This is a privately-run project that seeks to make the Tenessee Code easier for the public to read and analyze. It is up-to-date, allows you to read an entire Title at once, and contains analysis tools like section hyperlinks, backlinks, and embedded definitions. Built by Legal Bagel.

TitleWord Count
Title 1 Code And Statutes8,807
Title 2 Elections124,507
Title 3 Legislature126,203
Title 4 State Government264,175
Title 5 Counties70,873
Title 6 Cities And Towns102,212
Title 7 Consolidated Governments and Local Governmental Functions and Entities328,679
Title 8 Public Officers And Employees334,511
Title 9 Public Finances114,592
Title 10 Public Libraries, Archives and Records35,102
Title 11 Natural Areas and Recreation59,811
Title 12 Public Property, Printing And Contracts73,114
Title 13 Public Planning And Housing144,954
Title 14 COVID-195,399
Title 15 Holidays and Days of Special Observance3,019
Title 16 Courts65,890
Title 17 Judges And Chancellors18,829
Title 18 Clerks Of Courts10,375
Title 19 [Reserved]0
Title 20 Civil Procedure26,390
Title 21 Proceedings In Chancery3,524
Title 22 Juries And Jurors6,789
Title 23 Attorneys-at-law3,562
Title 24 Evidence and Witnesses17,976
Title 25 Judgments4,337
Title 26 Execution16,589
Title 27 Appeal And Review5,786
Title 28 Limitation Of Actions6,711
Title 29 Remedies and Special Proceedings118,899
Title 30 Administration of Estates27,105
Title 31 Descent And Distribution10,617
Title 32 Wills10,444
Title 33 Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities69,315
Title 34 Guardianship33,439
Title 35 Fiduciaries And Trust Estates88,607
Title 36 Domestic Relations177,278
Title 37 Juveniles146,085
Title 38 Prevention And Detection Of Crime48,406
Title 39 Criminal Offenses232,076
Title 40 Criminal Procedure228,694
Title 41 Correctional Institutions and Inmates79,184
Title 42 Aeronautics35,558
Title 43 Agriculture And Horticulture108,402
Title 44 Animals And Animal Husbandry30,138
Title 45 Banks And Financial Institutions209,603
Title 46 Cemeteries21,574
Title 47 Commercial Instruments And Transactions300,791
Title 48 Securities, Corporations And Associations288,245
Title 49 Education484,695
Title 50 Employer And Employee167,973
Title 51 [Reserved]0
Title 52 Department of Disability and Aging33,753
Title 53 Food, Drugs And Cosmetics60,052
Title 54 Highways, Bridges And Ferries98,597
Title 55 Motor and Other Vehicles337,465
Title 56 Insurance540,471
Title 57 Intoxicating Liquors182,712
Title 58 Military Affairs, Emergencies and Civil Defense47,866
Title 59 Mines And Mining45,870
Title 60 Oil And Gas11,503
Title 61 Partnerships69,029
Title 62 Professions, Businesses and Trades203,296
Title 63 Professions Of The Healing Arts346,446
Title 64 Regional Authorities82,520
Title 65 Public Utilities and Carriers112,331
Title 66 Property141,782
Title 67 Taxes And Licenses447,544
Title 68 Health, Safety and Environmental Protection502,580
Title 69 Waters, Waterways, Drains And Levees86,570
Title 70 Wildlife Resources47,363
Title 71 Welfare159,387
Total word count: 8,456,981
Legal Code last updated 2024-10-05 Computer Code last updated 2025-01-30 Definitions last analyzed 2025-01-16
Made By Bagel