this form of charter. Should such election, however, result in a surrender, the cost of such election shall be borne by the city and following the expiration of such four-year period the cost of such election shall be borne by the city.
§ 6-18-109. Conduct of surrender election — Qualifications to vote.
  1. The county election commission has the same duties with respect to an election for the surrender of a charter as it has with respect to an election to adopt a charter under this title. Any registered voter of the city may vote in the election.
§ 6-18-110. Termination of charter — New charter.
  1. (a) If a majority of the votes cast in the election provided for in this charter shall favor the termination of such form of government, such charter shall terminate at one (1) minute past midnight (12:01 a.m.) on the sixtieth day following the date of such election unless it falls upon a Sunday, in which case it shall terminate at one (1) minute past midnight (12:01 a.m.) on the next day. If previous to the adoption of this form of charter such city or town functions under a different charter, then upon termination of this charter such prior charter shall become effective at the time mentioned in this subsection (a), and territory previously unincorporated shall revert to that status.
  2. (b) If by law in the case of unincorporated territory another charter may be adopted by vote of the electors, the question as to whether or not such other form of charter shall be adopted may be placed upon the ballot to be used in the election mentioned in this section, if the petition filed requests the same, and if all other necessary legal steps to adopt such other form of charter have been taken prior to the election.
§ 6-18-111. Election of new officers after surrender of charter — Filing deadline — Qualifications to vote.
  1. (a) In case there is a previously incorporated city or if a new charter is adopted as provided in § 6-18-110, the county election commission shall call an election not less than forty (40) days nor more than fifty (50) days following the election for surrender of the charters provided in § 6-18-108, at which time municipal officials for the newly adopted form of government shall be chosen who shall take office upon the date fixed for the termination of the previous charter.
  2. (b) The qualifying deadline for filing nominating petitions shall be twelve o'clock (12:00) noon of the sixth Thursday before the election.
  3. (c) All registered voters of the municipality may vote in the election.
§ 6-18-112. Succession to assets, liabilities and obligations after surrender of charter.
  1. In case of a reversion to a former form of charter or adoption of a new one simultaneously with the surrender of the old, all assets, liabilities and obligations of such city shall become assets, liabilities and obligations of the new municipality, and in the event that a city shall revert to an unincorporated status, the governing body of such city thereupon shall become trustees of the property and funds of such former city and, under such bonds as may be required by the county legislative body, shall proceed to terminate the affairs of the city and dispose of its property.
§ 6-18-113. Liquidation of affairs.
  1. Should the property and funds be more than sufficient to meet the city's obligations, the surplus shall be paid into the treasury of the county to become a part of its general fund. Should the property and funds be insufficient to meet all the city's current obligations, the county legislative body is hereby authorized to levy and collect taxes upon the property within the boundaries of the former city and to pay same over to the trustees for the purpose of meeting such current deficit. The trustees shall terminate the affairs of the city as soon as possible, but in no event shall the trusteeship continue for more than thirty-six (36) months. Any matters, including obligations maturing after thirty-six (36) months, not disposed of within the period designated in this section shall become the responsibility of the county legislative body of the county wherein the city was located.
§ 6-18-115. Situs county of new municipality to continue receiving tax revenues until July 1 — Exception — Notice to department of revenue of incorporation.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, whenever a new municipality incorporates under any form of charter, the county or counties in which the new municipality is located shall continue to receive the revenue from all state and local taxes distributed on the basis of situs of collection, generated within the newly incorporated area, until July 1 following the incorporation, unless the incorporation takes effect on July 1.
  2. (b) If the incorporation takes effect on July 1, then the municipality shall begin receiving revenue from such taxes generated within its corporate boundaries for the period beginning July 1.
  3. (c) Whenever a municipality incorporates, the municipality shall notify the department of revenue of such incorporation prior to the incorporation becoming effective, for the purpose of tax administration.
  4. (d) Such taxes shall include the local sales tax authorized in § 67-6-103, the income tax on dividends authorized in § 67-2-102, and all other such taxes distributed to counties and municipalities based on the situs of their collection.
Chapter 19 Powers Under City Manager-Commission Charter
§ 6-19-101. General powers.
  1. (a) Every city incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title may:
    1. (1) Assess, levy and collect taxes for all general and special purposes on all subjects or objects of taxation, and privileges taxable by law for municipal purposes;
    2. (2) Adopt such classifications of the subjects and objects of taxation as may not be contrary to law;
    3. (3) Make special assessments for local improvements;
    4. (4) Contract and be contracted with;
    5. (5) Incur debts by borrowing money or otherwise, and give any appropriate evidence thereof, in the manner provided in this section;
    6. (6) Issue and give, sell, pledge, or in any manner dispose of, negotiable or nonnegotiable interest-bearing or noninterest-bearing bonds, warrants, promissory notes or orders of the city, upon the credit of the city or solely upon the credit of specific property owned by the city, or solely upon the credit of income derived from any property used in connection with any public utility owned or operated by the city, or solely upon the credit of the proceeds of special assessments for local improvements, or upon any two (2) or more such credits;
    7. (7) Expend the money of the city for all lawful purposes;
    8. (8) Acquire or receive and hold, maintain, improve, sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of property, real or personal, and any estate or interest therein, within or without the city or state;
    9. (9) Condemn property, real or personal or any easement, interest, or estate or use therein, either within or without the city, for present or future public use; such condemnation to be made and effected in accordance with the terms and provisions of title 29, chapter 16, or in such other manner as may be provided by general law;
    10. (10) Take and hold property within or without the city or state upon trust; and administer trusts for the public benefit;
    11. (11) Acquire, construct, own, operate and maintain, or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of public utilities or any estate or interest therein, or any other utility that is of service to the city, its inhabitants, or any part of the city;
    12. (12) Grant to any person, firm, association, or corporation franchises for public utilities and public services to be furnished the city and those in the city. Such power to grant franchises shall embrace the power hereby expressly conferred, to grant exclusive franchises. When an exclusive franchise is granted, it shall be exclusive not only as against any other person, firm, association, or corporation, but also as against the city itself. Franchises may be granted for the period of twenty-five (25) years or less, but not longer, except as provided in § 65-4-107(b). The board of commissioners may prescribe in each grant of a franchise, the rates, fares, charges, and regulations that may be made by the grantee of the franchise. Franchises may by their terms apply to the territory within the corporate limits of the city at the date of the franchises, and as the corporate limits thereafter may be enlarged; and to the then existing streets, alleys, and other thoroughfares that may be opened after the grant of the franchise;
    13. (13) Make contracts with any person, firm, association or corporation, for public utilities and public services to be furnished the city and those in the city. Such power to make contracts shall embrace the power, expressly conferred, to make exclusive contracts. When an exclusive contract is entered into, it shall be exclusive not only against any other person, firm, association or corporation, but also as against the city itself. Such contracts may be entered into for the period of twenty-five (25) years or less, but not longer. The board of commissioners may prescribe in each such contract entered into, the rates, fares, charges, and regulations that may be made by the person, firm, association, or corporation with whom the contract is made. Such contracts may by their terms apply to the territory within the corporate limits of the city at the date of the contract, and as the corporate limits thereafter may be enlarged; and to the then existing streets, alleys and thoroughfares and to any other streets, alleys and other thoroughfares that may be opened after the grant of the contract;
    14. (14) Prescribe reasonable regulations regarding the construction, maintenance, equipment, operation and service of public utilities and compel, from time to time, reasonable extensions of facilities for such services, but nothing in this subdivision (14) shall be construed to permit the alteration or impairment of any of the terms or provisions of any exclusive franchise granted or of any exclusive contract entered into under subdivisions (12) and (13);
    15. (15) Establish, open, relocate, vacate, alter, widen, extend, grade, improve, repair, construct, reconstruct, maintain, light, sprinkle, and clean public highways, streets, boulevards, parkways, sidewalks, alleys, parks, public grounds, and squares, wharves, bridges, viaducts, subways, tunnels, sewers and drains within or without the corporate limits and regulate the use thereof within the corporate limits, and property may be taken and appropriated therefor under §§ 7-31-107 — 7-31-111 and 29-16-203, or in such other manner as may be provided by general laws;
    16. (16) Construct, improve, reconstruct and reimprove by opening, extending, widening, grading, curbing, guttering, paving, graveling, macadamizing, draining, or otherwise improving any streets, highways, avenues, alleys or other public places within the corporate limits, and assess a portion of the cost of such improvements upon the property abutting upon or adjacent to such streets, highways or alleys as provided by title 7, chapters 32 and 33;
    17. (17) Assess against abutting property within the corporate limits the cost of planting shade trees, removing from sidewalks all accumulations of snow, ice, and earth, cutting and removing obnoxious weeds and rubbish, street lighting, street sweeping, street sprinkling, street flushing and street oiling, the cleaning and rendering sanitary or removal, abolishing, and prohibiting of closets and privies, in such manner as may be provided by general law or by ordinance of the board of commissioners;
    18. (18) Acquire, purchase, provide for, construct, regulate, and maintain and do all things relating to all marketplaces, public buildings, bridges, sewers and other structures, works and improvements;
    19. (19) Collect and dispose of drainage, sewage, ashes, garbage, refuse or other waste, or license and regulate such collection and disposal, and the cost of such collection, regulation or disposal may be funded by taxation or special assessment to the property owner;
    20. (20) License and regulate all persons, firms, corporations, companies and associations engaged in any business, occupation, calling, profession, or trade not forbidden by law;
    21. (21) Impose a license tax upon any animal, thing, business, vocation, pursuit, privilege, or calling not prohibited by law;
    22. (22) Define, prohibit, abate, suppress, prevent and regulate all acts, practices, conduct, business, occupations, callings, trades, uses of property and all other things whatsoever detrimental, or liable to be detrimental, to the health, morals, comfort, safety, convenience, or welfare of the inhabitants of the city, and to exercise general police powers;
    23. (23) Prescribe limits within which business occupations and practices liable to be nuisances or detrimental to the health, morals, security or general welfare of the people may lawfully be established, conducted or maintained;
    24. (24) Inspect, test, measure and weigh any article for consumption or use within the city, and charge reasonable fees therefor, and to provide standards of weights, tests and measures in such manner as may be provided pursuant to title 47, chapter 26, part 9;
    25. (25) Establish, regulate, license and inspect weights and measures in accordance with subdivision (24);
    26. (26) Regulate the location, bulk, occupancy, area, lot, location, height, construction and materials of all buildings and structures in accordance with general law, and to inspect all buildings, lands and places as to their condition for health, cleanliness and safety, and when necessary, prevent the use thereof and require any alteration or changes necessary to make them healthful, clean or safe;
    27. (27) Provide and maintain charitable, educational, recreative, curative, corrective, detentive, or penal institutions, departments, functions, facilities, instrumentalities, conveniences and services;
    28. (28) Purchase or construct, maintain and establish a correctional facility for the confinement and detention of persons who violate laws within the corporate limits of the city, or to contract with the county to keep these persons in the correctional facility of the county and to enforce the payment of fines and costs in accordance with §§ 40-24-104 and 40-24-105 or through contempt proceedings in accordance with general law;
    29. (29) Enforce any ordinance, rule or regulation by fines, forfeitures and penalties, and by other actions or proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction;
    30. (30) Establish schools, to the extent authorized pursuant to general law, determine the necessary boards, officers and teachers required therefor, and fix their compensation, purchase or otherwise acquire land for schoolhouses, playgrounds and other purposes connected with the schools; purchase or erect all necessary buildings and do all other acts necessary to establish, maintain and operate a complete educational system within the city;
    31. (31) Regulate, tax, license or suppress the keeping or going at large of animals within the city, impound the same and, in default of redemption, to sell or kill the same;
    32. (32) Call elections as provided in this charter; and
    33. (33) Have and exercise all powers that now or hereafter it would be competent for this charter specifically to enumerate, as fully and completely as though such powers were specifically enumerated in this section.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) In addition to the general powers provided in subsection (a), any city incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title may, upon the adoption of an ordinance by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners, impose a fee for the specific purpose of raising revenue to fund the construction and maintenance of a municipal fire station and fire department and for no other purpose.
    2. (2) Any city establishing a fee under this subsection (b) shall provide in the ordinance a system for the collection and enforcement of fees authorized and imposed pursuant to this subsection (b).
    3. (3) The amount of the fee shall initially be set by the city in the ordinance imposing the fee. The ordinance may provide for a means of increasing and decreasing the fee as determined by the board of commissioners. After the construction of the fire station for which the fee is initially imposed, the city shall reduce the fee to reflect only the cost of maintenance of the fire station or operation of the municipal fire department unless additional fire stations are needed.
    4. (4) If a city imposing a fee under this subsection (b) is in a county that imposes a fire fee:
      1. (A) The fees established under this subsection (b) shall not be set in excess of the rates imposed by the county at the time the city adopts the ordinance pursuant to subdivision (b)(1); and
      2. (B) The county shall not collect the fire fee from residents after the date the city adopts the ordinance pursuant to subdivision (b)(1).
§ 6-19-102. Enumeration of powers not exclusive.
  1. The enumeration of particular powers in this charter is not exclusive of others, nor restrictive of general words or phrases granting powers, nor shall a grant or failure to grant power in this chapter impair a power granted in any other part of this charter, and whether powers, objects, or purposes are expressed, conjunctively or disjunctively, they shall be construed so as to permit the city to exercise freely any one (1) or more such powers as to any one (1) or more such objects for any one (1) or more such purposes.
§ 6-19-103. School systems.
  1. Such town may establish, erect, and maintain public schools, and may assess and levy taxes for such purpose.
§ 6-19-104. Purchasing and contract procedures.
  1. (a) The city manager shall be responsible for all city purchasing, but the city manager may delegate the duty to make purchases to any subordinate appointed by the city manager.
  2. (b) Competitive prices for all purchases and public improvements shall be obtained whenever practicable and in accordance with regulations established by ordinance, and the purchase made from or the contract awarded to the lowest and best bidder; provided, that the city may reject any and all bids.
  3. (c) Formal sealed bids shall be obtained in all transactions involving the expenditure of an amount to be set by ordinance. The amount set shall be equal to or greater than the amount set in chapter 56, part 3 of this title, but may not be greater than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). The transaction shall be evidenced by written contract when necessary. In cases where the board indicates by unanimous resolution of those present at the meeting, based upon the written recommendation of the manager, that it is clearly to the advantage of the city not to contract with competitive bidding, it may authorize noncompetitive contracts.
  4. (d) The city manager may reject all bids and authorize the making of public improvements or accomplishment of any other city work by any city department.
  5. (e) Purchasing and contract procedures not prescribed by this charter or other law may be established by ordinance.
  6. (f) The board of commissioners may by ordinance delegate to the city manager the authority to enter into binding contracts on behalf of the city, without specific board approval, in routine matters and matters having insubstantial long-term consequences. The ordinance shall enumerate the types of matters to which the city manager's authority extends and may place other limitations on the city manager's authority under this subsection (f). As used in this subsection (f), “routine matters and matters having insubstantial long-term consequences” means any contract for which expenditures during the fiscal year will be less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
§ 6-19-105. Retirement benefits.
  1. The board of commissioners may provide for the retirement of the city's full-time nonelective officers and employees and make available to them any group, life, hospital, health, or accident insurance, either independently of, or as a supplement to, any retirement or other employee welfare benefits otherwise provided by law.
Chapter 20 Commissioners and Mayor Under City Manager-Commission Charter
Part 1 Election of Commissioners
§ 6-20-101. Number and terms of commissioners — Election by districts.
  1. (a) In all cities that adopt chapters 18-22 of this title, commissioners as provided for in this charter shall be elected in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
  2. (b) If such city or territory has a population of five thousand (5,000) or more according to the last federal census, there shall be elected at the first election five (5) commissioners, the three (3) receiving the highest number of votes to hold office for four (4) years, and the other two (2) for two (2) years. If such city or territory has a population of less than five thousand (5,000) according to the last federal census, there shall be elected at the first election three (3) commissioners, the two (2) receiving the highest number of votes to hold office for four (4) years and the third for two (2) years. The term of all commissioners thereafter elected shall be for four (4) years, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Any such city that has a population of not less than two thousand nine hundred twenty (2,920) nor more than two thousand nine hundred twenty-two (2,922), according to the federal census of 1960 or any subsequent federal census, five (5) commissioners shall be elected as provided for cities of more than five thousand (5,000) population. The deadline for filing nominating petitions for the first commissioners is thirty-five (35) days before the incorporation election.
  3. (c) Any city having a population of less than five thousand (5,000) shall have the option of increasing the number of commissioners to five (5) by ordinance. In the next regular city election after the adoption of such an ordinance, voters shall be entitled to vote for three (3) commissioners, or four (4) commissioners, as the case may be, and at the same election the approval of the ordinance shall also be submitted to the voters. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance shall be for approval and the number of commissioners to be elected is three (3), the two (2) receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for four (4) years, and the third for two (2) years. If the number of commissioners to be elected is four (4), the two (2) receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for four (4) years, and the other two (2) for two (2) years. The terms of all commissioners thereafter elected shall be for four (4) years, or until their successors are elected and qualified. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance shall not be for approval, the ordinance shall be null and void, and the results of the election shall be certified as though the election were for one (1) commissioner, or two (2) commissioners, as the case may be, and as though no ordinance had been adopted. Any city that has previously adopted an ordinance approved by the voters pursuant to this subsection (c) increasing the number of commissioners from three (3) to five (5), may, after six (6) years, adopt an ordinance to decrease the number of commissioners from five (5) to three (3) following the same procedure. If a majority of those persons voting on the ordinance shall be for approval, then the number of commissioners shall be reduced to three (3). Any such ordinance providing for a decrease in the number of commissioners shall not operate to abbreviate the term of office of any elected commissioner.
  4. (d) An ordinance increasing the number of commissioners to five (5) may also be submitted to the voters in an election on the question that the board of commissioners directs the county election commission to hold. At such election, voters shall be entitled to vote for two (2) commissioners to serve until the next regular city election. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance shall be for approval, the two (2) candidates for commissioner receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. At the next regular city election if the number of commissioners to be elected is four (4), the three (3) receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for four (4) years, and the fourth for two (2) years; if the number of commissioners to be elected is three (3), they shall hold office for four (4) years. The terms of all commissioners thereafter elected shall be for four (4) years, or until their successors are elected and qualified. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance in the special election shall not be for approval, the ordinance and the election of the two (2) commissioners shall be null and void.
  5. (e) Notwithstanding subsections (a)-(d), a city with a population of not less than six hundred (600) nor more than six hundred twenty-five (625) persons, according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, located in a county with a population in excess of seven hundred thousand (700,000) persons, also according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, shall elect all commissioners at one time for a four-year term so that the city may be spared the expense of conducting elections every two (2) years. In order to effectuate this provision, all commissioners to be elected at the 1983 election shall be elected to a two-year term only, to serve until the 1985 election at which time, and every four (4) years thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected to four-year terms. Subsection (e) shall have no effect unless approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the governing body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  6. (f) Cities that have adopted § 6-20-201(a)(3) to provide for popular election of the mayor shall have two (2) or four (4) commissioners as the case may be under subsection (b) or (c).
  7. (g) Notwithstanding subsections (a)-(f), any city incorporated under or adopting this charter may, by ordinance, choose to elect the members of the board of commissioners by district. If the board chooses to elect commissioners by district, the board shall by ordinance create contiguous single-member districts equal to the number of commissioners. The districts shall be equitably apportioned according to population. The establishment of the districts and the fixing of their boundaries shall be accomplished not less than twelve (12) months prior to the regular city election at which commissioners are to be elected, and any change in district boundaries shall also be accomplished within this time limitation. The board shall, within ten (10) years from the initial establishment of districts and at least once in every ten (10) years thereafter, reapportion the districts so that the apportionment shall comply with the requirements of this section. One (1) commissioner shall be elected from each district of the city. The ordinance providing that the commissioners will be chosen by districts may provide that each district commissioner will be elected by the voters of the city at-large or by only the voters of the district. A person must reside in a district to run for or hold the office of commissioner from that district. The ordinance providing that commissioners will be chosen by district may also provide for transition provisions, including increasing the terms of the number of commissioners necessary so that the initial election from all districts shall take place at the same time. The ordinance may provide that all commissioners initially elected serve four-year terms or that some serve four (4) years and some serve two (2) years. If some are elected for two (2) years, their successors shall be elected for four (4) years, so that the commissioners have staggered terms. After the initial election, all commissioners shall be elected for four-year terms.
  8. (h) Any city having a population of more than twenty thousand (20,000), according to the last federal census, shall have the option of increasing the number of commissioners to seven (7) by ordinance. Upon adoption of such an ordinance, it shall be filed with the county election commission, which shall submit approval of the ordinance to the voters of the city at the next general election or regular city election that follows the filing period required pursuant to § 2-3-204(b). If a majority of those voting on the ordinance are not for approval, the ordinance shall be null and void. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance are for approval, then at the next regular city election, voters shall be entitled to vote for four (4) commissioners, or five (5) commissioners, as the case may be, in order to provide for a total of seven (7) commissioners. If the number of commissioners to be elected is four (4), each shall hold office for four (4) years. If the number of commissioners to be elected is five (5), the three (3) receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for four (4) years, and the other two (2) for two (2) years. The terms of all commissioners thereafter elected shall be for four (4) years, or until their successors are elected and qualified. An ordinance approved by the voters pursuant to this section may not be repealed or amended.
  9. (i)
    1. (1) In elections of commissioners in a city having a population of not less than five thousand seven hundred sixty (5,760) nor more than five thousand eight hundred eighty (5,880) which is located inside a county having a population of not less than eighty-nine thousand eight hundred (89,800) nor more than eighty-nine thousand nine hundred (89,900), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census, commission positions shall be designated as Seat A, Seat B, Seat C, Seat D, or Seat E. Any candidate for the commission shall designate, upon qualifying for election, the particular designated seat that the candidate seeks. In each regular city election, all voters in the city may vote for one (1) candidate for each designated seat that is open by reason of the expiration of a commissioner's term.
    2. (2) Subdivision (i)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  10. (j) In any city having a population of not less than seven thousand five hundred fifty (7,550) nor more than seven thousand eight hundred (7,800) that is located inside a county having a population of not less than one hundred eighty-three thousand one hundred (183,100) nor more than one hundred eighty-three thousand two hundred (183,200), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the board of commissioners shall be elected as follows:
    1. (1) In the 2020 election, the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected to four-year terms, and the candidate receiving the third highest number of votes is elected to a two-year term;
    2. (2) In the 2022 election, the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected to four-year terms, and the candidate for mayor receiving the highest number of votes is elected to a four-year term; and
    3. (3) In subsequent elections, all members of the board of commissioners shall be elected to four-year terms.
§ 6-20-102. Date of elections.
  1. (a) The first election of commissioners in any city under chapters 18-22 of this title shall be held on the fourth Tuesday following the election at which these chapters have been adopted. The board of commissioners shall fix the date of all subsequent elections; provided, that any date so designated shall fall within ninety (90) days of the annual anniversary of the first election of the board of commissioners.
  2. (b) In any city having a population of not less than three hundred seventy-five (375) nor more than four hundred twenty-five (425), in any county having a population of not less than twenty-eight thousand (28,000) nor more than twenty-eight thousand one hundred (28,100), all according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the board of commissioners shall fix the date of all subsequent elections; provided, that any date so designated shall be set at least one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the date such election is to be held. The presiding officer of the board of commissioners shall certify such election date, or any subsequent change thereto, to the secretary of state.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) The board of commissioners may by ordinance change the date of municipal elections to coincide with the August or November general election. The ordinance changing the election date shall provide for the extension of the terms of members of the board necessary to meet the election date, but no term may be extended for more than two (2) years beyond its regular expiration date.
    2. (2) Nothing in subdivision (c)(1) shall be construed to remove any incumbent from office or abridge the term of any incumbent prior to the end of the term for which an elected official was selected.
    3. (3) If the board of commissioners changes the date of municipal elections pursuant to subdivision (c)(1), the board may at a later date change the election date back to what such date was prior to moving the election date to coincide with the August or November general election. The board may only make an election date change under this subdivision (c)(3) one (1) time. Terms of incumbent members of the board shall not be abridged to accomplish an election date change under this subsection (c); however, members elected at a date change pursuant to this subsection (c) may take office at a later date so as to not abridge terms of incumbent members. If such members take office at a later date, their term may be abridged due to such members having to take office at the later date.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) In addition to the authority granted by subsections (a), (b) and (c), the board of commissioners of any municipality incorporated under the general laws of this state and having a population of not less than four hundred fifty (450) nor more than four hundred sixty (460), or not less than four hundred eight-five (485) nor more than four hundred ninety-four (494), that is located in any county having a population of not less than fifty-one thousand two hundred (51,200) nor more than fifty-one thousand three hundred (51,300), all according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, may, by an ordinance approved by an affirmative two-thirds (⅔) vote of its membership, fix the date of subsequent regular municipal elections as the date of the regular November election as defined in § 2-1-104, by one (1) of the following alternative methods specified in the ordinance:
      1. (A) The terms of office of the incumbent members of the board of commissioners and popularly-elected mayor, if there is one, that would have expired on the date of the first regular municipal election occurring after the adoption of the ordinance shall be extended to the date of the regular state November election occurring thereafter. The terms of office of the incumbent members of the board of commissioners and popularly-elected mayor, if there is one, that would have expired on the date of the second regular municipal election occurring after the adoption of the ordinance shall be extended to the date of the regular state November election occurring thereafter; or
      2. (B) The terms of incumbent members of the board of commissioners, and the popularly-elected mayor, if there is one, that expire six (6) months or less before a regular state November election, shall be extended to the date of that state election. The terms of members of the board of commissioners and the popularly-elected mayor, if there is one, that expire more than six (6) months before a regular state November election shall be filled at the regular city election pertinent to those offices for terms extending to the next regular state November election.
    2. (2) Members of the board of commissioners, and the popularly-elected mayor, if there is one, shall be elected for terms of four (4) years, except for the transitional term provided for in subdivision (d)(1)(B).
    3. (3) Nothing in this subsection (d) shall be construed to remove any incumbent from office or abridge the term of any incumbent prior to the end of the term for which an elected official was selected.
§ 6-20-103. Persons eligible as commissioners.
  1. A qualified voter of the city, other than a person qualified to vote based only on nonresident ownership of real property under § 6-20-106(b), shall be eligible for election to the office of commissioner.
§ 6-20-104. Disqualification from office.
  1. No person shall become commissioner who has been convicted of malfeasance in office, bribery, or other corrupt practice, or crime, or of violating any of the provisions of § 6-20-108 in reference to elections. Any commissioner so convicted shall forfeit such commissioner's office.
§ 6-20-105. Calling elections.
  1. The board of commissioners has the power by ordinance to direct the calling by the county election commission of municipal elections, including all elections respecting bond issues.
§ 6-20-106. Qualifications of voters.
  1. (a) In any election of commissioners under this charter, registered voters of the city or territory may vote.
  2. (b) In cities having populations of not less than one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) nor more than one thousand three hundred seventy-five (1,375), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, registered voters who own real property located in any such city shall be entitled to vote in all municipal elections and municipal referenda held in such city. In cases of multiple ownership of real property, no more than two (2) owners who are registered voters shall be eligible to vote under this subsection (b). This subsection (b) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners of any city to which it applies. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of such board and certified by such presiding officer to the secretary of state.
  3. (c) In cities having a population of not less than four thousand five hundred fifty (4,550) nor more than four thousand six hundred eight (4,608), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, all registered voters who own real property located in any such city shall also be entitled to vote in all municipal elections and municipal referenda held in such city.
  4. (d) In any city having a population of not less than one thousand nine hundred forty (1,940) nor more than two thousand (2,000), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, a registered voter who resides outside the boundaries of the city, but who owns at least eight thousand square feet (8,000 sq. ft.) of real property located within the boundaries of the city, shall be entitled to vote in all municipal elections and municipal referenda held in the city. In any case of multiple ownership of such real property, the nonresident voter must own at least one-half (½) interest of such property. This subsection (d) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners of any city to which it applies. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of such board and certified by such presiding officer to the secretary of state.
  5. (e) In municipalities having a population of not less than one thousand ten (1,010) and not more than one thousand fifteen (1,015), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census, all registered voters who own real property located in any such municipality shall also be entitled to vote in all municipal elections and municipal referenda held in such city. In cases of multiple ownership of real property, no more than two (2) owners who are registered voters are eligible to vote under this subsection (e). This subsection (e) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners of any city to which it applies. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of such municipality and certified by the presiding officer to the secretary of state.
  6. (f)
    1. (1) In any city incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title having a population of not less than four hundred sixty (460) nor more than four hundred sixty-nine (469), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census, registered voters who own real property located in any such city shall be entitled to vote in all municipal elections and municipal referenda held in such city; provided, that in cases of multiple ownership of real property, no more than two (2) owners who are registered voters shall be eligible to vote.
    2. (2) Subdivision (f)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners of any city to which it applies. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the board and certified by the presiding officer to the secretary of state.
§ 6-20-107. Declaration of results.
  1. The county election commission shall determine and declare the results of the election. The requisite number of candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.
§ 6-20-108. Improper solicitation of political support.
  1. No candidate for any office nor any other person shall, directly or indirectly, give or promise any person or persons any office, employment, money, benefit, or anything of value for the purpose of influencing or obtaining political support, aid, or vote for any candidate. Any person violating this section shall be punished by fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense.
§ 6-20-109. Beginning of terms of office.
  1. (a) The terms of all commissioners shall begin at the beginning of the first regularly scheduled meeting of the board of commissioners following the date of their election.
  2. (b) In any city having a population of not less than seven thousand five hundred fifty (7,550) nor more than seven thousand eight hundred (7,800) that is located inside a county having a population of not less than one hundred eighty-three thousand one hundred (183,100) nor more than one hundred eighty-three thousand two hundred (183,200), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the terms of all members of the board of commissioners begin at the beginning of the first regularly scheduled meeting of the board of commissioners in the month of January immediately following the date of the members' elections. The terms of the members of the board of commissioners in office on May 3, 2018, are extended until the first regularly scheduled meeting of the board of commissioners in the month of January following the election for which their seat is contested, but no term may be extended beyond four (4) years and two (2) months.
§ 6-20-110. Vacancies.
  1. (a) Any vacancy on the board occurring prior to a regular city election shall be filled by the remaining members of the board until that election. At the election, the remaining unexpired term shall be filled. No member shall be appointed under this section at any time when the board already has one (1) member so appointed. In the case of any additional vacancy, the board shall by ordinance or resolution, call upon the county election commission to call a special election for the purpose of filling such additional vacancy. If a city has chosen to elect commissioners from districts, any vacancy in a district commissioner's office shall be filled by the appointment or election of a qualified person who resides in the district.
  2. (b) If, within ninety (90) days of the occurrence of a vacancy, the vacancy has not been filled by the remaining members of the board in accordance with subsection (a), then the mayor, or, if a vacancy exists in the position of mayor, then the city manager, or, if a vacancy exists in the positions of mayor and city manager, then the city recorder, shall notify the county election commission within five (5) business days following the passage of such ninety-day (90) period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the remaining members of the board may, by two-thirds (⅔) vote, notify the county election commission of the board's intent to fill the vacancy by special election at any time prior to the passage of the ninety-day period. The county election commission shall call a special election for the purpose of filling the vacancy; provided, however, that such special election shall be held in conjunction with the next general election or city election, if such election is scheduled to occur more than seventy-five (75) days but less than one hundred twenty (120) days from the date the county election commission is notified of the unfilled vacancy.
§ 6-20-111. Term limits for mayor and board of commissioners.
  1. (a) Subject to the further provisions of this section, the board of commissioners of any municipality incorporated under this charter that is located within a county that has adopted a charter form of government is authorized, upon its own initiative and upon the adoption of an ordinance by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at two (2) separate meetings, to establish term limits for the mayor and the board of commissioners of such municipality in such manner as shall be designated by the ordinance. The operation of the ordinance shall be subject to approval of the voters as required in subsection (b).
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Any ordinance to establish term limits for the mayor and board of commissioners of any municipality to which subsection (a) applies shall not become operative until approved in an election herein provided in the municipality. Upon the adoption of the ordinance, the mayor shall notify the county election commission to hold an election as provided in this subsection (b).
    2. (2) After the receipt of a certified copy of such ordinance, the county election commission shall hold an election on the question pursuant to § 2-3-204, providing options to vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the ordinance, and a majority vote of those voting in the election shall determine whether the ordinance is to be operative.
    3. (3) If the majority vote is for the ordinance, it shall be deemed to be operative on the date that the county election commission makes its official canvass of the election returns; provided, however, that no term limits shall apply until the election of the mayor and board of commissioners held after the ordinance is operative.
    4. (4) If the majority vote is against the ordinance, no further elections on the question of term limits shall be held until at least four (4) years have expired from the previous election and only after the board of commissioners adopts a new ordinance for such purposes in accordance with subsection (a).
  3. (c) Any referendum required by this section may only be submitted to the voters at a regular August election, regular November election, or regularly scheduled municipal election.
Part 2 Powers and Duties of Board
§ 6-20-201. Election of mayor — Absence or disability of mayor.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The commissioners, at the first regular meeting after each biennial election, shall elect one (1) of their number mayor for a term of two (2) years, and, thus organized, the body shall be known as the board of commissioners.
    2. (2) In cities holding elections every four (4) years under the terms of § 6-20-101(e), the commissioners, at the first regular meeting after the quadrennial election and every two (2) years subsequent thereto, shall elect one (1) of their number mayor for a term of two (2) years, and the body so organized shall be known as the board of commissioners. This subdivision (a)(2) shall have no effect unless approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the governing body of any municipality to which it may apply.
    3. (3)
      1. (A) Cities holding elections every four (4) years under the terms of § 6-20-101 and having a population of not less than one thousand twenty (1,020) nor more than one thousand thirty (1,030), according to a 1987 state certified census or any subsequent federal census, shall have the option of a popular election of a mayor, to serve four (4) consecutive years, as the board of commissioners directs the county election commission to hold under § 6-20-102. Voters shall be entitled to vote for a mayor and two (2) or four (4) commissioners dependent upon those provisions of § 6-20-101 in effect for that city.
      2. (B) Subdivision (a)(3)(A) shall have no effect unless approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the governing body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  2. (b)
    1. (1)
      1. (A) Rather than being elected by the board of commissioners, the mayor may be elected by popular vote if this method of electing the mayor is approved in a referendum in the city. In the referendum, the question on the ballot shall appear in substantially this form:
        1. Shall the mayor of this city be elected by popular vote rather than by the board of commissioners?
      2. (B) The referendum may be called by resolution of the board of commissioners or by petition of ten percent (10%) of the registered voters of the city. The referendum shall be held by the county election commission as provided in the general election law for elections on questions, or the resolution or petition may provide that the referendum be held at the next regular city election.
    2. (2) Once the popular election of the mayor has been approved by a majority of those voting, the board of commissioners shall designate by ordinance one (1) of the commissioner positions as that of mayor. The popular election of the mayor shall take effect at the next election for the position designated. In the mayoral election, the person receiving the most votes shall become the mayor. The term of the popularly elected mayor shall be four (4) years.
    3. (3) In a city that has chosen to elect commissioners from districts and that also has chosen to elect the mayor by popular vote, the board of commissioners shall establish one (1) less district than the number of commissioners, and the mayor shall be elected at-large for a four-year term.
    4. (4) The popularly elected mayor shall have the same powers and duties as a mayor chosen by the board of commissioners.
  3. (c) During the absence or disability of the mayor, the board shall designate some properly qualified person to perform the mayor's duties.
§ 6-20-202. Appointment of vice mayor.
  1. At the first meeting of the board, and thereafter at the first meeting after a general city election, the board shall choose from its membership a member to act in the absence, inability, or failure to act of the mayor.
§ 6-20-203. Duties of vice mayor.
  1. The vice mayor shall act as mayor during any temporary absence, inability, or failure to act of the mayor, and whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, such member shall become mayor and hold office as such for the unexpired term.
§ 6-20-204. Compensation of mayor and commissioners.
  1. (a) The salary of the mayor shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300) per month, and the salary of each commissioner shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per month; except that in cities that have a population of not less than one thousand (1,000), according to the federal census of 1970 or any subsequent federal census, the salary of the mayor shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per month, and the salary of each commissioner shall not exceed four hundred fifty dollars ($450) per month. No increase in the salaries permitted by this section shall become effective unless approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) The salary of the mayor and commissioners shall be set by the board of commissioners. In cities with a population of less than one thousand (1,000), however, the salary of the mayor shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per month, and the salary of each commissioner shall not exceed four hundred fifty dollars ($450) per month. In cities with a population of one thousand (1,000) or more, the salary of the mayor shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) per month, and the salary of each commissioner shall not exceed nine hundred fifty dollars ($950) per month. No increase in salaries of the mayor and commissioners shall be effective unless approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the members to which the board of commissioners is entitled. Populations referred to in this section shall be as determined by the latest federal decennial census.
    2. (2) This subsection (b) shall only apply in counties having a population of not less than four hundred seventy thousand (470,000) nor more than four hundred eighty thousand (480,000), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding the limits established in subsections (a) and (b), the salaries of the mayor and commissioners may be established annually by the board of commissioners at the time of adoption of the annual operating budget; provided, however, that such salaries shall not be increased or diminished prior to the end of the term for which such officials were elected.
    2. (2) This subsection (c) shall become effective upon approval by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners.
§ 6-20-205. Powers of board.
  1. (a) The legislative and all other powers, except as otherwise provided by this charter, are delegated to and vested in the board of commissioners. The board may by ordinance or resolution not inconsistent with this charter prescribe the manner in which any powers of the city shall be exercised, provide all means necessary or proper therefor, and do all things needful within or without the city or state to protect the rights of the city.
  2. (b) [Deleted by 2016 amendment.]
§ 6-20-206. Exercise of board's powers.
  1. The board shall exercise its powers in session duly assembled, and no member or group of members thereof shall exercise or attempt to exercise the powers conferred upon the board, except through proceedings adopted at some regular or special session.
§ 6-20-207. Regular meetings.
  1. The board of commissioners shall by ordinance fix the time and place at which the regular meetings of the board shall be held. Until otherwise provided by ordinance, the regular meetings of the board shall be held at eight o'clock p.m. (8:00 p.m.) on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
§ 6-20-208. Special meetings.
  1. Whenever, in the opinion of the mayor, city manager or any two (2) commissioners the welfare of the city demands it, the mayor or the recorder shall call special meetings of the board of commissioners upon at least twelve (12) hours written notice to each commissioner, the city manager, recorder, and city attorney, served personally or left at such person's usual place of residence. Each call for a special meeting shall set forth the character of the business to be discussed at such meeting and no other business shall be considered at such meeting.
§ 6-20-209. Mayor presiding.
  1. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the board of commissioners.
§ 6-20-210. Quorum.
  1. A majority of all the members of the board constitutes a quorum, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of the absentees in such manner and under such penalties as the board may provide.
§ 6-20-211. Procedural powers and duties of board — Penalties.
  1. (a) The board may determine the rules of its proceedings, subject to this charter, and may arrest and punish by fine any member or other person guilty of disorderly or contemptuous behavior in its presence.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) The board has the power and may delegate it to any committee to:
      1. (A) Subpoena witnesses, and order the production of books and papers relating to any subject within its jurisdiction;
      2. (B) Call upon its own officers or the chief of police to execute its process; and
      3. (C) Arrest and punish by fine or imprisonment, or both, any person refusing to obey such subpoena or order.
    2. (2) The refusal to obey a subpoena or order of the board is a Class C misdemeanor.
  3. (c) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor, and each day's continuance in any refusal to comply with the requirements of this section is a separate offense.
  4. (d) The board's presiding officer or the chair of any committee may administer oaths to witnesses.
  5. (e) The board shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and the yeas and nays on all questions shall be entered thereon.
§ 6-20-212. Board sessions public. — Emergencies.
  1. (a) All sessions of the board shall be public.
  2. (b) All sessions of the board shall be subject to a change of plan in case of emergency.
§ 6-20-213. Powers of mayor.
  1. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the board of commissioners and perform such other duties consistent with the mayor's office as may be imposed by it, and the mayor shall have a seat, a voice and a vote, but no veto. The mayor shall sign the journal of the board and all ordinances on their final passage, execute all deeds, bonds, and contracts made in the name of the city, and the mayor may introduce ordinances to the board of commissioners.
§ 6-20-214. Style of ordinances.
  1. All ordinances shall begin, “Be it ordained by the city of (here insert name) as follows:”.
§ 6-20-215. Ordinance procedure.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2), every ordinance shall be read two (2) different days in open session before its adoption, and not less than one (1) week shall elapse between first and second readings, and any ordinance not so read shall be null and void. Any city incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title may establish by ordinance a procedure to read only the caption of an ordinance, instead of the entire ordinance, on both readings. Copies of such ordinances shall be available during regular business hours at the office of the city recorder and during sessions in which the ordinance has its second reading.
    2. (2) Notwithstanding subdivision (a)(1), the board of commissioners governing any city incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title may adopt ordinances pursuant to a consent calendar if the board unanimously passes an ordinance approving the consent calendar; provided, the ordinance approving the consent calendar shall require that:
      1. (A) Each ordinance on the consent calendar be considered on two (2) different days in open session before its adoption and that not less than one (1) week shall elapse between first and second consideration;
      2. (B) Copies of each ordinance adopted pursuant to the consent calendar be available during regular business hours at the office of the city recorder and during sessions in which the ordinance has its second reading;
      3. (C) If any board member objects to an ordinance on the consent calendar or any amendment is adopted to an ordinance on the consent calendar, then the ordinance shall be removed from the consent calendar and may be adopted pursuant to subdivision (a)(1); and
      4. (D) Copies of the consent calendar shall be published along with the agenda prior to any meeting at which the consent calendar will be considered.
    3. (3) A city that has established a consent calendar pursuant to subdivision (a)(2) may eliminate the consent calendar by passage of an ordinance in the same manner required to create the consent calendar.
  2. (b) An ordinance shall not take effect until fifteen (15) days after the first passage thereof, except in case of an emergency ordinance. An emergency ordinance may become effective upon the day of its final passage; provided, that it shall contain the statement that an emergency exists and shall specify the distinct facts and reasons constituting such an emergency.
  3. (c) The unanimous vote of all members of the board present shall be required to pass an emergency ordinance.
  4. (d) No ordinance making a grant, renewal, or extension of a franchise or other special privilege, or regulating the rate to be charged for its service by any public utility shall ever be passed as an emergency ordinance. No ordinance shall be amended, except by a new ordinance.
§ 6-20-216. Voting by board.
  1. In all cases under § 6-20-215, the vote shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against an ordinance shall be entered upon the journal.
§ 6-20-217. Recording of ordinances.
  1. Every ordinance shall be immediately taken charge of by the recorder and by the recorder be numbered, copied in an ordinance book, filed and preserved in the recorder's office.
§ 6-20-218. Publication of penal ordinances — Effective date.
  1. (a) Each ordinance of a penal nature, or the caption of each ordinance of a penal nature, shall be published after its final passage in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
  2. (b) No such ordinance shall take effect until the ordinance, or its caption, is published, except as otherwise provided in chapter 54, part 5 of this title.
§ 6-20-219. Mayoral duties required by ordinance.
  1. The mayor has the power and it is hereby made the mayor's duty to perform all acts that may be required of the mayor by any ordinance duly enacted by the board of commissioners, not in conflict with any of the provisions of this charter.
§ 6-20-220. Removal of officers.
  1. (a) The mayor or any commissioner may be removed from office by the board of commissioners for crime or misdemeanor in office, for grave misconduct showing unfitness for public duty, or for permanent disability, by a majority vote of the other members of the board voting for such removal. The proceedings for such removal shall be upon specific charges in writing, which, with a notice stating the time and place of the hearing, shall be served on the accused or published at least three (3) times on three (3) successive days in a daily newspaper circulating in the city.
  2. (b) The hearing shall be public and the accused shall have the right to appear and defend in person or by counsel and have process of the board to compel the attendance of witnesses in the accused's behalf. Such vote shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against such removal shall be entered in the journal.
  3. (c) Immediately upon the vote for removal, the term of the accused shall expire and the accused's official status, power and authority shall cease without further action.
  4. (d) Anyone removed under this section shall have the right of appeal.
Chapter 21 City Manager, Officers and Employees
Part 1 General Provisions
§ 6-21-101. Appointment and removal of city manager.
  1. (a) The board of commissioners shall appoint and fix the salary of the city manager, who shall serve at the will of the board.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) The city manager may not be removed within twelve (12) months from the date on which the city manager assumed the duties of the city manager, except for incompetence, malfeasance, misfeasance, or neglect of duty.
    2. (2) In case of the city manager's removal within that period, the city manager may demand written charges and a public hearing thereon before the board prior to the date on which final removal shall take effect. The decision and action of the board on such hearing shall be final, and pending such hearing, the board may suspend the city manager from duty.
§ 6-21-102. Subordinate officers and employees.
  1. (a) The city manager may appoint, promote, suspend, transfer and remove any officer or employee of the city responsible to the city manager; or the city manager may, in the city manager's discretion, authorize the head of a department or office responsible to the city manager to take such actions regarding subordinates in such department or office. The city manager shall appoint such heads of administrative offices or organizational units as the city manager deems necessary. The city manager may combine, or personally hold, any such administrative offices established pursuant to this subsection (a) or otherwise established or may delegate parts of the duties of the city manager's office to designated subordinates.
  2. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this charter, the compensation of all officers and employees of the city shall be fixed by the city manager within the limits of the appropriations ordinance and in accordance with a comprehensive pay plan adopted by the board of commissioners.
§ 6-21-103. Oath of office.
  1. Every officer, agent, and employee holding a position upon an annual salary shall, before entering upon such person's duties, take and subscribe and file with the recorder, an oath or affirmation that such person has all the qualifications named in this charter for the office or employment such person is about to assume, that such person will support the constitutions of the United States and of this state and the charter and ordinances of the city and will faithfully discharge the duties of the office or employment.
§ 6-21-104. Surety bond.
  1. The city manager and every officer, agent, and employee having duties embracing the receipt, disbursement, custody, or handling of money shall, before entering upon these duties, execute a fidelity bond with some surety company authorized to do business in the state, as surety, except that bonds for five hundred dollars ($500) or less may be given with personal surety, in such amount as shall be prescribed by ordinance of the board of commissioners, except where the amount is prescribed in this charter. All such bonds and sureties thereto shall be subject to the approval of the board of commissioners. The cost of making these bonds is to be paid by the city.
§ 6-21-105. Additional bond.
  1. If, at any time, it appears to the mayor, city manager, or recorder that the surety or sureties on any official bond are insufficient, the officer or employee shall be required to give additional bond, and if such officer or employee fails to give additional bond within twenty (20) days after being notified, the officer or employee's office shall be vacant.
§ 6-21-106. Political activities of officers and employees — Penalties.
  1. (a) Neither the city manager, recorder, city judge, chief of police nor any person in the employ of the city, under any of such officers, shall take any active part in or contribute any money toward the nomination or election of any candidate for election to the board of commissioners, except to answer such questions as may be put to them and as they may desire to answer.
  2. (b) A violation of this section shall subject the offenders to removal from office or employment, and to punishment by fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense.
§ 6-21-107. Manager as administrative head — Absence — Time devoted to office.
  1. (a) In addition to all other powers conferred upon the city manager, the city manager shall be the administrative head of the municipal government under the direction and supervision of the board of commissioners. The city manager shall be appointed without regard to the city manager's political beliefs and need not be a resident of the city or state at the time of appointment.
  2. (b) During the absence or disability of the city manager, the board of commissioners may designate some properly qualified person to perform the functions of the city manager.
  3. (c) The city manager shall not be required to give the city manager's entire time to the affairs of the city, unless the city commissioners, when employing the city manager, make the employment conditional upon the city manager's devoting the city manager's entire time to the interest of the city.
§ 6-21-108. Powers and duties of manager.
  1. The powers and duties of the city manager are to:
    1. (1) See that the laws and ordinances are enforced, and upon knowledge or information of any violation thereof, see that prosecutions are instituted in the city court;
    2. (2) Except as otherwise provided in this charter, appoint, promote, demote, suspend, transfer, remove, and otherwise discipline all department heads and subordinate employees at any time, subject only to any personnel rules and regulations adopted by ordinance or resolution by the commission. Any hearings on, or appeals from, the city manager's personnel decisions provided for in the personnel rules and regulations shall be exclusively before the city manager or a hearing officer designated by the city manager;
    3. (3) Supervise and control the work of the recorder, the chief of police, the city attorney, treasurer, and all other officers, and of all departments and divisions created by this charter or that hereafter may be created by the board of commissioners;
    4. (4) See that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the city or its inhabitants in any public utility or franchise are faithfully done, kept and performed, and, upon knowledge or information of any violation thereof, call the same to the attention of the city attorney, who is hereby required to take such steps as are necessary to enforce the same;
    5. (5) Attend all meetings of the board, with the right to take part in the discussion, but not to vote;
    6. (6) Recommend to the board for adoption such measures as the city manager deems necessary or expedient;
    7. (7) Act as budget commissioner and keep the board fully advised as to the financial condition and need of the city;
    8. (8) Act as purchasing agent for the city and purchase all material, supplies and equipment for the proper conduct of the city's business as provided in § 6-19-104;
    9. (9) Execute contracts on behalf of the city when this authority is delegated to the city manager by ordinance; and
    10. (10) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this charter or required of the city manager by resolution or ordinance of the board.
Part 2 City Attorney
§ 6-21-201. Qualifications.
  1. The city attorney shall be an attorney at law entitled to practice in the courts of the state.
§ 6-21-202. Duties and compensation.
  1. (a) The city attorney shall:
    1. (1) Direct the management of all litigation in which the city is a party, including the functions of prosecuting attorney in the city courts;
    2. (2) Represent the city in all legal matters and proceedings in which the city is a party or interested, or in which any of its officers are officially interested;
    3. (3) Attend any meetings of the board of commissioners when required by the board;
    4. (4) Advise the board and committees or members thereof, the city manager, and the heads of all departments and divisions, as to all legal questions affecting the city's interest; and
    5. (5) Approve as to form all contracts, deeds, bonds, ordinances, resolutions and other documents to be signed in the name of or made by or with the city.
  2. (b) The city attorney shall receive a salary to be fixed by the board.
Part 3 Departments Generally
§ 6-21-301. Departments of city.
  1. That the work and affairs of the city may be classified and arranged conveniently and conducted efficiently, there are hereby established the following departments:
    1. (1) Department of education;
    2. (2) Department of finance;
    3. (3) Department of public safety; and
    4. (4) Department of public works and welfare.
§ 6-21-302. Creation and control of departments by board.
  1. The board of commissioners may by ordinance create new departments or combine or abolish existing departments and prescribe their duties and functions, but before doing so must receive the written recommendations of the city manager.
§ 6-21-303. Supervision of departments by manager.
  1. The city manager shall supervise and control all departments now or hereafter created, except as otherwise provided by this charter.
Part 4 City Recorder
§ 6-21-401. City recorder — Appointment.
  1. The city manager shall appoint a city recorder, who also may be appointed to the positions of finance director or treasurer or both.
§ 6-21-402. Recorder pro tempore.
  1. In the event of the temporary absence or disability of the recorder, the city manager may appoint a recorder pro tempore.
§ 6-21-403. Functions at board meeting.
  1. It is the duty of the recorder to be present at all meetings of the board of commissioners, and to keep a full and accurate record of all business transacted by the same, to be preserved in permanent book form.
§ 6-21-404. Custody of official records.
  1. The recorder shall have custody of, and preserve in the recorder's office, the city seal, the public records, original rolls of ordinance, ordinance books, minutes of the board of commissioners, contracts, bonds, title deeds, certificates, and papers, all official indemnity or security bonds, except the recorder's bond, which shall be in the custody of the mayor, and all other bonds, oaths and affirmations, and all other records, papers, and documents not required by this charter or by ordinance to be deposited elsewhere, and register them by numbers, dates, and contents, and keep an accurate and modern index thereof.
§ 6-21-405. Copies of records and ordinances.
  1. The recorder shall provide, and when required by any officer or person certify, copies of records, papers, and documents in the recorder's office, and charge therefor, for the use of the city, such fees as may be provided by ordinance, cause copies of ordinances to be printed, as may be directed by the board of commissioners, and keep them in the recorder's office for distribution.
Part 5 City Court
§ 6-21-501. City judges — Jurisdiction — Qualifications and compensation — Elections — Temporary replacement.
  1. (a) There shall be a city court presided over by a city judge. The board of commissioners may appoint a city judge who shall serve at the will of the board. The city judge shall have such qualifications and receive such compensation as the board may provide by ordinance.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) At the regular general election in August 1990, the candidate for city judge who receives the highest number of votes shall be elected to the position of city judge for a term of eight (8) years and shall be a licensed attorney authorized to practice in the courts of this state. The city judge shall be not less than thirty (30) years of age and shall be a resident of the county within which the city lies. The city judge shall receive such compensation as the board by ordinance may establish; provided, that such compensation shall not be altered for the term for which the city judge is elected.
    2. (2) All fees shall be paid into the treasury of the city and are not to be considered as part of the compensation of the city judge. In the absence or disability of the city judge, a general sessions court judge of the county within which the city lies shall sit temporarily as city judge. Any vacancy in the office of city judge shall be filled by the board until the next regularly scheduled election is conducted.
    3. (3) This subsection (b) is local in effect and shall become effective in a particular municipality upon the contingency of a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the legislative body of the municipality approving this subsection (b). Unless the municipality's charter provides otherwise, by the same vote, the legislative body of the municipality may revoke the approval of this subsection (b), and this subsection (b) shall become ineffective upon the end of the term of the city judge elected under this subsection (b).
    4. (4)
      1. (A) This subsection (b) only applies in counties having a population in excess of two hundred fifty thousand (250,000), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
      2. (B) This subsection (b) does not apply in any county having a population greater than seven hundred seventy thousand (770,000), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent census.
      3. (C) This subsection (b) shall not apply in any county having a population of not less than four hundred seventy thousand (470,000) nor more than four hundred eighty thousand (480,000), according to the 1980 federal census of population or any subsequent federal census.
  3. (c) If a city judge is unable to preside over city court for any reason, then, to the extent a general sessions court judge agrees to serve temporarily as city judge, the judge shall appoint a general sessions judge of the county within which the city lies to sit in the city judge's stead. If there is not a general sessions judge available, then the city judge shall appoint an attorney, meeting the same qualifications as a general sessions judge, to sit temporarily.
§ 6-21-502. Power to enforce ordinances.
  1. (a) The city judge has the power and authority to:
    1. (1) Impose fines, costs, and forfeitures, and punish by fine for violations of city ordinances;
    2. (2) Preserve and enforce order in such city judge's court;
    3. (3) Enforce the collection of all such fines, costs, and forfeitures imposed by such city judge; and
    4. (4)
      1. (A) In default of payment, or of good and sufficient security given for the payment of such fines, costs or forfeitures imposed by such city judge, if:
        1. (i) The city court has concurrent jurisdiction with the general sessions court, the city judge is authorized to enter an order in accordance with § 40-24-104 which, in accordance with such section, may include imprisonment until the fine, costs or forfeitures, or any portion of it, is paid. No such imprisonment shall exceed the period of time established in § 40-24-104, for any one (1) offense or violation.
        2. (ii) The city court does not have concurrent jurisdiction with the general sessions court, the city judge is authorized to enter an order for contempt of court for the payment of the fine in the amount established pursuant to § 16-18-306.
      2. (B) Fines may be paid in installments in the manner provided by ordinance or in accordance with § 40-24-104. Any court is authorized to enforce the collection of unpaid fines or forfeitures as a judgment in a civil action in any court with competent jurisdiction in accordance with § 40-24-105. The city judge may remit, with or without condition, fines and costs imposed for violation of any ordinance provision.
  2. (b) The city judge may remit, with or without condition, fines and costs imposed for violation of any ordinance or charter provision.
§ 6-21-503. Docket.
  1. The city judge shall keep, or cause to be kept, a court docket or dockets embodying complete detailed records of all cases handled by the city judge.
§ 6-21-504. Arrest warrant.
  1. (a) Only one (1) warrant shall be issued for the same offense, the warrant to embrace all of the parties charged with the same offense.
  2. (b) No arrest shall be made, except upon a warrant duly issued, unless the offense is committed in the presence of the officer making the arrest, or unless in a case of felony.
  3. (c) The affidavit upon which the warrant is issued shall especially state the offense charged.
§ 6-21-505. Appearance bond.
  1. Whenever any person is arrested for the violation of any city ordinance in the presence of a police officer, and no warrant has been issued or served, such person may execute an appearance bond in an amount not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), and file same with a police desk sergeant, or may, in lieu of the execution of an appearance bond, deposit a sum not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), with a police desk sergeant and be given a receipt for same, and, on the appearance of such person before the city court at the time specified in the receipt, such deposit shall be returned to that person. On the failure of such person to appear at the time specified, the amount so deposited shall be forfeited to the municipality and such person shall not be entitled to the return of any part thereof and it shall not be necessary to issue a scire facias; provided, that within two (2) days of the imposition of the forfeiture, the city judge shall have the power to set aside the conditional judgment imposing such forfeiture when it shall be made to appear that the failure of the accused to appear and defend such accused's suit was due to no fault or negligence of the accused. After the expiration of the two (2) days, there may be a final judgment imposing a forfeiture.
§ 6-21-506. Disposition of fines and labor.
  1. (a) All fines imposed by the city judge for violations of city ordinances shall belong to and be paid into the treasury of the city.
  2. (b) Any labor performed in the execution of a workhouse or prison sentence for such violation or violations shall be performed for the city under the direction of the city manager.
§ 6-21-507. Collection of fines and cost.
  1. (a) The city judge, in all cases heard or determined by such city judge for offenses against the corporate laws and ordinances, shall set and collect municipal court costs in accordance with § 16-18-304, shall levy and collect the litigation tax in accordance with § 16-18-305 and, in addition, shall add thereto one dollar ($1.00), as a tax on all such cases. The city judge shall certify to the chief of police for collection, all fines, costs, and forfeitures imposed by the city judge for offenses against the laws and ordinances of the city. Costs in favor of any person paid a fixed salary by the city shall belong to the city and be paid into its treasury. It is the duty of the city judge to collect and receipt for all fines imposed by the city judge, and the city judge shall render a monthly report to the board of commissioners of all costs and fines collected and of all assessed and uncollected.
  2. (b) It is unlawful for any other person or officer to collect or receipt for such fines, costs, and recoveries, but the city judge may authorize the chief of police to collect and receipt for fines and costs.
§ 6-21-508. Appeal from city judge's judgment.
  1. Any person dissatisfied with the judgment of the city judge in any case or cases heard and determined by the city judge, may, within ten (10) entire days thereafter, Sundays exclusive, appeal to the next circuit court of the county, upon giving bond with good and sufficient security as approved by the city judge for such person's appearance or the faithful prosecution of the appeal; provided, that in prosecutions for violations of the city ordinances, the bond shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250).
Part 6 Police
§ 6-21-601. Appointment.
  1. The city manager shall appoint a chief of police and such patrol officers and other members of the police force as may be provided by ordinance.
§ 6-21-602. Duties.
  1. It is the duty of the chief of police and the members of the police force to:
    1. (1) Preserve order in the city;
    2. (2) Protect the inhabitants and property owners therein from violence, crime, and all criminal acts;
    3. (3) Prevent the commission of crime, violations of law and of the city ordinances; and
    4. (4) Perform a general police duty, execute and return all processes, notices, and orders of the mayor, city manager, city attorney, and recorder, and all other processes, notices, and orders as provided in this charter or by ordinance.
§ 6-21-603. Emergency assistance to police.
  1. In time of riot or other emergency, the mayor or city manager shall have power to summon any number of inhabitants to assist the police force.
§ 6-21-604. Duties in prosecution of violations.
  1. Members of the police force, whenever necessary for the purpose of enforcing the ordinances of the city, shall procure the issuance of warrants, serve the same, and appear in the city courts as prosecutors, relieving complaining citizens insofar as practical of the burden of instituting cases involving the violation of city ordinances; but this section shall not be construed to relieve any person from the duty of appearing in court and testifying in any case.
Part 7 Fire Department
§ 6-21-701. Appointment.
  1. The city manager shall appoint a chief of the fire department and such other members of the department as may be provided by ordinance.
§ 6-21-702. Duties.
  1. It is the duty of the chief of the fire department and the members thereof to take all proper steps for fire prevention and suppression.
§ 6-21-703. Emergency powers.
  1. (a) When any fire department or company recognized as duly constituted by the commissioner of commerce and insurance pursuant to § 68-102-108 is requested to respond to a fire, hazardous materials incident, natural disaster, service call, or other emergency, it may, regardless of where the emergency exists, proceed to the emergency site by the most direct route at the maximum speed consistent with safety. While responding to, operating at, or returning from such emergency, the chief of the responding fire department or company, or any member serving in capacity of fire officer-in-charge, shall also have the authority to:
    1. (1) Control and direct the activities at the scene of the emergency;
    2. (2) Order any person or persons to leave any building or place in the vicinity of such scene for the purpose of protecting such person or persons from injury;
    3. (3) Blockade any public highway, street or private right-of-way temporarily while at such scene;
    4. (4) Trespass at any time of the day or night without liability while at such scene;
    5. (5) Enter any building or premises, including private dwellings, where a fire is in progress, or where there is reasonable cause to believe a fire is in progress, for the purpose of extinguishing the fire;
    6. (6) Enter any building or premises, including private dwellings, near the scene of the fire for the purpose of protecting the building or premises, or for the purpose of extinguishing the fire that is in progress in another building or premises;
    7. (7) Inspect for preplanning all buildings, structures, or other places in the chief's fire district, except the interior of a private dwelling, where any combustible material, including waste paper, rags, shavings, waste, leather, rubber, crates, boxes, barrels, rubbish, or other combustible material that is or may become dangerous as a fire menace to such buildings, structures, or other places has been allowed to accumulate, or where such chief or the chief's designated representative has reason to believe that such combustible material has accumulated or is likely to accumulate;
    8. (8) Direct without liability the removal or destruction of any fence, house, motor vehicle, or other thing, if such person deems such action necessary to prevent the further spread of the fire;
    9. (9) Request and be furnished with additional materials or special equipment at the expense of the owner of the property on which the emergency occurs, if deemed necessary to prevent the further spread of the fire or hazardous condition; and
    10. (10) Order disengagement or discouplement of any convoy, caravan, or train of vehicles, craft, or railway cars, if deemed necessary in the interest of safety of persons or property.
  2. (b) When any fire department or company responds to any emergency outside its fire district, however, it shall at all times be subject to the control of the fire chief or designated representative in whose district the emergency occurs.
§ 6-21-704. Fire marshal.
  1. The city manager may appoint a fire marshal whose duty shall be, subject to the chief of the fire department, to investigate the cause, origin, and circumstances of fires and the loss occasioned thereby, and assist in the prevention of arson.
Part 8 Schools
§ 6-21-801. Authority of city manager.
  1. The city manager of any municipality incorporated under chapters 18-22 of this title has full power to manage and control the public or city schools.
§ 6-21-802. Officers and employees.
  1. The city manager shall appoint, prescribe the duties and powers of, and fix the salary of the director of schools of the city and appoint, fix the salaries of, and have power to remove, all other officers and all teachers, agents, and employees of the department of education.
§ 6-21-803. Building plans.
  1. All plans for the erection or improvement of school buildings or other buildings used for educational purposes shall be subject to the approval of the city manager.
§ 6-21-804. Equipment and supplies.
  1. All materials, supplies, and equipment for educational purposes shall be purchased by the city manager.
§ 6-21-805. State and county school funds.
  1. In apportioning the state and county school funds of the county, the county board of education, or other apportioning and disbursing body, shall apportion and pay over to the treasurer of the city such portion of the state and county school funds as by law is applicable to the schools within the limits of the city.
§ 6-21-806. Disbursements from school fund.
  1. The board of commissioners shall provide by ordinance for the manner in which the state, county, and city taxes apportioned to the school fund shall be paid over by the city treasurer.
§ 6-21-807. Board of education — Election — Powers.
  1. (a) Sections 6-21-801 and 6-21-802 notwithstanding, the board of commissioners, by ordinance, may delegate the power to manage and control the city public schools to an elected board of education.
  2. (b) The board of education shall have the same number of members as the board of commissioners and shall be elected on the same day and in the same manner as the board of commissioners.
  3. (c) If the board of commissioners is elected by district, the board of education shall also be elected by district.
  4. (d) The board shall exercise the power otherwise granted to the city manager in this part.
Chapter 22 Fiscal Affairs Under City Manager-Commission Charter
§ 6-22-101. Duties of finance director.
  1. The city manager or an officer appointed by the city manager shall serve as finance director and shall:
    1. (1) Exercise a general supervision over the fiscal affairs of the city, and general accounting supervision over all the city's property, assets and claims, and the disposition of such property, assets and claims;
    2. (2) Be the general accountant and auditor of the city;
    3. (3) Have custody of all records, papers, and vouchers relating to the fiscal affairs of the city, and the records in the city manager's office shall show the financial operations and conditions, property, assets, claims, and liabilities of the city, all expenditures authorized and all contracts in which the city is interested;
    4. (4) Require proper fiscal accounts, records, settlements and reports to be kept, made and rendered to the city manager by the several departments and officers of the city, including all deputies or employees of the city manager's department charged with the collection or expenditures of money, and shall control and audit the same; and
    5. (5) At least monthly, adjust the settlements of officers engaged in the collection of the revenue.
§ 6-22-102. Taxes and assessments under department of finance.
  1. The assessment, levy, and collection of taxes and special assessments shall be in the charge of the department of finance, subject to the limitations elsewhere found in this charter.
§ 6-22-103. Property and privileges taxable.
  1. All property, real, personal and mixed subject to state, county, and city taxes, and all privileges taxable by law, shall be taxed, and taxes thereon collected by the city for municipal purposes as provided in this chapter.
§ 6-22-104. Ad valorem tax.
  1. The ad valorem tax upon the stocks, accounts, and equipment may be assessed and collected in like manner as state and county merchant's ad valorem tax is assessed upon the same property. It is the duty of the county assessor of property and the comptroller of the treasury to prepare a separate assessment book or roll showing real, personal and mixed property assessable by the county assessor of property or the comptroller of the treasury lying within the limits of the city.
§ 6-22-105. Certification of assessments.
  1. The records referenced in § 6-22-104 shall be certified to the finance director of the city upon the completion of the work of the boards of equalization, after they have been copied by the county clerk or the department of revenue.
§ 6-22-106. Tax books.
  1. (a) As soon as practicable in each year after the assessment books for the state and county are complete, which shall be after boards of equalization provided for by general laws shall have finished their work, it is the duty of the finance director to prepare or cause to be prepared, from the assessment books of the county and of the comptroller of the treasury, a tax book similar in form to that required by laws of the state to be made out for the county trustee, embracing, however, only such property and persons as are liable for taxes within the city.
  2. (b) Such tax books, when certified to be true, correct and complete by the finance director, shall be the assessment for taxes in the city for all municipal purposes; provided, that there may be an assessment by the finance director at any time, of any property subject to taxation found to have been omitted, and such assessment shall be duly noted and entered on the assessment books of the city. Instead of the assessment made by county and state officials as provided in this section, the city may, by ordinance insofar as not prohibited by general laws, provide for and regulate an assessment to be made by its own assessor of property.
§ 6-22-107. Statement of taxable property — Tax levy.
  1. (a) It is the duty of the finance director, in each year, as soon as the assessment roll for the city is complete, to submit to the board of commissioners a certified statement of the total amount of the valuation or assessment of the taxable property for the year within the city limits, including the assessment of all railroads, telephone, telegraph, and other public utility properties, together with a certified statement of the revenue derived by the city from privilege taxes, merchant's ad valorem taxes, street labor taxes, fines for the preceding fiscal year, and miscellaneous revenue.
  2. (b) Upon the presentation of such statements by the finance director, the board shall proceed by ordinance to make the proper levy to meet the expenses of the city for the current fiscal year.
§ 6-22-108. Effective date of levy.
  1. The board of commissioners of the city shall have full power to levy and collect taxes as of January 10 of each and every year.
§ 6-22-109. Extension of levy on tax books.
  1. It is the duty of the finance director, immediately after the levy of taxes by the board of commissioners, to cause the levy to be extended upon the tax book prepared by the finance director in the same manner that extensions are made upon the tax books in the hands of the county trustee.
§ 6-22-110. Due date of taxes — Tax collector — Distress warrants.
  1. (a) All taxes due the city, except privilege and merchant's ad valorem taxes and street labor taxes, shall, until otherwise provided by ordinance, be due and payable on November 1 of the year for which the taxes are assessed.
  2. (b) The treasurer shall be custodian of the tax books and shall be the tax collector of the city.
  3. (c) Distress warrants may issue for the collection of taxes and any such distress warrant shall be executed by the chief of police or any police officers of the city by a levy upon, and sale of goods and chattels under the same provisions as prescribed by law for the execution of such process of courts of general sessions.
§ 6-22-111. Tax liens — Errors and irregularities in assessment.
  1. (a) All municipal taxes on real estate in the city, and all penalties and costs accruing thereon, are hereby declared to be a lien on such realty from and after January 1 of the year for which same are assessed, superior to all other liens, except the liens of the United States, the state and the county, for taxes legally assessed thereon, with which it shall be a lien of equal dignity.
  2. (b) No assessment shall be invalid because the size and dimensions of any tract, lot or parcel of land shall not have been precisely named nor the amount of the valuation or tax not correctly given, nor because the property has been assessed in the name of a person who did not own the same, nor because the same was assessed to unknown owners, nor on account of any objection or informality merely technical, but all such assessments shall be good and valid.
  3. (c) The board of commissioners shall have power to correct any errors in the tax assessments upon a certificate filed by the assessor of property or assessing body.
§ 6-22-112. Delinquency penalties — Discount for early payment.
  1. (a) On December 1 of the year for which the taxes are assessed, or other date provided by ordinance, a penalty of two percent (2%) upon all taxes remaining unpaid shall be imposed and collected by the city and paid into the city treasury. An additional penalty of two percent (2%) shall be added for each month thereafter for twelve (12) months.
  2. (b) If any taxpayer elects to pay such taxpayer's taxes prior to October 1, that taxpayer shall be entitled to a discount of two percent (2%) from the amount of the taxpayer's bill.
§ 6-22-113. Change of due dates — Semiannual installments.
  1. (a) The board of commissioners may, by ordinance passed by unanimous vote, change the due date and delinquent date of all taxes, and may provide for the semiannual payment of taxes and a discount for the prompt payment of such taxes.
  2. (b) In case a semiannual installment of taxes is made due and payable before the assessment and levy of taxes in the city for the current year is complete, the amount of the installment so collected as a tax upon any property shall be not more than fifty percent (50%) of the taxes levied on the property for the preceding year, such installment to be credited on the current year's taxes when determined and levied.
§ 6-22-114. Sale of real property for delinquency.
  1. The finance director shall, under the provisions of the state law for the collection of delinquent taxes, certify to the trustee of the county a list of all real estate upon which municipal taxes remain due and unpaid, or that is liable for sale for other taxes, and the same shall be sold in like manner and upon the same terms and conditions as real estate is sold for delinquent state and county taxes.
§ 6-22-115. Complaints in chancery to collect special assessments.
  1. The board of commissioners has the power, and is hereby given authority, to file complaints in the chancery court in the name of the city for the collection of assessments and levies made for payment for improvements or service in the city, such as paving, sidewalks, curbing, guttering, sewers and other improvements, or services for which assessments may be made under the charter, or by any other acts of the general assembly, and the cost of which is made a charge on property owners abutting the improvements and a lien on abutting property. The suits commenced by such complaints shall be conducted as other suits in chancery for the enforcement of like liens and under the rules of law and practice provided for the same. The complaints shall not be objectionable because the owners of different parcels or lots of land are made parties thereto, it being the intention that all persons in the same improvement district, or liable for portions of the same assessment and levy for improving a portion of the city as provided in this section, and on whose property the assessment or levy is a lien, shall be made parties defendant to one (1) complaint.
§ 6-22-116. License taxes.
  1. (a) License taxes may be imposed by ordinance upon any and all privileges, businesses, occupations, vocations, pursuits, or callings, or any class or classes thereof, now or hereafter subject to such taxation under the laws of Tennessee, and a separate license tax may be imposed for each place of business conducted or maintained by the same person, firm, or corporation.
  2. (b) The treasurer shall enforce the collection of merchants' taxes and all other license taxes, and for that purpose have and exercise the powers of law vested in, and follow the procedure and methods prescribed for, county clerks.
§ 6-22-117. Accounting system.
  1. The finance director, with the approval of the city manager, shall cause an efficient system of accounting for the city to be installed and maintained.
§ 6-22-118. Fiscal forms.
  1. The finance director shall cause all forms used in connection with either the receipt or disbursement of city funds to be numbered consecutively, and shall account for all spoiled or unused forms.
§ 6-22-119. Appointment and duties of treasurer.
  1. (a) The city manager shall appoint a treasurer.
  2. (b) It is the duty of the treasurer to collect, receive and receipt for the taxes and all other revenue and bonds of the city, and the proceeds of its bond issues, and to disburse the same.
  3. (c) The city manager may appoint the recorder as treasurer.
§ 6-22-120. Depositories of municipal funds.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The board, at a regular meeting, shall adopt a resolution to contract with a bank or banks making the best proposal to become the depository of municipal funds.
    2. (2) Before entering into a contract under subdivision (a)(1), the treasurer or an officer appointed by the treasurer shall review and analyze the proposals from the banks and submit an analysis of the proposals to each member of the board at or before the next meeting of the board. The analysis of the proposals should consider the bank or banks proposing the highest interest rate, potential service charges or other fees, factors affecting safety and liquidity of municipal funds, and any other relevant factors.
  2. (b) The board shall require any bank that becomes a depository of municipal funds to secure the funds by collateral in the same manner and under the same conditions as state deposits under title 9, chapter 4, parts 1 and 4, or as provided in a collateral pool created under title 9, chapter 4, part 5.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, at least once every four (4) years, the board shall reevaluate the contracts entered into pursuant to subsection (a). The board shall base its evaluation on proposals obtained from at least two (2) banks. The treasurer or an officer appointed by the treasurer shall prepare a written evaluation of the proposals and preserve the evaluations for at least three (3) years.
§ 6-22-121. Budget commissioner — Fiscal year.
  1. (a) The city manager shall be budget commissioner.
  2. (b) The fiscal year of the city shall begin on July 1, unless otherwise provided by ordinance.
§ 6-22-122. Budget estimate submitted to commissioners.
  1. The city manager shall, on or before May 15 of each year, submit to the board of commissioners an estimate of the expenditures and revenue of the city for the ensuing fiscal year. This estimate shall be compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments on uniform blanks to be furnished by the city manager.
§ 6-22-124. Appropriation ordinance — Amendments.
  1. (a) Upon receipt of the estimate provided for in § 6-22-122, the board of commissioners shall prepare a tentative appropriation ordinance.
  2. (b) The appropriation ordinance for each fiscal year shall be finally adopted before the first day of the fiscal year.
  3. (c) Amendments may be made to the original appropriations ordinance at any time during a current fiscal year; provided, however, that, except for emergency expenditures under § 6-22-129, increased appropriations may be made only after the city manager has certified in writing that sufficient unappropriated revenue will be available.
§ 6-22-125. Reversion of appropriations to general fund.
  1. At the end of each year, all unencumbered balances or appropriations in the treasury shall revert to the general fund and be subject to further appropriations. Such balances shall be considered unencumbered only when the city manager shall certify in writing that the purposes for which they were appropriated have been completely accomplished and that no further expenditure in connection with them is necessary.
§ 6-22-126. Approval of claims against city.
  1. (a) Except as by this charter or by law or ordinance otherwise provided, the finance director shall prescribe and regulate the manner of paying creditors, officers and employees of the city. The finance director shall audit all payrolls, accounts and claims against the city and certify thereon the balance as stated by the finance director, but no payroll, account, or claim, or any part thereof, shall be audited against the city or paid unless authorized by law or ordinance and approved and certified by the city manager and the head of the department for which the indebtedness was incurred, and the amount required for payment of the same appropriated for that purpose by ordinance and in the treasury.
  2. (b) Whenever any claim is presented to the city finance director, the finance director shall have power to require evidence that the amount claimed is justly due, and is in conformity to law and ordinance, and for that purpose may summon before such finance director any officer, agent or employee of any department of the municipality, or any other person, and examine the officer, agent or employee upon oath or affirmation relative thereto.
  3. (c) The city manager, finance director and head of the department concerned, and their sureties, shall be liable to the municipality for all loss or damages sustained by the municipality by reason of the corrupt approval of any claim against the municipality.
§ 6-22-127. Issuance of warrants.
  1. (a) Subject to § 6-22-126, warrants shall be issued by the finance director.
  2. (b) Each warrant shall specify the particular departmental fund against which it is drawn and shall be payable out of no other fund.
  3. (c) Any officer or employee in the finance director's office may be designated by such finance director to draw warrants with the same effect as if signed by the finance director, such designation to be in writing, in duplicate, filed with the city manager. The city manager may make such designation if the finance director is absent or disabled and there is no one in the finance director's office designated to act. Any such designation may be revoked by the finance director while acting as such by filing the revocation in duplicate with the city manager and the treasury division.
§ 6-22-128. Certification of availability of funds to meet contract obligations.
  1. No contract, agreement, or other obligation involving the expenditure of money shall be entered into, nor shall any ordinance, resolution or order for the expenditure of money be passed by the board of commissioners or be authorized by any officer of the city, unless the finance director shall first certify to the board or the proper officer, as the case may be, that the money required for such contract, agreement, obligation or expenditure, is in the treasury or safely assured to be forthcoming and available in time to comply with, or meet such contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures; and no contract, agreement or other obligation involving the expenditure of money payable from the proceeds of bonds of the city shall be entered into until the issuance and sale of such bonds have been duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of this charter in reference to city bonds.
§ 6-22-129. Emergency expenditures.
  1. No contract liability shall be incurred without previous authority of law or ordinance, but the board of commissioners may, by ordinance, empower the proper officials to pay out money or incur contract liability for the city for the necessary preservation of the city's credit, or in other extreme emergency, under such restrictions as may be provided in the ordinance; provided, that any such liability shall mature not later than one (1) year from the date of its incurrence.
§ 6-22-130. Annual operating budget — Publication — Budgetary comparison.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the governing body shall publish the annual operating budget and budgetary comparisons of the proposed budget with the prior year's actual figures and the current year's estimated figures, which information shall include the following:
    1. (1) Revenues and expenditures for the following governmental funds: general, streets/public works, general purpose school and debt service;
    2. (2) Revenues for each fund shall be listed separately by local taxes, state of Tennessee, federal government and other sources;
    3. (3) Expenditures for each fund shall be listed separately by salaries and other costs;
    4. (4) Beginning and ending fund balances shall be shown for each fund; and
    5. (5) The number of full-time equivalent employee positions shall be shown for each fund.
  2. (b) The publication shall be in a newspaper of general circulation and shall be published not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting where the governing body will consider final passage of the budget.
Mayor-Aldermanic Charter
Chapter 1 Mayor-Aldermanic Charter — Adoption and Surrender
Part 1 Definitions
§ 6-1-101. Charter definitions.
  1. As used in chapters 1-4 of this title, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Board” means the mayor and the aldermen;
    2. (2) “Department head” means the city administrator, city recorder, treasurer, police chief and any other department heads appointed by the board or mayor;
    3. (3) “Officer” means the mayor, aldermen, city attorney and city judge;
    4. (4) “This charter” refers to chapters 1-4 of this title; and
    5. (5) “Ward” means a geographical subdivision of the municipality established for the purpose of securing representation on the board.
§ 6-1-102. Use of “shall” and “may.”
  1. As used in this chapter, “shall” is mandatory and “may” is permissive.
Part 2 Adoption of Charter
§ 6-1-201. Right to adopt charter — Incorporation within specified distances from existing cities.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The residents of any incorporated municipality or of any territory wanting to incorporate under this charter may adopt chapters 1-4 of this title in the manner provided in this chapter. Thereupon, the municipality or territory shall be and become incorporated and be governed as set forth in this chapter. No unincorporated territory shall be incorporated under this charter unless such territory contains not fewer than one thousand five hundred (1,500) persons, who shall be actual residents of the territory.
    2. (2) No unincorporated territory shall be allowed to hold a referendum on the question of whether or not to incorporate under this charter until a plan of services is documented, setting forth the identification and projected timing of municipal services proposed to be provided and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. The plan of services shall be attached to the petition to incorporate when such petition is filed with the county election commission. The plan of services shall include, but not be limited to, police protection, fire protection, water service, sanitary sewage system, solid waste disposal, road and street construction and repair, recreational facilities, a proposed five-year operational budget, including projected revenues and expenditures, and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. Municipalities that are first incorporated on or after July 1, 1993, and that produce no local own-source revenues in any fiscal year, shall not receive any state-shared revenues during the next fiscal year.
    3. (3) Prior to filing the petition with the county election commission, a public hearing on the referendum on the question of whether or not to incorporate under this charter and plan of services shall be conducted. The public hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation for two (2) consecutive weeks.
  2. (b)
    1. (1)
      1. (A) Except as provided in subdivision (b)(2), no unincorporated territory shall be incorporated within three (3) miles of an existing municipality or within five (5) miles of an existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population according to the latest census certified by the department of economic and community development. “Existing municipality” and “existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population” do not include any county with a metropolitan form of government with a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more, according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent census.
      2. (B) If any part of the unincorporated territory proposed for incorporation is within five (5) miles of an existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more, according to the most recent federal census, and if the governing body of such municipality adopts a resolution by a two-thirds (⅔) vote indicating that the municipality has no desire to annex the territory, such territory may be included in a proposed new municipality. A petition for incorporation shall include a certified copy of such resolution from the affected municipality.
    2. (2) In any county having a population of more than eighteen thousand two hundred (18,200) and less than eighteen thousand five hundred (18,500), according to the latest census certified by the department of economic and community development, if any part of the unincorporated territory proposed for incorporation is within five (5) miles of an existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population or within two (2) miles of an existing municipality of more than one thousand (1,000) and fewer than one hundred thousand (100,000) in population, according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent census, then action on the petition as provided in §§ 6-1-202 and 6-1-204 shall be held in abeyance for fifteen (15) months from the date of filing the petition. If, within this period, the existing municipality does not annex at least twenty percent (20%) of the land area or twenty percent (20%) of the population of the territory proposed for incorporation, then proceedings shall be continued as provided in §§ 6-1-202 and 6-1-204 as though the petition had been filed at the conclusion of the fifteen-month period. If the existing municipality annexes at least that part of the territory within this period, then the petition shall be null and void.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or (b) to the contrary, a territory may be incorporated if the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1. (1) The territory contains two hundred twenty-five (225) residents or more;
    2. (2) The territory is composed of property that is one thousand six hundred feet (1,600′) or more above sea level on the western border of the territory and contiguous with a county boundary on the eastern border of the territory;
    3. (3) The territory is located within an area that is bordered on the west, north and east by the Tennessee River and on the south by the border between Tennessee and another state; and
    4. (4) The territory is located within a metropolitan statistical area.
  4. (d) Notwithstanding subsections (a)-(c) to the contrary, a territory may be incorporated that meets the following conditions:
    1. (1) The territory contains three hundred (300) residents or more;
    2. (2) The territory's western boundary is contiguous with the western boundary of the county in which it is located;
    3. (3) The territory is located within an area bordered on the north by the Loosahatchie River and on the south by the Wolf River;
    4. (4) The territory's eastern boundary is approximately parallel with the western boundary, but in no place is more than eight (8) miles from the western boundary; and
    5. (5) The territory is located within a metropolitan statistical area.
  5. (e) Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, or §§ 6-1-202, 6-1-203, and 6-1-209, or any other law to the contrary, the petition for incorporation of the territory described in this subsection (e) may consist of a letter from a resident of the territory desiring to incorporate to the county election commission requesting that the question of incorporating the territory be placed on the ballot. The letter shall describe the exact boundaries of the proposed municipality, indicate the name of the proposed municipality, and indicate under which charter the territory desires to incorporate. The letter shall be treated as a petition meeting all the requirements of law.
  6. (f)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, whenever the governing body of any existing city affected by this section, by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of its governing body, indicates that it has no interest in annexing the property to be incorporated, and when a certified copy of such resolution and a petition requesting that an incorporation election be held are filed with the county election commission, then the proceedings shall continue as provided in this chapter as though the proposed new incorporation was not within the specified distance of such existing city as provided in this section.
    2. (2) Subdivision (f)(1) applies in counties having a population of not less than eighty thousand (80,000) nor more than eighty-three thousand (83,000), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census, and in counties having a population of not less than twenty-four thousand six hundred seventy-six (24,676) nor more than twenty-four thousand seven hundred (24,700), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census. An existing municipality located in an adjoining county may adopt a resolution in accordance with subdivision (f)(1) for purposes of authorizing incorporation under this subsection (f).
  7. (g) Nothing in this part affects an existing municipality's authority to annex unincorporated areas within the existing municipality's urban growth boundary.
§ 6-1-202. Election to adopt charter.
  1. (a) The county election commission shall hold an election for the purpose of determining whether this charter shall become effective for any municipality or newly incorporating territory upon the petition in writing of at least thirty-three and one-third percent (33⅓%) of the registered voters of the municipality or territory. The petition shall include a current list of the registered voters who live within the proposed territory. The petition shall state in a sufficient manner the boundaries of the proposed municipal corporation, which may be done by a general reference to the boundaries then existing if there is one. Upon receipt of the petition, the county election commission shall examine the petition to determine the validity of the signatures in accordance with § 2-1-107. The county election commission shall have a period of twenty (20) days to certify whether the petition has the sufficient number of signatures of registered voters. If the petition is sufficient to call for an election on the issue of incorporation, the county election commission shall hold an election, providing options to vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the incorporation of the new charter, not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the petition is certified. The date of the election shall be set in accordance with § 2-3-204. The county election commission shall, in addition to all other notices required by law, publish one (1) notice of the election in a newspaper of general circulation within the territory of the municipality or of the proposed municipality, and post the notice in at least three (3) places in the territory.
  2. (b) At any time not less than thirty (30) days prior to the election provided for in this part, the petition may be withdrawn or may be amended to call for a smaller territory for the proposed municipal corporation so long as all of the proposed smaller territory is contained within the boundaries of the territory described in the first petition. The withdrawal or amendment shall be valid if filed with the county election commission in writing, and if signed by not fewer than fifty-one percent (51%) of those who signed the original petition. In the event such an amended petition is filed, all provisions relating to time periods in § 6-1-201 shall be controlled by the date of the filing of the original petition, notwithstanding the filing of the amended petition, and the county election commission shall publish the notice of election as provided for in subsection (a). A petition to withdraw, when filed with and validated by the county election commission, shall render the original petition null and void.
  3. (c) A cash bond equivalent to the costs of the election to incorporate under this charter shall be filed by the petitioners with the county election commission together with the petition for incorporation.
§ 6-1-203. Petition to incorporate under this charter.
  1. The petition filed in accordance with § 6-1-202 shall be in substantially the form provided in § 6-1-209 and shall include a description of the boundaries of the proposed municipal corporation and the boundaries of the proposed wards, if there is only one (1) alderman to be elected per ward, the wards that will carry the initial two-year term, the proposed name of the municipality and whether it is a city or town. The petition shall include a plan of services setting forth the identification and projected timing of municipal services proposed to be provided and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. The plan of services shall include, but not be limited to, police protection, fire protection, water service, sanitary sewage system, solid waste disposal, road and street construction and repair, recreational facilities, a proposed five-year operational budget, including projected revenues and expenditures, and a property tax rate to be annually levied upon all taxable property in the area to be incorporated. Boundary descriptions shall contain references to tax maps kept in the office of the county assessor of property.
§ 6-1-204. Qualifications to vote — Certification of result.
  1. (a) All registered voters of the municipality or of the territory of the proposed municipality are eligible to vote in the election.
  2. (b) The county election commission shall determine and declare the result of the election and shall certify the result in accordance with § 2-8-105(3) within forty-eight (48) hours after the election. It shall publish the results in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality or territory and, if the municipality is already incorporated, shall file the results with the legislative body of the municipality at its first meeting after the certification. The results shall be entered at large on the minutes of the body with which it is filed.
  3. (c) In any election held by municipalities incorporated under this charter, registered voters of the municipality may vote in accordance with this subsection (c). Upon adoption of a resolution approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board of commissioners of any municipality incorporated under this charter that has a population of not less than seven thousand seven hundred ten (7,710) nor more than seven thousand seven hundred twenty (7,720), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, registered voters who own real property located in the municipality shall be entitled to vote in all municipal elections and municipal referenda held in the municipality. Section 2-2-107(a)(3) shall apply to the property rights voting within the municipality. The approval or nonapproval of the resolution shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the board and certified by the presiding officer to the secretary of state.
§ 6-1-205. Effect of vote.
  1. (a) If the majority of the votes cast are in favor of the adoption of this charter, it shall be deemed to have been adopted. The newly adopted charter shall not be effective until the first board takes office as provided in § 6-1-207. Except for the provisions of this charter that are adopted by reference in other municipal charters, the provisions of this charter apply only to those municipalities that have adopted this charter by referendum as authorized by law.
  2. (b) Following the defeat of an incorporation in an election held pursuant to § 6-1-202, no new petition for an election may be filed until after the expiration of four (4) years; provided, however, that if the territory included in the boundaries of the newly proposed municipal corporation includes less than fifty percent (50%) of the actual territory subject to incorporation in the previous election, the new petition may be filed after the expiration of two (2) years.
§ 6-1-206. Certification to secretary of state.
  1. After certification of the election results, if at least a majority of the votes cast are “for charter,” the county election commission shall certify to the secretary of state that notice was duly given, and application in due form of law made, the description of boundaries, the entire number of votes cast, the number of votes cast “for charter,” the number of votes cast “against charter,” and the corporate name of the municipality.
§ 6-1-207. Election of officers upon incorporation — Length of terms.
  1. (a) The county election commission shall call an election not later than sixty-two (62) days following the election for adoption of this charter, at which time municipal officials shall be chosen who shall take office immediately following the election. The qualifying deadline for filing nominating petitions shall be as described in § 2-5-101.
  2. (b) In the election held pursuant to subsection (a), where there is more than one (1) alderman to be elected per ward, the alderman receiving the higher number of votes in each ward shall serve a four-year term. The alderman receiving the second higher number of votes shall serve an initial two-year term. All terms thereafter will be four (4) years.
  3. (c) The mayor and each alderman shall serve the term for which they were elected or until their successors are elected and qualified.
§ 6-1-208. Succession to old corporation.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) This charter shall take effect in any municipality immediately after the election and qualification of the first board of mayor and aldermen, and any then-existing charter of the municipality shall immediately become null and void.
    2. (2) The right, title and ownership of all property of the municipality and all of its uncollected taxes, dues, claims, judgments, and choses in action, and all of its rights of every kind whatsoever, shall immediately become vested in the new corporation chartered under chapters 1-4 of this title.
    3. (3) The new corporation shall answer and be liable for all debts, contracts and obligations of the corporation it succeeds in the same manner and proportion and to the same extent as the former corporation was liable under existing laws.
    4. (4) All ordinances, resolutions and bylaws duly enacted and in force under the preexisting charter and not inconsistent with this charter shall remain in full force until repealed, modified or amended.
  2. (b) Any zoning ordinance applicable to any territory incorporated under this charter shall continue to apply to that territory until the municipality enacts a zoning ordinance, or enacts an ordinance rescinding the zoning that applied to such territory.
§ 6-1-209. Sample petition for adoption.
  1. Petitions for adoption of this charter shall be in substantially the following form:
    2. TO: The County Election Commission,
    3. We the undersigned, being registered voters and residents of the territory herein proposed for incorporation, and being in number in excess of thirty-three and one-third percent (33⅓%) of the registered voters of the herein described territory, hereby request the county election commission to hold an election on the question of whether or not the herein described territory shall be incorporated under the terms of Tennessee Code Annotated, title 6, chapters 1-4, and be known by the name and style of the “Town (City) of , Tennessee,” all as prescribed in Tennessee Code Annotated, title 6, chapters 1-4.
    4. The territory in question, being part of the , Civil District(s) of County, Tennessee, is further described as:
    5. (Here insert a description of boundaries with references to tax maps)
    6. The wards of the Town (City) shall be as follows:
    7. (Here insert a description of wards, and if there is only one (1) ward state that the boundaries are as described above)
    8. (For those municipalities incorporating with more than four (4) wards.)
    9. The proposed plan of services is as follows: (Here insert a description of the plan of services as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 6-1-203).
      1. Name  Residence Address       Date
      2. (List name and residence as on registration records)
      3. Certificate
        1. I, , hereby certify that I personally solicited the signatures of the persons appearing on this page and that they, in fact, signed their names to this petition in my presence.
        2. Name
        3. Address
        4. Date
    12. My commission expires:
§ 6-1-210. General validation provision.
  1. (a) The adoption, heretofore accomplished, of chapters 1 and 2 of this title, before June 30, 1991, by any territory or municipality is hereby ratified and validated in all respects. No flaw or defect or failure to comply with any technical requirement of incorporation shall invalidate any ordinance passed by any municipality incorporating under chapters 1-4 of this title, after June 30, 1991.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding this chapter or any other law to the contrary,
      1. (A) IF the registered voters of any unincorporated territory approved a mayor-aldermanic charter and elected municipal officials, acting pursuant to this chapter on or before December 31, 1999; AND
      2. (B) IF, from the election of such officials until April 26, 2001, the territory has continuously functioned as a mayor-aldermanic municipality; AND
      3. (C) IF the territory, between the date of such election and April 26, 2001, received and expended state funding allocated for municipalities; THEN
    2. (2) The adoption of such charter, the incorporation of such territory as a mayor-aldermanic municipality and the election of such officials are hereby ratified and validated in all respects; and no flaw or defect or failure to comply with any requirement of incorporation, set forth in § 6-1-201(b), shall invalidate the territory's status as an incorporated municipality or invalidate any ordinance passed by the board.
§ 6-1-211. Elections valid despite informalities.
  1. No informalities in conducting any election held under this chapter shall invalidate it if the election is conducted fairly and in substantial conformity with the requirements of this chapter and the general election law.
§ 6-1-220. County of situs to continue receiving tax revenues from new municipality until July 1 — Exception — Notice to department.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, whenever a new municipality incorporates under any form of charter, the county or counties in which the new municipality is located shall continue to receive the revenue from all state and local taxes distributed on the basis of situs of collection, generated within the newly incorporated area, until July 1 following the incorporation, unless the incorporation takes effect on July 1.
  2. (b) If the incorporation takes effect on July 1, then the municipality shall begin receiving revenue from such taxes generated within its corporate boundaries for the period beginning July 1.
  3. (c) Whenever a municipality incorporates, the municipality shall notify the department of revenue of such incorporation prior to the incorporation becoming effective for the purpose of tax administration.
  4. (d) Such taxes shall include the local sales tax authorized in § 67-6-103, the income tax on dividends authorized in § 67-2-102, and all other such taxes distributed to counties and municipalities based on the situs of their collection.
Part 3 Surrender
§ 6-1-301. Surrender of charter.
  1. (a) After the adoption of this charter and the election of the first board of mayor and aldermen, no election for the surrender of this charter shall be called or held for a period of four (4) years from the date the first board takes office.
  2. (b) After the expiration of the four-year period, an election to surrender the charter may be held. In order for a surrender election to be held, a petition requesting surrender of the charter must be filed in the same manner and contain the signatures of the same number of registered voters as provided for the adoption of this charter. The petition must pray for a surrender of the charter and must be accompanied by a cash bond to be posted by the petitioners to cover the cost of the election. In case of a failure to surrender the charter, future elections to surrender it shall not be held more frequently than at four-year intervals.
§ 6-1-302. Conduct of surrender election.
  1. The county election commission has the same duties with respect to an election for the surrender of a charter as it has with respect to an election to adopt a charter under this title.
§ 6-1-303. Termination of charter — New charter.
  1. If a majority of the votes cast in the election favor the termination of this form of government, this charter shall terminate at one (1) minute after midnight (12:01 a.m.) on the sixtieth day next following the date of the election, unless this falls upon Sunday or a holiday, in which case it shall terminate at one (1) minute after midnight (12:01 a.m.) on the next day. If, before the adoption of this charter, the municipality functioned under a different charter, then upon termination of this charter the prior charter shall become effective at the time provided for in this section. Territory previously unincorporated shall revert to that status. Another charter, however, may be adopted, and the question of whether or not another charter shall be adopted may be placed on the ballots used in the election mentioned in this section, if the petition filed requests that, and if all other necessary legal steps to adopt the other charter have been taken.
§ 6-1-304. Election of new officers when charter is surrendered.
  1. (a) If there was a previously incorporated municipality or if a new charter is adopted as provided in § 6-1-303, the county election commission shall call an election not more than sixty-two (62) days following the election for surrender of this charter, at which time municipal officials for the newly adopted form of government shall be chosen who shall take office immediately after the election.
  2. (b) The previous board shall hold over until the newly elected officers take office.
  3. (c) The qualifying deadline for filing nominating petitions shall be as described in § 2-5-101.
  4. (d) All registered voters of the municipality may vote in the election.
§ 6-1-305. Succession to assets, liabilities and obligations after surrender of charter.
  1. (a) In case of a reversion to a former charter or adoption of a new one simultaneously with the surrender of the old, all assets, liabilities and obligations of the old municipality shall become those of the new municipality.
  2. (b) In the event a municipality reverts to unincorporated status, the board of mayor and aldermen shall become trustees of the property and funds of the former municipality, and, under such bonds as may be required by the county legislative body, shall proceed to terminate the affairs of the municipality and dispose of its property.
§ 6-1-306. Liquidation of affairs.
  1. (a) If the property and funds are more than sufficient to meet the municipality's obligations, the surplus shall be paid into the treasury of the county to become a part of its general fund.
  2. (b) If the property and funds are insufficient to meet all the municipality's current obligations, the county legislative body may levy and collect taxes upon the property within the boundaries of the former municipality and pay the revenue to the trustees for the purpose of meeting the current deficit.
  3. (c) The trustees shall terminate the affairs of the municipality as soon as possible, but in no event shall the trusteeship continue for more than thirty-six (36) months. Any matters, including obligations maturing after thirty-six (36) months, not disposed of within the thirty-six-month period shall become the responsibility of the county legislative body of the county in which the municipality is located.
Part 5 Name Change of Municipality
§ 6-1-501. Amendment of charter.
  1. A municipality may amend this charter for the sole purpose of changing the corporate name of the municipality, including the municipality's designation as a town or city in the manner provided in § 6-1-502.
§ 6-1-502. Approval by resolution — Notice — Effect of majority vote.
  1. The corporate name of a municipality may be changed only in the following manner:
    1. (1) The proposed name change must be approved by resolution by a vote of not less than two thirds (⅔) of the board in the manner provided for ordinances in § 6-2-102;
    2. (2) If approved by the board, the resolution shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality within fourteen (14) days of final approval by the board or the first available opportunity for publication, whichever is sooner. Such resolution shall become operative sixty (60) days after its adoption by the board unless ten percent (10%) of the qualified electors of the municipality sign a petition and present it to the board during such sixty-day period requesting that the resolution be referred to the electors, in which case it must receive the approval of a majority of the electors voting thereon at an election held as provided in subdivision (3). If such a petition is not received within such sixty-day period, the resolution shall become operative at the end of such sixty-day period and the mayor shall file a copy of the resolution indicating the new corporate name of the municipality with the secretary of state;
    3. (3) Upon receipt of a petition filed in the manner provided in subdivision (2), a certified copy of the resolution shall be sent to the county election commission, which shall place the question whether to approve the resolution on the ballot of the next scheduled municipal election or general election at which members of the general assembly are chosen, whichever is sooner. The ballot shall provide options to vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the resolution. The qualifications for voting shall be the same as otherwise provided in § 6-1-204 in the election to adopt the original charter under this chapter;
    4. (4) If the majority vote is for the resolution, it shall be deemed to be operative on the date that the county election commission makes its official canvas of the election returns. The county election commission shall then promptly certify the results of the election to the secretary of state and the new corporate name of the municipality; and
    5. (5) If the majority vote is against the election, the question of approving the resolution shall not be included on any subsequent election ballot unless a new resolution is first approved by the board in the manner provided in this section.
§ 6-1-503. Effect on civil liability.
  1. Any change in the name of any municipality under this part shall have no effect whatever on any obligations or liabilities of the municipality, in contract, tort, or otherwise, all of which shall remain the same as prior to the name change.
Chapter 2 Powers of Municipalities with Mayor-Aldermanic Charter
Part 1 Ordinances
§ 6-2-101. Publication of ordinances.
  1. Each ordinance, or the caption of each ordinance, shall be published after its final passage in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. No ordinance shall take effect until the ordinance or its caption is published.
§ 6-2-102. Ordinance procedure.
  1. An ordinance shall be considered and adopted on two (2) separate days; any other form of board action shall be considered and adopted in one (1) day. Any form of board action shall be passed by a majority of the members present, if there is a quorum. A quorum is a majority of the members to which the board is entitled. All ayes and nays on all votes on all forms of board action shall be recorded.
§ 6-2-103. Annual operating budget and budgetary comparisons — Publication.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the governing body shall publish the annual operating budget and budgetary comparisons of the proposed budget with the prior year's actual figures and the current year's estimated figures, which information shall include the following:
    1. (1) Revenues and expenditures for the following governmental funds: general, streets/public works, general purpose school and debt service;
    2. (2) Revenues for each fund shall be listed separately by local taxes, state of Tennessee, federal government and other sources;
    3. (3) Expenditures for each fund shall be listed separately by salaries and other costs;
    4. (4) Beginning and ending fund balances shall be shown for each fund; and
    5. (5) The number of full-time equivalent employee positions shall be shown for each fund.
  2. (b) The publication shall be in a newspaper of general circulation and shall be published not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting where the governing body will consider final passage of the budget.
§ 6-2-105. Ordinances prior to June 30, 1991 ratified.
  1. All ordinances adopted on or prior to June 30, 1991, are hereby ratified and confirmed.
Part 2 Municipal Authority Generally
§ 6-2-201. General powers.
  1. Every municipality incorporated under this charter may:
    1. (1) Assess, levy and collect taxes for all general and special purposes on all subjects or objects of taxation, and privileges taxable by law for municipal purposes;
    2. (2) Adopt classifications of the subjects and objects of taxation that are not contrary to law;
    3. (3) Make special assessments for local improvements;
    4. (4) Contract and be contracted with;
    5. (5) Incur debts by borrowing money or otherwise, and give any appropriate evidence thereof, in the manner provided for in this section;
    6. (6) Issue and give, sell, pledge or in any manner dispose of, negotiable or nonnegotiable interest-bearing or noninterest-bearing bonds, warrants, promissory notes or orders of the municipality, upon the credit of the municipality or solely upon the credit of specific property owned by the municipality or solely upon the credit of income derived from any property used in connection with any public utility owned or operated by the municipality, or solely upon the credit of the proceeds of special assessments for local improvements, or upon any two (2) or more such credits;
    7. (7) Expend the money of the municipality for all lawful purposes;
    8. (8) Acquire or receive and hold, maintain, improve, sell, lease, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of property, real or personal, and any estate or interest therein, within or without the municipality or state;
    9. (9) Condemn property, real or personal, or any easement, interest, or estate or use therein, either within or without the municipality, for present or future public use; the condemnation shall be effected in accordance with the terms and provisions of title 29, chapter 16, or in any other manner provided by law;
    10. (10) Take and hold property within or without the municipality or state upon trust, and administer trusts for the public benefit;
    11. (11) Acquire, construct, own, operate and maintain, or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of public utilities or any estate or interest therein, or any other utility that is of service to the municipality, its inhabitants, or any part of the municipality, and further, may issue debt for these purposes under the Local Government Public Obligations Act, compiled in title 9, chapter 21;
    12. (12) Grant to any person, firm, association or municipality, franchises for public utilities and public services to be furnished the municipality and those in the municipality. The power to grant franchises embraces the power to grant exclusive franchises. When an exclusive franchise is granted, it shall be exclusive not only as against any other person, firm, association, or corporation, but also against the municipality itself. Franchises may be granted for a period of twenty-five (25) years or less, but not longer, except as provided in § 65-4-107(b). The board may prescribe, in each grant of a franchise, the rates, fares, charges and regulations that may be made by the grantee of the franchise in accordance with state and federal law. Franchises may by their terms apply to the territory within the corporate limits of the municipality at the date of the franchises, and as the corporate limits may be enlarged, and to the existing streets, alleys and thoroughfares that may be opened after the grant of the franchise;
    13. (13) Make contracts with any person, firm, association or corporation for public utilities and public services to be furnished the municipality and those in the municipality. The power to make contracts embraces the power to make exclusive contracts. When an exclusive contract is entered into, it shall be exclusive against any other person, firm, association or corporation. These contracts may be entered into for a period of twenty-five (25) years or less, but not longer. The board may prescribe in each such contract entered into the rates, fares, charges, and regulations that may be made by the person, firm, association or corporation with whom the contract is made. Such contracts may by their terms apply to the territory within the corporate limits of the municipality at the date of the contract, and as the corporate limits may be enlarged, and to the then existing streets, alleys and thoroughfares and to any other streets, alleys and other thoroughfares that may be opened after the grant of the contract;
    14. (14) Prescribe reasonable regulations regarding the construction, maintenance, equipment, operation and service of public utilities, compel reasonable extensions of facilities for these services, and assess fees for the use of or impact upon these services. Nothing in this subdivision (14) shall be construed to permit the alteration or impairment of any of the terms or provisions of any exclusive franchise granted or of any exclusive contract entered into under subdivisions (12) and (13);
    15. (15) Establish, open, relocate, vacate, alter, widen, extend, grade, improve, repair, construct, reconstruct, maintain, light, sprinkle and clean public highways, streets, boulevards, parkways, sidewalks, alleys, parks, public grounds, public facilities, libraries and squares, wharves, bridges, viaducts, subways, tunnels, sewers and drains within or without the corporate limits, regulate their use within the corporate limits, assess fees for the use of or impact upon such property and facilities, and take and appropriate property therefor under §§ 7-31-107 — 7-31-111 and 29-16-203, or any other manner provided by general laws;
    16. (16)
      1. (A) Construct, improve, reconstruct and reimprove by opening, extending, widening, grading, curbing, guttering, paving, graveling, macadamizing, draining or otherwise improving any streets, highways, avenues, alleys or other public places within the corporate limits, and assess a portion of the cost of these improvements on the property abutting on or adjacent to these streets, highways or alleys under, and as provided by, title 7, chapters 32 and 33;
      2. (B) Subdivision (16)(A) may not be construed to prohibit a municipality with a population of not less than seven hundred (700) nor more than seven hundred five (705), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census, from installing and maintaining a traffic control signal within its corporate limits, and any such municipality is expressly so authorized; provided, that no device shall be installed to control traffic on a state highway without the approval of the commissioner of transportation;
    17. (17) Assess against abutting property within the corporate limits the cost of planting shade trees, removing from sidewalks all accumulations of snow, ice and earth, cutting and removing obnoxious weeds and rubbish, street lighting, street sweeping, street sprinkling, street flushing, and street oiling, the cleaning and rendering sanitary or removing, abolishing and prohibiting of closets and privies, in such manner as may be provided by general law or by ordinance of the board;
    18. (18) Acquire, purchase, provide for, construct, regulate and maintain and do all things relating to all marketplaces, public buildings, bridges, sewers and other structures, works and improvements;
    19. (19) Collect and dispose of drainage, sewage, ashes, garbage, refuse or other waste, or license and regulate their collection and disposal, and the cost of collection, regulation or disposal may be funded by taxation, special assessment to the property owner, user fees or other charges;
    20. (20) License and regulate all persons, firms, corporations, companies and associations engaged in any business, occupation, calling, profession or trade not prohibited by law;
    21. (21) Impose a license tax upon any animal, thing, business, vocation, pursuit, privilege or calling not prohibited by law;
    22. (22) Define, prohibit, abate, suppress, prevent and regulate all acts, practices, conduct, businesses, occupations, callings, trades, uses of property and all other things whatsoever detrimental, or liable to be detrimental, to the health, morals, comfort, safety, convenience or welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality, and exercise general police powers;
    23. (23) Prescribe limits within which business occupations and practices liable to be nuisances or detrimental to the health, morals, security or general welfare of the people may lawfully be established, conducted or maintained;
    24. (24) Inspect, test, measure and weigh any article for consumption or use within the municipality, and charge reasonable fees therefor, and provide standards of weights, tests and measures in such manner as may be provided pursuant to title 47, chapter 26, part 9;
    25. (25) Regulate the location, bulk, occupancy, area, lot, location, height, construction and materials of all buildings and structures in accordance with general law, and inspect all buildings, lands and places as to their condition for health, cleanliness and safety, and when necessary, prevent their use and require any alteration or changes necessary to make them healthful, clean or safe;
    26. (26) Provide and maintain charitable, educational, recreative, curative, corrective, detentive, or penal institutions, departments, functions, facilities, instrumentalities, conveniences and services;
    27. (27) Purchase or construct, maintain and establish a correctional facility for the confinement and detention of persons who violate laws within the corporate limits of the city, or to contract with the county to keep these persons in the correctional facility of the county and to enforce the payment of fines and costs in accordance with §§ 40-24-104 and 40-24-105 or through contempt proceedings in accordance with general law;
    28. (28)
      1. (A) Enforce any ordinance, rule or regulation by fines, forfeitures and penalties, and by other actions or proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction;
      2. (B) Provide by ordinance for court costs as provided in the Municipal Court Reform Act, compiled in title 16, chapter 18, part 3;
    29. (29) Establish schools, to the extent authorized pursuant to general law, determine the necessary boards, officers and teachers required therefor, and fix their compensation, purchase or otherwise acquire land for or assess a fee for use of, or impact upon, schoolhouses, playgrounds and other purposes connected with the schools, purchase or erect all necessary buildings and do all other acts necessary to establish, maintain and operate a complete educational system within the municipality;
    30. (30) Regulate, tax, license or suppress the keeping or going at large of animals within the municipality, impound them, and in default of redemption, sell or kill them;
    31. (31) Call elections as provided in this charter;
    32. (32) Have and exercise all powers that now or hereafter it would be competent for this charter specifically to enumerate, as fully and completely as though these powers were specifically enumerated; and
    33. (33) Create a design review commission, which shall have the authority to develop general guidelines and to develop procedures for the approval of the guidelines for the exterior appearance of all nonresidential property, multiple family residential property, and any entrance to nonresidential developments within the municipality; provided, that the authority is subordinate to and in no way exceeds the authority delegated to a municipal planning commission pursuant to title 13, chapter 4. Any property owner affected by the guidelines may appeal a decision by the design review commission to the municipality's planning commission or, if there is no planning commission, to the entire municipal legislative body.
Chapter 3 Board of Mayor and Aldermen
§ 6-3-101. Election of board — Municipalities incorporating under chapters 1-4 of this title after June 30, 1991 — Ward boundaries.
  1. (a) Any municipality incorporating under this charter after June 30, 1991, shall have at least one (1) ward but not more than eight (8) wards. Any municipality having a population of less than five thousand (5,000) shall, upon incorporation, have one (1) ward, and its board shall consist of a mayor and two (2) aldermen elected at large. Any municipality having a population of more than five thousand (5,000) shall, upon incorporation, have two (2) wards, and its board shall consist of a mayor to be elected at large and two (2) aldermen elected from each ward. The mayor and aldermen elected to the first board shall serve the four-year and two-year terms prescribed by § 6-1-207(b). At each election thereafter the mayor and aldermen shall be elected to four-year terms, except in transitional elections prescribed by subsection (c). Any municipality that incorporated under this charter after June 30, 1991, and that has a population of less than five thousand (5,000) and has only one (1) ward, may by ordinance increase the number of aldermen to a maximum of four (4) without increasing the number of wards. The ordinance shall provide for staggered four-year terms in accordance with § 6-1-207(b), but may provide for transitional terms of less than four (4) years.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Any municipality incorporated after June 30, 1991, may increase or reduce the number of wards, except that municipalities having a population of more than five thousand (5,000) shall not reduce the number of wards below two (2). The board of any municipality having between one (1) and four (4) wards shall consist of a mayor elected at large and two (2) aldermen elected from each ward, except that municipalities having more than one (1) ward may reduce the number of aldermen from each ward from two (2) to one (1). The board of any municipality having between five (5) and eight (8) wards shall consist of a mayor elected at large and one (1) alderman elected from each ward. In wards having more than one (1) alderman, the aldermen shall serve staggered terms of office within their wards.
    2. (2) Any municipality that has only one (1) ward may provide by ordinance for numerical designations for aldermanic positions. After numerical positions have been designated, candidates for alderman shall qualify by indicating on the qualifying petition the position the candidate is seeking. Ballots shall indicate the position to be filled by the selection of candidates listed under “Alderman, position 1,” “Alderman, position 2,” and so on. Any qualified person residing in the municipality may seek an open aldermanic position, but may qualify in any election for only one (1) position.
  3. (c) All increases and reductions in the number of wards and aldermen under this section shall be accomplished only by ordinance passed by a two-third (⅔) vote of the entire membership to which the board is entitled. The ordinance shall:
    1. (1) Take effect at the next municipal election, but shall not affect the present terms of members of the board of mayor and aldermen;
    2. (2) Where appropriate, establish and describe the new ward boundaries;
    3. (3) Provide for a transitional election following the adoption of the ordinance in which the mayor or aldermen, or both, running for office shall be elected for terms that will expire at the next municipal election;
    4. (4) At the second municipal election following the adoption of the ordinance provide for a system of staggered terms of office under which the mayor is elected for a term of four (4) years, in cities with an even number of wards one half (½) the total number of mayor and aldermen running for office are elected to four-year terms, in cities with an uneven number of wards one (1) more or one (1) less than one half (½) the total number of mayor and aldermen running for office, are elected to four-year terms, in both classes of cities the remaining aldermen are elected to two-year terms, and following which all aldermen shall be elected for four-year terms; and
    5. (5) In the case of a ward that has been abolished, provide that any alderman whose term extends past the life of a ward shall serve as an alderman at large for the remainder of the term.
§ 6-3-102. Election of board by municipalities incorporated under chapters 1 and 2 of this title, on or prior to June 30, 1991. [Amendment Contingent on Municipality Approval. See the Compiler's Notes].
  1. (a)
    1. (1) A municipality incorporated under chapters 1 and 2 of this title, on or before June 30, 1991, may, by ordinance, establish wards, increase or decrease the number of wards, increase or decrease the number of aldermen to no fewer than two (2) and no more than eight (8) in accordance with § 6-3-101.
    2. (2) Any municipality that has only one (1) ward may provide by ordinance for numerical designations for aldermanic positions. After numerical positions have been designated, candidates for alderman shall qualify by indicating on the qualifying petition the position the candidate is seeking. Ballots shall indicate the position to be filled by the selection of candidates listed under “Alderman, position 1,” “Alderman, position 2,” and so on. Any qualified person residing in the municipality may seek an open aldermanic position, but may qualify in any election for only one (1) position.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) A municipality whose board has staggered two-year terms may by ordinance change to staggered four-year terms. The ordinance, which shall take effect for the next municipal election and shall not affect the present terms of members of the board of mayor and aldermen, shall provide for the transitional election of some members of the board for three-year terms. After this initial election, all members of the board shall be elected for four-year terms.
    2. (2) A municipality whose board has nonstaggered two-year terms may by ordinance change to staggered four-year terms. The ordinance, which shall take effect for the next municipal election and shall not affect the present terms of members of the board, shall provide for the transitional election of some members of the board for two-year terms. After this initial election, all members of the board shall be elected for four-year terms.
    3. (3) A municipality whose board has nonstaggered four-year terms may by ordinance change to staggered four-year terms. The ordinance, which shall take effect for the next municipal election and shall not affect the present terms of members of the board, shall provide for the transitional election of some members of the board for either two-year or six-year terms. After this initial election, all members of the board shall be elected for four-year terms.
    4. (4) A municipality whose board has staggered two-year terms may, by ordinance, change to nonstaggered two-year terms. The ordinance, which shall take effect for the next municipal election and shall not affect the present terms of members of the board of mayor and aldermen, shall provide that the members elected at the next election will serve transitional terms of three (3) years. After such election, all members of the board shall be elected to serve two-year terms.
    5. (5) A municipality whose board has non-staggered or staggered four-year terms may, by ordinance, change to two-year non-staggered or staggered terms. The ordinance shall not affect the present terms of members of the board serving four-year terms, and shall take effect for the next appropriate municipal election following the adoption of the ordinance. After such election, all members of the board shall be elected to serve two-year terms.
    6. (6) A municipality whose board has nonstaggered two-year terms may by ordinance change to nonstaggered four-year terms. The ordinance shall take effect for the next municipal election and shall not affect the present terms of members of the board.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, any municipality incorporated under this charter that is located within two (2) counties and has a population of not less than one thousand four hundred fifty (1,450) nor more than one thousand four hundred seventy-five (1,475), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census, may by ordinance provide for the election of its mayor to a four-year term and the election of its aldermen to staggered four-year terms beginning with municipal elections that are conducted after January 1, 2001.
    2. (2) Nothing in subdivision (c)(1) shall be construed as having the effect of removing any incumbent from office or abridging the term of any official prior to the end of the term for which such official was elected.
§ 6-3-103. Residence requirements for officers.
  1. (a) No person shall be eligible for the office of mayor unless such person has resided within the municipality for at least one (1) year next preceding the election.
  2. (b) No person shall be eligible for the office of alderman unless such person has resided within the ward for at least one (1) year next preceding the election.
  3. (c) Residence within any area annexed in a year preceding an election shall be counted in meeting the residence requirement of this section.
  4. (d) Any officer moving from such officer's ward, in the case of an alderman, or moving from the municipality, in the case of the mayor, during the term of office shall be presumed to have vacated the office, and it shall be declared vacant, and filled as provided in § 6-3-107.
§ 6-3-104. Dates for municipal elections.
  1. (a) The board may by ordinance change the date of municipal elections to coincide with the August or November general election. The ordinance changing the election date shall provide for the extension of the terms of members of the board necessary to meet the election date, but no term may be extended for more than two (2) years beyond its regular expiration date.
  2. (b) Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to remove any incumbent from office or abridge the term of any incumbent prior to the end of the term for which an elected official was selected.
  3. (c) If the board changes the date of municipal elections pursuant to subsection (a), the board may at a later date change the election date back to what such date was prior to moving the election date to coincide with the August or November general election. The board may only make an election date change under this subsection (c) one (1) time. Terms of incumbent members of the board shall not be abridged to accomplish an election date change under this subsection (c); however, members elected at a date change pursuant to this subsection (c) may take office at a later date so as to not abridge terms of incumbent members. If such members take office at a later date, their term may be abridged due to such members having to take office at the later date.
§ 6-3-105. Oaths of office.
  1. The mayor, after the mayor's election, shall take an oath of office to support the constitution of the state and faithfully discharge the duties of the mayor's office, before any officer authorized to administer oaths. This officer or the mayor shall then induct the aldermen into office by administering to them a similar oath of office. Oaths of office shall be filed in the archives of the municipality.
§ 6-3-106. Duties of mayor.
  1. (a) The mayor:
    1. (1) Shall be the chief executive officer of the municipality and shall preside at meetings of the board;
    2. (2) Shall communicate any information needed, and recommend measures the mayor deems expedient to the board;
    3. (3)
      1. (A) Shall make temporary appointments of any officer or department head as those terms are defined in § 6-1-101, except that of alderman, arising from the absence, sickness or disability of any such officer or department head, and shall report such appointment to the board at its next regular meeting;
      2. (B) The board may confirm or reject the mayor's temporary appointments, or, at its discretion, make its own temporary appointments. The board shall make appointments to fill vacancies in office;
    4. (4)
      1. (A) May call special meetings of the board upon adequate notice to the board and adequate public notice;
      2. (B) Shall state the matters to be considered at the special meeting and the action of the board shall be limited to those matters submitted;
    5. (5) Shall countersign checks and drafts drawn upon the treasury by the treasurer and sign all contracts to which the municipality is a party;
    6. (6) As a member of the board, may make motions and shall have a vote on all matters coming before the board; and
    7. (7) Shall make appointments to boards and commissions as authorized by law.
  2. (b) Unless otherwise designated by the board by ordinance, the mayor shall perform the following duties or may designate a department head or department heads to perform any of the following duties:
    1. (1) Those duties set forth in § 6-4-101, if the board does not appoint a city administrator, or if someone else is not designated by the board to perform those duties;
    2. (2)
      1. (A) Employ, promote, discipline, suspend and discharge all employees and department heads, in accordance with personnel policies and procedures, if any, adopted by the board;
      2. (B) Nothing in this charter shall be construed as granting a property interest to employees or department heads in their continued employment;
    3. (3) Act as purchasing agent for the municipality in the purchase of all materials, supplies and equipment for the proper conduct of the municipality's business; provided, that all purchases shall be made in accordance with policies, practices and procedures established by the board;
    4. (4) Prepare and submit the annual budget and capital program to the board for their adoption by ordinance; and
    5. (5) Such other duties as may be designated or required by the board.
§ 6-3-107. Vice mayor — Vacancies in office.
  1. (a) The board shall elect an alderman to the office of vice mayor, who shall serve as mayor when the mayor is absent or unable to discharge the duties of the mayor's office, and, in case of a vacancy in the office of mayor, until the next regular municipal election.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) By affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining members, the board shall fill a vacancy in the office of alderman for the unexpired term, but any portion of an unexpired four-year term for alderman or mayor that remains beyond the next municipal election shall be filled by the voters at that election, if the vacancy occurs at least twenty (20) days before the latest time for filing nominating petitions for candidates in that election.
    2. (2) All such elections by the board shall be made by voice vote, on the calling of the roll. If a tie vote occurs in filling a vacancy on the board, the presiding officer shall vote a second time to break the tie.
§ 6-3-108. Election of alderman as presiding officer.
  1. In the absence of the mayor and vice mayor, the board may elect an alderman to act as presiding officer.
§ 6-3-109. Compensation.
  1. (a) The compensation of all officers shall be established in the ordinance adopting the annual budget and capital program.
  2. (b) The compensation of the mayor may not be diminished during the mayor's term of office.
§ 6-3-110. Establishment of term limits for the mayor and board of mayor and aldermen of certain municipalities by ordinance.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Subject to the further provisions of this section, the board of mayor and aldermen of any municipality incorporated under this charter which is located within a county that has adopted a charter form of government is authorized upon its own initiative and upon the adoption of an ordinance by a two-thirds (⅔) vote at two (2) separate meetings to establish term limits for the mayor and board of mayor and aldermen of such municipality in such manner as shall be designated by the ordinance. The operation of the ordinance shall be subject to approval of the voters as required in subsection (b).
    2. (2) Subject to the further provisions of this section, the board of mayor and aldermen of a municipality incorporated under this charter having a population of sixty thousand (60,000) or more, according to the 2020 federal census or a subsequent federal census, may, upon its own initiative and upon the adoption of an ordinance by a two-thirds (⅔) vote at two (2) separate meetings, establish term limits for the mayor and board of mayor and aldermen of the municipality in the manner designated in the ordinance. The operation of the ordinance is subject to approval of the voters as required in subsection (b).
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Any ordinance to establish term limits for the mayor and board of mayor and alderman of any municipality to which subsection (a) applies shall not become operative until approved in an election herein provided in the municipality. Upon the adoption of the ordinance, the mayor shall notify the county election commission to hold an election as provided in this subsection (b).
    2. (2) After the receipt of a certified copy of such ordinance, the county election commission shall hold an election on the question pursuant to § 2-3-204, providing options to vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the ordinance, and a majority vote of those voting in the election shall determine whether the ordinance is to be operative.
    3. (3) If the majority vote is for the ordinance, it shall be deemed to be operative on the date that the county election commission makes its official canvass of the election returns; provided, however, that no term limits shall apply until the election of the mayor and board of mayor and aldermen held after the ordinance is operative.
    4. (4) If the majority vote is against the ordinance, no further elections on the question of term limits shall be held until at least four (4) years have expired from the previous election and only after the board of mayor and aldermen adopts a new ordinance for such purposes in accordance with subsection (a).
Chapter 4 Officers and Department Heads
Part 1 City Administrator
§ 6-4-101. Duties of city administrator.
  1. (a) The board may appoint a city administrator who shall be under the control and direction of the board. The city administrator shall report and be responsible to the board.
  2. (b) The board may, by ordinance, require the city administrator to perform any or all the following duties:
    1. (1) Administer the business of the municipality;
    2. (2) Make recommendations to the board for improving the quality and quantity of public services to be rendered by the officers and employees to the inhabitants of the municipality;
    3. (3) Keep the board fully advised as to the conditions and needs of the municipality;
    4. (4) Report to the board the condition of all property, real and personal, owned by the municipality and recommend repairs or replacements as needed;
    5. (5) Recommend to the board and suggest the priority of programs or projects involving public works or public improvements that should be undertaken by the municipality;
    6. (6) Recommend specific personnel positions, as may be required for the needs and operations of the municipality, and propose personnel policies and procedures for approval of the board; and
    7. (7) Perform such other duties as may from time to time be designated or required by the board.
Part 2 City Recorder
§ 6-4-201. City recorder — Appointment.
  1. The board shall appoint a city recorder, who also may be appointed to the positions of finance director or treasurer, or both.
§ 6-4-202. Recorder's functions at board meeting.
  1. The recorder or the recorder's designee shall be present at all meetings of the board, and keep a full and accurate record of all business transacted by the board to be preserved in permanent form.
§ 6-4-203. Custody of official records.
  1. (a) The recorder or the recorder's designee shall have custody of, and preserve in the recorder's office, the city seal, the public records, original rolls of ordinance, ordinance books, minutes of the board, contracts, bonds, title deeds, certificates, and papers, all official indemnity or security bonds, except the recorder's bond, which shall be in the custody of the mayor, and all other bonds, oaths and affirmations and all other records, papers and documents not required by this charter or by ordinance to be deposited elsewhere, and register them by numbers, dates and contents, and keep an accurate and modern index of such material.
  2. (b) All such records shall be the property of the municipality.
§ 6-4-204. Copies of records and ordinances.
  1. (a) The recorder shall provide, copy, and, when required by any officer or person, certify copies of records, papers and documents in the recorder's office.
  2. (b) Fees for copying and certification shall be charged as established by ordinance.
Part 3 City Judge — City Court
§ 6-4-301. City judge — Jurisdiction — Appointment — Qualifications and compensation — Elections.
  1. (a) There shall be a city court presided over by a city judge appointed by the board or elected as provided in subsection (c).
  2. (b)
    1. (1)
      1. (A) Where the city judge is appointed, the city judge shall have the qualifications, term of office, if any, and receive the compensation the board may provide by ordinance.
      2. (B) The board may appoint the general sessions court judge of the county or counties in which the municipality lies to act as city judge to the extent the general sessions court judge agrees to act as city judge.
    2. (2) In the absence or disability of the city judge, the mayor may designate a qualified person to serve as city judge or, to the extent the general sessions court judge agrees to serve as city judge, may designate the general sessions court judge of the county or counties in which the municipality lies to be acting city judge until one can be appointed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board, or as otherwise provided by ordinance.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) The board may require, by ordinance, that the city judge meet the constitutional qualifications and be elected in the same manner as a judge of an inferior court. Constitutional provisions applicable to judges of inferior courts shall apply to the elected city judge.
    2. (2) If an elected city judge is temporarily unable to preside over the city court for any reason, then, to the extent a general sessions court judge agrees to serve temporarily as city judge, the judge shall appoint a general sessions judge of the county or counties within which the municipality lies to sit in the judge's place. If no general sessions judge is available, then the city judge shall appoint an attorney, meeting the same qualifications as a general sessions judge, to sit temporarily.
§ 6-4-302. Power to enforce ordinances.
  1. (a) The city judge may impose fines, costs and forfeitures, and punish by fine for violation of city ordinances.
  2. (b) The judge may preserve and enforce order in the court and enforce the collection of all fines, costs and forfeitures imposed.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) In default of payment, or good and sufficient security given for the payment of any fines or forfeitures imposed, if:
      1. (A) The court has concurrent jurisdiction with the general sessions court, the judge is authorized to enter an order in accordance with § 40-24-104 which, in accordance with such section, may include imprisonment until the fine, or any portion of it, is paid. No such imprisonment shall exceed the period of time established in § 40-24-104, for any one (1) offense or violation;
      2. (B) The court does not have concurrent jurisdiction with the general sessions court, the judge is authorized to enter an order for contempt of court for the payment of the fine in the amount established pursuant to § 16-18-306.
    2. (2) Fines may be paid in installments in the manner provided by ordinance or in accordance with § 40-24-104. Any court is authorized to enforce the collection of unpaid fines or forfeitures as a judgment in a civil action in any court with competent jurisdiction in accordance with § 40-24-105. The city judge may remit, with or without condition, fines and costs imposed for violation of any ordinance provision.
Part 4 Treasurer — Deposits of Municipal Funds
§ 6-4-401. Appointment and duties of treasurer.
  1. (a) The board shall appoint a treasurer.
  2. (b) The treasurer shall collect, receive and receipt for the taxes and all other revenue and bonds of the municipality, and the proceeds of its bond issues, and disburse them.
  3. (c) The board may appoint the recorder as treasurer.
§ 6-4-402. Depositories of municipal funds.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The board, at a regular meeting, shall adopt a resolution to contract with a bank or banks making the best proposal to become the depository of municipal funds.
    2. (2) Before entering into a contract under subdivision (a)(1), the treasurer or an officer appointed by the treasurer shall review and analyze the proposals from the banks and submit an analysis of the proposals to each member of the board at or before the next meeting of the board. The analysis of the proposals should consider the bank or banks proposing the highest interest rate, potential service charges or other fees, factors affecting safety and liquidity of municipal funds, and any other relevant factors.
  2. (b) The board shall require any bank that becomes a depository of municipal funds to secure the funds by collateral in the same manner and under the same conditions as state deposits under title 9, chapter 4, parts 1 and 4, or as provided in a collateral pool created under title 9, chapter 4, part 5.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, at least once every four (4) years, the board shall reevaluate the contracts entered into pursuant to subsection (a). The board shall base its evaluation on proposals obtained from at least two (2) banks. The treasurer or an officer appointed by the treasurer shall prepare a written evaluation of the proposals and preserve the evaluations for at least three (3) years.
Modified City Manager-Council Charter
Chapter 30 Modified City Manager-Council Charter—Adoption or Surrender
§ 6-30-101. Alternative method of incorporation provided.
  1. An alternative method whereby unincorporated territory may become an incorporated city is provided by chapters 30-36 of this title.
§ 6-30-102. Definitions — Chapters 30-36.
  1. As used in chapters 30-36 of this title, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “City” means any city or territory to be incorporated that may adopt chapters 30-36 of this title;
    2. (2) “County” means the county in which any such city or territory to be incorporated under chapters 30-36 of this title is located, or in which the major portion of the population of any such city or territory to be incorporated is located as indicated by the last federal census; and
    3. (3) “This charter” refers to chapters 30-36 of this title.
§ 6-30-103. Right to incorporate under modified city manager-council charter.
  1. (a) The residents of any unincorporated territory that it is desired to incorporate shall have the right to adopt chapters 30-36 of this title in the manner provided in these chapters; and thereafter such territory shall be and become incorporated and be governed as set forth in these chapters. No unincorporated territory shall be incorporated under chapters 30-36 of this title unless such territory contains not less than five thousand (5,000) persons, who shall be actual residents of the territory.
  2. (b) No unincorporated territory shall be incorporated within three (3) miles of an existing municipality or within five (5) miles of an existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population, according to the latest census certified by the department of economic and community development. “Existing municipality” and “existing municipality of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population” do not include any county with a metropolitan form of government with a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more, according to the latest census certified by the department of economic and community development.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or (b) to the contrary, a territory may be incorporated if the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1. (1) The territory contains two hundred twenty-five (225) residents or more;
    2. (2) The territory is composed of property that is one thousand six hundred feet (1,600′) or more above sea level on the western border of the territory and contiguous with a county boundary on the eastern border of the territory;
    3. (3) The territory is located within an area that is bordered on the west, north and east by the Tennessee River and on the south by the border between Tennessee and another state; and
    4. (4) The territory is located within a metropolitan statistical area.
  4. (d) Notwithstanding subsections (a)-(c) to the contrary, a territory may be incorporated that meets the following conditions:
    1. (1) The territory contains three hundred (300) residents or more;
    2. (2) The territory's western boundary is contiguous with the western boundary of the county in which it is located;
    3. (3) The territory is located within an area bordered on the north by the Loosahatchie River and on the south by the Wolf River;
    4. (4) The territory's eastern boundary is approximately parallel with the western boundary, but in no place is more than eight (8) miles from the western boundary; and
    5. (5) The territory is located within a metropolitan statistical area.
  5. (e) Notwithstanding the requirements of § 6-30-106, or any other law to the contrary, the petition for incorporation of the territory described in this section may consist of a letter from a resident of the territory desiring to incorporate to the county election commission requesting that the question of incorporating the territory be placed on the ballot. The letter shall describe the exact boundaries of the proposed municipality, indicate the name of the proposed municipality, and indicate under which charter the territory desires to incorporate. The letter shall be treated as a petition meeting all the requirements of law.
§ 6-30-104. Procedure for adoption or surrender of charter.
  1. (a) The adoption or surrender of chapters 30-36 of this title shall be accomplished in the same manner as is provided in §§ 6-18-104(c), 6-18-105 — 6-18-113 and 6-30-106 for the adoption or surrender of the uniform city manager-commission charter; provided, that where those sections refer to chapters 18-22 of this title “chapters 30-36 of this title” shall be substituted; that where the uniform city manager-commission charter is referred to “modified city manager-council charter” shall be substituted; and that where commissioners are referred to, “council members” shall be substituted.
  2. (b) No unincorporated territory shall be allowed to hold a referendum on the question of whether or not to incorporate under this charter until a plan of services is documented, setting forth the identification and projected timing of municipal services proposed to be provided and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. The plan of services shall be attached to the petition to incorporate when such petition is filed with the county election commission. The plan of services shall include, but not be limited to, police protection, fire protection, water service, sanitary sewage system, solid waste disposal, road and street construction and repair, recreational facilities, a proposed five-year operational budget, including projected revenues and expenditures, and the revenue from purely local sources to be payable annually. Municipalities that are first incorporated on or after July 1, 1993, that produce no local own-source revenues in any fiscal year, shall not receive any state-shared revenues during the next fiscal year.
  3. (c) Prior to filing the petition with the county election commission, a public hearing on the referendum on the question of whether or not to incorporate under this charter and plan of services shall be conducted. The public hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation for two (2) consecutive weeks.
§ 6-30-105. Construction of charter.
  1. In the construction of any portion of this charter whose meaning or application is in dispute, it is intended that its phraseology shall be liberally construed to effect the substantial objects of chapters 30-36 of this title.
§ 6-30-106. Election to adopt city manager form — Publication of notice — Applicability.
  1. (a) An election for the purpose of determining whether or not chapters 30-36 of this title shall become effective for any city shall be called by the county election commission or, if the area is in two (2) or more counties, jointly by the county election commissions of the affected counties, upon the petition in writing of twenty percent (20%) of the number of registered voters of the city or territory voting at the last general election, which petition shall state therein the proposed corporate name and shall designate therein in a sufficient manner the boundaries of the proposed municipal corporation, which may be done by a general reference to the boundaries then existing if there is one, and the boundaries of the councilmanic districts, or shall have attached thereto a map of the area to be incorporated on which the councilmanic districts are shown.
  2. (b) The county election commission shall, in addition to all other notices required by law, publish one (1) notice of the election in a newspaper of general circulation within the territory of the city or of the proposed city and post the notice in at least ten (10) places in the territory.
  3. (c) Except for the provisions of chapters 30-36 of this title that are adopted by reference in other municipal charters, chapters 30-36 of this title apply only to those cities that have adopted chapters 30-36 of this title by referendum as authorized by law.
§ 6-30-108. County of situs of newly incorporated municipality to continue to receive tax revenues until July 1 — Exception — Notice to department of revenue.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, whenever a new municipality incorporates under any form of charter, the county or counties in which the new municipality is located shall continue to receive the revenue from all state and local taxes distributed on the basis of situs of collection, generated within the newly incorporated area, until July 1 following the incorporation, unless the incorporation takes effect on July 1.
  2. (b) If the incorporation takes effect on July 1, then the municipality shall begin receiving revenue from such taxes generated within its corporate boundaries for the period beginning July 1.
  3. (c) Whenever a municipality incorporates, the municipality shall notify the department of revenue of such incorporation prior to the incorporation becoming effective for the purpose of tax administration.
  4. (d) Such taxes shall include the local sales tax authorized in § 67-6-103, the income tax on dividends authorized in § 67-2-102, and all other such taxes distributed to counties and municipalities based on the situs of their collection.
Chapter 31 Elections Under Modified City Manager-Council Charter
Part 1 General Provisions
§ 6-31-101. Method of electing governing body.
  1. (a) All corporate, legislative, and other powers of the city, except as otherwise provided in chapters 30-36 of this title, shall be vested in a council, and the council shall be composed of members to be elected as provided in this section: One (1) member of the council shall be elected from each voting precinct of the incorporated area, to be voted on exclusively by the members of that particular voting precinct, and no person not a resident of the voting precinct shall be eligible to run for the office of council member from that voting precinct. In the event the incorporated area takes in a portion or a part of a voting precinct, that portion or part shall be considered, so far as this section is concerned, as a complete voting precinct. For the purposes of complying with chapter 30 of this title, each voting precinct shall be known as a councilmanic district.
  2. (b) If an area to be incorporated, or that has been incorporated under chapters 30-36 of this title, lies in two (2) or more counties, the county election commissions of the counties in which the area lies shall jointly conduct elections under chapters 30-36 of this title.
  3. (c) If the area to be incorporated includes inactive voting precincts or portions of inactive voting precincts, or both, the inactive voting precinct or portions of the inactive precincts, or both, shall be included in a contiguous voting precinct. An inactive precinct is one in which a general state election has not been held for five (5) years prior to the date of filing the petition for incorporation.
  4. (d) In no event shall the membership of the council be less than seven (7), and in the event there are not sufficient voting precincts to elect a minimum of seven (7) members, the additional members of the council shall be elected at large. Council members from the city at large shall be voted on by the electors in all voting precincts.
  5. (e) Any city operating under this charter may elect all such council members from the city at large, at its option. The option may be exercised by a private act of the general assembly providing for such when ratified as provided for by article XI, § 9 of the Constitution of Tennessee.
  6. (f) Election to the board of education shall be as provided in chapter 36 of this title.
§ 6-31-102. Time of election of council members.
  1. (a) The first election of council members in any city incorporating under chapters 30-36 of this title shall be had on the fourth Tuesday following the election at which chapters 30-36 of this title have been adopted, and a regular municipal election shall be held biennially thereafter.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Any city operating under this charter may change the date of holding its regular biennial municipal election from the date provided in subsection (a) to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, to coincide with the election of members of the general assembly and representatives in the congress of the United States, as provided in § 2-3-203 or to coincide with the August general election. This option may be exercised by ordinance duly adopted in accordance with § 6-32-202. The ordinance changing the election date shall provide for the extension of the terms of council members necessary to meet the election date, but no term may be extended for more than two (2) years beyond its regular expiration date.
    2. (2) Nothing in subdivision (b)(1) shall be construed to remove any incumbent from office or abridge the term of any incumbent prior to the end of the term for which an elected official was selected.
    3. (3) If the council changes the date of municipal elections pursuant to subdivision (b)(1), the council may at a later date change the election date back to what such date was prior to moving the election date to coincide with the August or November general election. The council may only make an election date change under this subdivision (b)(3) one (1) time. Terms of incumbent council members shall not be abridged to accomplish an election date change under this subsection (b); however, council members elected at a date change pursuant to this subsection (b) may take office at a later date so as to not abridge terms of incumbent council members. If such council members take office at a later date, their term may be abridged due to such members having to take office at the later date.
§ 6-31-103. Qualifications for voting.
  1. In any election under this charter, registered voters of the city or territory may vote.
§ 6-31-104. Nonpartisanship.
  1. All elections shall be nonpartisan.
§ 6-31-105. Eligibility for office of council member.
  1. Any qualified voter of the city is eligible for election to the office of council member; provided, that such voter has been a resident of the city for one (1) year next preceding the day of election; and provided further, that before taking office, the voter resigns any state, county, or other municipal office or position of employment that is filled by public election or that is remunerative, except as a notary public or member of the national guard.
§ 6-31-106. Deadline for councilmanic nominations.
  1. The deadline for filing nominating petitions for the first councilmanic election after incorporation is thirty-five (35) days before the councilmanic election will be held.
§ 6-31-107. Term of office.
  1. The terms of council members elected at this and all succeeding elections for the office of council shall be four (4) years. However at the option of the council, an ordinance may be adopted by two thirds (⅔) of the entire membership of the council prescribing and fixing staggered terms for members of the council, and the ordinance may shorten or extend the terms of current members of the council for the sole purpose of staggering the terms, but otherwise the terms of office shall be four (4) years.
§ 6-31-108. Restrictions on candidates and supporters — Penalty.
  1. If a candidate or any person on such candidate's behalf directly or indirectly gives or promises to any person or persons any office, employment, money, benefit, or anything of value in connection with such candidate's candidacy, upon conviction thereof such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00), and shall thereafter be ineligible to hold any office or position of employment in the city government for a period of five (5) years.
§ 6-31-109. Certification of election.
  1. The county election commission or county election commissions shall determine and declare the results of the election and shall certify the results of the election. The chair of the county election commission or the chairs shall by mail send notices of election to the elected candidates, indicating the term to be served by each. A notice of the certification shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
§ 6-31-110. Expenses of election.
  1. All expenses of the election shall be borne and paid by the city within six (6) months after the election.
§ 6-31-111. Time of taking office.
  1. Persons elected to the office of council member shall take office the second Tuesday after the election at twelve o'clock (12:00) noon.
§ 6-31-112. Oath of office — Bond.
  1. (a) Every officer or employee before taking any office in the city government shall take, subscribe to and file with the city clerk the following oath or affirmation:
    1. “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I possess all the qualifications prescribed for the office (or position) of , as prescribed by this charter, and that I will support the Constitution and will obey the laws of the United States and of the state of Tennessee, that I will, in all respects, observe the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the city of , and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office (or position) of .”
  2. (b) Any bond that may be required by law shall be filed with the oath or affirmation in subsection (a) in the office of the city clerk; provided, that the first seven (7) council members elected shall file the oath with the county mayor of the county wherein the city is located. Failure to comply with this section within ten (10) days from the date of election or appointment shall vacate the office involved, unless the council shall, by resolution, extend the time for qualifying.
Part 2 Vacancies
§ 6-31-201. Vacancies in council.
  1. (a) A vacancy shall exist if a council member:
    1. (1) Resigns;
    2. (2) Dies;
    3. (3) Moves the member's residence from the district in which the council member was elected;
    4. (4) Has been continuously disabled for a period of six (6) months so as to prevent the council member from discharging the duties of such office;
    5. (5) Fails to attend sixty percent (60%) of regular council meetings in any period of six (6) consecutive months;
    6. (6) Accepts any state, county or other municipal office or position of employment that is filled by public election or that is remunerative, except as a notary public or member of the national guard; or
    7. (7) Is convicted of malfeasance or misfeasance in office, a felony, a violation of the charter, or a violation of the election laws of the state.
  2. (b) A vacancy shall be filled within thirty (30) days, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining council members, the appointee to serve until the next regular city or county election, whichever is first held. If a tie vote by the council to fill a vacancy is unbroken for thirty (30) days, the mayor shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy. No appointment to fill a vacancy shall be made within sixty (60) days prior to any regular city election.
Part 3 Recalls
§ 6-31-301. Board of education member — Petition.
  1. (a) Any member of the board of education of the city elected or appointed to fill a vacancy under this charter may be removed from office by the registered voters of the city.
  2. (b) The procedure to effect such removal shall be as follows:
    1. (1) A petition, signed by registered voters equal in number to at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the total vote cast for the candidate for the board of education receiving the highest number of votes at the last regular election, demanding the recall of the person sought to be removed shall be filed with the county election commission, and notice given by the commission of such filing by publication at least once in the official city newspaper, which petition shall contain a general statement of the grounds upon which the removal is sought. The signatures to the petition need not all be appended to one (1) paper, but each signer shall sign such signer's name, and shall place thereon, after such signer's name, the date of signing and such signer's place of residence by street and number or by other customary designation;
    2. (2) To each petition paper there shall be attached a sworn affidavit by the circulator thereof stating the number of signers thereto and that each signature thereon is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, and that it was made in the presence of the affiant;
    3. (3) Such petition shall be filed with the county election commission, which shall, within fifteen (15) days, canvass the signatures thereon to determine the sufficiency thereof;
    4. (4) A separate petition shall be filed for each person sought to be removed; and
    5. (5) The county election commission shall attach to such petition its certificate showing the result of the examination.
§ 6-31-302. Board of education member — Amended petition.
  1. If, by the certificate, the petition is shown to be insufficient, it may be amended within ten (10) days from the date of the certificate. The county election commission shall, within fifteen (15) days after such amendment, make the same examination as provided in § 6-31-301 of the amended petition, and, if its certificate shall hold the same to be insufficient, such petition shall be returned to the persons filing it.
§ 6-31-303. Board of education member — Calling election on recall.
  1. If the county election commission's certificate shows that the petition is sufficient, the commission shall call an election on the question of recall.
§ 6-31-304. Board of education member — Recall election.
  1. At such election, the voter shall vote either “for recall” or “against recall.” If sixty-six percent (66%) of those voting vote “for recall,” the person named shall be declared removed from office and the office declared vacant. Such vacancy shall be filled as directed in § 6-36-107. The method of removal shall be cumulative and additional to the methods heretofore existing by law. No more than one (1) election for the purpose of recall shall be held in any six-month period, and no such election shall be held within a period beginning ninety (90) days before and ending ninety (90) days after a regular municipal election.
§ 6-31-306. City council member — Removal.
  1. (a) Any council member of the city elected or appointed to fill a vacancy under this charter may be removed from office by the voters.
  2. (b) The procedure to effect the removal of the incumbent shall be as follows:
    1. (1) A petition, by registered voters equal in number to at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the total vote cast for the office held by the incumbent at the last regular election, demanding the recall of the person sought to be removed shall be filed with the county election commission, and notice given by the commission of such filing by publication at least once in the official city newspaper, which petition shall contain a general statement of the grounds upon which the removal is sought. The signatures to the petition need not all be appended to one (1) paper, but each signer shall sign such signer's name, and shall place thereon, after such signer's name, the date of signing and such signer's place of residence by street and number, or by other customary designation;
    2. (2) To each petition paper there shall be attached a sworn affidavit by the circulator thereof stating the number of signers thereto, that each signature thereon is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, and that it was made in the presence of the affiant;
    3. (3) Such petition shall be filed with the county election commission, which shall, within fifteen (15) days, canvass the signatures thereon to determine the sufficiency thereof;
    4. (4) A separate petition shall be filed for each person sought to be removed; and
    5. (5) The county election commission shall attach to such petition its certificate showing the result of the examination.
  3. (c) If the county election commission's certificate shows that the petition is sufficient, the commission shall call an election on the question of recall.
§ 6-31-307. City council member — Recall election.
  1. At such election, voters shall vote either “for recall” or “against recall.” If sixty-six percent (66%) of those voters vote “for recall,” the person named shall be declared removed from office and the office declared vacant. Such vacancy shall be filled as directed in § 6-31-201. The method of removal shall be cumulative and additional to the methods heretofore existing by law. No more than one (1) election for the purpose of recall shall be held in any six-month period and no such election shall be held within a period beginning ninety (90) days before and ending ninety (90) days after a regular municipal election.
Chapter 32 Council and Mayor Under Modified City Manager-Council Charter
Part 1 Council and Mayor Generally
§ 6-32-101. Regular meetings.
  1. The council shall hold regular meetings at least twice monthly. These meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month unless otherwise provided by ordinance; provided, that if a regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held the following day. The council shall provide by resolution for the time of day and place of its meetings. However at the option of the council, an ordinance may be adopted by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of its entire membership to hold regular council meetings once monthly.
§ 6-32-102. Special meetings.
  1. Special meetings shall be called by the clerk on the written request of the mayor, the manager, or any two (2) council members by providing each council member with twenty-four (24) hours written notice served personally or left at each of such council member's usual place of residence. Any special meeting at which all members of the council are present or have waived notice thereof in writing shall be a legal meeting for all purposes. Business transacted at any special meeting shall be limited to subjects recited in the notice of such meeting.
§ 6-32-103. Meetings to be public.
  1. All council meetings shall be open to the public and citizens shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The council shall exercise its powers only at public meetings.
§ 6-32-104. Quorum.
  1. At least one half (½) of the members of the council shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at all council meetings, but, in the absence of a quorum, three (3) members may adjourn the meeting to a later date or may compel the attendance of absent members.
§ 6-32-105. Attendance and conduct at meetings.
  1. The council may enforce orderly conduct and compel the attendance of its members and other city officers at its meetings. Any member of the council or other officer of the city who refuses to attend meetings when served with notice or acts in a disorderly manner at such meetings commits misconduct in office. Upon council request, the manager shall designate a police official or officer to serve as the sergeant-at-arms of the council.
§ 6-32-106. Mayor.
  1. (a) The council, at its first regular meeting following a regular city election, shall elect one (1) of its members mayor for a term of two (2) years. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of the mayor, the council shall elect one (1) of its members to serve until its first regular meeting following the next regular city election.
  2. (b) The mayor shall:
    1. (1) Preside at meetings of the council;
    2. (2) Have a vote on all matters but no veto power;
    3. (3) Be the ceremonial head of the city;
    4. (4) Sign ordinances and resolutions on their final passage;
    5. (5) Sign deeds, bonds and contracts when authorized by the council to do so;
    6. (6) Be the officer to accept process against the city;
    7. (7) Not have any regular administrative duties; and
    8. (8) Perform only such duties as shall be specifically conferred or required by law.
§ 6-32-107. Mayor pro tem.
  1. The council shall choose one (1) of its members mayor pro tem who shall act in the temporary absence or disability of the mayor.
§ 6-32-108. Council rules — Transaction of business.
  1. The council shall determine its own rules and order of business subject to the following provisions:
    1. (1) The affirmative vote of at least one half (½) of the members of the council shall be required to make any authorized appointment or remove such appointees;
    2. (2) All other actions, except those listed in §§ 6-32-102 and 6-32-104, may be passed by the affirmative vote of a majority of those present when there is a quorum;
    3. (3) There shall be a journal of the proceedings of all council meetings, signed by the mayor and clerk and to which the public shall have access at all reasonable times;
    4. (4) A summary of council proceedings shall be published in the official city newspaper within fifteen (15) days after a meeting, showing the substance of each council action;
    5. (5) A vote upon all proposed ordinances and resolutions shall be taken by “yea” and “nay” vote and the vote of each council member entered upon the journal, except that where the vote is unanimous it shall be necessary only to so state;
    6. (6) The journal shall also report the names of the council members present and absent, each motion considered, and the title of each ordinance or resolution considered; and
    7. (7) There shall be no standing committee of the council.
§ 6-32-109. Powers of council.
  1. The council may by resolution subpoena and examine witnesses, order the production of books and papers, and shall have the same powers as a circuit court to punish for refusal to obey such an order or subpoena or for disorderly or contemptuous behavior in the presence of the council. Its presiding officer may administer oaths to witnesses.
§ 6-32-110. Compensation of council and mayor.
  1. (a) Each member of the council shall be compensated at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per meeting attended but not to exceed one hundred twenty dollars ($120) per year. At the option of the council, an ordinance may be adopted by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of its entire membership to fix the compensation of members of the council at an amount not exceeding one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month, and the council person serving as mayor not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200) per month, to take effect at the end of the term of the council person whose term last expires.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding the limits established in subsection (a), the council may, upon the adoption of an ordinance by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the entire membership of the council, fix the salaries of the mayor and the members of the council annually at the time the operating budget is adopted; provided, however, an increase or decrease in salary must not take effect prior to the end of the term for which the members of the council were elected.
  3. (c) The mayor shall receive the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per month, in addition to the mayor's compensation as council member.
  4. (d) All members of the council may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the conduct of their official duties; provided, that such expenses are approved by the council at one of its regular meetings.
Part 2 Ordinances and Regulations
§ 6-32-201. Form of ordinances.
  1. Any action of the council having a regulatory or penal effect, relating to revenue or the expenditure of money, or required to be done by ordinance under this charter, shall be done only by ordinance. Each ordinance shall relate to a single subject, which shall be expressed in a title, and upon passage shall be further identified by a number and, if desirable, a short title. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be: “Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council members of the City of (here insert name).” Other actions may be accomplished by resolutions or motions. Each motion, resolution and ordinance shall be in written form before being introduced.
§ 6-32-202. Passage, amendment and repeal of ordinances.
  1. (a) Each ordinance, before being adopted, shall be read at two (2) meetings not less than one (1) week apart, and shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption; provided, that, where an emergency exists and the public safety and welfare requires it, an ordinance containing a full statement of the facts and reasons for the emergency may be made effective upon its adoption if approved by a majority of the members of the council on two (2) readings on successive days. As used in this subsection (a), “read” means the reading of the caption of the ordinance.
  2. (b) At least the title and a brief summary of each ordinance, except an emergency ordinance, shall be published in the official city newspaper at least one (1) week before final passage, either separately or as part of the published proceedings of the council.
  3. (c) Amendments of ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof shall be accomplished only by setting forth the complete section, sections, subsection, or subsections in their amended form.
  4. (d) An ordinance may be repealed by reference to its number and title only and publication of the ordinance may be similarly limited.
§ 6-32-203. Ordinances granting permits to use, franchise, and special privileges.
  1. Every proposed ordinance granting any permit or right to occupy or use the streets, highways, bridges, or public places in the city for any purpose or granting any franchise, exclusive contract or other special privilege shall remain on file with the clerk for public inspection for at least two (2) weeks before its final adoption in the complete form in which it is finally passed.
§ 6-32-204. Preservation and publication of ordinances.
  1. (a) All ordinances and their amendments shall be recorded by the clerk in a book to be known as the “ordinance book,” and it shall be the duty of the mayor and clerk to authenticate such records by their official signatures. A separate record shall be maintained for resolutions. The original copies of all ordinances, resolutions, and motions shall be filed and preserved by the city clerk.
  2. (b) At least an abstract of the essential provisions of each ordinance shall be published once in the official city newspaper within ten (10) days after its adoption, except that only the title shall be so published of any technical code adopted by reference.
§ 6-32-205. Codification of ordinances.
  1. The council shall, within one (1) year after the adoption of this charter, and every ten (10) years thereafter, arrange for the codification of all ordinances and resolutions having a regulatory effect or of general application that are to be continued in force. Current loose-leaf editions of the official code shall be maintained and be made available for purchase by the public at a reasonable fee established by the council. The code shall carry notes and cumulative references indicating prior amendments to any section thereof. Copies of the official code may be certified by the city clerk, and when so certified shall be competent evidence in all courts and legally established tribunals as to the matters contained therein.
§ 6-32-206. Rules and regulations.
  1. The council may by ordinance authorize the city manager to formulate and promulgate formal rules and regulations having regulatory effect or of general application on various matters, subject to such restrictions and standards of guidance as the council may prescribe. No such formal rule or regulation shall take effect until it is filed with the city clerk, who shall file and preserve the original copy in such clerk's office. Such rules and regulations shall be included as a separate section of the city code. Amendments of such rules and regulations shall be accomplished only by setting forth complete sections or subsections in their amended form.
§ 6-32-207. Rules of ordinance construction — Severability.
  1. In the construction of the ordinances of the city, the following rules shall be observed, unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the council. If any portion of an ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is found to be invalid by a court, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions or applications of the ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid portion or application, provided such remaining portions are not determined by the court to be inoperable, and to this end ordinances are declared to be severable.
§ 6-32-208. Repeal of blue laws by referendum.
  1. (a) Any municipality having an ordinance prohibiting retail sales or deliveries of merchandise on Sunday may repeal the same by a referendum election for the ratification or rejection of the ordinance. The mayor and council by resolution may request the county election commission to hold a special or regular referendum election for the ratification or rejection of the Sunday ordinance; provided, that the county election commission receives the necessary resolution requesting the election at least thirty (30) days before the date on which the election is scheduled to be held.
  2. (b) At any such election, the only question submitted to the voters shall be in the following form:
    1. “For ordinance prohibiting sale or delivery of retail merchandise on Sunday.
    2. Against ordinance prohibiting sale or delivery of retail merchandise on Sunday.”
  3. (c) The election commission shall certify the result to the mayor and council of the municipality. If a majority of those voting in the referendum favor repeal, the ordinance thereby shall be repealed. If a majority of those voting in the referendum oppose repeal, the ordinance shall continue in effect until legally amended or repealed.
  4. (d) A referendum on this subject shall not be held more than once every twelve (12) months from the date of election.
Chapter 33 Powers and Offices Under Modified Manager-Council Charter
§ 6-33-101. Powers.
  1. (a) Every territory incorporating under chapters 30-36 of this title has all the powers and authority enumerated in §§ 6-2-201, 6-19-101 and 6-19-102.
  2. (b) In addition to the powers granted in subsection (a), any city incorporated under chapters 30-36 of this title has the power to:
    1. (1) Purchase, acquire, construct, own, operate, maintain, extend, improve, repair, equip and dispose of community antenna television systems or microwave multi-point distribution systems, or both, for the benefit of the citizens of the city. The city may operate any such system as a department or part of a department of the city or place its operation in a separate board or in an existing electric or utility board, as provided by ordinance; and
    2. (2) Borrow money to purchase, acquire, construct, extend, improve, repair or equip any such system and issue its bonds or notes therefor, including refunding bonds, in such form and upon such terms as it may determine. Any such bonds or notes shall be issued pursuant to the procedures set forth in and shall be governed by title 9, chapter 21, including provisions dealing with covenants permitted in bond resolutions, security and remedies of bondholders, and the system described in this subdivision (b)(2) shall be deemed to be a “public works project,” as defined in title 9, chapter 21.
§ 6-33-102. City judge — Employees of city court — Compensation — Vacancies — Special judge.
  1. (a) The city judge shall be a person licensed to practice law in the state of Tennessee and shall be elected by popular vote at the same time as provided for election of the governing body of such corporation, and in the same manner as provided for election to the board of education.
  2. (b) Such judge shall be elected for a term of four (4) years.
  3. (c) The city council shall by ordinance provide for the compensation of the city judge and other employees of the court, except that the judge shall be authorized to appoint, promote, suspend, remove or to take any other established personnel action with respect to the court clerk and other court employees consistent with this charter. The compensation fixed for the judge and court employees shall in no way be related to the amount of moneys collected by the court, and the compensation so fixed shall be in lieu of all fees, fines, penalties, forfeitures, or other moneys collected by the court.
  4. (d) A vacancy shall exist if the city judge resigns, dies, or has been continuously disabled for a period of three (3) months so as to prevent the city judge from discharging the duties of office; and such vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the city council, the appointee to serve until the next regular city or county election, whichever is first held, at which election a duly qualified person shall be elected to fill the unexpired term of the office.
  5. (e) Whenever the city judge finds it necessary to be absent from holding court, the city judge may designate in writing, to be filed with the clerk of the city court, a name of a special judge to hold court in the city judge's place and stead. The special judge shall be a person who has the qualifications of city judge and the special judge shall take the same oath and have the same authority as the regular city judge to hold court for the occasion.
§ 6-33-103. Operations and jurisdiction of city courts.
  1. A city court is created to be administered and presided over by a city judge. The judge of the city court shall have jurisdiction in and over all cases for the violation of and all cases arising under the laws and ordinances of the city. The city judge, in all cases heard or determined by such city judge for offenses against the corporate laws and ordinances, shall set and collect municipal court costs in accordance with § 16-18-304, and shall levy and collect the litigation tax in accordance with § 16-18-305. In all cases where the offender is committed to the jail or workhouse for failure to pay fines, costs or forfeitures, the offender shall be credited with two dollars ($2.00) for each day's imprisonment. The city judge shall be vested with the jurisdiction formerly exercised by justices of the peace in all cases of violation of the criminal laws of the state within the limits of the city. Warrants, subpoenas, orders and other processes of the court shall be executed by the police officers of the city who for such purposes shall have the same powers and authority of a sheriff in executing process of a circuit court. The council may authorize any officer or employee of the court to accept pleas of guilty and to fix fines in cases of minor traffic violations, as defined by the city council, and to issue warrants and accept bail bonds. All fines, penalties, forfeitures, and money collected by the court, or the officers and employees thereof, shall be promptly turned over to the city treasury. The council shall require an audit of the accounts of the court at least annually. The records of the court shall be prescribed by ordinance.
§ 6-33-104. Removal of city judge.
  1. The city judge shall be subject to removal from office for the same causes and in the same manner as provided for the removal of public officers by title 8, chapter 47. In case of the absence or inability of the judge to serve, the city council may appoint and fix the compensation of an acting city judge who may be removed at any time without cause. Except as provided in this chapter, officers and employees of the court are also subject to § 6-35-403.
§ 6-33-105. Advisory boards.
  1. The council shall by ordinance create a personnel advisory board and may create such other boards advisory to the council and manager with respect to specific municipal functions as it may deem necessary, prescribing in each case the number, manner of appointment, length of term, and advisory duties of members of such boards who shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in official duties.
§ 6-33-106. Planning commission.
  1. The council shall establish a planning commission, and may by ordinance within the framework of this charter, exercise authority in the fields of planning, zoning, subdivision control and related activities as provided by general laws of the state. The rules and regulations of the planning commission shall have no force or effect unless approved by the council. No later than ninety (90) days prior to each fiscal year, the planning commission shall submit to the city manager a long-term capital improvement program with recommendations as to the priority of individual projects and the methods of financing them. The members of the planning commission shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in official duties.
§ 6-33-107. Intergovernmental and interlocal agreements and contracts.
  1. (a) In addition to other powers granted in this charter, the city council has the power to contract and cooperate with any other municipality or other political subdivision of the state, or with an elective or appointive official thereof, or with any duly authorized agency of the federal or state government for:
    1. (1) The planning, development, construction, acquisition, or operation of any public improvement, utility, or facility;
    2. (2) A common public service;
    3. (3) Having the same individuals serve as officers or employees in more than one (1) political subdivision or federal or state agency, or any of these subdivisions or agencies, on a part-time basis in each;
    4. (4) The construction or operation of federally-owned utilities and other property on behalf of the federal government;
    5. (5) The acquisition by gift or by transfer or by purchase of federal property and if by purchase for the financing of its acquisition;
    6. (6) Entering into contracts relating to acceptance of payments in lieu of taxes or state, federal, or other contributions; and
    7. (7) The furnishing of services to the federal government and its designees, outside the city limits as well as within.
  2. (b) The subject and purpose of any such contract or cooperative action made and entered into by the council shall be within the scope of the powers of the city.
§ 6-33-108. Powers under cooperative agreements.
  1. (a) The city council may exercise the powers conferred in § 6-33-107 by ordinance setting out the terms agreed upon by the parties to such a contract or cooperative action. The parties to such a contract or cooperative action, or any of them, may acquire, by gift or purchase, or by the power of eminent domain exercised by one (1) or more of the parties, the lands, buildings, and other property necessary or useful for the purposes of the contract or cooperative action, either within or without the corporate limits of one (1) or more of the contracting parties, and shall have the power to hold or acquire such lands as tenants in common. The city may provide for the financing of its share or portion of the cost or expenses of such a contract or cooperative action in the same manner and by the same procedure for the financing by the city of the subject and purposes of the contract or cooperative action as if acting alone and on its own behalf.
  2. (b) Such contract also may provide for the establishment and selection of a joint commission, officer, or officers to supervise, manage, and have charge of such joint service or project, and may provide for the powers and duties, terms of office, compensation, if any, and other provisions relating to the members of such joint commission, officer, or officers. Such contract may include and specify terms and provisions relative to the termination or cancellation of the contract or cooperative action by ordinance or resolution, and the notice, if any, to be given of such termination or cancellation; provided, that such termination or cancellation shall not relieve any party participating in such contract or cooperative action from any obligation or liability for its share of the cost or expense incurred prior to the effective date of any such termination or cancellation.
§ 6-33-109. Liability of officers under cooperative agreements.
  1. All public officers acting under the authority of a contract or cooperative action under § 6-33-107 or § 6-33-108 are deemed to be subject to the same liabilities to which they would have been subjected for actions occurring entirely within their own territorial limits.
§ 6-33-110. Deposits and disbursements of funds under cooperative agreements.
  1. All money received pursuant to any such contract or cooperative action, under § 6-33-107 or § 6-33-108, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be deposited in the appropriate fund or funds and disbursed in accordance with such contract or cooperative action.
§ 6-33-111. Franchises.
  1. (a) No franchise or grant for the operation of a water, electric, telephone, steam, or public transportation or other utility that is not revocable at the will of the council shall be granted or become operative, except by ordinance. Such ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its adoption by the council unless twenty percent (20%) of the qualified electors of the city sign a petition and present it to the council during such thirty-day period requesting that the ordinance be referred to the electors, in which case it must receive the approval of a majority of the electors voting thereon at a municipal election, and all renewals, extensions and amendments thereof shall be granted only in the same manner.
  2. (b) All public utility franchises granted under this charter shall be subject to the following rights of the city; provided, that this enumeration is not to be construed as being exclusive or as impairing council authority to impose any condition that may be in the municipal interest and within the power of the city to impose or require:
    1. (1) To revoke for misuse, or nonuse, or for failure to comply with the provisions thereof;
    2. (2) To require proper and adequate provision, extension, and maintenance of plant and service at the highest practicable standard of performance;
    3. (3) To establish reasonable standards of service and prevent unjust discrimination in service or rates;
    4. (4) To require uninterrupted service to the public in accordance with the terms of the franchise throughout the entire period thereof; and
    5. (5) To impose such other regulations as may be determined by the council to be necessary to the health, safety, welfare, and accommodation of the public.
  3. (c) The council may institute such actions or proceedings as may be necessary to enforce a franchise and may revoke, cancel, or annul all franchises that have become inoperative, illegal, or void and not binding upon the city. Subject to state law, all public utility franchises shall prescribe the manner of fixing rates, fares, and charges, and the readjustments thereof at reasonable intervals at the discretion of the city. The value of the property of the utility used as a basis for fixing such rates, fares, and charges shall in no event include a value predicated upon the franchise, good will, or prospective profits.
  4. (d) This section shall not be construed to repeal, abridge, modify or supersede any statute or law of the state pertaining to the Tennessee public utility commission or the regulation of public utilities which are subject to its jurisdiction, and subdivisions (b)(2), (3), and (4) shall not apply to any public utility over which the commission exercises regulatory authority.
§ 6-33-112. Official city newspaper.
  1. The council by resolution shall designate a newspaper of general circulation in the city as the official city newspaper.
§ 6-33-113. City attorney.
  1. (a) The council shall appoint a city attorney, together with such assistant city attorneys as the council shall determine are required.
  2. (b) The city attorney shall:
    1. (1) Be responsible for representing and defending the city in all litigation in which the city is a party;
    2. (2) Be the prosecuting officer in the city court;
    3. (3) Attend all meetings of the council;
    4. (4) Advise the council, city manager and other officers and employees of the city concerning legal aspects of the city's affairs;
    5. (5) Approve as to form and legality all contracts, deeds, bonds, ordinances, resolutions, motions, and other official documents; and
    6. (6) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the council or city manager.
Chapter 34 Taxation and Issuance of Obligations Under Modified Manager-Council Charter
Part 1 Equalization Board
§ 6-34-101. Establishment.
  1. The council shall establish an equalization board, and shall appoint each year three (3) persons who are property owners and qualified voters of the city for a one-year term.
§ 6-34-102. Powers and compensation.
  1. (a) The equalization board may increase assessments made, and may add assessments omitted by the city assessing officer, but it may decrease individual assessments or strike erroneous assessments from the assessment roll only on appeals from interested parties. It may increase or decrease the assessment of all property or of any class of property by a uniform percentage, in which case the requirement of notice and hearing shall not apply, but a notice of such blanket increase or decrease shall be inserted once in the official city newspaper.
  2. (b) The members of the board may receive such compensation on a per diem basis for each day of duty as provided by ordinance.
§ 6-34-103. Sessions.
  1. The equalization board shall begin and end its work at times to be prescribed by ordinance, which times shall be so established that the assessment roll may be completed and tax bills may be prepared before the tax due date.
§ 6-34-104. Reports to council.
  1. The equalization board, upon completion of its work, shall submit a written report to the council, including total increases and decreases made by it and the final total assessment of each class of property.
Part 2 Assessment and Levy
§ 6-34-201. Assessments generally.
  1. The council may, by ordinance, provide for the assessment, by city assessing personnel, of property lying within the corporate limits, or may enter into any necessary agreements with the appropriate county officials for joint assessments by the city and county, or may elect to use county assessments. There shall be added to any county assessment any property omitted from such assessments.
§ 6-34-202. Notice and hearing on assessments — Appeal.
  1. (a) Every owner of property liable for taxes based on increased or new assessment shall be sent the notice thereof by ordinary mail or by personal service. If the owner of such property is unknown, or is a nonresident of the state with no known agent in the state, a notice stating the time and place when the taxpayer may be heard shall be posted on the property at least ten (10) days in advance of the date set for the hearing.
  2. (b) A notice of the board's decision shall be mailed to the taxpayer within five (5) days after the hearing.
  3. (c) Thereafter appeals may be taken as provided by general law.
  4. (d) If the taxpayer fails to appear at such hearing, or does not file an appeal within the time allowed by general law, the assessment shall stand.
§ 6-34-203. Levy, due date, and delinquencies.
  1. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, the schedule for levy, due date and delinquencies shall be the same as provided by general law for counties; provided, that the tax levy shall be set by council not later than sixty (60) days preceding the new fiscal year, except as provided in § 6-34-204.
§ 6-34-204. Levy for school budget.
  1. In the event a tax levy for the fiscal year is found to be insufficient to meet the requirements of a school budget increased by reason of a referendum provided for in § 6-36-114, the council shall have authority to amend the tax levy ordinance so as to raise the levy contained therein in an amount sufficient to cover the deficiency.
§ 6-34-205. Previous year's levy to continue if no levy made.
  1. If no levy is made at the time fixed for the levy, the previous year's levy shall continue in effect.
Chapter 35 City Manager — Administration of City Affairs Under Modified Manager-Council Charter
Part 1 General Provisions
§ 6-35-101. Administrative organization.
  1. (a) Within the framework established by this charter, the administrative organization of the city shall be organized into departments of general government, finance, and such other departments necessary to provide health, welfare, police, recreation, fire, library, public works, utilities and other municipal services as shall be provided in a plan of administrative organization to be developed by the city manager and submitted to the council for approval and adoption by ordinance.
  2. (b) The council may by ordinance amend the plan of administrative organization only after receiving the written recommendations of the city manager.
  3. (c) Administrative regulations governing the operations and relationships of departments, agencies, and offices within the administrative organization shall be prepared and issued by the city manager; provided, that the authority to prepare and issue departmental rules and regulations may be delegated to designated subordinates.
§ 6-35-102. Disposal of utility plants and property.
  1. (a) The city shall not sell, exchange, lease, or in any way alienate or dispose of the property, easements, or other equipment, privileges or assets that are essential parts of any utility that it may acquire, unless and except the proposition for such purpose shall first have been submitted and approved by a majority vote of the electors voting thereon at a municipal election in the manner provided in this charter.
  2. (b) All contracts, negotiations, licenses, grants, leases, or other forms of transfer in violation of this provision shall be void and of no effect as against the city.
  3. (c) This section shall not, however, be interpreted to preclude the sale, exchange, or other disposal to the advantage of the city, of parts of a utility's property and assets that are not essential to continued effective utility service and the disposal of which will not prejudice municipal interests.
Part 2 City Manager
§ 6-35-201. Appointment and qualifications.
  1. (a) The council shall appoint a chief administrative officer of the city who shall be the city manager, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the council.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) The manager shall be selected on the basis of training, experience, and other administrative qualifications for the office and without regard to such person's political or religious preference or such person's place of residence at the time of appointment.
    2. (2) No council member shall be eligible for the position of manager within two (2) years after the expiration of the member's latest councilmanic term.
§ 6-35-202. Temporary absence or disability.
  1. The council may designate a qualified administrative officer of the city to assume the duties and authority of the manager during periods of vacancy in the office, temporary absences or disability of the manager.
§ 6-35-203. Council-manager relationships.
  1. (a) The manager shall be responsible to the council for the administration of all units of the city government under the manager's jurisdiction and for carrying out policies adopted by the council.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Except for the purpose of inquiry, the council and its members shall deal with the administrative officers and employees solely through the manager.
    2. (2) Neither the council nor any member thereof shall give orders to the manager's subordinates or otherwise interfere with managerial functions through such means as directing or requesting the appointment or removal of any of the manager's subordinates, or the making of particular purchases from, or contracts with, any specific organization.
  3. (c) The office of any council member violating any provision of this section shall immediately become vacant upon such person's conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction.
§ 6-35-204. Powers and duties.
  1. The manager shall:
    1. (1) Supervise the administrative affairs of the city;
    2. (2) Be charged with the preservation of the public peace and health, the safety of persons and properties, and the enforcement of the laws, ordinances, and franchises, and the development and utilization of the city's resources;
    3. (3) Make such reports and recommendations as the manager may deem desirable and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this charter or required of the manager by ordinance or resolution of the council not inconsistent with this charter; and
    4. (4) Have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the council, but not the right to vote.
§ 6-35-205. Purchasing.
  1. (a) Except as provided in § 6-36-115, the manager shall be responsible for all city purchasing but may delegate such duty to any subordinate appointed by the manager.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Competitive prices for all purchases and public improvements shall be obtained whenever practicable and in accordance with regulations established by ordinance, and the purchase made from or the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder; provided, that the city shall have the power to reject any and all bids.
    2. (2) Formal sealed bids shall be obtained in all transactions involving the expenditure of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more, and the transaction shall be evidenced by written contract submitted to and approved by the council; provided, that in cases where the council indicates by formal unanimous resolution of those present at the meeting, based upon the written recommendation of the manager, that it is clearly to the advantage of the city not to contract with competitive bidding, it may authorize noncompetitive contracts.
    3. (3) The council may also authorize the making of public improvements or the performing of any other city work by any city department or agency without competitive bidding.
  3. (c) Purchasing and contract procedures not prescribed by this charter or other law may be established by ordinance.
§ 6-35-206. Management of city property and equipment — Lease of property and equipment to contractors for city services.
  1. (a) The management of all city property and equipment, except school property and equipment, shall be the responsibility of the city manager who shall prepare for the approval of the council regulations governing the acquisition, custody, use and disposal of all such property and equipment. Such regulations shall provide for a regular inventory, appraisal and marking of all such property and shall require that the disposal of any city property and equipment shall be by sale, with sealed bids taken or public auction held on such property and equipment valued at more than five hundred dollars ($500); provided, that any sale for more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or any sale of real estate shall be subject to the approval of the city council.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) The mayor and city council may by ordinance authorize the city to enter into contracts for city services and may lease machinery, equipment, and real property belonging to the city to such contractors to provide for city services. The contracts shall contain such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the city and the contractor; provided, that any contract shall be performed within the term of the mayor and city council authorizing it. The contractor shall be paid for the service from reasonably anticipated taxes or other revenue. Notwithstanding § 6-35-205, no contract for a city service or the leasing of machinery, equipment, or real property by the contractor shall be subject to competitive bids.
    2. (2) Subdivision (b)(1) applies only to cities with populations greater than eleven thousand eight hundred twenty-five (11,825) but less than twelve thousand twenty-five (12,025), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, and that are located in counties with populations greater than twenty-nine thousand nine hundred (29,900) but less than thirty thousand (30,000), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
    3. (3) Subdivision (b)(1) is applicable only to garbage collection and fire protection services.
Part 3 Financial Matters
§ 6-35-301. Collection of taxes.
  1. The city manager or administrative personnel appointed by the city manager shall make use of every method provided by general law to ensure the collection of taxes due the city, and shall also be authorized to use and shall use, if necessary, the methods now available to cities organized under the uniform city manager-commission charter, §§ 6-22-110 — 6-22-115.
§ 6-35-302. Administration of finances.
  1. The city manager or an officer appointed by the city manager shall have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the city. There shall be maintained such accounting controls over the finances of the city and such financial reports as may be required by this charter, by ordinance, or by the manager. The manager shall provide for the auditing, approving and payment of all claims against the city.
§ 6-35-303. Fiscal year.
  1. The fiscal year of the city shall begin on July 1 and shall end on June 30 of the succeeding year, but another fiscal year may be fixed by ordinance for the entire city government or for any utility.
§ 6-35-304. Preparation and contents of budget.
  1. (a) On or before a date fixed by the council, but not later than ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the manager shall submit to the council a proposed budget for the next fiscal year.
  2. (b) The budget shall present a complete financial plan for the ensuing year, including at least the following information:
    1. (1) Detailed estimates of all proposed expenditures for each department, board, office or other agency of the city, showing in addition the expenditures for corresponding items for the last preceding fiscal year, appropriations and anticipated expenditures for the current fiscal year, and reasons for recommended departures from the current expenditure pattern;
    2. (2) Statements of the bonded and other indebtedness of the city, including the debt redemption and interest requirements, the debt authorized and unissued, and the condition of the sinking funds;
    3. (3) Detailed estimates of all anticipated revenues of the city from all sources, including current and delinquent taxes, nontax revenues and proceeds from the sale of any bonds, with a comparative statement of the amounts received by the city from each of such sources for the last preceding fiscal year, the current fiscal year, and the coming fiscal year;
    4. (4) A statement of the estimated balance or deficit, as of the end of the current fiscal year; and
    5. (5) Such other supporting schedules as the council may request, or are otherwise required by law.
§ 6-35-305. Capital budget program.
  1. As a part of the annual budget, the city shall include a statement of pending capital projects and proposed new capital projects, relating the respective amounts proposed to be raised therefor by appropriations in the budget and the respective amounts, if any, proposed to be raised therefor by the issuance of bonds during the fiscal year. The city manager shall also include in the message, or attach thereto, a program of proposed capital projects for the five (5) fiscal years next succeeding the budget year, prepared by the planning commission, together with the city manager's comments thereon and any estimate of costs.
§ 6-35-306. Public hearing on budget — Budget as public record — Distribution.
  1. (a) A public hearing on the budget shall be held before its final adoption by the council, at such time and place as the council shall direct, and notice of such public hearing shall be published ten (10) days in advance of the date of the hearing. All persons present shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard for or against the estimates of any item in the budget.
  2. (b) The budget and budget message and all supporting schedules shall be a public record in the office of the city clerk, open to public inspection by anyone.
  3. (c) The city manager shall cause sufficient copies of the budget and budget message to be prepared for distribution to interested persons at least ten (10) days before the hearing.
§ 6-35-307. Adoption of appropriation ordinance.
  1. (a) Before the beginning of the next fiscal year, the council shall adopt an appropriation ordinance, based on the city manager's budget with such modifications as the council considers necessary or desirable; provided, that modifications in the school budget as submitted by the board of education shall be subject to the limitations of § 6-36-113.
  2. (b) Appropriations need not be in more detail than a lump sum for each fund.
  3. (c) The council shall not make any appropriations in excess of estimated revenue, except to provide for an actual emergency threatening the health, property or lives of the inhabitants of the city and declared by a unanimous vote of all members of the council present, when there is a quorum.
  4. (d) If for any reason an appropriation ordinance is not adopted prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year, the appropriations for the last fiscal year shall become the appropriations for the next fiscal year, until the adoption of the new appropriation ordinance.
  5. (e) The appropriation ordinance, insofar as it relates to the appropriation for schools, shall be further subject to § 6-36-114.
§ 6-35-308. Amendment to appropriation ordinance.
  1. Amendments may be made to the original appropriation at any time during a current fiscal year after a public hearing before the council on five (5) days' notice published once in the official city newspaper; provided, that increased appropriations may be made only after the city manager has certified in writing that a sufficient amount of unappropriated revenue will be available, except for emergency appropriations as provided in § 6-35-307.
§ 6-35-309. Unexpended appropriation to lapse.
  1. Any portion of an annual appropriation remaining unexpended and unencumbered at the close of a fiscal year shall lapse and be credited to the general fund, except that any balance remaining in any other fund at the end of a fiscal year may remain to the credit of that fund and be subject to further appropriation.
§ 6-35-310. Budget control.
  1. At the beginning of each quarterly period during the fiscal year, and more often if required by the council, the manager shall submit to the council data showing the relation between the estimated and actual revenues and expenditures to date. If it shall appear that the revenues are less than anticipated, the council may reduce the appropriations, as prescribed in § 6-35-308, except amounts required for debt and interest charges, and with the further exception that reductions in school appropriation shall be as to total amount only, to such a degree as may be necessary to keep expenditures within the receipts. The manager may provide for monthly or quarterly allotments of appropriations to all departments, agencies or activities within the manager's jurisdiction under such rules as the manager shall prescribe, and make transfers between departments, agencies, or activities within each fund, and when authorized by the city council, from one (1) fund to another; provided, that any transfer of moneys from the city school fund to any other fund shall be made only with the concurrence of the board of education.
§ 6-35-311. Annual audit.
  1. At the end of each fiscal year, an audit shall be made of the accounts and funds of the city covering the operations of the past fiscal year, by a certified public accountant selected by the council. The council may employ certified public accountants to audit all or any of its accounts and funds at the time it takes office or at any time it may deem expedient to assure correctness thereof.
§ 6-35-312. Fees.
  1. All fees received in handling city business by any officer or employee shall belong to the city and shall be paid promptly into the city treasury, except fees received by school officers and employees, which shall be paid into the city school fund.
§ 6-35-313. Depositories of municipal funds.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The council, at a regular meeting, shall adopt a resolution to contract with a bank or banks making the best proposal to become the depository of municipal funds.
    2. (2) Before entering into a contract under subdivision (a)(1), the city manager or an officer appointed by the city manager shall review and analyze the proposals from the banks and submit an analysis of the proposals to each member of the council at or before the next meeting of the council. The analysis of the proposals should consider the bank or banks proposing the highest interest rate, potential service charges or other fees, factors affecting safety and liquidity of municipal funds, and any other relevant factors.
  2. (b) The council shall require any bank that becomes a depository of municipal funds to secure the funds by collateral in the same manner and under the same conditions as state deposits under title 9, chapter 4, parts 1 and 4, or as provided in a collateral pool created under title 9, chapter 4, part 5.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, at least once every four (4) years, the city manager or an officer appointed by the city manager shall reevaluate the contracts entered into pursuant to subsection (a). The city manager or an officer appointed by the city manager shall base its evaluation on proposals obtained from at least two (2) banks. The city manager or an officer appointed by the city manager shall prepare a written evaluation of the proposals and preserve the evaluations for at least three (3) years.
§ 6-35-314. Financial records of utilities.
  1. Separate financial and accounting records shall be maintained for each utility in accordance with accepted principles of utility accounting and as may be required by the city council, without impairing the authority of the city to manage and operate the utilities with the same personnel and equipment.
§ 6-35-315. Annual operating budget — Publication — Budgetary comparison.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the governing body shall publish the annual operating budget and budgetary comparisons of the proposed budget with the prior year's actual figures and the current year's estimated figures, which information shall include the following:
    1. (1) Revenues and expenditures for the following governmental funds: general, streets/public works, general purpose school and debt service;
    2. (2) Revenues for each fund shall be listed separately by local taxes, state of Tennessee, federal government and other sources;
    3. (3) Expenditures for each fund shall be listed separately by salaries and other costs;
    4. (4) Beginning and ending fund balances shall be shown for each fund; and
    5. (5) The number of full-time equivalent employee positions shall be shown for each fund.
  2. (b) The publication shall be in a newspaper of general circulation and shall be published not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting where the governing body will consider final passage of the budget.
Part 4 Officers and Employees
§ 6-35-401. City clerk.
  1. The city manager shall appoint a city clerk, together with such deputy city clerks as may be authorized by ordinance. The city clerk shall be responsible for keeping and preserving the city seal and all records of the council, attending meetings of the council and keeping a journal of proceedings at such meetings, preparing and certifying copies of official records in the city clerk's office, for which fees may be prescribed by ordinance, and performing all other duties as are prescribed by the council or city manager.
§ 6-35-402. Appointment, removal and supervision of personnel.
  1. The manager has the power to appoint, promote, suspend, transfer, and remove, or to take any other established personnel action consistent with §§ 6-35-403 — 6-35-411 with regard to all administrative officers and employees of the city responsible to the manager; or the manager may, at the manager's discretion, authorize the head of a department or office responsible to the manager to take such actions regarding subordinates in such department or office. The manager shall appoint such heads of administrative offices, organization units, and activities as the manager may deem necessary. The manager may combine, or personally hold, any such administrative offices established pursuant to this section or otherwise established, or may delegate parts of the duties of the manager's office to designated subordinates.
§ 6-35-403. Merit system.
  1. (a) The policy of the city shall be to employ those persons best qualified to carry out the functions of the city. To this end, the council shall, by ordinance, establish a merit system providing for the appointment and promotion of city officers and employees solely on the basis of competence and fitness.
  2. (b) All officers and employees shall be included in such merit system, except:
    1. (1) Council members;
    2. (2) Members of boards who are not city employees;
    3. (3) The manager and the manager's secretary;
    4. (4) Department heads; and
    5. (5) Organizations and their employees and other persons who are engaged by the city on a contractual basis.
§ 6-35-404. Manager to administer personnel system.
  1. (a) The manager shall be responsible for the administration of the merit system. The manager shall:
    1. (1) With the advice of the personnel advisory board, develop, maintain, and apply suitable provisions for the classification of positions and for the recruitment, compensation, training, promotions and disciplinary and related aspects of personnel management; and
    2. (2) Develop and revise, as necessary, a comprehensive pay plan and personnel rules setting forth employment conditions.
  2. (b) The personnel advisory board shall review such plans and rules and proposed revisions thereof, and submit them to the council with recommendations for adoption.
§ 6-35-405. Investigation of complaints by personnel advisory board.
  1. (a) The personnel advisory board shall investigate complaints made to it in writing by any officer or employee who is included in the merit system and who is suspended or removed from such officer's or employee's position or otherwise adversely affected by a personnel action.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) If, in the opinion of the board, the procedures established for such personnel action were not complied with, the board shall make decisions that shall be binding on the administrative officer of the city.
    2. (2) In all other cases, the board shall report its findings and recommendations, which shall be advisory in nature, in writing to the manager, and the decision of the manager shall be final. In all such cases any such officer or employee shall have the right to common law certiorari to review the action of the board and the manager.
§ 6-35-406. Personnel advisory board to assist manager.
  1. The personnel advisory board shall assist the manager in other personnel matters as may be set forth by ordinance and may investigate and make recommendations and reports to the council and manager on improvements in conditions of municipal employment and on significant violations of the principles of sound personnel administration.
§ 6-35-407. Compensation.
  1. Except as otherwise provided in this charter, the compensation of all officers and employees of the city shall be fixed by the manager within the limits of budget appropriations and in accordance with a comprehensive pay plan adopted by the council.
§ 6-35-408. Disposition of fees and commissions.
  1. The compensation of officers and employees as fixed or otherwise provided for by this charter shall be in full payment for all official services of such officers or employees, and shall be in lieu of any and all fees, commissions, and other compensation that may be receivable by such officers in performance of the duties of their offices. Such fees, commissions and compensation shall belong to the city, be collected and accounted for by such officers, and be paid over to the city.
§ 6-35-409. Employee benefits.
  1. The council may provide for the retirement of the city's nonelective officers and employees and make available to them any group, life, hospital, health, or accident insurance, either independently of, or as a supplement to, any retirement or other employee welfare benefits otherwise provided by law.
§ 6-35-410. Resignations.
  1. The council shall prescribe by ordinance appropriate procedures with respect to resignations of officers and employees and with respect to the orderly transfer of records, assets, and other effects in the custody of such officers and employees to their successors or supervisors.
§ 6-35-411. Surety bonds.
  1. All city officers or employees receiving, disbursing or responsible for city funds shall be bonded. The council may require any officer or employee to give a bond, approved by and in such amount as the council shall determine. All such bonds shall be corporate surety bonds, and the premiums thereon shall be paid by the city. No such bond shall be issued for a term exceeding four (4) years. No bond required by this section shall be renewed upon its expiration or in the event of the reappointment of any officer or employee to a position for which a bond is required, but a new bond shall be furnished. The resignation, removal, or discharge of any officer or employee of the city shall not, nor shall the election or appointment of another to such officer's or employee's office or employment, exonerate such officer or employee or such officer's or employee's sureties from liability incurred by such officers or employees, or such officer's or employee's sureties.
§ 6-35-412. Pecuniary interest prohibited.
  1. (a) No officer or employee of the city shall have any financial interest other than the common public interest in the profits of any contract, service, or other work performed for the city; or personally profit directly or indirectly from any contract, purchase, sale, or service between the city and any person or company; or personally as an agent provide any surety, bail, or bond required by law or subject to approval by the council.
  2. (b) No officer or any employee shall accept any free or preferred services, benefits or concessions from any person or company, except that free transportation may be provided for police officers and firefighters on official duty.
  3. (c) Any officer or employee who violates this section commits misconduct of office.
§ 6-35-413. Political activity prohibited — Penalty.
  1. (a) No officer or employee of the city, other than council members, or members of the board of education, shall continue in the employment of the city after becoming a candidate for nomination or election to any public office nor hold office in any political activity.
  2. (b) No officer or employee of the city shall orally, by letter or otherwise, solicit or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political party or political purpose from any officer or employee of the city.
  3. (c) No officer or employee of the city, other than council members or board of education members, shall make any contribution to the campaign funds of any candidate in any city election, nor shall such person take part in the management, affairs or political campaign of any city election, other than in the exercise of such person's rights as a citizen to express such person's opinions and to cast such person's vote.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) Any person who alone or with others willfully or corruptly violates any provision of this section commits a Class C misdemeanor.
    2. (2) Any person who is convicted under this section shall be ineligible to hold any office or position of employment in the city government for a period of five (5) years thereafter and, if such person is an officer or employee at the time of conviction, shall immediately forfeit and vacate the office or position held.
Chapter 36 Public Schools Under Modified City Manager-Council Charter
§ 6-36-101. Board of education — Membership — Terms of members.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) If a city incorporated under this charter is authorized, pursuant to general law, to establish and operate a school system, the control and management of the schools of the city shall be the responsibility of the board of education, which shall consist of five (5) qualified voters of the city, meeting the requirements of §§ 6-31-105 and 6-31-112.
    2. (2) By ordinance adopted by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the entire membership of the city council, the board of education may be increased to seven (7) qualified voters of the city, meeting the requirements of §§ 6-31-105 and 6-31-112. The two (2) additional board members authorized by this subdivision (a)(2) shall be elected at-large and shall be voted on by the electors in all voting precincts of the city. This subdivision (a)(2) shall only apply within counties having a population of not less than thirty-one thousand five hundred (31,500) nor more than thirty-one thousand eight hundred (31,800), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
  2. (b) Except as provided in § 6-36-103, the board members shall hold office for a term of four (4) years from twelve o'clock (12:00) noon of the second Wednesday next following the regular city election at which they are elected, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
§ 6-36-102. Nomination, election, and recall of board members.
  1. (a) The members of the board of education shall be nominated by petition and elected at the same time and places as provided in this charter for elections of the members of the city council, except that in the first election the manner of election shall be that provided in § 6-36-103.
  2. (b) The members of the board shall be subject to the provisions of this charter with regard to recall as provided in §§ 6-31-301 — 6-31-304.
  3. (c) Each candidate to the board or any person acting in the candidate's behalf shall be subject to § 6-31-108.
§ 6-36-103. First election of board — Terms of first members — Subsequent elections.
  1. (a) The first election of board of education members shall be held at the same time and place as the first election of city council members. Eligibility requirements for voters shall be the same as § 6-31-103. At this election, each voter shall be entitled to vote for not more than five (5) candidates for the board of education.
  2. (b) The two (2) candidates for the board of education who receive the two (2) highest number of votes shall be declared elected for a four-year term beginning at twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the second Wednesday next following the election at which they were elected. The three (3) candidates for the board of education who receive the third, fourth and fifth highest number of votes respectively shall be declared elected for a two-year term beginning at twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the second Wednesday next following the election at which they were elected.
  3. (c) For any board of education increased to seven (7) members pursuant to § 6-36-101(a)(2), the initial election of the additional two (2) members shall be held at the first November general election occurring more than forty-five (45) days following adoption of the ordinance required to expand board membership. To ensure staggered terms, the at-large candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected for a four-year term beginning at twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the second Wednesday next following the election; and the at-large candidate receiving the second highest number of votes shall be declared elected for a two-year term beginning at the same date and time.
  4. (d) Subsequent elections shall be held biennially for election of board members to four-year terms.
§ 6-36-104. Chair and vice chair.
  1. (a) At the first meeting after each regular biennial election, the board shall elect a chair and vice chair.
  2. (b) The chair shall preside at the meetings of the board and may vote as any other member but shall have no power of veto. The chair shall perform the duties imposed upon the chair by the rules of the board.
  3. (c) The vice chair shall perform the duties of the chair in case of the chair's absence or inability to act.
  4. (d) In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of chair, a new chair shall be elected.
§ 6-36-105. Powers and duties of board.
  1. The board of education has the power and duty to:
    1. (1) Appoint and remove a director of schools as provided in § 6-36-109;
    2. (2) Establish schools, determine the attendance areas of the various schools, and determine the policies and programs of the city school system, subject to the availability of school funds;
    3. (3) Determine the number of teachers and other employees in the city school system subject to availability of school funds, after considering the written recommendations of the director of schools;
    4. (4) Review, revise and approve budget estimates prepared by the director of schools and submit such estimates to the city manager, in accord with budget control procedures described in § 6-35-310;
    5. (5) Initiate, review, revise and approve plans for the erection or improvement of buildings and facilities to be used for educational purposes, and transmit copies of all such plans that bear on the long-range development of the schools to the city planning commission for incorporation as part of the capital improvement program;
    6. (6) Purchase or otherwise acquire land for school buildings, playgrounds and other purposes connected with the city school system; purchase, construct, operate and regulate the use of all buildings, required for purposes of the city school system; and do any and all other acts necessary to establish, maintain, and operate a complete public educational system within the city, including adult education, subject to the availability of school funds;
    7. (7) Review, revise and act upon any recommendation by the director of schools relating to the operation and maintenance of school buildings;
    8. (8) Cooperate with the city council, city manager and other officials of the city government, and with the officials of other governmental jurisdictions, in programs leading to improvements and economies in the public services provided the residents and taxpayers;
    9. (9) Make any investigation that the board may consider desirable concerning administration of the city school system; and
    10. (10) Exercise any and all powers not specifically stated in chapters 30-36 of this title but given to boards of education by general law, except those that are inconsistent with chapters 30-36 of this title.
§ 6-36-106. Rules of procedure and meetings.
  1. (a) The board shall adopt rules governing the conduct of its business and meetings; provided, that regular meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month unless another day is set by the board; and provided further, that if a regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the following day. The board shall provide by resolution for the time of day and place of all its meetings.
  2. (b) A majority of the board constitutes a quorum and the affirmative vote of at least three (3) members shall be required to approve any action; however, if the board consists of seven (7) members, then an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members shall be required to approve any action.
  3. (c) A special meeting shall be called by the chair, by any two (2) members of the board, or by the director of schools, by a written notice delivered at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting, either personally or left at the usual place of residence of the members and director of schools. Such notice shall set forth the character of business to be discussed at the meeting, and no other business shall be considered at such meeting.
  4. (d) All board meetings shall be open to the public, and citizens shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The board shall exercise its powers only at public meetings.
§ 6-36-107. Vacancies.
  1. (a) A vacancy shall exist if a board member:
    1. (1) Resigns;
    2. (2) Dies;
    3. (3) Moves the member's residence from the city;
    4. (4) Has been continuously disabled for a period of six (6) months so as to prevent the member from discharging the duties of office;
    5. (5) Accepts any state, county, or other municipal office or position of employment, except as a notary public or member of the national guard; or
    6. (6) Is convicted of malfeasance or misfeasance in office, a felony, a violation of this charter, or a violation of the election laws of the state.
  2. (b) A vacancy shall be filled within thirty (30) days by an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining board members, the appointee to serve until the next regular election at which time a successor shall be elected to fill the unexpired term in the manner specified in § 6-31-201, except that the term “chair of the board” shall be read for references to the term “mayor.” If a tie vote by the board to fill a vacancy is unbroken for thirty (30) days, the chair shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy. No appointment to fill the vacancy shall be made within sixty (60) days prior to any regular city election. The candidates in such an election to fill the vacancy shall be nominated by petition as provided in § 6-36-102.
§ 6-36-108. Compensation.
  1. The members of the board of education shall receive no compensation but may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the conduct of their duties; provided, that such expenses are approved by the board at a regular meeting.
§ 6-36-109. Director of schools — Board secretary.
  1. (a) The board of education shall appoint a director of schools who shall be the administrative head of the city school system. The director shall be subject only to the board of education and all orders of the board relating to the management of the schools shall be given through the director. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the board and its members shall deal with administrative officers, principals, teachers and other employees solely through the director. Neither the board nor any member thereof shall give orders to the director's subordinates or otherwise interfere with the director's functions through such means as the making of particular purchases from, or contracts with, any specific individual or organization.
  2. (b) The office of any board member violating any provision of this section shall immediately become vacant upon the member's conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction.
  3. (c) The board of education shall fix the director's salary. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the board as provided by the director's contract of employment. The director has the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the board, but not the right to vote.
  4. (d) The director, or other employee designated by the board on the recommendation of the director, shall serve as secretary to the board.
§ 6-36-110. Powers and duties of director of schools.
  1. The director of schools has the power and duty to:
    1. (1) Manage and direct the city school system in accordance with the policies and programs of the board of education;
    2. (2) Appoint, promote, transfer, retire, and remove and take any other established personnel action with regard to all teachers, and other employees in the city school system consistent with this chapter, policies and programs adopted by the board of education and the general laws of the state;
    3. (3) Prescribe, control and correlate the courses of study, textbooks, and educational apparatus and equipment, consistent with the school laws of the state, and the policies and programs adopted by the board of education;
    4. (4) Prepare and issue rules and regulations for the administration and execution of the policies, plans, and programs adopted by the board;
    5. (5) Prepare budgets for the city school system for approval by the board of education and submission to the city manager for final consideration by the city council;
    6. (6) Make periodic allotments of funds appropriated for city school purposes;
    7. (7) Make purchases and contracts subject to the limitations of this charter and such policies as may be prescribed by the board of education;
    8. (8) Prepare for approval by the board of education salary schedules for teachers and other employees of the city school system as provided in § 6-36-111;
    9. (9) Prepare, for approval by the board of education, plans for constructing, enlarging or improving school buildings and other school facilities; and
    10. (10) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties not inconsistent with this charter or other general laws, as may be prescribed by the board of education.
§ 6-36-111. Officers and employees of school system.
  1. All of the officers and employees of the city school system shall be subject to §§ 6-35-407 — 6-35-413 of this charter, with the school system standing in the stead of the city, with the board of education in the stead of the city council, board members in the stead of council members, chair in the stead of the mayor, and the director of schools in the stead of the city manager and the city clerk, and that on actions taken under this chapter, the rules and regulations of the board shall have the same force and effect as an ordinance of the city council.
§ 6-36-112. Financial management.
  1. (a) All school moneys appropriated by the city council, all state and county funds received for the city school system, and all other moneys, fees, revenues or income that are received by the city school system or that heretofore or hereafter are granted or permitted to the city school system shall be deposited in a city school fund to be withdrawn only upon the order of the board of education; provided, that a full estimate thereof shall have been summarized in each school budget; and provided further, that those portions of such funds derived from city appropriation ordinances shall be subject to §§ 6-35-308 and 6-35-310.
  2. (b) The board of education shall establish such school funds as are required by general law or as it considers necessary for the operation of the school system.
  3. (c) At the end of each fiscal year an audit shall be made of the accounts and funds of the school system covering the operations of the last fiscal year by certified public accountants selected by the board. The board of education may employ certified accountants to audit all or any of the school funds and accounts at any time it may deem expedient to assure the correctness of the accounts and funds.
  4. (d) Section 6-35-313 shall apply with the board of education standing in the stead of council.
§ 6-36-113. School budget.
  1. The city school budget submitted by the board of education through the city manager to the city council shall include estimates of all school revenues, as well as estimates of expenditures necessary for the operation of the school system for the next fiscal period. Neither the city manager nor the city council shall have any authority to modify or delete any item of the school estimates, and the council shall have the power to modify only the total amount of the school budget, except that in no event shall a reduction in the school budget exceed the total sum requested by the board of education from current city tax revenues. Such budget estimates shall not include any requests for the purchase of land, and the purchase, construction, reconstruction, or major alteration of any building for school purposes. Requests for such improvements shall be transmitted to the planning commission for review and incorporation into the capital improvement program.
§ 6-36-114. Notice of appropriation.
  1. The adoption by the city council of an appropriation ordinance for the next fiscal year, or the allowance of a continuation of the appropriation for the last fiscal year, shall serve as notice to the board of education of the total amount of the school appropriation for the next fiscal period.
§ 6-36-115. Purchases and contracts.
  1. (a) All materials, supplies and equipment shall be purchased by the director of schools in accordance with procedures approved by the board of education, except that centralized purchasing with the city administration may be utilized where it is mutually agreed upon by the council and board or their delegated representatives.
  2. (b) The board of education or director of schools, in making purchases and contracts, shall be subject to the provisions of this charter relating to purchases and contracts by the city council and city manager, with the board of education standing in the stead of the council and the director of schools standing in the stead of the city manager.
  3. (c) No purchase, expenditure or contract shall be made in excess of available school funds.
§ 6-36-116. Disbursements.
  1. All disbursements of moneys from the city school funds or other established school funds for the city school system shall be made by checks countersigned by the director of schools or by other school personnel designated by the board of education upon recommendation of the director.
§ 6-36-117. Transfer of city schools to county.
  1. The city school system or any part thereof may be transferred to the county upon the adoption of a resolution by the city council after considering the written recommendations of the board of education; provided, that all such transfers must first be approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting in a referendum held for that purpose.
§ 6-36-118. Agreement with county to take over county schools.
  1. The city council, after considering the written recommendations of the board of education, may enter into an agreement with the county for the city school system to take over ownership, management and control of that part of the county school system within the city, including land, buildings and all other school property, equipment, and facilities.
Municipal Government Generally
Chapter 51 Change of Municipal Boundaries
Part 1 Annexation
§ 6-51-101. Part definitions and definitions for § 6-51-301.
  1. As used in this part and § 6-51-301, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Larger” and “smaller” refer to population and not area;
    2. (2) “Municipality” or “municipalities” means any incorporated city or cities, or town or towns, and does not include any utility district, sanitary district, school district, or other public service district, whether organized under public or private acts; and
    3. (3) “Notice” means publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least seven (7) days in advance of a hearing. The notice shall be satisfied by inclusion of a map that includes a general delineation of the area or areas to be annexed by use of official road names or numbers, or both, names of lakes and waterways, or other identifiable landmarks, as appropriate.
§ 6-51-102. Plan of services.
  1. (a) [Deleted by 2014 amendment, effective May 16, 2015.]
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Before any territory may be annexed under this part, the governing body of the municipality shall adopt a plan of services establishing at least the services to be delivered and the projected timing of the services. Upon adoption of the plan of services, the municipality shall cause a copy of the plan of services to be forwarded to the county mayor in whose county the territory being annexed is located. The plan of services shall be reasonable with respect to the scope of services to be provided and the timing of the services.
    2. (2) The plan of services shall include, but not be limited to: police protection, fire protection, water service, electrical service, sanitary sewer service, solid waste collection, road and street construction and repair, recreational facilities and programs, street lighting, and zoning services. If the municipality maintains a separate school system, the plan shall also include schools and provisions specifically addressing the impact, if any, of annexation on school attendance zones. If the municipality does not maintain a separate school system, then the municipality shall provide written notice of the annexation to all affected school systems as soon as practicable, but in no event less than thirty (30) days prior to the public hearing requirement set forth in subdivision (b)(4). The plan of services may exclude services that are being provided by another public agency or private company in the territory to be annexed other than those services provided by the county.
    3. (3) The plan of services shall include a reasonable implementation schedule for the delivery of comparable services in the territory to be annexed with respect to the services delivered to all citizens of the municipality.
    4. (4) Before the adoption of the plan of services, a municipality shall:
      1. (A) Submit the plan of services to the local planning commission, if there is one, for study and to compile a written report, to be rendered within ninety (90) days after such submission, unless by resolution of the governing body a longer period is allowed. The local planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the plan of services at least seven (7) days prior to the public hearing pursuant to subdivision (b)(4)(B); and
      2. (B) Hold a public hearing, with the notice of the time, place, and purpose of the public hearing to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality not less than twenty-one (21) days before the hearing. The notice must include the locations of a minimum of three (3) copies of the plan of services, which the municipality shall provide for public inspection during all business hours from the date of notice until the public hearing.
    5. (5) A municipality may not annex any other territory if the municipality is in default on any prior plan of services.
    6. (6) If a municipality operates a school system, and if the municipality annexes territory during the school year, any student may continue to attend such student's present school until the beginning of the next succeeding school year unless the respective boards of education have provided otherwise by agreement.
  3. (c) [Deleted by 2014 amendment, effective May 16, 2015.]
  4. (d) [Deleted by 2014 amendment, effective May 16, 2015.]
  5. (e) After receiving the notice from the municipality, as provided in subdivision (b)(1), the county mayor shall notify the appropriate departments within the county regarding the information received from the municipality.
§ 6-51-103. Quo warranto to contest annexation ordinance — Appellate review.
  1. (a)
    1. (1)
      1. (A) Any aggrieved owner of property that borders or lies within territory that is the subject of an annexation ordinance prior to the operative date thereof, may file a suit in the nature of a quo warranto proceeding in accordance with this part, § 6-51-301 and title 29, chapter 35 to contest the validity thereof on the ground that it reasonably may not be deemed necessary for the welfare of the residents and property owners of the affected territory and the municipality as a whole and so constitutes an exercise of power not conferred by law. Notwithstanding any other section in this chapter, for purposes of this section, an “aggrieved owner of property” does not include any municipality or public corporation created and defined under title 7, chapter 82 that owns property bordering or lying within the territory that is the subject of an annexation ordinance requested by the remaining property owner or owners of the territory and whose property and services are to be allocated and conveyed in accordance with § 6-51-111, § 6-51-112 or § 6-51-301, or any contractual arrangement otherwise providing for such allocation and conveyance.
      2. (B) Subdivision (a)(1)(A) does not apply to the counties covered by subdivision (a)(2).
    2. (2)
      1. (A) Any aggrieved owner of property, lying within territory that is the subject of an annexation ordinance prior to the operative date thereof, may file a suit in the nature of a quo warranto proceeding in accordance with this part, § 6-51-301 and title 29, chapter 35 to contest the validity thereof on the ground that it reasonably may not be deemed necessary for the welfare of the residents and property owners of the affected territory and the municipality as a whole, and so constitutes an exercise of power not conferred by law.
      2. (B) Subdivision (a)(2)(A) shall apply only in counties having a metropolitan form of government and in counties having populations of:
        1. 4,0004,300
        2. 14,94015,000
        3. 43,70044,700
        4. 49,40049,500
        5. 58,00059,000
        6. 67,30067,400
        7. 74,50074,600
        8. 100,000250,000
        9. 475,000480,000
        10. 700,000
      3. according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, and in any county with a population of not less than two hundred eighty-five thousand (285,000) and not more than two-hundred ninety thousand (290,000) based upon the 1980 federal census.
  2. (b) The rendering of services under a mutual aid agreement, an automatic response agreement, an operational agreement, or any other agreement as allowed under a comprehensive growth plan, pursuant to chapter 58 of this title, or the providing of mutual aid or assistance under the Mutual Aid and Emergency and Disaster Assistance Agreement Act of 2004, compiled in title 58, chapter 8, is not admissible as evidence against the municipality in any action brought under this section or title 29, chapter 14.
  3. (c) The municipality shall have the burden of proving that an annexation ordinance is reasonable for the overall well-being of the communities involved.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) If more than one (1) suit is filed, all of them shall be consolidated and tried as one (1) in the first court of appropriate jurisdiction in which suit is filed. Suit or suits shall be tried on an issue to be made up there, and the question shall be whether the proposed annexation is or is not unreasonable in consideration of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and property owners of the territory sought to be annexed and the citizens and property owners of the municipality. Should the court find the ordinance to be unreasonable, or to have been done by exercise of powers not conferred by law, an order shall be issued vacating the ordinance and the municipality shall be prohibited from annexing, pursuant to the authority of § 6-51-102, any part of the territory proposed for annexation by such vacated ordinance for a period of at least twenty-four (24) months following the date of such order. In the absence of such finding, an order shall be issued sustaining the validity of such ordinance, which shall then become operative thirty-one (31) days after judgment is entered unless an abrogating appeal has been taken from the judgment, or unless the presiding court grants the municipality's petition to defer the effective date pursuant to subdivision (d)(2).
    2. (2) Upon petition of the municipality, the presiding court may, as part of the judgment sustaining the validity of the annexation ordinance, order that the effective date of the ordinance be fixed as December 31 following the date of entry of the judgment or determination of appeal. In making any order under this subdivision (d)(2), the court shall consider the necessity of the deferred effective date to render municipal services to the annexed territory within a reasonable time. The petition shall be filed by the municipality in the presiding court where the annexation ordinance is being contested in a quo warranto proceeding as provided in this section.
  5. (e) If on appeal judgment shall be against the validity of such ordinance, an order shall be entered vacating the same and the municipality shall be prohibited from annexing, pursuant to the authority of § 6-51-102, any part of the territory proposed for annexation by such vacated ordinance for a period of at least twenty-four (24) months following the date of such order. If judgment shall be in favor of the validity of such ordinance, it shall become operative forthwith by court order and shall not be subject to contest or attack in legal or equitable proceeding for any cause or reason, the judgment of the appellate court being final.
  6. (f) Should the territory hereafter sought to be annexed be the site of substantial industrial plant development, a fact to be ascertained by the court, the municipality shall have the burden of proving that the annexation of the site of the industrial plant development is not unreasonable in consideration of the factors above mentioned, including the necessity for or use of municipal services by the industrial plant or plants, and the present ability and intent of the municipality to benefit the industrial plant development by rendering municipal services thereto when and as needed. The policy and purpose of this provision is to prevent annexation of industrial plants for the sole purpose of increasing municipal revenue, without the ability and intent to benefit the area annexed by rendering municipal services, when and as needed, and when such services are not used or required by the industrial plants.
  7. (g) During the time that any annexation ordinance is being contested as provided in this section, the annexing municipality and the county governing body or any affected school, sanitary or utility district, or all such districts, may enter into an agreement to provide for new, expanded, and/or upgraded services and facilities, including, but not limited to, equipment, land and buildings, and capital expenditures, including sale of bonds, to finance such services and facilities, which agreement shall include an equitable division of the cost and liabilities of such capital expenditures between the annexing municipality and the county governing body or any affected school, sanitary, or utility district, or all such districts, upon final determination of such contested annexation ordinance.
  8. (h) When territory is annexed that is located in a county other than one in which the city hall of the annexing municipality is then located, any suit filed pursuant to this section for the purpose of contesting the annexation ordinance shall be filed in the county where the city hall of the annexing municipality is located. The chancellor, however, shall change the venue to a county that is adjacent to either the county where the annexing municipality's city hall is located or the county where the proposed annexation is located.
  9. (i) When a final judgment is rendered in a quo warranto suit contesting a proposed annexation, the municipality shall notify the county mayor of the outcome of the litigation, so the county may keep abreast of the status of a pending annexation. Similarly, when a municipality files an appeal of a decision in a quo warranto suit, the municipality shall notify the county mayor of the pending appeal.
§ 6-51-104. Resolution for annexation by referendum — Notice.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) A municipality, when petitioned by interested persons, or upon its own initiative, by resolution, may propose extension of its corporate limits by the annexation of territory adjoining to its existing boundaries; provided, however, no such resolution shall propose annexation of any property being used primarily for agricultural purposes. Notwithstanding this part or any other law to the contrary, property being used primarily for agricultural purposes shall be annexed only with the written consent of the property owner or owners.
    2. (2) A referendum is not required to effectuate annexation of territory if:
      1. (A) All of the property owners within the territory proposed for annexation consent in writing; or
      2. (B)
        1. (i) [Repealed effective January 1, 2023.]
        2. (ii) Subdivision (a)(2)(B) is repealed January 1, 2023.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) The municipality shall send a copy of the resolution describing the territory proposed for annexation to the last known address listed in the office of the property assessor for each property owner within the territory proposed for annexation, each adjoining property owner, the county mayor, and the county commissioners whose district includes the territory.
    2. (2)
      1. (A) No later than twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the first hearing on such proposed annexation, the resolution, which must include a plan of services for the area proposed for annexation, must be:
        1. (i) Sent by first class mail pursuant to subdivision (b)(1);
        2. (ii) Posted in at least three (3) public places in the territory proposed for annexation and in a like number of public places in the municipality proposing such annexation; and
        3. (iii) Published in a newspaper of general circulation, if there is one, in such territory and municipality.
      2. (B) A person with personal knowledge of the mailing of the resolutions pursuant to subdivision (b)(2)(A)(i) may submit a notarized affidavit to the presiding officer of the municipality attesting that such resolutions were mailed in accordance with this subsection (b). Failure of a property owner to receive a notice that was mailed pursuant to subdivision (b)(2)(A)(i) is not a reason to invalidate the annexation.
    3. (3)
      1. (A) No later than twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the first hearing on such proposed annexation, the municipality shall post signage that informs viewers of the proposed annexation, the date, time, and location of the public hearing on the proposed annexation, and a website address for additional information.
      2. (B) The signs used pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) must be a minimum of three feet (3′) wide by two feet (2′) tall, be affixed to a sturdy base with the top of the sign no less than five feet (5′) from the ground, and be posted within the territory proposed for annexation and along any thoroughfare bordering the territory. The signs must remain until the territory is annexed or the annexation is abandoned.
    4. (4) As used in this subsection (b), “adjoining property owner” means a person who owns real property that shares a common boundary with the territory proposed for annexation or that any part of the property lies within two hundred feet (200′) of the territory proposed for annexation.
  3. (c) A resolution proposing annexation by written consent of the property owner or owners shall become effective only upon adoption of such resolution by the municipality.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) A municipality may by resolution propose annexation of territory that does not adjoin the boundary of the main part of the municipality, without extending the corporate limits of that territory, if the territory proposed for annexation is entirely contained within the municipality's urban growth boundary and is either:
      1. (A) To be used for industrial or commercial purpose or future residential development; or
      2. (B) Owned by one (1) or more governmental entities.
    2. (2) A resolution under this subsection (d) shall be ratified only with the written consent of the property owner or owners.
    3. (3) For purposes of this subsection (d), the boundary of the main part of the municipality is defined as the corporate limits of the territory containing its town seat or city hall. Territory that does not adjoin that boundary before a proposal to annex it is introduced cannot be annexed except as provided in this subsection (d).
    4. (4) The resolution shall include the plan of services adopted under § 6-51-102. The plan shall be prepared by the municipality in cooperation with the county in which the territory is located. The municipality and county shall enter into an interlocal agreement pursuant to § 5-1-113 to provide emergency services for any interceding properties and to maintain roads and bridges comprising the primary route to the area thus annexed as the municipality and county deem necessary.
    5. (5) [Deleted by 2017 amendment.]
§ 6-51-105. Referendum on annexation.
  1. (a) At least thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days after the last of such publications, the proposed annexation of territory shall be submitted by the county election commission in an election held on the request and at the expense of the proposing municipality, for approval or disapproval of the qualified voters who reside in or own property in the territory proposed for annexation; provided, that not more than two (2) persons are entitled to vote based upon ownership of an individual tract of property, regardless of the number of owners of such property.
  2. (b) The legislative body of the municipality affected may also at its option submit the questions involved to a referendum of the people residing within the municipality.
  3. (c) In the election or elections to be held, the questions submitted to the qualified voters shall be “For Annexation” and “Against Annexation.”
  4. (d) The county election commission shall promptly certify the results of the election or elections to the municipality. Upon receiving the certification from the county election commission, the municipality shall forward a copy of the certification to the county mayor in whose county the territory being annexed is located.
  5. (e) If a majority of all the qualified voters voting thereon in the territory proposed to be annexed, or in the event of two (2) elections as provided for in subsections (a) and (b), a majority of the voters voting thereon in the territory to be annexed and a majority of the voters voting thereon in the municipality approve the resolution, annexation as provided therein shall become effective thirty (30) days after the certification of the election or elections.
  6. (f) [Deleted by 2015 amendment.]
§ 6-51-106. Abandonment of proceedings.
  1. Any annexation proceeding initiated under § 6-51-104 may be abandoned and discontinued at any time by resolution of the governing body of the municipality.
§ 6-51-107. Referral to planning agency.
  1. The governing body of a municipality shall, if its charter so provides, and otherwise may, refer any proposed annexation to the planning agency of the municipality for study of all pertinent matters relating thereto, and the planning agency expeditiously shall make such a study and report to the governing body.
§ 6-51-108. Rights of residents of annexed territory — Plan of service and progress report.
  1. (a) Residents of, and persons owning property in, annexed territory shall be entitled to rights and privileges of citizenship, in accordance with the annexing municipality's charter, immediately upon annexation as though such annexed territory had always been a part of the annexing municipality. It shall be the duty of the governing body to put into effect with respect to an annexed area any charter provisions relating to representation on the governing body.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) This subsection (b) shall apply to any municipality whose annexation ordinance becomes effective by court order pursuant to § 6-51-103(d).
    2. (2) Within ten (10) days after the date on which a court order is entered sustaining the validity of a proposed annexation, any annexing municipality to which this subsection (b) applies shall submit written notification, meeting the requirements of subdivision (b)(3), to each person owning real property in the territory that the territory will become a part of the municipality. In the event an appeal is taken from the court order, the annexing municipality shall notify the property owners in writing of the pending appeal. If on appeal the court affirms the validity of the proposed annexation, the municipality shall submit written notification, meeting the requirements of subdivision (b)(3), to the property owners within ten (10) days of entry of judgment of the appellate court.
    3. (3) The advance written notification shall include the date on which the annexed territory becomes a part of the municipality, a detailed description of the annexed territory, and the reasons for the annexation. The notification shall be sent by first class mail to the last known address listed in the office of the property assessor for each property owner of record within the annexed territory.
    4. (4) A person with personal knowledge of the mailing of the notification shall submit a notarized affidavit to the presiding officer of the annexing municipality attesting that the notifications were mailed in accordance with subdivision (b)(3).
  3. (c) Upon the expiration of six (6) months from the date any annexed territory for which a plan of service has been adopted becomes a part of the annexing municipality, and annually thereafter until services have been extended according to such plan, there shall be prepared and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality a report of the progress made in the preceding year toward extension of services according to such plan, and any changes proposed therein. The governing body of the municipality shall publish notice of a public hearing on such progress reports and changes, and hold such hearing thereon. Any owner of property in an annexed area to which such plan and progress report are applicable may file a suit for mandamus to compel the governing body to comply with the requirements of this subsection (c).
  4. (d) A municipality may amend a plan of services by resolution of the governing body only after a public hearing for which notice has been published at least fifteen (15) days in advance in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality when:
    1. (1) The amendment is reasonably necessary due to natural disaster, act of war, act of terrorism, or reasonably unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the municipality;
    2. (2) The amendment does not materially or substantially decrease the type or level of services or substantially delay the provision of services specified in the original plan; or
    3. (3) The amendment:
      1. (A) Proposes to materially and substantially decrease the type or level of services under the original plan or to substantially delay those services;
      2. (B) Is not justified under subdivision (d)(1); and
      3. (C) Has received the approval in writing of a majority of the property owners by parcel in the area annexed. In determining a majority of property owners, a parcel of property with more than one (1) owner shall be counted only once and only if owners comprising a majority of the ownership interests in the parcel petition together as the owner of the particular parcel.
  5. (e) An aggrieved property owner in the annexed territory may bring an action in the appropriate court of equity jurisdiction to enforce the plan of services at any time after one hundred eighty (180) days after an annexation takes effect and until the plan of services is fulfilled, and may bring an action to challenge the legality of an amendment to a plan of services if such action is brought within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the amendment to the plan of services. If the court finds that the municipality has amended the plan of services in an unlawful manner, then the court shall decree the amendment null and void and shall reinstate the previous plan of services. If the court finds that the municipality has materially and substantially failed to comply with its plan of services for the territory in question, then the municipality shall be given the opportunity to show cause why the plan of services was not carried out. If the court finds that the municipality's failure is due to natural disaster, act of war, act of terrorism, or reasonably unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the municipality that materially and substantially impeded the ability of the municipality to carry out the plan of services, then the court shall alter the timetable of the plan of services so as to allow the municipality to comply with the plan of services in a reasonable time and manner. If the court finds that the municipality's failure was not due to natural disaster, act of war, act of terrorism, or reasonably unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the municipality that materially and substantially impeded the ability of the municipality to carry out the plan of services, then the court shall issue a writ of mandamus to compel the municipality to provide the services contained in the plan, shall establish a timetable for the provision of the services in question, and shall enjoin the municipality from any further annexations until the services subject to the court's order have been provided to the court's satisfaction, at which time the court shall dissolve its injunction. If the court determines that the municipality has failed without cause to comply with the plan of services or has unlawfully amended its plan of services, the court shall assess the costs of the suit against the municipality.
§ 6-51-109. Annexation of smaller municipality by larger municipality.
  1. (a) Upon receipt of a petition in writing of twenty percent (20%) of the qualified voters of a smaller municipality, voting at the last general election, such petition to be filed with the chief executive officer of the smaller municipality who shall promptly submit the petition to the chief executive officer of the larger municipality, such larger municipality may annex such portion of the territory of the smaller municipality described in the petition or the totality of such smaller municipality if so described in the petition only after a majority of the qualified voters voting in an election in such smaller municipality vote in favor of the annexation.
  2. (b) The county election commission shall hold such an election on the request and at the expense of the larger municipality, the results of which shall be certified to each municipality.
  3. (c) If a majority of the qualified voters voting in such election are in favor of annexation, the corporate existence of such smaller municipality shall end within thirty (30) days after the certification of the election results, and all of the choses in action, including the right to collect all uncollected taxes, and all other assets of every kind and description of the smaller municipality shall be taken over by and become the property of the larger municipality. All legally subsisting liabilities, including any bonded indebtedness, of the smaller municipality shall be assumed by the larger municipality, which shall thereafter have as full jurisdiction over the territory of the smaller municipality as over that lying within the existing corporate limits of the larger municipality.
§ 6-51-110. Priority of municipalities in annexation.
  1. (a) Nothing in this part and § 6-51-301 shall be construed to authorize annexation proceedings by a smaller municipality with respect to territory within the corporate limits of a larger municipality nor, except in counties having a population of not less than sixty-five thousand (65,000) nor more than sixty-six thousand (66,000) and counties having a population of four hundred thousand (400,000) or more, according to the federal census of 1970 or any subsequent federal census, and except in counties having a metropolitan form of government, by a larger municipality with respect to territory within the corporate limits of a smaller municipality in existence for ten (10) or more years. Notwithstanding this chapter to the contrary, in counties of this state having a population of not less than two hundred seventy-six thousand (276,000) nor more than two hundred seventy-seven thousand (277,000), according to the federal census of 1970 or any subsequent federal census, nothing in this part shall be construed to authorize annexation proceedings by a larger municipality with respect to territory within the corporate limits of any smaller municipality in existence at the time of the proposed annexation.
  2. (b) If two (2) municipalities that were incorporated in the same county shall initiate annexation proceedings with respect to the same territory, the proceedings of the municipality having the larger population shall have precedence and the smaller municipality's proceedings shall be held in abeyance pending the outcome of the proceedings of such larger municipality.
  3. (c) If two (2) municipalities that were incorporated in different counties shall initiate annexation proceedings with respect to the same territory, the proceedings of the municipality that was incorporated in the same county in which the territory to be annexed is located shall have precedence and the other municipality's proceedings shall be held in abeyance pending the outcome of the proceedings of the municipality that was incorporated in the same county as the territory to be annexed.
  4. (d) Except in counties having a population of not less than sixty-five thousand (65,000) nor more than sixty-six thousand (66,000) and counties having a population of four hundred thousand (400,000) or more, according to the federal census of 1970 or any subsequent federal census, and except in counties having a metropolitan form of government, annexation proceedings shall be considered as initiated upon passage on first reading of an ordinance of annexation.
  5. (e) [Deleted by 2015 amendment]
  6. (f) When a larger municipality initiates annexation proceedings for a territory that could be subject to annexation by a smaller municipality, the smaller municipality shall have standing to challenge the proceedings in the chancery court of the county where the territory proposed to be annexed is located.
  7. (g) [Deleted by 2015 amendment]
§ 6-51-111. Municipal property and services.
  1. (a) Upon referendum approval of an annexation resolution as provided in this part, an annexing municipality and any affected instrumentality of the state, including, but not limited to, a utility district, sanitary district, school district, or other public service district, shall attempt to reach agreement in writing for allocation and conveyance to the annexing municipality of any or all public functions, rights, duties, property, assets and liabilities of such state instrumentality that justice and reason may require in the circumstances. Any and all agreements entered into before March 8, 1955, relating to annexation shall be preserved. The annexing municipality, if and to the extent that it may choose, shall have the exclusive right to perform or provide municipal and utility functions and services in any territory that it annexes, notwithstanding § 7-82-301 or any other statute, subject, however, to the provisions of this section with respect to electric cooperatives.
  2. (b) Subject to such exclusive right, any such matters upon which the respective parties are not in agreement in writing within sixty (60) days after the operative date of such annexation shall be settled by arbitration with the laws of arbitration of this state effective at the time of submission to the arbitrators, and § 29-5-101(2) shall not apply to any arbitration arising under this part and § 6-51-301. The award so rendered shall be transmitted to the chancery court of the county in which the annexing municipality is situated, and thereupon shall be subject to review in accordance with §§ 29-5-113 — 29-5-115 and 29-5-118.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) If the annexed territory is then being provided with a utility service by a state instrumentality that has outstanding bonds or other obligations payable from the revenues derived from the sale of such utility service, the agreement or arbitration award referred to in subsections (a) and (b) shall also provide that:
      1. (A) The municipality will operate the utility property in such territory and account for the revenues therefrom in such manner as not to impair the obligations of contract with reference to such bonds or other obligations; or
      2. (B) The municipality will assume the operation of the entire utility system of such state instrumentality and the payment of such bonds or other obligations in accordance with their terms.
    2. (2) Such agreement or arbitration award shall fully preserve and protect the contract rights vested in the holders of such outstanding bonds or other obligations.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, if a private individual or business entity provides utility service within the boundaries of a municipality under the terms of a privilege, franchise, license, or agreement granted or entered into by the municipality, and if the municipality annexes territory that includes the service area of a utility district, then such private individual or business entity and the utility district shall attempt to reach agreement in writing for allocation and conveyance to such private individual or business entity of any or all public functions, rights, duties, property, assets, and liabilities of such utility district that justice and reason may require in the circumstances. If an agreement is not reached, then notwithstanding the change of municipal boundaries, the service area of the utility district shall remain unchanged, and such private individual or business entity shall not provide utility service in the service area of the utility district.
    2. (2) Nothing in subdivision (d)(1) shall be construed to diminish the authority of any municipality to annex.
  5. (e) If at the time of annexation, the annexed territory is being provided with utility service by a municipal utility system or other state instrumentality, including but not limited to, a utility district, the annexing municipality shall, by delivering written notice of its election to the municipal utility system or other state instrumentality, have the right to purchase all or any part of the utility system of the municipal utility system or other state instrumentality then providing utility service to the area being annexed that the annexing municipality has elected to serve under this section. The purchase price shall be a price agreed upon by the parties for the properties comprising the utility system, or part thereof, that is being acquired and payment of such purchase price shall be on terms agreed to by the parties. In the event the parties cannot agree on a purchase price, then a final determination of the fair market value of the properties being acquired and all other outstanding issues related to the provision of utility services in the annexed area shall be made using the arbitration provisions of subsection (b); provided, that the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be a person or persons experienced and qualified to value public utility properties and any such arbitrator or arbitrators shall be agreed upon by the parties. If the parties cannot agree, the selection of an arbitrator shall be as otherwise provided by the laws of arbitration of this state. Such method and determination shall be the sole means by which the annexing municipality may acquire the facilities of a municipal utility or other state instrumentality located in the annexed territory.
  6. (f) Notwithstanding a municipality's exclusive right to perform or provide municipal and utility functions and services in a territory as described in this section, a municipal water system may enter into an agreement with a water utility district, an investor-owned water utility, a county water system, a county water authority, or a county water and wastewater system treatment authority to permit that other entity to operate within the municipal water system's territory. A municipal water system shall establish a method by which the system's ratepayers may petition the system to consider entering into an agreement pursuant to this subsection (f).
§ 6-51-112. Electric cooperatives.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other statute, if the annexing municipality owns and operates its own electric system, it shall either offer to purchase any electric distribution properties and service rights within the annexed area owned by any electric cooperative, or grant such cooperative a franchise to serve the annexed area, as follows:
    1. (1) The municipality shall notify the affected electric cooperative in writing of the boundaries of the annexed area and shall indicate such area on appropriate maps;
    2. (2) The municipality shall offer to purchase the electric distribution properties of the cooperative located within the annexed area, together with all of the cooperative's rights to serve within such area, for a cash consideration, which shall consist of:
      1. (A) The present-day reproduction cost, new, of the facilities being acquired, less depreciation computed on a straight-line basis; plus
      2. (B) An amount equal to the cost of constructing any necessary facilities to reintegrate the system of the cooperative outside the annexed area after detaching the portion to be sold; plus
      3. (C) An annual amount, payable each year for a period of ten (10) years, equal to the sum of:
        1. (i) Twenty-five percent (25%) of the revenues received from power sales to consumers of electric power within the annexed area, except consumers with large industrial power loads greater than three hundred kilowatts (300kW), during the last twelve (12) months preceding the date of the notice provided for in subdivision (a)(1); and
        2. (ii) Fifty percent (50%) of the net revenues, which is gross power sales revenues less wholesale cost of power including facilities rental charge, received from power sales to consumers with large industrial power loads greater than three hundred kilowatts (300kW) within the annexed area during the last twelve (12) months preceding the date of the notice provided for in subdivision (a)(1);
    3. (3) The electric cooperative, within ninety (90) days after receipt of an offer by the annexing municipality to purchase the cooperative's electric distribution properties and service rights within the annexed area, shall signify in writing its acknowledgement of the offer, and the parties shall proceed to act. The annexing municipality shall then be obligated to buy and pay for, and the cooperative shall be obligated to sell to the municipality, such properties and rights free and clear of all mortgage liens and encumbrances for the cash consideration computed and payable as provided in subdivision (a)(2);
    4. (4) The annexing municipality, if it elects not to make the offer to purchase as provided for in subdivisions (a)(1) and (2), shall grant to the cooperative a franchise to serve within the annexed area, for a period of not less than five (5) years, and the municipality shall thereafter renew or extend the franchise or grant new franchises for similar subsequent periods; provided, that upon expiration of any such franchise, the municipality may elect instead to make an offer to buy the cooperative's electric distribution properties and service rights as they then exist in accordance with and subject to subdivisions (a)(1) and (2); provided further, that, during the term of any such franchise, the annexing municipality shall be entitled to serve only such electric customers or locations within the annexed area as it served on the date when such annexation became effective;
    5. (5) If any annexing municipality contracts its boundaries so as to exclude from its corporate limits any territory, the cooperative may elect within sixty (60) days thereafter to purchase from such municipality, and such municipality shall thereupon sell and convey to the cooperative, the electric distribution properties and service rights of the municipality in any part of the excluded area that the electric cooperative had previously served, upon the same procedures set forth in subdivisions (a)(1)-(4) for acquisitions by municipalities;
    6. (6) Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit municipalities and any cooperative from buying, selling, or exchanging electric distribution properties, service rights and other rights, property, and assets by mutual agreement;
    7. (7) The territorial areas lying outside municipal boundaries served by municipal and cooperative electric systems will remain the same as generally established by power facilities already in place or legal agreements on March 6, 1968, and new consumers locating in any unserved areas between the respective power systems shall be served by the power system whose facilities were nearest on March 6, 1968, except to the extent that territorial areas are revised in accordance with this section; and
    8. (8) “Electric distribution properties,” as used in this section, means all electric lines and facilities used or useful in serving ultimate consumers, but does not include lines and facilities that are necessary for integration and operation of portions of a cooperative's electric system that are located outside the annexed area.
  2. (b) The methods of allocation and conveyance of property and property rights of any electric cooperative to any annexing municipality provided for in subsection (a) shall be exclusively available to such annexing municipality and to such electric cooperative notwithstanding § 7-52-105 or any other title or section of the code in conflict or conflicting herewith.
§ 6-51-113. Provisions supplemental.
  1. Except as specifically provided in this part, the powers conferred by this part shall be in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other general, special, or local law, and the limitations imposed by this part shall not affect such powers.
§ 6-51-114. Special census after annexation.
  1. In the event any area is annexed to any municipality, the municipality may have a special census and in any county having a population of not less than two hundred seventy-six thousand (276,000) nor more than two hundred seventy-seven thousand (277,000), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the municipality shall have such special census within the annexed area taken by the federal bureau of the census or in a manner directed by and satisfactory to the department of economic and community development, in which case the population of such municipality shall be changed and revised so as to include the population of the annexed area as shown by such supplemental census. The population of such municipality as so changed and revised shall be its population for the purpose of computing such municipality's share of all funds and moneys distributed by the state among the municipalities of the state on a population basis, and the population of such municipality as so revised shall be used in computing the aggregate population of all municipalities of the state, effective on the next July 1 following the certification of such supplemental census results to the commissioner of finance and administration.
§ 6-51-115. Receipt and distribution of tax revenues.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, whenever a municipality extends its boundaries by annexation, the county or counties in which the municipality is located shall continue to receive the revenue from all state and local taxes distributed on the basis of situs of collection, generated within the annexed area, until July 1 following the annexation, unless the annexation takes effect on July 1.
    1. (1) If the annexation takes effect on July 1, then the municipality shall begin receiving revenue from such taxes generated within the annexed area for the period beginning July 1.
    2. (2) Whenever a municipality extends its boundaries by annexation, the municipality shall notify the department of revenue of such annexation upon the annexation becoming effective, for the purpose of tax administration.
    3. (3) Such taxes shall include the local sales tax authorized in § 67-6-702, the wholesale beer tax authorized in § 57-6-103, the income tax on dividends authorized in § 67-2-102, and all other such taxes distributed to counties and municipalities based on the situs of their collection.
  2. (b) In addition to subsection (a), when a municipality annexes territory in which there is retail or wholesale activity at the time the annexation takes effect or within three (3) months after the annexation date, the following shall apply:
    1. (1) Notwithstanding § 57-6-103 or any other law to the contrary, for wholesale activity involving the sale of beer, the county shall continue to receive annually an amount equal to the amount received by the county in the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the annexation for beer establishments in the annexed area that produced wholesale beer tax revenues during that entire twelve (12) months. For establishments that produced wholesale beer tax revenues for at least one (1) month but less than the entire twelve-month period, the county shall continue to receive an amount annually determined by averaging the amount of wholesale beer tax revenue produced during each full month the establishment was in business during that time and multiplying this average by twelve (12). For establishments that did not produce revenue before the annexation date but produced revenue within three (3) months after the annexation date, and for establishments that produced revenue for less than a full month prior to annexation, the county shall continue to receive annually an amount determined by averaging the amount of wholesale beer tax revenue produced during the first three (3) months the establishment was in operation and multiplying this average by twelve (12). This subdivision (b)(1) is subject to the exceptions in subsection (c). A municipality shall only pay the county the amount required by this subdivision (b)(1), for a period of fifteen (15) years.
    2. (2) Notwithstanding § 67-6-712 or any other law to the contrary, for retail activity subject to the 1963 Local Option Revenue Act, compiled in title 67, chapter 6, part 7, the county shall continue to receive annually an amount equal to the amount of revenue the county received pursuant to § 67-6-712(a)(2)(A) in the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the annexation for business establishments in the annexed area that produced 1963 Local Option Revenue Act revenue during that entire twelve (12) months. For business establishments that produced such revenues for more than a month but less than the full twelve-month period, the county shall continue to receive an amount annually determined by averaging the amount of local option revenue produced by the establishment and allocated to the county under § 67-6-712(a)(2)(A) during each full month the establishment was in business during that time and multiplying this average by twelve (12). For business establishments that did not produce revenue before the annexation date and produced revenue within three (3) months after the annexation date, and for establishments that produced revenue for less than a full month prior to annexation, the county shall continue to receive annually an amount determined by averaging the amount of the 1963 Local Option Revenue Act produced and allocated to the county under § 67-6-712(a)(2)(A) during the first three (3) months the establishment was in operation and multiplying this average by twelve (12). This subdivision (b)(2) is subject to the exceptions in subsection (c). A municipality shall only pay the county the amount required by this subdivision (b)(2), for a period of fifteen (15) years.
  3. (c) Subsection (b) is subject to these exceptions:
    1. (1) Subdivision (b)(1) ceases to apply as of the effective date of the repeal of the wholesale beer tax, should this occur;
    2. (2) Subdivision (b)(2) ceases to apply as of the effective date of the repeal of the 1963 Local Option Revenue Act, compiled in title 67, chapter 6, part 7, should this occur;
    3. (3) Should the general assembly reduce the amount of revenue from the Wholesale Beer Tax, compiled in title 57, chapter 6, part 1, or the 1963 Local Option Revenue Act accruing to municipalities by changing the distribution formula, the amount of revenue accruing to the county under subsection (b) will be reduced proportionally as of the effective date of the reduction;
    4. (4) A county, by resolution of its legislative body, may waive its rights to receive all or part of the revenues provided by subsection (b). In these cases, the revenue shall be distributed as provided in §§ 57-6-103 and 67-6-712 of the respective tax laws unless otherwise provided by agreement between the county and municipality; and
    5. (5) Annual revenues paid to a county by or on behalf of the annexing municipality are limited to the annual revenue amounts provided in subsection (b) and known as “annexation date revenue” as defined in subdivision (d)(2). Annual situs-based revenues in excess of the “annexation date revenue” allocated to one (1) or more counties shall accrue to the annexing municipality. Any decrease in the revenues from the situs-based taxes identified in subsection (b) shall not affect the amount remitted to the county or counties pursuant to subsection (b), except as otherwise provided in this subsection (c); provided, that a municipality may petition the department of revenue no more often than annually to adjust annexation date revenue as a result of the closure or relocation of a tax producing entity.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) It is the responsibility of the county within which the annexed territory lies to certify and to provide to the department a list of all tax revenue producing entities within the proposed annexation area.
    2. (2) The department shall determine the local share of revenue from each tax listed in this section generated within the annexed territory for the year before the annexation becomes effective, subject to the requirements of subsection (b). This revenue shall be known as the “annexation date revenue.”
    3. (3) The department, with respect to the revenues described in subdivision (b)(2), and the municipality, with respect to the revenues described in subdivision (b)(1), shall annually distribute an amount equal to the annexation date revenue to the county of the annexed territory.
§ 6-51-117. Annexation of regional airport commission property.
  1. If three (3) or more municipalities and counties jointly create and participate in a regional airport commission and if the property of the regional airport commission is located outside the boundaries of the participating municipalities, then no municipality shall annex any property of the regional airport commission without the prior consent of the legislative bodies of the participating municipalities and counties.
§ 6-51-118. Applicability to certain counties with a metropolitan form of government.
  1. No provision of Acts 1998, ch. 1101, applies to an annexation in any county with a metropolitan form of government in which any part of the general services district is annexed into the urban services district; provided, that any section of this part specifically referenced on May 19, 1998, in the charter of any county with a metropolitan form of government shall refer to the language of such sections in effect on January 1, 1998.
§ 6-51-119. Provision of copy of resolution for annexation, the plan for emergency services and map designating the annexed area to emergency communications district.
  1. (a) The legislative body of an annexing municipality or its designee shall provide a copy of the resolution for annexation, along with a copy of the portion of the plan of services dealing with emergency services and a detailed map designating the annexed area, to any affected emergency communications district upon ratification of a resolution to annex. The map shall identify all public and private streets in the area to be annexed, including street names and direction indicators. The map shall include or have appended a list of address ranges for each street to be annexed. For contested resolutions for annexation, in cases in which the municipality plans to begin providing emergency services in the annexed territory immediately, the municipality shall notify the district when the annexation becomes final. Compliance or noncompliance with this section is not admissible against the municipality in any case brought under this title or title 29, chapter 14, or against the municipality or any affected emergency communications district under the Tennessee Governmental Tort Liability Act, compiled in title 29, chapter 20.
  2. (b) The municipality shall provide the information required in subsection (a) to an affected district by certified return receipt mail or other method that assures receipt by the district.
§ 6-51-120. Annexation of territory in a state park or natural area.
  1. No municipality shall annex any territory located within any state park or natural area unless all of the following conditions are met:
    1. (1) The territory proposed for annexation must be located within the municipality's urban growth boundaries;
    2. (2) The municipality must provide advance written notification of the proposed annexation to the commissioner of environment and conservation;
    3. (3) The advance written notification must include a detailed description of the territory proposed for annexation, reasons for the proposed annexation, the proposed plan of municipal services, and the timeline for actual delivery of each municipal service;
    4. (4) The department of environment and conservation must study the likely impact upon the park or natural area and its wildlife, scenery, ambiance, traffic, roads, visitors and mission. The cost of the study shall be borne by the municipality proposing the annexation;
    5. (5) As a component of the study, the department must conduct one (1) or more public hearings for citizen input;
    6. (6) Prior to the public hearing, the department must seek the county commission's input regarding the municipality's proposed annexation; and
    7. (7) The department must report its findings and may prescribe such binding prerequisites for the proposed annexation as may be necessary and desirable to protect and preserve the park or natural area for the benefit of all current and future Tennesseans.
§ 6-51-121. Recording of annexation resolution by annexing municipality.
  1. Upon referendum approval of an annexation resolution as provided in this part, an annexing municipality shall record the resolution with the register of deeds in the county or counties where the annexation was adopted or approved. The resolution must include a detailed description of the annexed territory, including, but not limited to, map and parcel numbers of all real property within the annexed territory. A copy of the resolution, map, and detailed description must be sent to the comptroller of the treasury and the assessor of property for each county affected by the annexation.
§ 6-51-122. No municipality permitted to extend corporate limits by annexation ordinance on municipality's own initiative for certain period of time — Exceptions — Comprehensive review and evaluation of state policies.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding this part or any other law to the contrary:
    1. (1)
      1. (A) From April 15, 2013, through April 15, 2014, no municipality shall extend its corporate limits by means of annexation by ordinance upon the municipality's own initiative, pursuant to § 6-51-102, in order to annex territory being used primarily for residential or agricultural purposes; and no such ordinance to annex such territory shall become operative during such period, except as otherwise permitted pursuant to subdivision (a)(1)(B);
      2. (B) If, prior to April 15, 2013, a municipality formally initiated an annexation ordinance restricted by subdivision (a)(1)(A); and if the municipality would suffer substantial and demonstrable financial injury if such ordinance does not become operative prior to April 15, 2014; then, upon petition by the municipality submitted prior to April 15, 2014, the county legislative body may, by a majority vote of its membership, waive the restrictions imposed on such ordinance by subdivision (a)(1)(A); and
    2. (2)
      1. (A) From April 15, 2014, through May 15, 2015, no municipality shall extend its corporate limits by means of annexation by ordinance, pursuant to § 6-51-102, or by resolution, pursuant to §§ 6-51-104 and 6-51-105; and no annexation shall become operative during such period, unless otherwise permitted pursuant to subdivision (a)(1)(B), (a)(2)(B), or § 6-58-118, or unless the owner or owners of the property give written consent for the annexation;
      2. (B) If, prior to April 15, 2014, a municipality formally acted upon an annexation ordinance or resolution restricted by subdivision (a)(2)(A); and if the municipality would suffer substantial and demonstrable financial injury if such ordinance or resolution does not become operative prior to May 15, 2015; then, upon petition by the municipality submitted prior to May 15, 2015, the county legislative body may, by a majority vote of its membership, waive the restrictions imposed on such ordinance or resolution by subdivision (a)(2)(A).
  2. (b) On or before February 15, 2015, the Tennessee advisory commission on intergovernmental relations (TACIR) shall complete a comprehensive review and evaluation of the efficacy of state policies set forth within this chapter and chapter 58 of this title, and shall submit a written report of findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives.
§ 6-51-123. County having metropolitan government permitted to expand area of urban services district by any method authorized by charter.
  1. Notwithstanding Chapter 707 of the Public Acts of 2014, this part, or any other law to the contrary, any county having a metropolitan form of government may expand the area of its urban services district using any method authorized by its charter. Such expansion may also be accomplished using any method, identified by charter reference to general annexation law, that was applicable at the time the charter or amendment was approved by referendum held pursuant to Article XI, § 9 of the Tennessee Constitution and § 7-2-106(c) or § 7-2-108(a)(20).
Part 2 Contraction
§ 6-51-201. Procedure — Ordinance — Referendum — Deeanexation.
  1. (a) Any incorporated city or town, whether it was incorporated by general or special act, may contract its limits within any given territory; provided, that three fourths (¾) of the qualified voters voting in an election thereon assent thereto.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Any incorporated city or town, whether it was incorporated by general or special act, may after notice and public hearing, contract its limits within any given territory upon its own initiative by ordinance when it appears in the best interest of the affected territory.
    2. (2) Such contraction of limits within any territory shall not occur unless a majority of the total membership of the city legislative body approves such contraction.
    3. (3) Such contraction of limits within any territory shall not occur if opposed by a majority of the voters residing within the area to be deannexed. The concurrence of a majority of the voters shall be presumed unless a petition objecting to deannexation signed by ten percent (10%) of the registered voters residing within the area proposed to be deannexed is filed with the city recorder within seventy-five (75) days following the final reading of the contraction ordinance. If such a petition is filed, a referendum shall be held at the next general election to ascertain the will of the voters residing in the area that the city proposes to deannex. The ballot shall provide a place where voters may vote for or against deannexation by the city. If a majority of those voting in the referendum fail to vote for the deannexation, the contraction ordinance shall be void and the matter may not be considered again for two (2) years. If a majority vote for deannexation, the ordinance shall become effective upon certification of the result of the referendum.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) Owners of real property used primarily for agricultural purposes who reside in a territory previously annexed by ordinance that was not annexed through a referendum or a request of the property owner may petition the municipality to deannex such property, if:
      1. (A) The deannexation of the property does not create an area of unincorporated territory that is completely surrounded by municipal boundaries; and
      2. (B) The owner of some or all of the property at the time the petition is made:
        1. (i) Is the same owner or owners as when the property was annexed; or
        2. (ii) A direct descendant of the person who owned the property at the time of annexation. As used in this subdivision (c)(1)(B)(ii), “direct descendant” means a child, grandchild, or a sibling.
    2. (2) The petition must include a copy of the ordinance that includes the map of the plat seeking deannexation. The map must be the same map the municipality used to annex the territory.
    3. (3) Upon receiving the petition for deannexation, the municipality shall determine the debt amount owed pursuant to § 6-51-204(a), if any, within thirty (30) days.
    4. (4) The deannexation of the property becomes operative ninety (90) days after receipt of the petition by the municipality.
  4. (d) This section does not require a municipal utility to cease providing electrical service, sanitary sewer service, other utility services, or street lighting in the territory excluded from the municipality's corporate limits.
  5. (e) For purposes of this section, “property used primarily for agricultural purposes” means:
    1. (1) The property is owned or operated by a person whose federal income tax return contains one (1) or more of the following for at least three (3) years:
      1. (A) Business activity on IRS schedule F, profit or loss from farming, and the business activity reflected on the form is related to the property that is the subject of the petition; or
      2. (B) Farm rental activity on IRS form 4835, farm rental income and expenses or schedule E, supplemental income and loss, and the farm rental activity reflected on the form is related to the property that is the subject of the petition;
    2. (2) The person who owns or operates the property is a qualified farmer or nurseryman as defined in § 67-6-207;
    3. (3) The property was classified at the time of annexation and has continued being classified as agricultural land or forest land pursuant to § 67-5-1005 or § 67-5-1006, except for those properties annexed prior to January 1, 1977; and
    4. (4) The property has been maintained in use of agriculture as defined in § 1-3-105 since annexation occurred.
§ 6-51-202. Election.
  1. The election provided for in § 6-51-201, shall be held under an ordinance to be passed for that purpose. A full report of the election shall be spread upon the minutes of the board, if three fourths (¾) of the voters assent to the contraction, and in the report the metes and bounds of the territory to be excluded must be fully set forth.
§ 6-51-203. Recording of deannexation ordinance by contracting municipality.
  1. Upon approving deannexation by ordinance in accordance with § 6-51-201, a contracting municipality shall record the ordinance with the register of deeds in the county or counties where the deannexation was adopted or approved. The ordinance must include a detailed description of the deannexed territory, including, but not limited to, map and parcel numbers of all real property within the deannexed territory. A copy of the ordinance, map, and detailed description must also be sent to the comptroller of the treasury and the assessor of property for each county affected by the deannexation.
§ 6-51-204. Effective date of contraction — Continuing jurisdiction for taxation — Notice of contraction.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Except for responsibility for debt newly contracted after the territory was annexed and prior to the surrender of jurisdiction, all municipal jurisdiction ceases over the territory excluded from the municipality's corporate limits on:
      1. (A) The effective date of the ordinance if the contraction is done by ordinance;
      2. (B) The date of the certification of the results of the election if the contraction is done by election; or
      3. (C) The operative date of a contraction accomplished through a petition by an owner of property used primarily for agricultural purposes pursuant to § 6-51-201(c).
    2. (2) The municipality may continue to levy and collect taxes on property in the excluded territory to pay the excluded territory's proportion of debt newly contracted after the territory was annexed and prior to the exclusion.
  2. (b) The chief executive officer of the municipality shall notify the county assessor of property as to contractions in the territorial limits of the municipality and shall provide the county assessor of property with a complete description of all property affected by the contractions.
Part 3 Mutual Adjustments
§ 6-51-301. Utility services other than gas or telephone.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any other law, public or private, to the contrary, no municipality may render utility water service to be consumed in any area outside its municipal boundaries when all of such area is included within the scope of a certificate or certificates of convenience and necessity or other similar orders of the Tennessee public utility commission or other appropriate regulatory agency outstanding in favor of any person, firm or corporation authorized to render such utility water service. If, and to the extent that, a municipality chooses to render utility water service to be consumed within its municipal boundaries when all or part of such area is included within the scope of a certificate or certificates of convenience and necessity or other similar orders of the Tennessee public utility commission or other appropriate regulatory agency outstanding in favor of any person, firm or corporation authorized to render such utility water service, then the municipality and such person, firm or corporation shall attempt to reach agreement in writing for allocation and conveyance to the municipality of any or all public utility functions, rights, duties, property, assets, and liabilities of such person, firm or corporation so affected that justice and reason may require. If, within a reasonable time, the parties cannot agree in writing on allocation and conveyance, then either party may petition the chancery court of the district in which such area is located for a determination of value and damages suffered by such person, firm or corporation as a result of such municipal choice.
    2. (2) Such proceeding shall be conducted according to the laws of eminent domain, compiled in title 29, chapter 16, and shall include a determination of actual damages, incidental damages, and incidental benefits, as provided for therein, but in no event shall the amounts so determined exceed the replacement cost of the facilities.
  2. (b) “Municipality,” as used in this section, includes any agency, instrumentality, board, public corporation, or authority of the municipal government performing or authorized to perform such utility functions. This subsection (b) shall not apply to municipalities having a population in excess of three hundred fifty thousand (350,000), according to the federal census of 1960 or any subsequent federal census.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) This section shall not apply to those counties having a population of not less than twenty-six thousand nine hundred (26,900) and not more than twenty-seven thousand (27,000), according to the federal census of 1960.
    2. (2) This section shall not apply in counties having a population of not less than twenty-seven thousand six hundred (27,600) nor more than twenty-seven thousand seven hundred (27,700), according to the 1960 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
    3. (3) This section shall not apply in counties having a population of not less than ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) nor more than ten thousand seven hundred seventy (10,770) or not less than twelve thousand (12,000) nor more than twelve thousand one hundred (12,100), according to the 1960 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
  4. (d) If and to the extent that a municipality incorporated after January 1, 1972, and that has been incorporated for two (2) years or longer chooses to render any utility services, other than the furnishing of natural or artificial gas or telephone service, within its municipal boundaries, when all or any part of such area is included within the scope of:
    1. (1) A certificate or certificates of convenience and necessity or other similar orders of the Tennessee public utility commission or other appropriate regulatory agency outstanding in favor of any person, firm or corporation authorized to render any such utility services, other than the furnishing of natural or artificial gas or telephone service; or
    2. (2) An order issued pursuant to title 7, chapter 82 authorizing a utility district to furnish any such utility services, other than the furnishing of natural or artificial gas or telephone service;
    3. then the municipality and such person, firm or corporation or utility district shall attempt to reach agreement in writing for allocation and conveyance to the municipality of any or all public utility functions, including, but not limited to, those set out in § 7-82-302, excepting the furnishing of natural or artificial gas or telephone service, and of all rights, duties, property, assets and liabilities of such person, firm or corporation or utility district so affected that justice and reason may require. If, within a reasonable time, the parties cannot agree in writing on allocation and conveyance, then either party may petition the circuit court of the district in which such area is located for a determination of value and damages suffered by such person, firm or corporation or utility district as a result of such municipal choice. If the court finds that it would be in the best interests of both the municipality and the person, firm or corporation or utility district furnishing utility services in the area in question, the court may, in its discretion, order the transfer to the municipality of the entire utility system, upon compensation being paid such person, firm or corporation or utility district in such amount and in such manner as may be determined by the court. Before any such municipality may initiate any negotiation or proceedings under this subsection (d) for the allocation and conveyance to the municipality of any or all public utility functions, such action shall first have been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of such municipality voting in a referendum on the question of such municipality acquiring and exercising such public utility functions. Such referendum shall be called by resolution or ordinance duly adopted by a majority of the governing body of such municipality, and shall be held by the county election commission upon request of such governing body not less than forty-five (45) days after the adoption of such resolution or ordinance and publication in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipality once a week for a period of three (3) weeks preceding such referendum. The votes cast in such election shall be counted and the results certified as provided by law for municipal elections generally and the qualification of voters in such referendum shall be the same as those required for voting in municipal elections generally. The municipality shall pay the costs of holding such referendum.
§ 6-51-302. Adjustment of boundaries of contiguous municipalities.
  1. (a) Whenever the boundaries of the corporate limits of municipalities are contiguous and such boundaries either are not in line with the street and lot layout of the municipalities or do not conform to existing or proposed public rights-of-way, drainage ways, utility easements, or railroad rights-of-way, these municipalities may adjust such boundaries by contract between themselves so as to avoid confusion and uncertainty about the location of the contiguous boundary or to conform the contiguous boundary to an existing public right-of-way, drainage way, utility easement, or railroad right-of-way, or to dedicated public right-of-way or lot line that appears on a recorded plat or deed, or to a proposed public right-of-way, drainage way, utility easement, or railroad right-of-way that is a part of either a comprehensive municipal or county plan, or both, approved by a municipal or county governmental body or by a legally constituted municipal planning commission, regional planning commission, or the state planning office [abolished].
  2. (b) Such boundary adjustments may not place any elected official into a voting or political subdivision not presently in the district that such elected official represents, and no such boundary shift may occur any less than ninety (90) days prior to any election in which affected citizens may participate if such boundary adjustment had not occurred.
Part 4 Merger of Municipalities
§ 6-51-401. Part definitions.
  1. As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Contiguous” means having a shared portion of boundary. In the case of more than two (2) municipalities, it means that each municipality must have a shared portion of boundary with at least one (1) of the other municipalities seeking to merge; and
    2. (2) “Municipality” or “municipalities” refers to incorporated cities and towns in this state.
§ 6-51-402. Merger — Authorized.
  1. (a) Two (2) or more contiguous municipalities located in the same county may merge into one (1) municipality using the procedures in this part.
  2. (b) When municipalities are separated only by water, they shall be deemed contiguous for all purposes of this part if they are in the same county. After the municipalities merge, the water shall become a part of the consolidated municipality.
  3. (c) The merger, when complete, shall result in the creation and establishment of a new municipality.
  4. (d) Contiguous municipalities may be merged either as provided in § 6-51-403 or § 6-51-404.
§ 6-51-403. Merger — By resolution and referendum.
  1. (a) The governing bodies of the municipalities wanting to merge may pass a joint resolution, or joint ordinance in the case of a proposed merger involving a home rule municipality, requesting a referendum in the municipalities to approve or disapprove a merger. The resolution must be passed by each of the governing bodies by a majority vote of the members to which the body is entitled. The resolution shall list the municipalities seeking to merge and state the name of the proposed consolidated municipality and under which charter it will operate: mayor-aldermanic, chapter 1 of this title; city manager-commission, chapter 18 of this title; or one (1) of the charters of the merging municipalities. The resolution may establish wards or districts for the consolidated municipality if the charter provides for wards or districts. A copy of the resolution, certified by the record keeper of each municipality, shall be forwarded to the county election commission or commissions if more than one (1) county is involved.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Upon receipt of the resolution, the county election commission or commissions shall call an election on the question of the merger in the municipalities as provided in the general election law. The election shall be held on the same day in each municipality. The question to be voted on shall appear on the ballot in substantially the following form:
      1. (A) Shall the of and the of merge and become one (1) municipality?
        1. YES NO
      2. (B) If one (1) of the municipalities seeking to merge is a home rule municipality pursuant to the Constitution of Tennessee, article XI, § 9, all references in this section to “resolution” shall be deemed a reference to “ordinance.” The ordinance must indicate whether the non-home rule municipality wishes to adopt home rule and whether the home rule municipality wishes to abandon home rule. If the municipalities seeking to merge wish to adopt the home rule charter, the question appearing on the ballot in the non-home rule municipality shall be:
        1. Shall this municipality adopt home rule and merge with the of and become one (1) municipality?
        2. YES NO
      3. (C) If, on the other hand, the municipalities seeking to merge do not wish to adopt the home rule charter, the question appearing on the ballot in the home rule municipality shall be:
        1. Shall this municipality abandon home rule and merge with the of and become one (1) municipality?
        2. YES NO
    2. (2) If a majority of those voting in each municipality votes yes, the municipalities shall merge and become one (1) municipality one hundred twenty (120) days after the certification of the election results. If a majority of those voting in either municipality votes no, the municipalities shall remain separate entities.
    3. (3) Notwithstanding any restrictions or requirements of the charter of the consolidated municipality, during the one-hundred-twenty-day period after approval of a merger, but before it takes effect, the election commission or commissions shall call an election in the area of the consolidated municipality to elect the officials who are chosen by popular vote under the charter of the consolidated municipality. These officials shall take office on the date the merger takes effect and will serve in accordance with the charter.
§ 6-51-404. Merger — By petition and referendum.
  1. (a) Registered voters in each of the municipalities may petition for a referendum on the merger of the municipalities. The petition shall be signed by ten percent (10%) of the registered voters in each municipality. The petition shall list the municipalities seeking to merge and request a referendum on merging the municipalities, state the name of the proposed consolidated municipality, under which charter it will operate: mayor-aldermanic, chapter 1 of this title; city manager-commission, chapter 18 of this title; or one (1) of the charters of the merging municipalities, and may divide the proposed municipality into wards or districts if the charter provides for wards or districts. The petition shall be forwarded to the county election commission or commissions.
  2. (b) Upon receipt of the petition and its verification, the county election commission or commissions shall proceed as provided in § 6-51-403(b)(1) and (2). Section 6-51-403(b)(3) shall apply if the merger is approved.
§ 6-51-405. Costs of referendum.
  1. If the merger is authorized by referendum, the costs of the election shall be borne by the municipality formed by the merger. If the merger is defeated by referendum, the costs shall be borne by each municipality in the proportion its population bears to the total population of the municipalities in which the election was held. Population figures used shall be those from the latest determination of population by the department of economic and community development.
§ 6-51-406. Continuation of ordinances.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Unless otherwise provided in the petition or resolution that initiated the merger, this subsection (a) shall govern the continuation of ordinances and the interpretation of existing ordinances.
    2. (2) All ordinances in force within the former municipalities at the time of the merger that are not in conflict with the consolidated municipality's charter or with the ordinances of the former municipality with the greater population according to the latest determination by the department of economic and community development shall remain in full force and effect until superseded or repealed by the governing body of the consolidated municipality.
    3. (3) All such ordinances, except franchise and other ordinances of only local effect, shall apply to the entire area of the consolidated municipality. In the case of different nonconflicting ordinances dealing with the same subject matter, the ordinance of the more populous municipality shall control.
    4. (4) Ordinances of the former municipalities that are in conflict with the charter of the merged municipality or the ordinances of the more populous municipality shall be deemed repealed as of the effective date of the merger.
    5. (5) Nothing in this subsection (a) shall be construed to discharge any person from liability, either civil or criminal, for any violation of any ordinance of any of the former municipalities incurred before the merger.
  2. (b) The petition or resolution initiating the merger may provide different terms for the continuation of ordinances and the interpretation of existing ordinances from those provided in subsection (a).
§ 6-51-407. Property, rights and privileges.
  1. All the property, rights and privileges of every kind vested in or belonging to either of the former municipalities shall be vested in and owned by the consolidated municipality.
§ 6-51-408. Debts and liabilities — Bond funds.
  1. (a) All outstanding debts and liabilities of the former municipalities shall be assumed by the consolidated municipality.
  2. (b) All the territory included within the limits of the consolidated municipality shall be liable for the floating and bonded indebtedness, including interest, of all the territory included within the consolidated municipality.
  3. (c) Whenever at the time of the merger, however, any of the respective municipalities have on hand any bond funds voted for public improvements not already appropriated or contracted for, this money shall be kept in a separate fund and devoted to public improvements in the territory for which the bonds were voted.
§ 6-51-409. State-shared taxes.
  1. (a) The consolidated municipality shall continue without interruption receiving state-shared taxes.
  2. (b) For state-shared taxes distributed on a population basis, the entire population of the consolidated municipality shall determine its share of the state revenue.
§ 6-51-410. Part inapplicable.
  1. This part shall not apply to counties having a metropolitan form of government.
Chapter 52 Dissolution and Liquidation of Affairs
Part 1 General Provisions
§ 6-52-101. Tax levy to pay indebtedness of former municipality.
  1. The county legislative bodies are empowered to levy a special tax within the territory embraced within the limits of any incorporated town or city whose charter has been abolished and no new charter granted, or no reincorporation has taken place, or when a new charter has been granted making no provision for the indebtedness of the former corporation, for the purposes of meeting existing indebtedness due, meeting annual or semiannual interest charges on bonded indebtedness, providing any required sinking fund, and paying off all indebtedness when due.
§ 6-52-102. Collection and disposition of tax.
  1. The proceeds of the special tax levied by § 6-52-101 shall be collected by the county trustee and paid out upon warrant of the county mayor for the purposes enumerated in § 6-52-101, and not otherwise.
§ 6-52-103. Right to condemnation proceeds after dissolution.
  1. (a) Where any governmental agency, corporation, association, firm, partnership or individual is authorized under the laws of this state, or of the United States, to take property belonging to any of the incorporated municipalities, cities or towns within this state, and such power and authority is exercised to the extent that such incorporated municipality, city or town can no longer function as such, the right to compensation for the property so taken shall vest in the taxpayers of such incorporated municipality, city or town owning real estate or personal property assessed for ad valorem taxes within such incorporated municipality, city or town.
  2. (b) Such rights shall become vested as of the date the first property or properties are acquired by such governmental agency, corporation, association, firm, partnership or individual having the right under the laws of this state or the United States to acquire such property, either by sale, condemnation proceedings or eminent domain.
§ 6-52-104. Apportionment and distribution of condemnation proceeds.
  1. Where any incorporated municipality, city or town is compelled to surrender its charter by reason of the taking of its property by any governmental agency, corporation, association, firm, partnership or individual vested with the authority to purchase or condemn or take the properties of such incorporated municipality, city or town under the power of eminent domain, the proceeds derived from the taking of such municipal properties shall belong to, and become vested in, such taxpayers in proportion to the amount of such taxes paid or owing by such taxpayers to such incorporated municipality for the year that the first property or properties are acquired by such governmental agency, corporation, association, firm, partnership or individual; provided, that where no taxes have been assessed for such year, then the next preceding tax year shall constitute the basis for distribution. Such distribution shall be made only after payment of all indebtedness owing by such municipality, city or town incorporated under the laws of this state.
§ 6-52-105. New corporation as successor to old.
  1. When the charter of any municipal corporation has been repealed, and the same territory has been reincorporated, the new corporation is declared to be the successor of the old corporation for the purposes of this section, §§ 6-52-106 and 6-52-107.
§ 6-52-106. Property and debts passing to successor.
  1. Such new corporation shall be liable for the debts of such old corporation, and shall be entitled to the property and assets of such old corporation, which shall pass to and be vested in such new corporation for the same uses and purposes for which it was held and to be used by the old corporation.
§ 6-52-107. Collection of taxes and dues by successor.
  1. Such new corporation is invested with the right to collect, receive, and receipt for all taxes and dues to the old corporation to which it succeeds, and shall be entitled to exercise all the remedies provided by law for the collection of such taxes and dues.
Part 2 Abolition of Charter
§ 6-52-201. Petition for abolition.
  1. The people of any incorporated municipality, which was chartered or incorporated under the general laws providing for the organization of municipal corporations, who desire to surrender or abolish their charter, may do so in the following manner:
    1. (1) Whenever ten percent (10%) or more of the registered voters of any such town or city shall petition the county election commission of the county in which the town or city is located, setting forth in the petition that they desire and pray that an election be held of the qualified voters of the town or city, submitting to them the question of “charter” or “no charter,” the county election commission shall cause to be held an election in the town or city, in the several wards thereof, if there are such wards, to ascertain the will of the people of the town or city, as to the surrender or nonsurrender of their charter. If the municipal corporation includes territory in two (2) or more counties, such election shall be called and conducted by the county election commissions of the counties in which the territory is situated, and the results certified to the county clerks of all such counties;
    2. (2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1), or § 6-52-205 to the contrary, no such petition shall be accepted nor election with respect to such question scheduled to be held by the county election commission of the county in which the town or city is located, unless two (2) years shall have expired from the date of the incorporation of the municipality or the date of the holding of the most recent election in the municipality on the question of “charter” or “no charter,” whichever shall have last occurred.
§ 6-52-202. Notice of election.
  1. Upon the receipt of such petition, the county election commission shall give notice of the time of holding such election, by written or printed handbills posted at five (5) or more public places in the town or city and every ward thereof, at least thirty (30) days before the day of election, stating the object of the election, and shall also cause the same to be published for two (2) consecutive weeks in some newspaper, if there is one published in the town or city.
§ 6-52-203. Conduct of election.
  1. (a) On the day fixed in the notices of election and at the usual place or places of holding elections in the town or city, the county election commission shall cause the elections to be held in the manner prescribed by law in cases of general election.
  2. (b) All persons who are entitled to vote in the town or city for officers thereof shall be entitled to vote in the election, and those who desire to surrender or abolish the charter shall have printed or written on their tickets the words “no charter,” and those opposed to the repeal or surrender of the charter shall have printed or written on their tickets the word “charter.”
§ 6-52-204. Return and canvass of election.
  1. When the election is closed, the officers, judges and clerks holding the election shall certify the result of the election, together with the poll list of voters and ballots, and the same shall be duly returned to the county election commission, which shall canvass the ballots and verify the same as required by law in case of general elections.
§ 6-52-205. Results of election.
  1. (a) When the county election commission has duly canvassed the vote and the returns, and ascertained the result of the election, if it should appear that “no charter” has a majority of the votes cast, the county election commission shall make a triplicate certificate of the result of the election and file one (1) with the original petition with the county clerk; it shall also file one (1) of the certificates, together with a copy of the original petition, with the secretary of state, to be filed and recorded in the secretary of state's office; and it shall cause one (1) of the certificates to be registered in the register's office of the county in which the town or city is situated. When the certificates are duly filed and registered as provided in this subsection (a), the corporation shall be abolished and become extinct.
  2. (b) If a majority of the votes cast in the election are for “charter,” the county election commission shall make one (1) statement and certificate of the result, which it shall file with the county clerk of the county, together with the original petition. No other election shall be held for the repeal of the charter of such town or city until after the expiration of twelve (12) months.
§ 6-52-206. Time for election.
  1. Such an election will be held in conjunction with the next scheduled city or county-wide election, primary or referendum that is held forty-five (45) days after the petitions for abolition are filed with the election commission.
Part 3 Forfeiture of Charter
§ 6-52-301. Requisites for forfeiture.
  1. (a) If any municipal corporation with a population of one hundred (100) inhabitants or fewer according to the latest federal census fails to exercise its corporate powers as described in § 6-52-302, then it shall, as a municipal corporation, forfeit its charter.
  2. (b) Such forfeiture shall become effective upon the issuance of a court decree to that effect as prescribed in § 6-52-303.
§ 6-52-302. Failure to exercise corporate powers.
  1. “Failure to exercise corporate powers” under § 6-52-301 shall include either subdivisions (1)(A)-(C) combined, or subdivision (2) alone:
    1. (1)
      1. (A) Failure to elect a mayor or legislative body, or both, for more than one (1) year after the time fixed for such elections; and
      2. (B) Failure to levy and collect any municipal ad valorem property taxes for a period of three (3) successive years; and
      3. (C) Failure to expend any funds for municipal purposes or adopt a budget for municipal expenditures for a period of three (3) successive years; or
    2. (2) Failure to hold any municipal elections for more than twenty (20) years.
§ 6-52-303. Procedure.
  1. (a) Any five (5) qualified voters of a municipal corporation that has failed to exercise municipal powers as described in § 6-52-302 may petition the chancery court or court of record with equity jurisdiction in the county in which the municipal corporation is located to declare the charter of the municipal corporation forfeited.
  2. (b) A hearing shall be held not more than sixty (60) days after the filing of the petition to determine whether the municipal corporation meets all the conditions set forth in § 6-52-302. If the court determines that such conditions are met, then it shall issue a decree declaring the charter of the municipal corporation forfeited.
  3. (c) Such decree shall be transmitted by certified mail by the clerk of the court to the secretary of state who shall attach the decree to the charter of the municipal corporation and note its dissolution on all records relating to the municipal corporation. Failure of the secretary of state to make such notations shall have no effect on the forfeiture.
§ 6-52-304. Outstanding debts — Disposition of municipal property.
  1. (a) If there are any outstanding debts in the form of bonds or otherwise owed by the municipal corporation at the time of forfeiture of the charter, the county legislative body of the county in which the municipal corporation is located is authorized to levy a special tax within the territory embraced within the corporate limit of the former corporation for the purposes set forth in § 6-52-101. The collection and disposition of such a tax shall be pursuant to § 6-52-102.
  2. (b) If a municipal corporation that has forfeited its charter pursuant to this part retains any property or assets, or both, that property or assets, or both shall first be applied to any indebtedness owed by the municipal corporation. If any such property or assets, or both remain after the payment of any indebtedness, then such property or assets, or both shall become the property or assets, or both of the county in which the municipal corporation is located.
Chapter 53 Municipal Elections
§ 6-53-101. Notice of elections.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The county election commission of each county shall hold, upon no less than one hundred twenty (120) days' notice, an election for mayor and aldermen, and other officers in any incorporated town, village, or city, according to law, who, when elected, shall have all the powers conferred on them by their respective charters of incorporation, and until their successors are elected and qualified. If the municipal corporation includes territory in two (2) or more counties, such election and all other municipal elections of such municipal corporation shall be called and conducted by the county election commission of the county in which the town seat or city hall is located.
    2. (2) Any municipality that has changed the term of office of any elected official shall file a certified copy of the ordinance changing such term of office with the appropriate county election commission at least seven (7) days prior to the deadline for filing the notice of election pursuant to § 2-12-111.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) In municipalities with a population of one hundred twenty-five (125) or less, according to the 1960 census or any subsequent federal census, notice of municipal elections may be made by posting in five (5) public places in the municipality a proclamation of the legislative body of the town holding the municipal election; provided, that the notice shall be on heavy paper or cardboard at least eight inches (8″) long and five inches (5″) wide, and shall be clearly legible.
    2. (2) The notice provided for such towns may be made in lieu of all other notices required by law for municipal elections; provided, that the elections relate only to officers of the municipality.
§ 6-53-102. Qualifications of voters.
  1. (a) All persons living within such corporation and who have been residents thereof for three (3) months previous to the election, except at first election, and who are entitled to vote for members of the general assembly, shall be entitled to vote in municipal elections; provided, that if and when inclusion of additional territory within such corporation becomes effective within three (3) months next preceding the election, the length of residence during such preceding three (3) months within the added territory shall be included and recognized in applying the municipal residence requirement, prescribed by this section, as a qualification of voters in such election.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) In counties having a population of not less than twenty-six thousand five hundred (26,500) nor more than twenty-seven thousand one hundred fifty (27,150), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the board of mayor and aldermen of any municipality under this chapter may by ordinance provide that any person who is a qualified voter and who owns real property situated within the corporate limits of such municipality may vote in any municipal election or referendum even though such person does not reside within the municipality.
    2. (2) Subdivision (b)(1) shall not be effective until approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) All persons residing outside the corporation limits, having owned a taxable freehold within the corporation for a period of six (6) months next preceding the date of the election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote at the election, in any corporations having a population of not less than twelve thousand two hundred fifty (12,250) nor more than twelve thousand three hundred (12,300), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
    2. (2) Subdivision (c)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) All persons residing outside the corporation limits, having owned a taxable freehold within the corporation for a period of six (6) months next preceding the date of the election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote at the election, in any corporation having a population of not less than four hundred forty (440) persons nor more than four hundred sixty (460) persons, according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
    2. (2) Subdivision (d)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  5. (e)
    1. (1) In any city with a population of less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) located in a county with a population of not less than forty-one thousand four hundred (41,400) nor more than forty-one thousand five hundred (41,500), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, all persons residing outside the corporation limits of such city who shall have owned not less than a one-half (½) interest in a taxable freehold, or husband and wife who shall have owned a taxable freehold as tenants by the entireties within the corporation for a period of six (6) months next preceding the date of such election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote at such election; provided, that for the purposes of this subdivision (e)(1), all persons residing outside the corporation limits of such city and owning a time-share estate as it is defined in § 66-32-102, within the corporation, shall not be considered the owner of a taxable freehold and shall not be entitled to vote in such election.
    2. (2) Subdivision (e)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  6. (f)
    1. (1) Subject to approval in a referendum held in accordance with subdivision (f)(2), in any city having a population of not less than three hundred forty (340) nor more than three hundred fifty (350) located in any county having a population of not less than twenty thousand (20,000) nor more than twenty thousand three hundred (20,300), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census, any person residing outside the corporate limits of the city who owned at least a one-half (½) interest in a taxable freehold within such limits for the thirty-day period immediately preceding the date of such election, or any husband and wife residing outside the corporate limits of such city who owned, as tenants by the entirety, a taxable freehold within such limits for the thirty-day period immediately preceding the date of such election, shall also be entitled to vote at such election, being otherwise qualified. As used in this subdivision (f)(1), “taxable freehold” means an estate for life or a fee simple absolute in real property having an appraised value of not less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for purposes of title 67, chapter 5.
    2. (2) Subdivision (f)(1) shall only apply in such city if a majority of the number of qualified voters of the city voting in the first city election held following April 18, 2001, approve the question of whether or not the subsection shall apply to such city. The ballots used in such election shall have printed on them the substance of this subsection (f) and the voters shall vote for or against the subsection applying in such city. The votes cast on the question shall be canvassed and the results proclaimed by the county election commission and certified by it to the secretary of state as provided by law in the case of general elections. The qualifications of voters voting on the question shall be the same as those required for participation in general elections. All laws applicable to general elections shall apply to the determination of the approval or rejection of this subsection (f).
  7. (g)
    1. (1) All persons residing outside the corporate limits of any municipality having a population of not less than one thousand three hundred three (1,303) nor more than one thousand three hundred ten (1,310), located in any county having a population of not less than fifty-one thousand nine hundred (51,900) nor more than fifty-two thousand (52,000), both according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, having owned a fee simple interest in real property pursuant to the ownership requirements of § 2-2-107(a)(3) within the corporation for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the date of the election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote in municipal elections of such municipality.
    2. (2) Subdivision (g)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  8. (h)
    1. (1) All persons residing outside the corporation limits of any municipality having a population of not less than six thousand five hundred (6,500) nor more than six thousand five hundred fifty (6,550), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, having owned a fee simple interest in real property pursuant to the ownership requirements of § 2-2-107(a)(3) within the corporation for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the date of the election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote in municipal elections of such municipality.
    2. (2) Subdivision (h)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  9. (i)
    1. (1) All persons residing outside the corporation limits of any municipality having a population of not less than one thousand two hundred twenty-five (1,225) nor more than one thousand two hundred thirty-five (1,235), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, having owned a fee simple interest in real property pursuant to the ownership requirements of § 2-2-107(a)(3) within the corporation for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the date of the election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote in municipal elections of such municipality.
    2. (2) Subdivision (i)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  10. (j)
    1. (1) All persons residing outside the corporation limits of any municipality having a population of not less than two thousand fifty (2,050) nor more than two thousand sixty (2,060), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census, having owned a fee simple interest in real property pursuant to the ownership requirements of § 2-2-107(a)(3) within the corporation for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the date of the election, and being otherwise qualified, shall also be entitled to vote in municipal elections of such municipality.
    2. (2) Subdivision (j)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
  11. (k)
    1. (1) Persons owning at least a fifty percent (50%) fee simple interest in a parcel of real property of at least five thousand square feet (5,000 sq. ft.) or appraised for tax purposes at not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000) for the six (6) month period immediately preceding an election, who are otherwise qualified to vote in state elections in this state, shall be eligible to vote in municipal elections; provided, that the person is properly registered to vote.
    2. (2) Subdivision (k)(1) shall only apply in any municipality with a population of not less than five hundred thirty (530) nor more than five hundred thirty-nine (539) that is located in any county having a population of not less than fourteen thousand one hundred (14,100) nor more than fourteen thousand two hundred (14,200), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
    3. (3) Subdivision (k)(1) shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality to which it may apply.
§ 6-53-103. Certificate of election.
  1. Immediately after the election, the county election commission or officers holding the election shall deliver to the persons having the highest number of votes a certificate of their election.
§ 6-53-104. Voting members of governing body limited.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) After the next general election for the governing body of a municipality held on or after March 9, 2023, the governing body must not be composed of more than twenty (20) voting members.
    2. (2) With respect to municipalities formed after March 9, 2023, the governing body must not be composed of more than twenty (20) voting members.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) For purposes of complying with subsection (a), the governing body of a municipality shall dissolve, combine, or reapportion districts or wards, as necessary, so that the number of members elected to the governing body does not exceed twenty (20) voting members. Using the most recent federal census, the governing body shall ensure that a reapportionment maintains substantially equal representation based on population and otherwise complies with the United States and Tennessee Constitutions and state and federal law.
    2. (2) The governing body of a municipality may take any action by majority vote of the governing body necessary to implement and facilitate this section, irrespective of any provision of a charter or private act.
  3. (c) Notwithstanding a general law or charter provision to the contrary, and irrespective of whether a person has previously served on the governing body of a municipality:
    1. (1) A person who is elected on or after March 9, 2023 may seek as many terms in office, including those partially served, as are permissible under applicable provisions of the general law or the governing municipal charter; and
    2. (2) After the reapportionment of districts under subsection (b), if any, a person may run for elected office to the governing body in any district or as an at-large candidate to the extent that the person is qualified to run in accordance with applicable provisions of the general law or the governing municipal charter.
  4. (d) As used in this section, “governing body of a municipality” means that body, board, or council in which the general legislative powers of an incorporated city or town, including a home rule city, are vested. The term does not include the governing body of a metropolitan government.
§ 6-53-105. Home rule municipalities — Elections on questions requiring local approval and on amendments to charter.
  1. (a) In any municipality that has adopted home rule, where any question subject to local approval, under the provisions of the Constitution of Tennessee, article XI, § 9 has not been approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the local governing body, a petition signed by the qualified voters of the municipality in a number amounting to at least ten percent (10%) of the votes cast in the last election for mayor may be filed with the appropriate election commission officials not later than sixty (60) days prior to the day of the next regular election or primary, and the question shall be placed on the ballot of the next regular election. Where the total cost of conducting a special election pursuant to the Constitution of Tennessee, article XI, § 9 is defrayed completely by private financial contributions, a special election may be held for the purpose of approving or disapproving the question.
  2. (b) Except in counties having a metropolitan form of government and having a population of not less than four hundred twenty thousand (420,000) nor more than five hundred thousand (500,000), according to the 1970 federal census, the local governing body of any municipality that has adopted home rule may, by ordinance, propose an amendment to the charter of such municipality by a majority vote of the body and submit the same for ratification by approval of the qualified voters of the municipality, in a special election to be held for such purpose, the amendment to be limited in its substance and applicability to the establishment of a property tax rate, or the increasing or reduction thereof. When such local governing body has proposed any such amendment, it shall notify the election commission, which shall call and hold an election for the municipality after giving forty-five (45) days' notice that such election will be held. The ballot shall set forth the proposed amendment as set out in the resolution adopted by the local governing body, and the voters shall vote “For the amendment” or “Against the amendment.” Following the election the vote shall be canvassed by the county election commission and if a majority of those voting vote for the amendment, it shall become a part of the charter of such home rule municipality.
  3. (c) On any ballot on which an amendment to the charter of a home rule municipality appears for approval or disapproval by the electorate, a statement certified by the chief financial officer of the municipality shall appear immediately after the language describing the amendment but before the questions “For the amendment” and “Against the amendment.” The statement shall indicate the chief financial officer's estimate of the net cost savings, net cost increase, or net increase or decrease in revenues, on a yearly basis, if any, that will be effected if the amendment is approved. The statement by the financial officer shall be made readily distinguishable from the language describing the amendment itself.
§ 6-53-106. Filling certain vacancies.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law or municipal charter, whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of any city board of education whose members are elected by vote of the people or in the office of city judge who is elected by vote of the people in any city having a population in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000) within counties, except those counties with the metropolitan form of government, having a population in excess of two hundred thousand (200,000), each according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, any appointment made pursuant to law or charter provision shall be an interim appointment, valid only until the next primary or general election or referendum that is held in such city after the vacancy occurs.
  2. (b) At such primary or general election or referendum, the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the election of some qualified candidate.
  3. (c) In any city to which this section applies, for those offices for which by charter or other law a special election is provided for the filling of vacancies, such charter or other law shall be controlling, but if no special election is so provided for the filling of vacancies, this section shall control.
§ 6-53-107. Vacancies in council.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law or charter, whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of the city council of any city having a population in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000) within counties, except those counties with the metropolitan form of government, having a population in excess of two hundred thousand (200,000), each according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, any appointment made to fill such vacancy under the law or charter shall be an interim appointment, valid only until the next primary or general election or referendum that is held in such city after the vacancy occurs.
  2. (b) At such primary or general election or referendum, the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the election of some qualified candidate.
  3. (c) In any city to which this section applies, for those offices for which by charter or other law a special election is provided for the filling of vacancies, such charter or other law shall be controlling, but if no special election is so provided for the filling of vacancies, this section shall control.
§ 6-53-108. Petitions for recall elections.
  1. (a) The charter of any municipality to the contrary notwithstanding, any petition or petitions required to be filed under a municipal charter in order to cause a recall election of whatever type or kind, whether in the nature of a new municipal election prior to the next regular election or otherwise, shall contain one (1) or more specific grounds for removal.
  2. (b) This section shall be construed to be remedial and shall be given a liberal and retroactive effect where legally permissible.
§ 6-53-109. Minimum age of city and municipal legislators.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding general law, private act, or municipal charter to the contrary, no minimum age qualification for membership on the legislative body of any municipality or city shall be greater than twenty-one (21) years of age at the time of taking office nor less than eighteen (18) years of age as a candidate for election to such office; provided, that a minimum age qualification for such membership, within such age range, may be established by a municipality or city by private act, charter provision, or ordinance if authorized by its charter.
  2. (b) This section shall not apply to any county with a metropolitan form of government.
§ 6-53-110. Election districts.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any other law or charter to the contrary, no member of the legislative body of a municipality, a popularly elected school board, or any other similarly constituted and elected board or commission of a county or municipality shall be elected to such office through an election procedure requiring candidates to be nominated from a district and elected at-large, but such members shall be elected from districts as established by the appropriate county or municipality, which districts shall:
      1. (A) Assure representation of substantially equal populations and guarantee the principle of one man/one vote in compliance with the Constitution of the United States; and
      2. (B) Be reasonably compact and contiguous and not overlap.
    2. (2) Following the establishment of the districts, such districts shall be reapportioned at least as often as districts for the county legislative body of such county are reapportioned to ensure compliance with the limitations prescribed in this section.
  2. (b) [Deleted by 2023 amendment.]
  3. (c) [Deleted by 2023 amendment.]
§ 6-53-111. Home rule municipalities — Status of school board following merger with county school system.
  1. (a) When a home rule city having a city board of education changes its charter to repeal prospectively its charter provisions authorizing it to maintain a separate school system from the county in which it is located, no further election for the city's board of education shall be held within the period of three (3) years before the date of the merger of the city school system into the county school system. The members in office at the time of the charter vote shall remain in office until the repeal takes effect, unless the intervening period is more than three (3) years.
  2. (b) The powers conferred by this section are in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law, charter, or home rule provision.
Chapter 54 Municipal Powers Generally
Part 1 General Provisions
§ 6-54-101. Division into wards.
  1. The governing board may divide any municipal corporation into as many wards as it may deem necessary.
§ 6-54-102. Redistricting into new wards.
  1. Municipalities may redistrict into new wards whenever, for proper reasons, they deem it expedient so to do.
§ 6-54-103. Owning real estate outside limits.
  1. All municipal corporations may, for corporate purposes, hold real estate beyond their limits.
§ 6-54-104. Regulation of electrical work.
  1. All incorporated cities, towns, and villages, however formed, are empowered to regulate the business of electricians and electrical work in such cities, towns, or villages, and to enforce efficiency of same, and to that end to pass all ordinances necessary to carry out and enforce the powers delegated.
§ 6-54-105. Regulation of sale of commodities.
  1. All corporate towns may pass laws to require articles usually sold by dry or heaped measure, to be sold by weight, within their corporate limits.
§ 6-54-106. Regulation of powder magazines.
  1. The governing body of any incorporated municipality may authorize the building of powder magazines at any safe and prudent distance from the limits of the corporation. When it gives such authority, it shall be by order upon its records, designating and appointing the places within its county where such magazines may be erected, in which it shall be lawful to deposit and keep gunpowder. The corporate authorities shall adopt such regulations in regard to the construction of such magazines as may, in their opinion, best secure the community from danger.
§ 6-54-107. Interest of officer in municipal contracts prohibited.
  1. (a) No person holding office under any municipal corporation shall, during the time for which such person was elected or appointed, be capable of contracting with such corporation for the performance of any work that is to be paid for out of the treasury. Nor shall such person be capable of holding or having any other direct interest in such a contract. “Direct interest” means any contract with any business in which the official is the sole proprietor, a partner, or the person having the controlling interest. “Controlling interest” includes the individual with the ownership or control of the largest number of outstanding shares owned by any single individual or corporation.
  2. (b) No officer in a municipality shall be indirectly interested in any contract to which the municipality is a party unless the officer publicly acknowledges such officer's interest. “Indirectly interested” means any contract in which the officer is interested but not directly so, but includes contracts where the officer is directly interested but is the sole supplier of goods or services in a municipality.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) Any member of a local governing body of a municipality who is also an employee of the same municipality may vote on matters in which such member has a conflict of interest if the member informs the governing body immediately prior to the vote as follows:
      1. “Because I am an employee of (name of governmental unit), I have a conflict of interest in the proposal about to be voted. However, I declare that my argument and my vote answer only to my conscience and to my obligation to my constituents and the citizens this body represents.”
    2. (2) In the event a member of a local governing body of a municipality has a conflict of interest in a matter to be voted upon by the body, the member may abstain for cause by announcing such to the presiding officer. Any member of a local governing body of a municipality who abstains from voting for cause on any issue coming to a vote before the body shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a majority vote.
    3. (3) The vote of any person having a conflict of interest who does not inform the governing body of such conflict as provided in subdivision (c)(1) shall be void if challenged in a timely manner. As used in this subdivision (c)(3), “timely manner” means during the same meeting at which the vote was cast and prior to the transaction of any further business by the body.
    4. (4) Nothing in this subsection (c) alters, amends, or otherwise affects § 12-4-101(a). In the event of any conflict between this subsection (c) and § 12-4-101(a), § 12-4-101(a) shall prevail.
    5. (5) The legislative body of any metropolitan form of government or charter form of government may opt out of this subsection (c) by resolution.
§ 6-54-108. Penalty for unlawful interest of officer.
  1. Every officer of such corporation who shall unlawfully be concerned in making such contract, or who shall unlawfully pay money upon the same to or for any person declared incapable in § 6-54-107, shall forfeit the amount so paid; and such officer shall be jointly and severally liable to an action for the same, which action may be prosecuted by any citizen of the corporation in its name.
§ 6-54-109. Municipal control of utilities.
  1. It is not lawful for:
    1. (1) Any corporation chartered or authorized to build or operate, or operating, a street railway, whether by steam, electricity, or otherwise;
    2. (2) Any corporation chartered or authorized to manufacture or furnish, or furnishing gas, electricity, or other substance for the lighting of the streets or public places of any town or city, or for the use or consumption by the inhabitants of such town or city; or
    3. (3) Any corporation chartered or authorized to supply, or supplying, any town or city or the inhabitants thereof with water;
    4. to acquire the franchises or property of any similar corporation carrying on its operations with any city or town, or partly in such city or town and in the territory adjacent to same, by consolidation, purchase, lease or other mode, except only by and with the permission and consent, expressed officially in writing, of the municipal government of the city or town in which the corporation whose franchises or property is being acquired carries on its business, wholly or in part, and then only upon such terms and conditions as the municipal government may prescribe; provided, that such terms and conditions shall not violate any law.
§ 6-54-110. Oil and natural gas — Powers and duties.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a municipality, its agencies or divisions thereof, may within or without the state engage in investigating, exploring, prospecting, drilling, and mining for and producing natural gas and oil and mineral by-products thereof, and construct the appropriate facilities to produce, save, take care of, maintain, treat and transport natural gas and oil and mineral by-products thereof, or to contract for same with any person, federal agency, municipality or public or private corporation.
  2. (b) No municipality, its agencies, or division thereof, is granted any additional power of eminent domain to carry out this section.
§ 6-54-111. Appropriation of funds for nonprofit organizations.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) The legislative body of each municipality may appropriate funds for the financial aid of any nonprofit charitable organization or any nonprofit civic organization in accordance with the guidelines required by subsection (b).
    2. (2)
      1. (A) For the purposes of this section, “nonprofit charitable organization” is one in which no part of the net earnings inures or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual and that provides year-round services benefiting the general welfare of the residents of the municipalities.
      2. (B) For the purposes of this section, “nonprofit civic organization” means a civic organization exempt from taxation pursuant to § 501(c)(4) or (c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(4), (c)(6)), which operates primarily for the purpose of bringing about civic betterments and social improvements through efforts to maintain and increase employment opportunities in the municipality by promoting industry, trade, commerce, tourism and recreation by inducing manufacturing, industrial, governmental, educational, financial, service, commercial, recreational, and agricultural enterprises to locate in or remain in the municipality. The statement of public policy set forth in Acts 1955, ch. 209, § 3 is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this section, and it is hereby determined and declared that appropriations authorized by this section are needed to relieve the emergency created by the continuing migration from Tennessee and its municipalities of a large number of its citizens in order to find employment elsewhere, and to enable the municipalities of the state to assist nonprofit organizations in furthering the economic development, social welfare, and common good of its residents.
  2. (b) The comptroller of the treasury shall devise standard procedures to assist a municipality in the disposition of funds that are appropriated under this section. Each legislative body of a municipality shall devise guidelines directing for what purpose the appropriated money may be spent. These guidelines shall provide generally that any funds appropriated shall be used to promote the general welfare of the residents of the municipality. Any funds appropriated under this section shall be used and expended under the direction and control of the legislative body of a municipality in conjunction with the guidelines and procedures of the comptroller of the treasury.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) Any nonprofit organization that desires financial assistance from a municipality shall file with the city clerk a copy of an annual report of its business affairs and transactions that includes, but is not limited to:
      1. (A) Either a copy of the entity's most recently completed annual audit or an annual report detailing all receipts and expenditures in a form prescribed by the comptroller of the treasury and prepared and certified by the chief financial officer of such nonprofit organization;
      2. (B) A description of the program that serves the residents of the municipality; and
      3. (C) The proposed use of the municipal assistance.
    2. (2) The report filed pursuant to subdivision (c)(1) shall be open for public inspection during regular business hours of the city clerk's office.
    3. (3) Financial reports shall be available to fiscal officers of the municipality and shall be subject to audit under § 6-56-105.
  4. (d) Appropriations to nonprofit organizations other than charitable organizations may be made only once notices have been published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality of the intent to make an appropriation to a nonprofit, but not charitable, organization specifying the intended amount of the appropriation and the purposes for which the appropriation will be spent.
§ 6-54-112. Mayors and commissioners — Substitutes to serve on boards, etc.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Any mayor or full-time commissioner of a municipality who serves on a municipal, county, regional board, commission, or authority or development district board, in an appointed, elected, or ex officio capacity, may from time to time designate a person qualified to hold the official's office, a professional staff member of the municipality with appropriate training, or a member of the municipality's governing body to sit in the municipal official's place on the board, commission, or authority.
    2. (2) Any such designee has the same immunities and powers, including the power to vote, as are otherwise conferred on the elected municipal official on the board, commission, or authority.
    3. (3) No such designee may cast more than one (1) vote.
    4. (4) At any meeting attended by the elected municipal official, only the elected municipal official, and not the designee, shall exercise voting power.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Subsection (a) shall not be applicable when there is a charter, private act, ordinance, or general law provision providing for a substitute for the local government official, nor shall subsection (a) apply to boards, commissions, or authorities whose members are appointed by the governor.
    2. (2) Subsection (a) shall not apply to the members of local boards of education.
§ 6-54-113. Removal of vegetation and debris from certain lots.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) “Municipality,” as used in this section, includes incorporated cities and towns and metropolitan governments.
    2. (2) The authority provided in this section is permissive and not mandatory and may or may not be exercised by a municipality, as each municipality deems appropriate.
  2. (b) If it is determined by the appropriate department or person as designated by the governing body of a municipality that any owner of record of real property has created, maintained or permitted to be maintained on such property the growth of trees, vines, grass, underbrush or the accumulation of debris, trash, litter, or garbage, or any combination of the preceding elements, so as to endanger the health, safety or welfare of other citizens or to encourage the infestation of rats and other harmful animals, the appropriate department or person shall provide notice to the owner of record to remedy the condition immediately. The notice shall be given by United States mail, addressed to the last known address of the owner of record. When an attempt at notification by United States mail fails or no valid last known address exists for the owner of record, the municipality may publish the notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the property sits for no less than two (2) consecutive issues or personally deliver the notice to the owner of record. For purposes of this section, such publication shall constitute receipt of notice effective on the date of the second publication of the notice and personal delivery shall constitute receipt of notice immediately upon delivery. The notice shall state that the owner of the property is entitled to a hearing. The notice shall be written in plain language and shall also include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
    1. (1) A brief statement of this section, which shall contain the consequences of failing to remedy the noted condition;
    2. (2) The person, office, address and telephone number of the department or person giving notice;
    3. (3) A cost estimate for remedying the noted condition, which shall be in conformity with the standards of cost in the community; and
    4. (4) A place wherein the notified party may return a copy of the notice, indicating the desire for a hearing.
  3. (c)
    1. (1)
      1. (A) If the person fails or refuses to remedy the condition within ten (10) days after receiving the notice, the appropriate department or person shall immediately cause the condition to be remedied or removed at a cost in conformity with reasonable standards and the cost thereof assessed against the owner of the property. The municipality may collect the costs assessed against the owner through an action for debt filed in any court of competent jurisdiction. The municipality may bring one (1) action for debt against more than one (1) or all of the owners of properties against whom such costs have been assessed, and the fact that multiple owners have been joined in one (1) action shall not be considered by the court as a misjoinder of parties. Upon the filing of the notice with the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the property lies, the costs shall be a lien on the property in favor of the municipality, second only to liens of the state, county and municipality for taxes, any lien of the municipality for special assessments, and any valid lien, right or interest in such property duly recorded or duly perfected by filing, prior to the filing of such notice. These costs shall be collected by the municipal tax collector or county trustee at the same time and in the same manner as property taxes are collected. If the owner fails to pay the costs, they may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as delinquent property taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same penalty and interest as delinquent property taxes.
      2. (B) When the owner of an owner-occupied residential property fails or refuses to remedy the condition within ten (10) days after receiving the notice, the appropriate department or person shall immediately cause the condition to be remedied or removed at a cost in accordance with reasonable standards in the community, with these costs to be assessed against the owner of the property. Subdivision (c)(1)(A) shall apply to the collection of costs against the owner of an owner-occupied residential property, except that the municipality shall wait until cumulative charges for remediation equal or exceed five hundred dollars ($500) before filing the notice with the register of deeds and the charges becoming a lien on the property. After this threshold has been met and the lien attaches, charges for costs for which the lien attached are collectible as provided in subdivision (c)(1)(A) for these charges.
    2. (2) If the person who is the owner of record is a carrier engaged in the transportation of property or is a utility transmitting communications, electricity, gas, liquids, steam, sewerage or other materials, the ten-day period specified in subdivision (a)(1) shall be twenty (20) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
    3. (3) As an alternative to the remedies provided in subdivision (c)(1)(A), if the owner of record of real property, including owner-occupied residential real property, fails or refuses to remedy the condition after receiving the notice described in subsection (b) within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice, or twenty (20) days of receipt of the notice when the owner of record is a carrier engaged in the transportation of property or is a utility transmitting communications, electricity, gas, liquids, steam, sewerage, or other materials, the municipality may bill the owner the costs to remedy or remove the condition, in the same manner as municipal real property taxes and add the amount on the real property tax notice sent to the owner. If this remedy is used by a municipality, the amount billed to the property owner shall not constitute a lien on any affected property or accrue penalties or interest for late payment. Any municipality that adds such costs to the real property tax notices shall bear all expenses related to system modifications necessary to add the costs to the notices.
  4. (d)
    1. (1) The municipal governing body or the appropriate department, or both, may make any rules and regulations necessary for the administration and enforcement of this section. The municipality shall provide for a hearing upon request of the person aggrieved by the determination made pursuant to subsection (b). A request for a hearing shall be made within ten (10) days following the receipt of the notice issued pursuant to subsection (b). Failure to make the request within this time shall without exception constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing.
    2. (2) Any person aggrieved by an order or act of the board, agency or commission under this subsection (d) may seek judicial review of the order or act. The time period established in subsection (c) shall be stayed during the pendency of a hearing.
  5. (e) The provisions of this section are in addition and supplemental to, and not in substitution for, similar authority in any municipality's charter or other applicable law.
  6. (f) In the event a privately owned cemetery would otherwise meet the requirements of this section, and if a Boy Scout troop or other organization were to remedy the conditions existing on such property, the municipality shall be prohibited from filing a lien against such property for the value of the work performed by such organization. Such organization shall be immune from any legal action for damages, and no cause of action for civil or criminal liability may be brought by the owner of record of the cemetery or descendants of those buried in the cemetery against such organization, so long as reasonable care is taken by such organization not to violate § 46-2-105, § 46-3-108 [repealed], or any other provision of law, rule or regulation.
  7. (g)
    1. (1) As used in this subsection (g):
      1. (A) “Community organization” means a community-oriented organization or group including, but not limited to, a school group, church youth group, neighborhood preservation nonprofit corporation, or community support group; and
      2. (B) “Vacant property” means property on which no building exists or on which a building exists but any such building is no longer utilized for any business, commercial or residential purposes.
    2. (2) Except as provided in subsection (f), if a person fails to remedy the condition on vacant property within the time period prescribed by subsection (c), subject to any stay as provided in subsection (d), upon the adoption of a resolution by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the municipal legislative body of any municipality located in any county having a population in excess of eight hundred thousand (800,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, to implement this subsection (g) within any such municipality, a community organization shall be entitled to petition the municipality to enter upon such vacant property to remedy the conditions identified in subsection (b). Upon the filing of such a petition, the municipality is authorized to contract with such community organization for such purposes. The contract shall provide for the manner in which the community organization shall be compensated for remedying the conditions pursuant to such contract. Any municipality that contracts with a community organization for such purposes shall be absolutely immune from any liability to any and all persons and for damage to the vacant property for conditions remedied by the community organization. No monetary liability and no cause of action of any nature shall arise against the municipality for acts of omission or commission of such community organization for conditions remedied pursuant to such contract.
§ 6-54-114. Municipal civil service board — Members — Qualifications — Appointment.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any municipal charter to the contrary, each member of a municipal civil service board shall be a domiciled resident of the municipality that the board serves for at least one (1) year prior to appointment. During a member's term of office, no such member shall engage in any type of business with the municipality or any employee of such municipality.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding any municipal charter or ordinance to the contrary, all members of any municipal civil service board in any county with a population greater than three hundred thousand (300,000), created by ordinance or charter, shall be appointed by the mayor of the municipality which the board serves. Such appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the municipal legislative body. At least one (1) member shall be a woman and one (1) member shall be a minority citizen.
  3. (c) This section shall not apply to municipalities with a mayor-aldermen form of government.
§ 6-54-115. Exemption of property from seizure.
  1. The public property of every municipality, of every character and description, used for strictly municipal purposes, is exempt from seizure by attachment, execution or other legal process; nor shall municipal funds in the hands of its treasurer or depository be subject to garnishment or other legal process, except as is elsewhere provided. There shall be no priority, by pledge of property or taxes, given to creditors.
§ 6-54-116. Joint building inspectors in certain municipalities.
  1. (a) Two (2) or more municipalities, neither of which exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) in population, may engage jointly one (1) building inspector, and make an agreement specifying how this inspector shall be paid for the services and how the inspector's time or services shall be allocated to the respective municipalities. Municipalities shall have this authority regardless of any other law or charter provision to the contrary.
  2. (b) “Municipalities” means incorporated cities and towns.
§ 6-54-117. Construction of entertainment facilities.
  1. All municipal corporations have the power and are authorized to purchase land and install therein roads and streets and water, sewer, electric and other utilities for the purpose of aiding in the construction and development therein of performance halls, auditoriums, theaters, or other entertainment facilities, and to issue their bonds or notes to finance in whole or in part the costs of such land and improvements, in accordance with and subject to the requirements of title 9, chapter 21, and title 13, chapter 16, and to exercise all the powers set forth therein as it relates to such construction and development.
§ 6-54-118. Municipal relationships with industrial development corporations.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a municipality may appropriate funds, which may be funds borrowed by the municipality under applicable law, for the purpose of making a loan, with reasonable interest assessed, or a contribution to an eligible industrial development corporation, as defined in subsection (c), for the purpose of economic development or industrial development, or both. In counties recognized by the department of economic and community development as tier 3 or tier 4 counties, economic development, for purposes of this section, includes providing incentives in a manner approved by the governing body of the municipality to promote the development of single-family housing.
    2. (2) Without limiting subdivision (a)(1), a municipality may also agree, for the period of time that the municipality may determine pursuant to an interlocal agreement entered into under § 12-9-104, that relates to the joint development or operation of an industrial park or a business park, to contribute to any eligible industrial development corporation that is identified in the interlocal agreement as the entity responsible for the development or operation of the industrial park or business park an amount equal to the property taxes that the municipality receives with respect to the property, including personal property, located within the industrial park or business park.
    3. (3) Any amounts contributed to an industrial development corporation pursuant to subdivision (a)(2) shall be deemed revenues of the industrial development corporation, which may be used for any lawful purpose of the industrial development corporation.
    4. (4) Without limiting subdivisions (a)(1)-(3), any industrial development corporation that is identified in an interlocal agreement as the entity responsible for the development or operation of an industrial park or business park shall be authorized to distribute to any municipality that is a party to the interlocal agreement any revenues received by the industrial development corporation with respect to the industrial park or business park that are in excess of the amounts that are needed to pay the expenses of developing and operating the industrial park or business park.
  2. (b) Without limiting the authorization provided under any otherwise applicable law, on or before 11:59 p.m., January 1, 2012, a municipality located in a tier 3 enhancement county as defined in § 67-4-2109(a)(2) as of June 1, 2011, acting through the authorization of the board of public utilities or other board or supervisory body having responsibility for the electric department or gas department of the municipality, may loan funds from the electric department or gas department to an eligible industrial development corporation for the purpose of economic development or industrial development, or both; provided, that:
    1. (1) Prior to making any loan pursuant to this subsection (b), the municipality shall submit the loan agreement to the comptroller of the treasury, or the comptroller's designee, for approval based upon a review of the financial condition of the electric or gas department, the department's available reserves, the collateral provided to the department, and the terms and conditions of the loan documents; and
    2. (2) The principal amount of any loan made pursuant to this subsection (b) shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).
  3. (c) For purposes of this section:
    1. (1) “Eligible industrial development corporation” means:
      1. (A) Any industrial development corporation incorporated in the county in which the municipality is located;
      2. (B) Any industrial development corporation formed jointly by the municipality and other municipalities pursuant to § 7-53-104(b); and
      3. (C) Any industrial development corporation that has been identified in an interlocal agreement to which a municipality is a party as the entity that will be responsible for the development or operation of an industrial park or business park; and
    2. (2) “Municipality” shall have the same meaning as in § 7-53-101.
§ 6-54-119. Building safety and other standardized codes incorporated by reference — Citations.
  1. (a) If the legislative body of any municipality or any agency or instrumentality thereof incorporates by reference a building code, safety and health code, or any other standardized code or document, a copy of such code or document shall be obtained and retained as a public record by the respective legislative body, agency or instrumentality.
  2. (b) If any person is cited by the municipal legislative body or any agency or instrumentality thereof as having violated a building code, safety and health code, or any other standardized code or document that has been incorporated by reference pursuant to subsection (a), a notation shall be included in such citation identifying with specificity where a copy of the respective code or document is located and the hours during which such person has the opportunity to read or inspect such code or document.
§ 6-54-120. Municipal clerk certifications.
  1. (a) After July 1, 1998, a municipality that employs an officer or employee responsible for exercising any of the duties of municipal clerk or municipal recorder, as specified in the municipal charter, or any of the duties listed in subdivision (a)(1), shall have one (1) such person obtain certification upon meeting the qualifications for certification established by the secretary of state; provided, that a municipality shall have four (4) years to ensure that any officer or employee responsible for exercising any of the duties of municipal clerk or recorder and who was hired after July 1, 1994, meets those qualifications.
    1. (1) Examples of duties commonly exercised by municipal recorders and clerks include, but are not limited to:
      1. (A) Taking the minutes and keeping a record of business transacted at meetings of the legislative body;
      2. (B) Preserving the minutes in permanent form;
      3. (C) Acting as custodian of and preserving the public records of the city, including original copies of ordinances, minutes of the legislative body, contracts, bonds, title deeds, and other official papers, records and documents; and
      4. (D) Providing copies and certifying copies of official records, papers and documents.
    2. (2) In municipalities where more than one (1) person is responsible for exercising the duties listed in subdivision (a)(1), one (1) person in each municipality shall obtain certification. More than one (1) municipal employee or officer may become certified.
  2. (b) Any person who is licensed to practice law in the state of Tennessee and who satisfies the continuing legal education requirement in Supreme Court Rule 21 is exempt from the certification requirements of this section. Any person who is a certified public accountant holding a certificate as provided in § 62-1-106 or § 62-1-107 is exempt from the certification requirements of this section. Any person who has been appointed or is acting in the capacity of a city manager or administrator and who possesses a Masters of Arts degree in public administration shall also be exempt from the certification requirements of this section. In addition, any person is exempt from initial certification if such person has served as both a city judge and city recorder for at least twenty-five (25) years.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) The secretary of state shall establish the qualifications for certification in rules and regulations in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, and in consultation with the Tennessee association of municipal clerks and recorders. Certification requires at least one hundred (100) hours of education courses.
    2. (2) The required education hours may include a credit of twenty-five (25) hours for an Associate of Arts or Science degree and a credit of fifty (50) hours for a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree; provided, that such credit is given for only one (1) degree.
    3. (3) In addition, completion of any course approved for continuing education credit may be applied to satisfy the required education hours.
  4. (d) The secretary of state shall recognize and accept certification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks as satisfying the certification requirements of this part.
  5. (e) To retain certification, a certified officer or employee shall be required to attend a minimum of eighteen (18) hours of continuing education courses every three (3) years.
  6. (f) Any courses offered in conjunction with the University of Tennessee municipal technical advisory service and center for government training shall be offered in each grand division of the state.
  7. (g) Hours of training may be earned toward certification by using self-teaching computer programs as approved by the secretary of state.
  8. (h) This section shall be optional for any municipality having a population of less than one thousand five hundred (1,500), according to the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census. Any such municipality may by ordinance require its recorder or clerk, or both, to obtain certification as required by this section.
§ 6-54-121. Development by municipalities for resale prohibited — Exceptions.
  1. (a) No municipality shall have, or acquire by private act or amendment to a charter, the power to acquire undeveloped real property for the purpose of development or subdivision into residential lots for resale.
  2. (b) Subsection (a) shall not affect any power that a municipality may have by general law or private act to engage in slum clearance or the redevelopment of blighted areas, or the construction or development of subsidized low or moderate income housing under state or federal law.
  3. (c) As used in this section “municipality” includes incorporated towns or cities, metropolitan governments, or counties.
§ 6-54-122. Eminent domain — Notice to counties — Vote by county legislative body — Review.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a municipality, in exercising its powers of eminent domain pursuant to title 29, chapters 16 and 17, or in any other manner provided by law, to condemn unincorporated territory that is located in any county where any part of the municipality was not located prior to May 1, 1995, shall first notify, in writing, the county clerk of the county where the territory proposed to be taken for public use is located. The county clerk shall immediately send a copy of the notice to the county mayor and to the members of the county legislative body. The county legislative body shall approve or disapprove the municipality's proposed action no later than its next regularly scheduled meeting and may hold a special meeting for this purpose. If the county legislative body takes no action or approves the municipality's action, the municipality may proceed with its proposed action. If the county legislative body disapproves the municipality's action, the municipality may not proceed, except as provided in this section. This section shall not apply to any condemnation proceedings for territories that lie within the corporate boundaries of the municipality, nor to any condemnation proceedings in a county where any part of the municipality was located prior to May 1, 1995.
  2. (b) A vote of disapproval by the county legislative body shall not be arbitrary or capricious, but shall be based upon its reasonable consideration of the impact of the proposed action upon the county, including, but not limited to, consideration of any materials or evidence that may be presented to it at such meeting by any interested party, including the municipality proposing such action.
  3. (c) The action of the county legislative body in connection with the disapproval of any order of any kind may be reviewed by statutory writ of certiorari, with the court examining the action to see if it meets the standard of subsection (b). The municipality shall address the petition of certiorari to the chancery court of the county in which the territory in question is located. The trial of the case shall be expedited by giving it priority over all cases on the trial docket, except workers' compensation cases. If the court finds that the county legislative body's disapproval was arbitrary or capricious, it shall enter an order allowing the municipality to proceed.
  4. (d) Immediately upon the grant of the writ of certiorari, the county legislative body making the disapproval shall cause to be made, certified and forwarded to the court a complete transcript of the proceedings before the county legislative body.
  5. (e) This section shall be the sole remedy and exclusive method of review of any action that may have been taken by the county legislative body. The Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure shall be applicable in connection with such review. Any party dissatisfied with the decree of the court may, upon giving bond as required in other cases, appeal, where the cause shall be heard upon the transcript of the records from the chancery court.
  6. (f) This section shall not apply to the exercise of the powers of eminent domain by a municipality insofar as such powers are exercised to acquire interests in property to be used directly or indirectly for the benefit of the operations of a municipal utility including, without limitation, electric utility services, gas utility services, water utility services, sewer utility services, storm water management services, telecommunication utility services, and any facility or equipment deemed by the municipal utility to be necessary for the provision of any one (1) or more of the foregoing utility services.
  7. (g) This section shall not apply to the exercise of the power of eminent domain by a metropolitan government that:
    1. (1) Is acquiring interests in property to be used directly or indirectly in the provision of utility service or storm water management;
    2. (2) Is undertaking a joint public project that is approved by the county or counties through an interlocal agreement or other contract; or
    3. (3) Undertakes a public project or improvement to be located on property contiguous to the county's boundary, but primarily inside the metropolitan government, and additional land located within the county is needed to satisfy zoning requirements.
  8. (h) This section shall not apply to or affect in any way the exercise of the power of eminent domain governed by title 42, chapter 5, affecting county and municipal airports.
  9. (i) This section shall not apply to any project jointly sponsored by a municipality and the governing body of the county in which the proposed project is to be located.
§ 6-54-123. Personnel policies.
  1. On or before July 1, 1998, any municipality, incorporated before June 13, 1997, that has not adopted a personnel policy by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise, shall adopt such a policy that applies fairly, impartially, and uniformly, to the extent practicable, to each department of the municipal government. The policy may include, but not be limited to, hiring procedures, benefits, personnel rules and regulations, fair and reasonable complaint conferences and hearing procedures for employees dismissed, demoted, or suspended; procedures for compliance with federal laws such as, but not limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq.), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.); drug and alcohol testing policy; and a sexual harassment policy. The policy may not grant a property right or contract right to the job to any employee. The municipality may work with the University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service, in cooperation with the Tennessee Municipal League, in developing its policy. A copy of the resolution or ordinance adopting the policy, or its caption, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality before final adoption of the policy. A copy of the personnel policy as required by this section shall be kept in the office of the city recorder or clerk and made available to an employee on request. Any municipality incorporated after June 13, 1997, shall have two (2) years after incorporation to adopt and implement a personnel policy pursuant to this section.
§ 6-54-124. Community development block grant funds — Payments in lieu of property taxes — Reports of expenditures.
  1. (a) A municipality that is the recipient of community development block grant funds shall make a report concerning the expenditure of such funds. The municipality shall place a copy of such report in the main branch of the public library located within the boundaries of the municipality. A municipality that permits access to public information through the Internet may also place such report on the municipality's homepage.
  2. (b) A municipality or an industrial development corporation formed by such municipality that is a party to an agreement that involves a payment in lieu of property taxes shall make a report concerning such agreement and the expenditure of such funds. The municipality shall place a copy of such report in the main branch of the public library located within the boundaries of the municipality. A municipality that permits access to public information through the Internet may also place such report on the municipality's homepage.
§ 6-54-125. Municipal officials and employees prohibited from purchasing surplus property, except at public auction — Penalty.
  1. (a) It is unlawful for any municipal official or employee to purchase from the municipality any property declared to be surplus by the municipality, except by bid at public auction during the tenure of such person's office or employment, or for six (6) months thereafter.
  2. (b) A purchaser who violates this section commits a Class A misdemeanor.
§ 6-54-126. Zoning limitations on agricultural land.
  1. For any land that is used for agricultural purposes as of May 10, 1998, a municipality may not use its zoning power to interfere in any way with the use of such land for agricultural purposes as long as the land is used for agricultural purposes.
§ 6-54-127. Graffiti removal — Funds and manpower.
  1. (a) For the purpose of promoting the public safety, health, welfare, convenience and enjoyment, to protect the public investment in public property, and to preserve and enhance the scenic beauty of property visible from publicly owned property, the general assembly hereby finds and declares that graffiti constitutes a public nuisance that may be abated in accordance with this section, or by civil actions or suits brought in the circuit or chancery courts as provided by the general law. The authority provided in this section is permissive and not mandatory and may be exercised by a municipality in accordance with this section upon the adoption of an ordinance.
  2. (b) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Advertising” means any letter, word, name, number, symbol, slogan, message, drawing, picture, writing, or other mark of any kind lawfully placed on property by an owner or tenant of the property, or an agent of such owner or tenant, for the purpose of promoting products or services or conveying information to the public;
    2. (2) “Graffiti” means, without limitation, any letter, word, name, number, symbol, slogan, message, drawing, picture, writing, or other mark of any kind visible to the public that is drawn, painted, chiseled, scratched or etched on a rock, tree, wall, bridge, fence, gate, building or other structure; provided, this definition shall not include advertising or any other letter, word, name, number, symbol, slogan, message, drawing, picture, writing, or other mark of any kind lawfully placed on property by an owner of the property, a tenant of the property, by an authorized agent for such owner or tenant, or unless otherwise approved by the owner or tenant;
    3. (3) “Municipality,” includes incorporated cities and towns and metropolitan governments;
    4. (4) “Publicly owned property” means the property owned or controlled by a federal, state or local governmental entity, including, but not limited to, public parks, streets, roads and sidewalks; and
    5. (5) “Tenant” means any person shown by the records of the register of deed's office as a lessee of property, or any person lawfully in actual physical possession of property.
  3. (c) Any municipality may use municipal funds to remove graffiti or other inscribed material from publicly owned real or personal property or privately owned real or personal property visible from publicly owned property and located within the municipality and to replace or repair publicly owned property or privately owned property visible from publicly owned property within that municipality that has been defaced with graffiti or other inscribed material.
  4. (d) The municipality shall be authorized to remove the graffiti or other inscribed material, or, if the graffiti or other inscribed material cannot be removed cost-effectively, to repair or replace that portion of the property that was defaced, but not the painting, repair, or replacement of other parts of the property that were not defaced by graffiti, and may designate by ordinance an administrative officer or administrative body to perform the functions set forth in this section.
  5. (e)
    1. (1) The removal, repair, or replacement may be performed, in the case of publicly owned real or personal property, only after securing the consent of the public entity having jurisdiction over the property.
    2. (2) In the case of privately owned real or personal property visible from publicly owned property, the removal, repair, or replacement may be performed after the property owner and the tenant, if any, give their written consent to the municipality authorizing removal of the graffiti.
  6. (f) The municipality may also use municipal funds for anti-graffiti education, operate a “hot line” for the purpose of receiving reports of unlawful application of graffiti on public or private property, and operate a program of financial reward, not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person who unlawfully applies graffiti to any public property or private property visible from the public right-of-way.
  7. (g) Removal of graffiti by a municipality pursuant to this section shall be performed at the sole expense of the municipality. In removing the graffiti, the municipality shall consult with the property owner or tenant and arrive at a method of removal that does not result in further damage or harm to the property. If the municipality and the property owner or tenant are unable to agree on a method of removal, the municipality shall not remove the graffiti. In removing the graffiti, the municipality shall restore the property as nearly as possible to the condition as it existed immediately prior to the graffiti being placed on the property. Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair or limit the power of the municipality to define and declare nuisances and to cause their removal or abatement under any procedure now provided by law for the abatement of any public nuisances.
  8. (h) In removing, repairing or replacing the real or personal property pursuant to this section, the municipality or county may use the services of persons ordered to perform those services by a general sessions, criminal or juvenile court.
  9. (i) The municipality and its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and persons ordered to perform nuisance removal by a general sessions, criminal or juvenile court shall not be liable for any damages or loss of property:
    1. (1) Due to the removal of graffiti performed pursuant to this section;
    2. (2) Due to the repair or replacement of the property performed pursuant to this section; or
    3. (3) Due to the failure by the municipality to remove, repair or replace property defaced by graffiti pursuant to this section.
§ 6-54-128. Criminal records of vehicle operators transporting the public — Costs of investigation.
  1. (a) In counties having a population in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, it is hereby declared that access to criminal conviction histories by municipalities that choose to license and regulate persons operating vehicles for hire, or choose to employ persons to transport members of the public, and further choose to disqualify an applicant for a license or a permit, or refuse to hire a person because of a conviction for any specified criminal offense serves a law enforcement purpose. Municipalities that choose to license and regulate persons operating vehicles for hire, or choose to employ persons to transport members of the public, and further choose to disqualify an applicant for a license or a permit, or refuse to hire a person because of a conviction for any specified criminal offense shall require that all applicants for a license or permit to operate a vehicle for hire or employ persons to transport citizens submit a full set of fingerprints and undergo a criminal conviction records investigation through the political subdivision, the Tennessee bureau of investigation or the federal bureau of investigation in accordance with subsection (b).
  2. (b) Upon receipt of an application, the municipality shall:
    1. (1) Conduct a criminal conviction record investigation through computer terminals or other means of access to criminal convictions maintained by the municipality, the Tennessee bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation; and
    2. (2) Forward the applicant's fingerprints to the Tennessee bureau of investigation, which shall verify the identity of the applicant and conduct a criminal conviction record investigation and forward the results of that investigation to the requesting entity.
  3. (c) If no disqualifying record is identified at the political subdivision or state level, the Tennessee bureau of investigation shall forward the fingerprints to the federal bureau of investigation for verification of the applicant's identity and the federal bureau of investigation shall conduct a criminal conviction record investigation using the fingerprints.
  4. (d) The results of criminal conviction record investigations shall be used for the limited purpose of determining the suitability of the applicant for issuance of the license or permit or the suitability of the person for employment with the municipality.
  5. (e) Fingerprints shall be submitted on authorized fingerprint cards or by electronic, machine-readable data, or other suitable technological means.
  6. (f) Any cost incurred in conducting such criminal conviction records investigations shall be paid by the governmental entity making the request. Governmental entities may include such cost as part of any fee charged for the processing of the applicant's license or permit.
§ 6-54-129. Requirements prior to employment with municipality.
  1. (a) Prior to employment with a municipality, the municipality may require all persons to:
    1. (1) Agree to the release of all investigative records to the municipality for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of criminal violation information contained on an employment application; and
    2. (2) Supply a fingerprint sample and submit to a criminal history records check to be conducted by the Tennessee bureau of investigation. In addition, to the extent permitted by federal law, and at the discretion of the municipality, a check of such prints may be made against records maintained by the federal bureau of investigation.
  2. (b) Any costs incurred by the Tennessee bureau of investigation or the federal bureau of investigation, as appropriate, in conducting such investigations of applicants shall be paid by the municipality requesting such investigation and information; provided, that the municipality may require an applicant to pay such costs if the applicant is offered and accepts a position with such municipality. Payment of such costs is to be made in accordance with § 38-6-103.
  3. (c) A municipality may establish the job titles or classifications to which the requirements of this section apply; provided, however, that such classifications shall not supersede any mandatory fingerprint-based criminal history background requirements that may be applicable for any person who is seeking employment in a position in any program subject to licensure, approval or certification by any state agency.
§ 6-54-130. Amateur radio service.
  1. (a) A municipality, including a city and lesser incorporated area, or a county may not enact or enforce an ordinance that does not comply with the ruling of the federal communications commission in “In the Matter of Federal preemption of state and local regulations pertaining to Amateur radio facilities,” 101 FCC 2nd 952 (1985), or a regulation related to amateur radio service adopted under 47 CFR chapter I, subchapter D, part 97.
  2. (b) If a municipality adopts an ordinance involving the placement, screening or height of an amateur antenna based on health, safety, or aesthetic conditions, the ordinance shall:
    1. (1) Reasonably accommodate amateur radio communications; and
    2. (2) Represent the minimal practicable regulation to accomplish the municipality's or county's purpose.
§ 6-54-131. Actively serving county governing members prohibited from serving on a municipal body within the county during the members term — Exceptions.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding another law or private act to the contrary, and upon approval under subsection (c), a member of the governing body of a municipality shall not simultaneously serve as a member of the governing body of any county in which the municipality is located during the member's term of office.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a member of the governing body of a municipality simultaneously serving on the governing body of a county on April 22, 2024, may serve out the remainder of the member's terms of office.
  3. (c) This section applies to a municipality that is located, in whole or in part, in a county with a population of more than two hundred thousand (200,000), according to the 2020 or a subsequent federal census, and that approves this section by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the entire governing body of the municipality.
  4. (d) As used in this section, “municipality” means an incorporated city or town.
§ 6-54-132. Wheel immobilizers.
  1. Municipalities shall be authorized to regulate the commercial use of wheel immobilizers to disable vehicles.
§ 6-54-133. Design review commission — Authority — Members — Appeal of decisions.
  1. Any municipality may create a design review commission (DRC) having the authority to develop general guidelines for the exterior appearance of nonresidential property, multiple family residential property, and any entrance to a nonresidential development within the municipality. The municipal governing body may designate the planning commission as the DRC. When the municipality creates a separate DRC, the mayor shall appoint the members of the DRC from residents of the municipality and shall strive to ensure that the membership is representative of the municipality as a whole, including, if possible, members with either architectural or engineering knowledge, or any other person having experience in nonresidential building. Any property owner affected by the guidelines may appeal a decision of the DRC to the municipality's planning commission or, if there is no planning commission or if the municipality has designated the planning commission as the DRC, to the municipality's governing body.
§ 6-54-134. Sale of surplus property by public auction includes sale by Internet auction.
  1. When a municipality is required by any law to sell surplus property by public auction, “public auction” includes the sale by Internet auction.
§ 6-54-135. Allowing pet dogs in outdoor dining areas at restaurants.
  1. (a) For purposes of this section, “pet dog” means a dog other than a service or guide dog assisting a handicapped person.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding any other prohibition to the contrary, certain jurisdictions, as provided in subsection (c), may, by ordinance or resolution, authorize the presence of pet dogs in outdoor dining areas of restaurants, if the ordinance provides for adequate controls to ensure compliance with the Tennessee Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, compiled in title 53, chapter 1, and any other applicable statutes and ordinances. An ordinance enacted under this section shall provide for a permitting process to authorize individual restaurants to permit dogs as provided in this section and to charge applicants and authorized restaurants a reasonable permit fee as the ordinance may establish. Additionally, the ordinance shall provide that:
    1. (1) No pet dog shall be present in the interior of any restaurant or in any area where food is prepared;
    2. (2) The restaurant shall have the right to refuse to serve the owner of a pet dog if the owner fails to exercise reasonable control over the pet dog or the pet dog is otherwise behaving in a manner that compromises or threatens to compromise the health or safety of any person present in the restaurant;
    3. (3) All public food service establishment employees shall wash their hands promptly after touching, petting or otherwise handling a pet dog. Employees shall be prohibited from touching, petting or otherwise handling pet dogs while serving food or beverages or handling tableware or before entering other parts of the public food service establishment;
    4. (4) Employees and patrons shall be instructed that they shall not allow pet dogs to come into contact with serving dishes, utensils, tableware, linens, paper products or any other items involved in food service operations;
    5. (5) Patrons shall keep their pet dogs on a leash at all times and keep their pet dogs under reasonable control;
    6. (6) Pet dogs shall not be allowed on chairs, tables or other furnishings;
    7. (7) Accidents involving pet dog waste shall be cleaned immediately and the area sanitized with an approved product. A kit with the appropriate materials for this purpose shall be kept near the designated outdoor area;
    8. (8) A sign or signs reminding employees and patrons of the applicable rules shall be posted on the premises in a manner and place as determined by the local permitting authority; and
    9. (9) Pet dogs shall not be permitted to travel through indoor or nondesignated portions of the public food service establishment, and ingress and egress to the designated outdoor portions of the public food establishment shall not require entrance into or passage through any indoor area of the food establishment.
  3. (c)
    1. (1) This section shall apply in a municipality with a population of at least one hundred thousand (100,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent census.
    2. (2) This section shall also apply in a county with a population of at least one hundred thousand (100,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent census.
    3. (3) This section shall also apply in counties having a population, according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent census, of:
      1. 5,5005,600
      2. 11,36911,450
      3. 14,30014,400
      4. 16,60016,700
      5. 38,20038,300
      6. 39,20039,300
      7. 48,00048,100
      8. 56,70056,800
      9. 71,10071,200
      10. 105,800105,900
§ 6-54-136. Archives and record management fee.
  1. (a) Any city or town may establish and collect, through all entities creating public records, except for the office of the county register, an archives and record management fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per record filed.
  2. (b) Any city or town may establish and collect through the clerks of court, an archives and record management fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per public record for the purpose of initiating a legal proceeding.
  3. (c) Funds collected though these fees must be designated exclusively for duplicating, storing and maintaining any records required by law to be permanently kept.
§ 6-54-137. Protection from infringement of name of municipality and any visual images adopted by municipality.
  1. (a) Any municipality has the exclusive right to use:
    1. (1) The full corporate name of the municipality as stated in the municipality's charter or as otherwise officially adopted by the municipality; and
    2. (2) Any seal, insignia, flag, coat of arms, emblem, sign, logo or other visual image that has been formally adopted by the municipality.
    3. (b) A municipality may file a civil action against a party who, without the consent of the municipality, uses:
      1. (1) Any visual image described in subdivision (a)(2) for the purpose of trade or commerce, to induce the sale of any goods or services, or to promote any public exhibition, performance, competition or similar activity; or
      2. (2) The name of the municipality as described in subdivision (a)(1), any visual image described in subdivision (a)(2), or any words, combination of words or visual representation tending to cause confusion or mistake, to deceive, or to falsely suggest a connection with or endorsement by the municipality. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a variation of the name of the municipality may be used by any organization composed of employees of the municipality.
      3. (c)
        1. (1) In the event that the actions of any person give rise to a cause of action pursuant to subsection (b), the municipality may seek to enjoin the manufacture, use, display or sale of a protected name or image, and any court of competent jurisdiction may grant an injunction to restrain such manufacture, use, display or sale as such court may deem just and reasonable. Upon finding that a defendant has violated a municipality's exclusive rights of use pursuant to this section, the court may order that the defendant pay to such municipality all profits derived from the unauthorized manufacture, use, display or sale and all damages suffered by reason of such acts. If the court finds that the defendant's acts constitute a willful or knowing violation, or that the defendant otherwise acted in bad faith, the court, in its discretion, may enter judgment in favor of the municipality in an amount not to exceed three (3) times the amount of the defendant's profits and the municipality's damages, plus reasonable attorneys' fees.
        2. (2) The enumeration of any right or remedy in this section shall not affect a municipality's right to prosecute an offender under any other law of this state.
      4. (d) Any municipal mayor or mayor's designee may authorize, in writing, contributors, suppliers of goods and services, or other third parties to use the name of the municipality as described in subdivision (a)(1) or a visual image as described in subdivision (a)(2); provided, that such authorization shall not be granted or denied in an arbitrary or capricious manner.
      5. (e) Notwithstanding this section to the contrary, any business entity or civic organization that was using the corporate or officially adopted name of any municipality in such entity's or organization's own name immediately prior to July 1, 2010, shall be permitted to continue such use whether or not the municipality that claims an exclusive right to use such name consents to the use of such name by the entity or organization so long as the entity or organization maintains its legal existence and the use of such name by the entity or organization is continuous.
      6. (f) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit any elected municipal official from using the name or visual image of the municipality in the performance of such official's duties.
§ 6-54-138. Changing the date by ordinance of municipal elections to coincide with general election.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any private act of a municipality to the contrary, the legislative body of a municipality may by ordinance change the date of municipal elections to coincide with the August or November general election. The ordinance changing the election date shall provide for the extension of the terms of members of the legislative body of the municipality necessary to meet the election date, but no term may be extended for more than two (2) years beyond its regular expiration date. If an action is taken pursuant to this subsection (a), the presiding officer of the legislative body shall file a certified copy of the ordinance with the state coordinator of elections.
  2. (b) Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to remove any incumbent from office or abridge the term of any incumbent prior to the end of the term for which an elected official was selected.
  3. (c) If the legislative body of a municipality changes the date of municipal elections pursuant to subsection (a), the legislative body may at a later date change the election date back to what such date was prior to moving the election date to coincide with the August or November general election. The legislative body may only make a change under this subsection (c) one (1) time. Terms of incumbent members of the legislative body shall not be abridged to accomplish an election date change under this subsection (c); however, members elected at a date change pursuant to this subsection (c) may take office at a later date so as to not abridge terms of incumbent members of the legislative body. If such members take office at a later date, their term may be abridged due to such members having to take office at the later date.
§ 6-54-139. Action or proceeding to set aside the charter of municipality or to challenge the legality of the municipality's existence.
  1. (a) If a municipality:
    1. (1) Contains the minimum number of persons as actual residents of the municipality required pursuant to the general law charter under which it incorporates;
    2. (2) Has continuously functioned as a municipality pursuant to its charter since its incorporation; and
    3. (3) Has levied a municipal property tax,
    4. then any action or proceeding in any court to set aside the charter of such municipality or to otherwise challenge the legality of the municipality's existence as a political subdivision of this state must be commenced within ten (10) years of the date the municipality was first incorporated.
  2. (b) This section shall apply to any municipality meeting the requirements of this section incorporated prior to or on or after June 10, 2011.
  3. (c) With respect to any municipality which meets the requirements of this section, whether in existence ten (10) or more years on June 10, 2011, or after June 10, 2011, the adoption of the charter, the incorporation of territory as a municipality pursuant to the general laws of this state and the election of officials of such municipality are hereby ratified and validated in all respects; and no flaw or defect or failure to comply with any requirement of incorporation shall invalidate the territory's status as an incorporated municipality or invalidate any ordinance passed by the governing body of the municipality.
§ 6-54-140. Authority for municipal governments to display historic documents on public buildings and grounds.
  1. Each city and town is authorized to display, in municipal public buildings and on municipal public grounds, replicas of historical documents, including, but not limited to, the Ten Commandments, Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Constitution of Tennessee, and other such historically significant documents in the form of statues, monuments, memorials, tablets, or any other display that respects the dignity and solemnity of such documents.
§ 6-54-141. Fees to be adjudged as part of costs — Disbursement of fees.
  1. (a) As provided in § 38-6-103, the following fees shall be adjudged as a part of the costs in each case upon conviction of the following offenses:
    1. (1) Controlled substances, narcotics, drugs $ 20.00
    2. (2) Driving a motor vehicle, or operating a boat while under the influence of intoxicants and/or drugs, except as provided in § 55-10-413(d) 17.50
    3. (3) Certification of criminal histories and records Amount fixed by the federal bureau of investigation
    4. (4) Upon the forfeiture of a cash bond or other surety entered as a result of a municipal traffic citation, whether considered a fine, a bond or a tax 13.75
  2. (b) Such fees shall be in addition to and not in substitution for any and all fines and penalties otherwise provided for by law.
  3. (c) Except when and as provided in this section, the appropriate clerk, after deducting five percent (5%) as compensation when applicable, shall identify those fees set out in subsection (a) that are dedicated for use by the Tennessee bureau of investigation and remit the fees to the state treasury to be expended by the Tennessee bureau of investigation as appropriated by the general assembly. These fees shall be transmitted by the clerk of the court to the state treasurer for deposit in a fund to be used by the Tennessee bureau of investigation for the purpose of employing personnel; for the purchase of equipment and supplies; to pay for the education, training and scientific development of employees; or for any other purpose to allow the bureau’s business to be done in a more efficient and expeditious manner. The moneys received in the fund shall be invested for the benefit of the fund by the state treasurer pursuant to § 9-4-603. Amounts in the fund shall not revert to the general fund of the state, but shall, together with interest income credited to the fund, remain available for expenditure in subsequent fiscal years.
  4. (d) Upon approval of the director of the Tennessee bureau of investigation, local governing bodies which have the responsibility for providing funding for sheriffs' offices and police departments are authorized to purchase from state contracts approved for bureau purchases, scientific instruments designed to examine a person's breath and measure the alcohol content of a person's breath, for use as evidence in the trial of cases; provided, that prior to use of the scientific instruments, such instruments must be delivered to the forensic services division for testing and certification pursuant to § 38-6-103(g). The bureau shall continue to maintain and certify the instruments and operating personnel, pursuant to § 38-6-103(g), and furnish expert testimony in support of the use of the scientific instruments when required.
§ 6-54-142. Contracts and agreements of economic and community development program as public record.
  1. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, any contract or agreement, together with all supporting records and documentation, that obligates public funds as part of a municipality's economic and community development program to assist new and existing businesses and industries in locating or expanding in the municipality is a public record subject to title 10, chapter 7, part 5, and open for public inspection as of the date such contract or agreement is made available to members of the governing body. A governing body shall publicly disclose the proposed contract or agreement in a manner that would adequately notify and fairly inform the public of the proposed contract or agreement before voting on the proposal.
  2. (b) This section does not apply to trade secrets received or maintained by a municipality. All such trade secrets are confidential.
  3. (c) This section does not apply to company documents or records containing marketing information or capital plans that are provided to a municipality with the understanding that they are confidential. Any such document or record is confidential until such time as the provider thereof no longer requires its confidentiality.
  4. (d) As used in this section:
    1. (1) “Capital plans” means plans, feasibility studies, and similar research and information that will contribute to the identification of future business sites and capital investments;
    2. (2) “Marketing information” means marketing studies, marketing analyses, and similar research and information designed to identify potential customers and business relationships; and
    3. (3) “Trade secrets” means manufacturing processes, materials used in manufacturing processes, and costs associated with the manufacturing process of a person or company submitting information to a municipality relating to an opportunity to contract with the municipality.
§ 6-54-143. Attendance of meetings by service members through use of two-way electronic audio-video communication.
  1. (a) By passage of an ordinance, by a two-thirds (⅔) vote, a municipal legislative body may allow a service member who is deployed for thirteen (13) months or less while serving as a member of the municipal legislative body to attend sessions of the body through the use of two-way electronic audio-video communication during the deployment. Attendance by the use of two-way electronic audio-video communication does not prevent the service member from being allowed to vote or drawing pay for attendance. Only one (1) service member at a time may attend and vote in sessions of the body as provided in this subsection (a).
  2. (b) As used in this section, “service member” means a member of the following:
    1. (1) The active and reserve components of the army, navy, air force, marine corps, or coast guard of the United States;
    2. (2) The United States merchant marine;
    3. (3) The commissioned corps of the United States public health service;
    4. (4) The commissioned corps of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration of the United States; or
    5. (5) The national guard of this state.
§ 6-54-144. Ordinance prohibiting or restricting display of flag prohibited — Ordinance regulating manner or placement of flag.
  1. (a) As used in this section, “municipality” means any incorporated town, city, or metropolitan government.
  2. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), a municipality shall not adopt or enforce an ordinance that prohibits or restricts, or has the effect of prohibiting or restricting, a property owner from displaying a flag of the United States of America, a flag of the state of Tennessee, the MIA/POW flag, or an official or replica flag of any branch of the United States armed forces on the property owner's property.
  3. (c) A municipality may adopt and enforce an ordinance that reasonably regulates the manner and placement of the display of a flag of the United States of America, a flag of the state of Tennessee, the MIA/POW flag, or an official or replica flag of any branch of the United States armed forces only when necessary to promote public health and safety.
§ 6-54-145. Municipal notice requirements.
  1. (a) A municipality shall display in the city hall or other building that houses the municipality's seat of local government, a sign at least eleven inches (11″) in height and seventeen inches (17″) in width stating:
  3. (b) If a municipality maintains a website, then the notice required under subsection (a) must be placed prominently on the municipality's website.
  4. (c) As used in this section, “municipality” means an incorporated city or town, or a county with a metropolitan form of government.
§ 6-54-146. Prohibited regulation of business of person under 18 years of age.
  1. (a) As used in this section:
    1. (1) “Business” means any enterprise carried on for the purpose of gain or economic profit; and
    2. (2) “Gross receipts”:
      1. (A) Means all receipts from whatever sources derived before any deductions; and
      2. (B) Does not include tips, gratuities, or other amounts customarily assumed to be intended for the person who has served the customer or client.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a municipality shall not require a license, permit, or any other form of regulation for a business that:
    1. (1) Is operated solely by a person or persons under eighteen (18) years of age;
    2. (2) Is located on private property with the permission of the property owner; and
    3. (3) Generates gross receipts of three thousand dollars ($3,000) or less in a calendar year.
§ 6-54-147. Prohibited regulation of online marketplace.
  1. (a) As used in this section, “online marketplace” means a person or entity that:
    1. (1) Provides for consideration, regardless of whether the consideration is deducted as a fee from the transaction, an online application, software, website, system, or other medium, through which a good or service in this state is advertised or offered to the public as available; and
    2. (2) Directly or indirectly provides or maintains a platform for goods or services by performing the following:
      1. (A) Providing a payment system that facilitates a transaction between two (2) platform users;
      2. (B) Transmitting or otherwise communicating the offer or acceptance of a transaction between two (2) platform users;
      3. (C) Owning or operating the infrastructure, whether electronic or physical, or technology that brings two (2) or more users together;
      4. (D) Providing a virtual currency that users are allowed or required to use to transact; or
      5. (E) Providing software development or research and development activities related to any of the activities described in this subdivision (a)(2).
  2. (b) A municipality shall not:
    1. (1) Regulate the operation of an online marketplace; or
    2. (2) Require an online marketplace to provide personally identifiable information of users without an administrative subpoena or court order.
§ 6-54-148. Energy siting agreements.
  1. (a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Energy project” means energy infrastructure improvements, whether composed of real or personal property, or both, for clean energy or renewable energy as those terms are defined in § 7-51-2401, including all sources listed in §§ 7-51-2403 and 7-51-2404; and
    2. (2) “Energy siting agreement” means a voluntary agreement by and between a municipality and a developer of energy infrastructure improvements approving the siting in the municipality of one (1) or more energy projects upon a finding that such an agreement is in the best interest of the municipality.
  2. (b) A municipality may enter into an energy siting agreement with a developer of an energy project, which agreement takes effect upon approval of the municipal legislative body by resolution and execution by the developer of the energy project.
  3. (c) An energy siting agreement shall specify the following:
    1. (1) The duration of the energy siting agreement;
    2. (2) The proposed tract or tracts of land on which the energy project is proposed to be located;
    3. (3) A description of the proposed energy project together with the nature of any allowable modifications to the described or depicted design of the energy project; and
    4. (4) Any additional terms determined to be necessary by the municipality and the developer.
  4. (d) An energy siting agreement may include reductions in setbacks, vegetative buffers, or other visual screening or fencing requirements that would otherwise be imposed on the energy project under existing applicable municipal ordinances or resolutions based upon site-specific conditions or a written waiver of such requirements by a landowner or landowners of property adjoining the affected tract of land where the energy project is proposed to be located.
  5. (e) Because the characteristics of energy projects may be consistent with agricultural uses, an energy siting agreement may authorize the siting of an energy project in a zoning district intended to be used primarily for agricultural or similar uses or in other rural areas upon a finding by the legislative body of the municipality that the proposed energy project is consistent with present or future agricultural uses in the surrounding area.
  6. (f) Modifications of design standards or conditions included in an energy siting agreement are binding during the vested period on all municipal agencies, boards, and commissions with the power to recommend, approve, or disapprove applications for a special exception, use permitted on appeal, conditional use permit, site plan, building permit, or another similar permit or approval required to site, construct, or operate an energy project in the municipality.
  7. (g) This section does not authorize a municipality to take any action that would constitute a de facto prohibition, as that term is used in § 7-51-2202, of any form of energy project based solely on the failure of an energy project to be the subject of an energy siting agreement.
  8. (h) Except to the extent expressly authorized in this section or another law, an energy siting agreement does not relieve any public agency of actual and timely performance of any obligation or responsibility imposed upon it by law.
Part 2 Advertising
§ 6-54-201. Municipal advertising authorized — Special tax.
  1. (a) Advertising the commercial, social, agricultural, industrial, scenic, recreational, historical, educational, and other advantages, the points of interest and attractions within the various municipalities, and tourist promotion generally are declared to be a municipal purpose.
    1. (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(1), the official governing body of each municipality is authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to appropriate from the general funds of such municipality a sum of money not to exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) per annum for the purpose of advertising the commercial, social, agricultural, industrial, scenic, historical, educational, and other advantages, the points of interest and attractions therein for tourist promotion; provided, that a municipality and county that have consolidated under the metropolitan form of government, or where a municipality and county government have entered into a contractual agreement, the total appropriation may be a sum of money not to exceed sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) per annum. Notwithstanding this subdivision (a)(1), the official governing body of a city whose primary industry is tourism is authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to appropriate from the general funds and/or hotel/motel tax fund of such municipality whatever funds its governing body deems necessary to conduct tourist promotion.
    2. (2) Upon the adoption of an ordinance by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the legislative body of any municipality located in any county having a population of not less than one hundred thirty-four thousand seven hundred (134,700) nor more than one hundred thirty-four thousand eight hundred (134,800), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the official governing body of the municipality is authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to appropriate from the general funds and/or hotel/motel tax fund of the municipality whatever funds its governing body deems necessary to conduct tourist promotion.
  2. (b) The governing body of any municipal corporation is empowered to levy annually a special tax not to exceed two cents (2¢) on each one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of the annual tax aggregate, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a fund for advertising the commercial, social, agricultural, industrial, scenic, historical, and educational advantages of the municipal corporation's community, and any points of interest and attraction, and for such other purposes as the bodies mentioned in this subsection (b), in their discretion, believe will increase the population, value of taxable property, and the general business prospects and the general welfare of their respective municipal corporations.
§ 6-54-202. Expenditure of advertising funds.
  1. The funds provided for in § 6-54-201(b) shall be used and expended under the direction and control of the governing body of the municipal corporation or through such agency or agencies as they shall prescribe, and under such rules and regulations as the governing body of the municipal corporation deems proper.
§ 6-54-203. Election on advertising tax.
  1. (a) Should the governing body of any municipal corporation fail to levy such tax at the regular tax levy then, upon a petition containing the signatures of not less than five percent (5%) of the registered voters of the municipal corporation being presented to the governing body, such governing body shall call an election to be held at the next regular municipal election, at which time it shall be determined by a majority vote whether or not such tax shall be levied and collected to be used for any one (1) or more of such purposes.
  2. (b) The ballots used at the election shall be the ballots used in the next and regular municipal election; the election shall be held to determine the will of the voters as to whether the tax shall be levied, collected and used as mentioned in subsection (a). The election shall be held and conducted and notice given as other elections are now required by law to be held and notice thereof given.
  3. (c) The ballots used at the election shall contain, in substance, these words:”
    1. For Advertising Tax Levy of cents
    2. Against Advertising Tax Levy of cents
    3. and the voters shall signify their will by putting an X mark opposite “For Advertising Tax Levy of cents” or “Against Advertising Tax Levy of cents.
  4. (d) At such election every voter qualified to vote in the regular municipal election shall be entitled to vote.
  5. (e) A majority vote of the votes cast “For Advertising Tax Levy of cents” and “Against Advertising Tax Levy of cents” shall determine the will of the voters. After the election has been held and the vote determined, the governing body of the municipal corporation where the election was held shall carry out the will of the voters.
§ 6-54-204. Confidential records of city whose primary industry is tourism.
  1. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, records held by a city whose primary industry is tourism that address a specific amount of money expended in a given market for digital or traditional media or that address the specific detail of targeted audiences identified for marketing purposes may be treated as confidential and not subject to the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7. Nothing in this section shall prevent public disclosure of aggregate expenditure amounts for marketing activities at any time.
Part 3 Police Authority and Penalties for Violations
§ 6-54-301. Extension of police authority beyond limits.
  1. The police authority of all incorporated towns and cities shall extend to a distance of one (1) mile from the lawful corporate limits thereof, for the suppression of all disorderly acts and practices forbidden by the general laws of the state; provided, that such jurisdiction of an incorporated town or city shall not be hereby extended beyond the limits of the county in which any part of such town is situated, or so as to come within one (1) mile of any other incorporated town or city.
§ 6-54-302. Service of warrants outside city.
  1. Any duly and regularly appointed police officer of a municipality having a duly constituted city or municipal court has the authority to serve warrants for the arrest of persons for municipal offenses committed within the municipal limits, at any point within the county wherein the municipality is located.
§ 6-54-303. Execution on municipal court judgments.
  1. (a) In all municipal courts where the judge has entered a judgment for fines and costs, and same remain unpaid for thirty (30) days thereafter, the court is authorized by and through its clerk to issue execution thereon from the court in the same manner and methods as prescribed in title 26, chapters 1-3, and the clerks shall assess the same fees and costs as allowable to clerks of general sessions court.
  2. (b) For purpose of service of a levy of execution or execution by garnishment, the police officers of the municipality are empowered to serve the same anywhere in the county.
§ 6-54-304. Disposition of fines and costs.
  1. (a) The procedure set out in § 6-54-303 shall likewise apply to judgments for fines and costs of municipal courts exercising concurrent jurisdiction with general sessions courts.
  2. (b)
    1. (1) Upon collection of state fines and costs, the clerk shall remit those portions due the county and state as though paid by the defendant before levy or execution.
    2. (2) Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(1), in any county having a population of not less than seventy-four thousand five hundred (74,500) nor more than seventy-four thousand six hundred (74,600), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, and in any county having a population of not less than forty-nine thousand four hundred (49,400) and not more than forty-nine thousand five hundred (49,500), according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, the clerk of a municipal court shall, upon collection of state fines and costs, remit such fines and costs to the municipality for which the municipal court was created as though paid by the defendant before levy or execution.
§ 6-54-305. Collection of fines for nonmoving traffic violations — Service by mail.
  1. Any municipality or metropolitan government having a city or metropolitan court is empowered to permit by ordinance service of process through the use of registered mail or certified mail, addressee only, return receipt requested, in lieu of personal service of process in an action of debt involving nonpayment of any ticket or citation issued for any nonmoving traffic violation. This section shall only apply to municipalities having a population of thirty-two thousand (32,000) or more, according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
§ 6-54-306. Penalty for violation of home rule municipal ordinances.
  1. (a) All home rule municipalities are empowered to set maximum penalties of thirty (30) days imprisonment or monetary penalties and forfeitures, or both imprisonment and monetary penalties and forfeitures, up to five hundred dollars ($500), or both, to cover administrative expenses incident to correction of municipal violations.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding the limitations on recovery of administrative costs imposed in subsection (a), if a home rule municipality has adopted an ordinance to prohibit false threats or hoaxes involving biological weapons, destructive devices, or weapons of mass destruction, then the municipality may recover actual administrative expenses incurred as a result of any such prohibited threat or hoax.
§ 6-54-307. Mutual aid agreements.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) Incorporated cities and towns are authorized to enter into contracts and mutual aid agreements with other incorporated cities and towns, counties, and metropolitan airport authorities that provide law enforcement service within the state and with those of any other states or with any agency of the United States to the extent that the laws of such other state or the United States permit such joint contracts or agreements to furnish one another assistance in law enforcement.
    2. (2) Incorporated cities and towns may also enter into contracts with an organization of residents and property owners of an unincorporated community for the purpose of providing law enforcement assistance to such unincorporated community.
    3. (3) Contracts or mutual aid agreements entered into pursuant to this section by an incorporated city or town shall, in the judgment of the city's or town's governing body, be advantageous to and serve the public interest of the city or town.
  2. (b) In authorizing or permitting its law enforcement officers to answer calls outside the corporate limits as authorized in this section, and in answering such calls, the city or town and its officers and employees shall be considered as acting in a governmental capacity.
  3. (c) Any officer, or employee of a police department of an incorporated city or town, while engaged in any duty or activity in connection with this section or pursuant to orders or instructions from such person's officers or superiors, shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, exemptions and immunities as if such duty or activity were performed within the corporate limits of the incorporated city or town by which such person is employed.
§ 6-54-308. Penalty for violation of nonhome rule municipal ordinances.
  1. (a) Except as provided in § 6-54-306 for home rule municipalities, the legislative body of any other municipality may establish a monetary penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) for each violation of an ordinance of such municipality.
  2. (b) The authority for increased monetary penalties for ordinance violations provided by this section does not apply to ordinances regulating all moving traffic violations.
Part 4 Public Morals
§ 6-54-401. Enforcement of laws for protection of public morals.
  1. It is the duty of the mayors, commissioners, council members, aldermen, chiefs of police, recorders, municipal judges, marshals, and police officers of each municipal corporation, to faithfully maintain and enforce, within the corporate limits of their respective municipalities, the statute laws relating to lewdness, drunkenness, gaming, and the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors, by having arrested and arraigned for trial all persons violating such laws with their knowledge, and by taking such other proceedings against such violators as may be authorized and provided by the ordinances of such municipalities.
§ 6-54-402. Failure to enforce laws.
  1. The willful failure or neglect of any of such officials or police officers to perform the duties prescribed by § 6-54-401 is a Class C misdemeanor and the offender shall be dismissed from office.
§ 6-54-403. Motion picture regulatory board — Creation.
  1. Any municipality in a county having a population of not less than two hundred thousand (200,000), according to the federal census of 1960 or any subsequent federal census, may by ordinance create and establish a regulatory board for the review and classification of commercial motion picture films, which board shall have the powers herein set forth. The number of members of such board and their terms of office shall be set forth in such ordinance.
§ 6-54-404. Motion picture regulatory board — Definition of “minor.”
  1. For the purpose of §§ 6-54-403 — 6-54-406 “minor” means any person under eighteen (18) years of age.
§ 6-54-405. Motion picture regulatory board — Powers.
  1. The motion picture regulatory board may be empowered to classify commercial motion picture films prior to or after the commencement of their presentation to the public as to their suitability for viewing by minors, and to forbid the showing of commercial films to minors unless information on the film has been submitted to the board for classification of the film in accordance with reasonable or expeditious procedures, and the film has either been classified by the board as suitable for minors or has not been classified within a reasonable time after submission.
§ 6-54-406. Motion picture regulatory board — Enforcement of orders.
  1. (a) The municipality may enforce the lawful orders of the board by fine or other penalty within the power of the municipality to impose, and by obtaining an injunction in any circuit, chancery or criminal court of this state against the showing to minors of any motion picture film that has not been presented to the board for classification in accordance with such ordinance and such reasonable rules as the board may adopt, or that has been classified by the board, pursuant to its authorized procedures, as unsuitable for minors.
  2. (b) The circuit, chancery and criminal courts have jurisdiction to enjoin the presentation to minors of any motion picture film in violation of any ordinance adopted pursuant to §§ 6-54-403 — 6-54-406, or in violation of any lawful classification, regulation or order of any board established pursuant hereto.
  3. (c) In any suit for injunction to forbid the presentation to minors of a motion picture classified as not suitable for minors, the proceedings shall be in accordance with those set forth in § 39-17-908, and no municipality or board shall be required to file any injunction, cost or appeal bond.
Part 5 Ordinances and Codes
§ 6-54-501. Part definitions.
  1. As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Code” means and includes any published compilation of rules and regulations that have been prepared by various technical trade associations and shall include specifically, but not be limited to, building codes; plumbing codes; electrical wiring codes; codes for the slaughtering, processing, selling of meats and meat products for human consumption; codes for the production, pasteurizing and sale of milk and milk products; together with any other code that embraces rules and regulations pertinent to a subject that is a proper municipal legislative matter;
    2. (2) “Municipality” means and includes any city or town organized and operating under the general or special laws of the state;
    3. (3)
      1. (A) “Public record” means and includes any municipal, state, or federal statute, rule, or regulation adopted prior to the exercise by any municipality of the authority to incorporate by reference granted in this part;
      2. (B) “Public record” does not include the municipal ordinances, rules, or regulations of any municipality, except those of the municipality that is exercising the right to incorporate by reference, nor does “public record” include the state laws, rules or regulations of any state other than the state of Tennessee; and
    4. (4) “Published” means printed, lithographed, multigraphed, or otherwise reproduced.
§ 6-54-502. Adoption of codes and public records by reference — Building code amendments.
  1. (a) Any municipality is hereby authorized to adopt by reference any code or portions of any code as defined in § 6-54-501, without setting forth such codes in full; provided, that at least one (1) copy of the code that is incorporated or adopted by reference is filed in the office of the clerk or recorder of the municipality and is kept available for public use, inspection, and examination. Any municipality is likewise authorized and empowered to adopt by reference any public records; provided, likewise, that one (1) copy of such public record is kept on file in the office of the clerk of the municipality as provided above for codes. The filing requirement herein prescribed shall not be deemed to be complied with unless the required copy of such code or public record is filed with the clerk of such municipality for a period of fifteen (15) days prior to adoption of the ordinance that incorporates such code or public record by reference.
  2. (b) In those municipalities that have adopted building codes by reference pursuant to subsection (a), except when a municipal governing body by a vote of at least two thirds (⅔) of its total membership elects not to incorporate by reference any specific change or amendment, the municipal governing body shall incorporate by reference all such subsequent changes and amendments thereof, properly identified as to date and source, as may be adopted by the agency or association that promulgated the code.
  3. (c) In those municipalities that have adopted building codes by reference pursuant to subsection (a), the requirements of subsection (b) may be satisfied by having the appropriate municipal code administrative official adopt administrative regulations that incorporate by reference such subsequent changes and amendments thereof, properly identified as to date and source, as may be adopted by the agency or association that promulgated the code.
  4. (d) Any administrative regulations that incorporate building code amendments by reference shall become effective upon the expiration of ninety (90) calendar days or after the second official meeting of the municipal governing body following the publication of the regulations, whichever is later, unless within that period of time a resolution disapproving such administrative regulation has been adopted by the municipal governing body.
  5. (e) In addition to complying with all requirements for the issuance of administrative regulations by the appropriate municipal code administrative official, the filing requirement of subsection (a) shall be complied with in adopting amendments to building codes by administrative regulation.
§ 6-54-503. Adoption of amendments by reference.
  1. (a) Any amendment that may be made to any code or public record incorporated by reference by a municipality under this part, may be likewise adopted by reference; provided, that an amended or corrected copy is filed with the clerk or recorder of such municipality for inspection, use, and examination by the public.
  2. (b) Ordinances adopting amendments by reference shall be required to be published as any other ordinances of the municipality and the requirements as to prior filing before passage shall apply likewise to amendments.
§ 6-54-504. Penalty clauses.
  1. Nothing contained in this part shall be deemed to permit the adoption of the penalty clauses by reference that may be established in the code or public record that is being incorporated by reference, and such penalty clauses shall be set forth in full in the adopting ordinances and be published along with and in the same manner as the adopting ordinance is required to be published.
§ 6-54-506. Validation of ordinances prior to 1951.
  1. Any municipality that has before March 16, 1951, enacted a code or public record by reference thereto shall not be required to reenact such code or public record by reason of this part, and all previous incorporations by reference that would have been valid if this part had then been in effect are hereby ratified and declared effective; provided, that a copy was forthwith filed with the clerk or recorder of the municipality, if it had not already been filed.
§ 6-54-507. Adoption of model traffic ordinance.
  1. All cities, towns and municipalities in this state are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt by reference the model traffic ordinance produced by the national committee on uniform traffic laws and ordinances.
§ 6-54-508. Adoption of municipal code.
  1. (a) Commencing March 21, 1955, no municipality, whether required by charter or otherwise, shall be required to publish its code of ordinances in a newspaper.
  2. (b) A public hearing shall be held prior to adoption of a code of ordinances, and advance notice thereof shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality.
  3. (c) Any code of ordinances adopted before March 21, 1955, by any municipality is hereby validated with respect to any requirements for publication thereof.
  4. (d) If any part of such code of ordinances contains new provisions of a penal nature, then such published notice shall specifically state such fact and shall also state that a copy of such new provisions is available at the city recorder's office for examination.
§ 6-54-509. Notice of adoption of code.
  1. Any municipality that, on or after March 21, 1955, adopts a code of ordinances shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality a notice that a code of ordinances has been adopted and that a copy is available at the city recorder's office for anyone who desires to examine it. Such notice shall also include a statement providing notice of any new provisions of a penal nature in such code of ordinances.
§ 6-54-510. Validation of codified ordinances.
  1. (a) When any municipality has its ordinances codified and adopts a code of ordinances in accordance with this part, or when a municipality has its code of ordinances updated from time to time, the adoption of the code or the updating of the code of ordinances shall cure any defects that occurred in the adoption of any of the individual ordinances that are codified or referred to in the code.
  2. (b) The adoption of all ordinances codified or referred to in all municipal codes of ordinances previously adopted and in existence on April 16, 1990, is hereby expressly validated and ratified, notwithstanding that defects may have occurred in the adoption.
§ 6-54-511. Inspections of residential rental property with code violations.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) If any residential rental property has three (3) code violations cited on three (3) separate dates within a six-month period, the municipal agency or department that is responsible for enforcement of building codes is authorized to conduct an in-home inspection of the property, regardless of whether the landlord or a tenant is in possession of the property.
    2. (2) The municipal agency or department that is responsible for enforcement of building codes may enter the dwelling unit only:
      1. (A) With the consent of the tenant in possession;
      2. (B) With a validly issued search warrant; or
      3. (C) In the event of an emergency presenting an immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the tenant in possession.
    3. (3) Entry shall comply in all respects with Amendment IV of the Constitution of the United States, as well as Article I, § 7 of the Constitution of Tennessee. Entry shall be made in such manner as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the tenant in possession.
  2. (b) This section shall apply to any county having a metropolitan form of government and a population in excess of five hundred thousand (500,000), according to the 2000 federal census, or any subsequent federal census, and to any county having a population in excess of eight hundred thousand (800,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
  3. (c) This section shall apply to any municipality having a population of not less than thirteen thousand seven hundred (13,700) nor more than thirteen thousand eight hundred (13,800), and to any municipality having a population of not less than twenty-seven thousand two hundred (27,200) nor more than twenty-seven thousand four hundred (27,400).
§ 6-54-512. Actions of governing body to be by ordinance.
  1. The following actions of the governing body of a municipality shall be by ordinance unless otherwise allowed by general law to be done by resolution:
    1. (1) Any action required by general law or the charter of a municipality to be by ordinance; or
    2. (2) Any action that:
      1. (A) Levies a tax;
      2. (B) Makes a special assessment;
      3. (C) Is permanent in nature; or
      4. (D) Has a regulatory or penal effect.
§ 6-54-513. Notice to owner of motor vehicle before forwarding unpaid parking tickets to collection agency.
  1. A municipality shall have no authority to forward to a collection agency unpaid parking tickets for collection without notifying the owner of record of the motor vehicle for which the parking ticket was issued. The notification shall be sent by postal mail to the owner of record of such motor vehicle that such action will occur unless the owner pays the unpaid tickets within thirty (30) days from the date the letter is mailed to the owner. The municipality shall also include in the notification a statement that, if the ticket is forwarded to a collection agency for collection, the agency may notify the credit bureau or credit agency of such fact, which could affect the owner's credit rating.
Part 6 Mutual Assistance in Firefighting
§ 6-54-601. Contracts and mutual aid agreements.
  1. (a) Incorporated cities and towns are authorized to enter into contracts and mutual aid agreements with other incorporated cities and towns, with counties, with private incorporated fire departments, with utility districts that provide firefighting service, with metropolitan airport authorities that provide firefighting service, and with industrial fire departments to furnish one another assistance in fighting fires.
  2. (b) Incorporated cities and towns may also enter into contracts with organizations of residents and property owners of unincorporated communities for the purpose of providing firefighting assistance to the unincorporated community.
  3. (c) Any incorporated city or town may provide fire protection to citizens outside the territorial limits of the municipality on an individual contractual basis whenever an agreement has been made for the extension of that service by the legislative body of the municipality and the legislative body of the county in which the fire protection is to be provided. In addition, any municipality may provide fire protection to citizens within an area outside the territorial limits of the municipality without individual contracts whenever an agreement has been made by the legislative body of the municipality, and the legislative body of the county in which fire protection is to be provided for the extension of that service and establishing the area to be served. Counties may appropriate funds for the payment of compensation to the municipalities for the extension of firefighting service.
  4. (d) Contracts or mutual aid agreements entered into pursuant to this section by an incorporated city or town shall, in the judgment of the city's or town's governing body, be advantageous to and serve the public interest of the city or town.
  5. (e) The authority in this section for municipalities to go outside their corporate limits to provide firefighting service is in addition and supplemental to, and not in substitution for, any such authority in any other general law or in any municipality's charter.
§ 6-54-602. Mutual assistance as governmental function.
  1. In authorizing or permitting its fire department to answer calls outside the corporate limits as authorized in this part, and in answering such calls, the city or town and its officers and employees shall be considered as acting in a governmental capacity.
§ 6-54-603. Rights, duties and immunities of officers and employees.
  1. Any officer or employee of a fire department of an incorporated city or town, while engaged in any duty or activity in connection with this part or pursuant to orders or instructions from such person's officers or superiors, shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, exemptions and immunities as if such duty or activity were performed within the corporate limits of the incorporated city or town by which such person is employed.
Part 7 Regulation of Transfer and Storage Businesses
§ 6-54-701. Part definitions.
  1. As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Governing body” means the official or officials authorized by law to exercise ordinance or other law-making power of a municipality;
    2. (2) “Local transfer and storage business” means the business of transferring and/or storing for a profit the household goods and effects of another within the confines of the territorial limits of the municipality adopting this part;
    3. (3) “Municipality” means any incorporated city or incorporated town of this state, with a population in excess of four hundred thousand (400,000), according to the federal census of 1960 or any subsequent federal census;
    4. (4) “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, trustee, receiver or assignee; and
    5. (5) “Transfer and storage regulatory board” means any regulatory board created pursuant to § 6-54-702.
§ 6-54-702. Creation of regulatory board.
  1. (a) Any municipality may, by ordinance, or by resolution, create a transfer and storage regulatory board, which shall be authorized to exercise its functions upon the appointment and qualification of the first members of such board.
  2. (b) Upon adoption of an ordinance or resolution, whichever is applicable, creating a transfer and storage regulatory board, the governing body shall, pursuant to the ordinance or resolution, appoint five (5) persons as members of the board.
  3. (c) The members who are first appointed shall be designated to serve for terms of one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) years respectively, but thereafter each member shall be appointed for a term of five (5) years, except that vacancies occurring otherwise than by the expiration of the terms shall be filled for the unexpired term by the governing body in the same manner as the original appointments.
§ 6-54-703. Organization of board — Rules and regulations.
  1. Immediately upon appointment, the members of the regulatory board shall select from among the members a chair and a secretary of the board and, as soon thereafter as is feasible, the board shall submit to the governing body a set of rules and regulations that it deems necessary and desirable for the protection of the citizens of the municipality, to prevent irresponsible persons from engaging in the business and to avoid the likelihood of fraud and injustice being wrought upon the citizenry.
§ 6-54-704. Adoption and enforcement of regulations.
  1. (a) The governing body may then adopt or reject the recommendations of the board by ordinance or resolution or make such modifications as it deems proper.
  2. (b) When proper regulations, satisfactory to the board and governing body, have been established, the governing body shall empower the board to regulate and enforce the regulations, adopting in the regulations such penal provisions as it deems necessary to ensure the powers in the board to enforce the regulations, and granting to persons feeling aggrieved by the enforcement of the regulations such appellate procedural rights as it deems proper.
§ 6-54-705. Compensation — Supplies and secretarial help — Fees.
  1. The members of the regulatory board shall serve without compensation; provided, that the governing body may expend such sums of money as it deems necessary to provide secretarial help and office supplies to the board as might be required, and may by ordinance or resolution levy a nominal charge upon those parties engaged in the local transfer and storage business as may be necessary to defray the expense thereof.
Part 8 Minimum Fire and Police Retirement Allowances
§ 6-54-801. Part definitions.
  1. As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. (1) “Department” means the fire department or police department of any municipality that pays wages to its employees for services rendered;
    2. (2) “Employee” means any person who, on the adoption of this part, is a paid employee in the fire department or police department of any municipality and a member of a municipal retirement system or pension plan;
    3. (3) “Municipality” means any municipality having its own employees retirement system or pension plan;
    4. (4) “Retired employee” means any person who has been a paid employee in the fire department or police department of any municipality and who, on the adoption of this part, is receiving from such municipality a retirement allowance based upon such person's service in such department;
    5. (5) “Retirement allowance” means the monthly payment for life made to a retired employee or the retired employee's survivors or beneficiaries under a municipal employees retirement system or pension plan;
    6. (6) “Retirement system” or “pension plan” means an existing system or plan by which a municipality is paying or will pay the retired employees of its fire department or police department a retirement allowance after such employees have complied with certain conditions or requirements of employment or service to the municipality; and
    7. (7) “Survivor or beneficiary” includes any person, who is receiving, or who is entitled to receive, an allowance or survivor benefit from a retirement system that is based upon the retirement allowance of an employee or a retired employee.
§ 6-54-802. Adoption of part — Application of part.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the governing body of any municipality may by ordinance adopt this part to establish and to authorize the payment of the minimum retirement allowance provided in § 6-54-803. The adoption of this part shall not authorize a decrease in the retirement allowance presently being paid to any retired employee. The adoption of this part by a municipality shall be permanent and such action may not be repealed to the detriment of any retired employee or such retired employee's survivor or beneficiary.
  2. (b) If the department of any municipality has more than one (1) retirement system or pension plan for its retired employees, the adoption of this part by the governing body of the municipality shall not affect any provisions of such retirement system or pension plan, except as is necessary to provide the minimum retirement allowance established in subsection (a).
  3. (c) This part shall not apply to retirement allowances of municipal employees under the Tennessee state retirement system.
  4. (d) This part shall not apply to any retirement system, pension plan or division thereof in which the member's or beneficiary's benefits are computed in conjunction with or reduced by social security benefits.
§ 6-54-803. Computation of allowances — Cost of living benefits.
  1. (a) The minimum retirement allowance for an employee, during the remainder of such employee's life, shall be computed as follows:
    1. (1) The retirement allowance of such employee who retires upon reaching the minimum age of fifty (50) years or older after a total of not less than twenty-five (25) separate years of service in either or both departments shall be two percent (2%) multiplied by the number of years of service, up to a maximum of thirty (30) years of service, multiplied by such employee's highest monthly salary during such employee's period of service in the department.
    2. (2) Such allowance shall not be less than fifty percent (50%) or greater than sixty percent (60%) of such employee's highest monthly salary during such employee's period of service in the department.
  2. (b) In addition to the retirement allowance, a retired employee shall be paid a cost of living benefit each month beginning January 1 of the year following the twenty-fourth month of such employee's retirement. Such benefit shall be adjusted annually thereafter and shall be computed by multiplying the retirement allowance by the percentage of increase or decrease in the consumer price index, as compiled by the bureau of labor statistics in the United States department of labor, for the twelve-month period ending September 30 of each year. Such percentage shall not exceed three percent (3%) in any year. The retirement allowance shall not be decreased below the amount provided in subsection (a). Such percentage shall be applied only to the retirement allowance and shall not be compounded from year to year.
  3. (c) The retirement allowance of the survivor or beneficiary of any employee or retired employee shall be computed by using the allowances in subsection (a). The cost of living benefit shall be computed in the same manner as provided in subsection (b).
Part 9 Travel and Expenses
§ 6-54-901. Reimbursement for expenses incident to holding office.
  1. (a) Notwithstanding any public or private act to the contrary, in all municipalities of the state, any mayor and any member of the local governing body, and any board or committee member elected or appointed by the mayor or local governing body, and any official or employee of the municipality whose salary is set by charter or general law, may be reimbursed from municipal funds for the actual expense that such municipal officer may incur as an incident to holding such office.
  2. (b) The municipal legislative body shall by ordinance determine whether or not to pay the expenses of the mayor or any member of the local governing body, and any board or committee member elected or appointed by the mayor or local governing body, and any official or employee of the municipality whose salary is set by charter or general law; and, if it is determined that the municipality will reimburse expenses, shall enact a written policy as to how expenses will be reimbursed and determine what expenses are reimbursable.
  3. (c) In such municipality it is the duty of the chief administrative officer or such chief administrative officer's designee to prescribe forms on which expenses will be reported, and it is further made such chief administrative officer's duty to examine such expense report to determine if all expenses so listed as reimbursable are legally reimbursable expenditures within the schedule as determined by the municipal legislative body, and, if such listed expenses are reimbursable, then to forward the expense report to the proper disbursing officer for payment.
§ 6-54-902. When expense allowances to be treated as compensation.
  1. To the extent not adequately documented as provided in § 6-54-901, expense allowances shall be considered compensation for purposes of any salary limitations as may be provided by statute, charter or private act.
§ 6-54-903. Review and audit of policies and amendments by comptroller.
  1. All municipal travel and expense reimbursement policies, and any amendments to the policies, must be made available for review and audit by the office of the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller of the treasury's designee.
§ 6-54-904. Municipal technical advisory service model policies.
  1. The municipal technical advisory service (MTAS) shall disseminate, and amend from time to time as necessary, a model travel and expense policy to provide guidance for the various municipalities. Such policy and amendments thereto are subject to the approval of the comptroller of the treasury. Any municipality that adopts the policy promulgated by MTAS is not required to file such policy with the office of the comptroller of the treasury, but shall notify the comptroller in writing that the policy promulgated by MTAS was adopted and the date such action was taken.
§ 6-54-905. Provision of vehicles — Policy.
  1. Municipalities may provide vehicles for the use of the mayor, any member of the local governing body, any board or committee member elected or appointed by the mayor or local governing body, and any official or employee whose salary is set by charter or general law. Such vehicles shall be provided pursuant to a written policy adopted by the municipal legislative body. The written policy for vehicle use shall be separate from the travel and expense policy provided for in the previous sections of this part and shall contain no other subject matter.
§ 6-54-906. Direct payments.
  1. In addition to the authority to reimburse expenses provided in this part, municipalities may pay directly for travel expenses, including meals and lodging, and registration fees for conferences, conventions, seminars, and other education programs on behalf of the mayor, and any member of the local governing body, and any board or committee member elected or appointed by the mayor or local governing body, and any official or employee whose salary is set by charter or general law, provided payment is made directly to the provider and not to the official or employee.
§ 6-54-907. Applicability.
  1. This part does not apply to municipalities nor to metropolitan governments with a population greater than one hundred thousand (100,000), according to the most recent federal decennial census. Those municipalities and metropolitan governments may elect to pay and/or reimburse expenses for their officials in accordance with travel and expense policies that may be adopted and amended from time to time by the appropriate bodies or officials.
Part 10 Office of Administrative Hearing Officer
§ 6-54-1001. Creation by ordinance — Contents of ordinance — Interlocal agreements — Existing municipal power or authority.
  1. (a) Municipalities are authorized to create, by ordinance, the office of administrative hearing officer to hear building and property maintenance code violations.
  2. (b) Such authorizing ordinance must, at minimum, contain:
    1. (1) Reference to the municipal code sections subject to administrative jurisdiction; and
    2. (2) The number of administrative hearing officer positions created.
  3. (c) Two (2) or more municipalities may enter into an interlocal agreement to employ one (1) or more administrative hearing officers if so referenced in the adopting ordinance.
  4. (d) No provision in this part diminishes or terminates any existing municipal power or authority.
  5. (e) For purposes of this part, “municipality” means any incorporated town or city, or metropolitan form of government.
§ 6-54-1002. Jurisdiction of administrative body — Restrictions on authority.
  1. (a) The administrative body has jurisdiction to hear cases involving violations of municipal ordinances regulating building and property maintenance, including:
    1. (1) Locally adopted building codes;
    2. (2) Locally adopted residential codes;
    3. (3) Locally adopted plumbing codes;
    4. (4) Locally adopted electrical codes;
    5. (5) Locally adopted gas codes;
    6. (6) Locally adopted mechanical codes;
    7. (7) Locally adopted energy codes;
    8. (8) Locally adopted property maintenance codes;
    9. (9) Locally adopted zoning codes; and
    10. (10) Ordinances regulating any subject matter commonly found in the codes mentioned in subdivisions (a)(1)-(9).
  2. (b) Administrative hearing officers are not authorized to hear violations of codes adopted by the state fire marshal pursuant to § 68-120-101(a) enforced by a deputy building inspector pursuant to § 68-120-101(f).
§ 6-54-1003. Communications by administrative hearing officer and parties in contested cases.
  1. (a) Unless required for the disposition of ex parte matters specifically authorized by statute, an administrative hearing officer presiding over a contested case proceeding may not communicate, directly or indirectly, regarding any issue in the proceeding, while the proceeding is pending, with any person without notice and opportunity for all parties to participate in the communication.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), an administrative hearing officer may communicate with municipal employees or officials regarding a matter pending before the administrative body or may receive aid from staff assistants, members of the staff of the city attorney or a licensed attorney, if such persons do not receive ex parte communications of a type that the administrative hearing officer would be prohibited from receiving, and do not furnish, augment, diminish or modify the evidence in the record.
  3. (c) Unless required for the disposition of ex parte matters specifically authorized by statute, no party to a contested case, and no other person may communicate, directly or indirectly, in connection with any issue in that proceeding, while the proceeding is pending, with any person serving as an administrative hearing officer without notice and opportunity for all parties to participate in the communication.
  4. (d) If, before serving as an administrative hearing officer in a contested case, a person receives an ex parte communication of a type that may not properly be received while serving, the person, promptly after starting to serve, shall disclose the communication in the manner prescribed in subsection (e).
  5. (e) An administrative hearing officer who receives an ex parte communication in violation of this section shall place on the record of the pending matter all written communications received, all written responses to the communications, and a memorandum stating the substance of all oral communications received, all responses made, and the identity of each person from whom the person received an ex parte communication, and shall advise all parties that these matters have been placed on the record. Any party desiring to rebut the ex parte communication shall be allowed to do so, upon requesting the opportunity for rebuttal within ten (10) business days after notice of the communication.
§ 6-54-1004. Appearance in person or by a duly authorized representative — Representation by counsel.
  1. (a) Any party may participate in the hearing in person or, if the party is a corporation or other artificial person, by a duly authorized representative.
  2. (b) Whether or not participating in person, any party may be advised and represented at the party's own expense by counsel or, unless prohibited by any provision of law, other representative.
§ 6-54-1005. Prehearing conference — Hearing or converting prehearing conference to hearing — Prehearing orders.
  1. (a)
    1. (1) In any action set for hearing, the administrative hearing officer, upon the administrative hearing officer's own motion, or upon motion of one (1) of the parties or such party's qualified representatives, may direct the parties or the attorneys for the parties, or both, to appear before the administrative hearing officer for a conference to consider:
      1. (A) The simplification of issues;
      2. (B) The possibility of obtaining admission